The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4601: Pour tea

Jiuyou King City, in a palace.

Xiao Yifeng was sitting on the throne that originally belonged to King Jiuyou and Queen Jiuyou.

Queen Nine You and Princess Nine You are standing here.

"Let's talk, where do you guys come from?"

"And who is the prison emperor Yu You said?"

Xiao Yifeng looked indifferently at the Queen Nine You said.

"Star King, curious about this?"

Queen Nine You stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"I'm curious about everything."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Princess Jiuyou was born to me and the prison emperor."

"I came to the Jiuyou Dynasty and married the Jiuyou King.

"He wants me to get the Star God Stone from the Nine You Dynasty."

"Who is the prison emperor?"

"He is a supreme power in this starry sky."

Queen Nine You said indifferently.

"You do this, King Jiuyou doesn't know?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"The King of Nine You has been secretly controlled by me."

"What does he know?"

"He's just a puppet in my hand."

Queen Nine You coldly.

"Your means are powerful enough to control even Jiuyou Wang."

"No wonder the Yuxue said that Jiuyou Wang never touched you, but why did you kill him again?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Because other people in the royal family found out."

"I had to kill it and take control of the Nine You Dynasty myself."

"It's a pity that the Nine You Envoy never appeared, and the Nine You's Secret could not be opened."

Queen Nine You said lightly.

Princess Jiuyou on the side listened to these.

His eyes were filled with an incredible look and a shocked expression on his face.

"What are you going to do with our mother and daughter?"

"Once the prisoner knows this, he won't give up."

"With your current strength, even with the Star Army, you can't compete with the prison emperor !!!"

Queen Nine You looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"Do you look down on me?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled lightly.

"This so-called prison emperor wants the gods of the starry sky, but also by sending his wife out."

"Does someone like him deserve to be called a strong man?"

"In my eyes, he is nothing more than incompetent waste."

"Do you think I'm afraid of him?"

Xiao Yifeng despised.

"What do you want?"

Jiuyou princess drank suddenly.

"I said, from now on, you will be my slave to Xiao Yifeng."

"You mother and daughter will bring me tea and water, and wait for me to dress and eat."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.


Princess Nine You's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng, her eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

Her dignified princess Jiuyou had fallen into pouring tea for others,

This makes his proud heart acceptable.

"Imperial, can't you really open up?"

At this time, the Queen Nine You red lips lightly looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

She swayed her **** figure and came to Xiao Yifeng, spit out the fragrance gently, her face charmed.

"How? You want to seduce me?"

"Or are you going to dedicate yourself?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Queen Nine of You and smiled slightly, and there was a playful smile in the corner of her mouth.

"I want to give up. Can the emperor let me and my daughter away?"

Queen Nine You said.

"You dedicate yourself, I can only let you go."

"Let's mother and daughter together."

"It makes me happy, I might be able to let you both off."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"You're shameless, don't think about it !!!"

"Mother don't listen to him !!!"

Princess Nine You yelled angrily.

As for the look of Queen Nine You, the look was changing.

His eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng: "The appetite of the emperor is really big."

"That is, of course, a woman who hasn't even met the King of Nine You, I naturally want to try it."

"As for the nine princesses, she is my slave."

"I gave her my dedication and I deserved her !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered,

He grabbed Queen Nine You,

Gently sniff the fragrance on the other side.

"That being the case, the slave family ..."

Queen Nine You blinked and said.

"Well, you don't have to think too much."

"I'm not the kind of person who is dizzy for beauty."

"Seriously, do you have a ghostly grass in your hand?"

Xiao Yifeng suddenly released Queen Nine You and said coldly.

"Nether grass?"

"The Emperor wants Ghost Grass?"

Queen Nine You looked at Xiao Yifeng with a twinkling eye.

"You better not think of any ideas."

"I have 300,000 troops outside, if you dare to slip your head."

"I promise to let each of them taste the taste of Princess Nine You."

Xiao Yi hummed coldly.


At this moment, Princess Nine You trembled, staring at Xiao Yifeng with a look of fright and anger.

"I don't have Ghost Grass, but there is Ghost Grass in one of the Kings."

"But there is a Ghost Beast there."

"The Ghost Beast is so powerful that it can invade the warrior's soul and create a ghost image."

"Let the soul sink into it and be extricated, and eventually be swallowed by the ghostly beast."

Queen Nine You said.

"Let's lead the way !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Xiao Yifeng then called the soul eater,

After all, this soul eater is best at soul.

Let it be the best to deal with that ghost soul beast ~ ~ Soul Eater heard the existence of ghost soul beast, and the whole person was also very excited.

"There are ghost ghosts here?"

"Great, if I devour this ghostly beast."

"I can recover a lot of my strength."

Soul Eater excited.

Then they followed King Jiuyou to a valley in the depths of Wangcheng.

There was a murky feel in the gloom.

It feels like he's stepping into hell.

"Nether grass is in the cave ahead."

Queen Nine You pointed at a cave in front and said.

"I already feel the breath of the ghostly beast."

Soul Eater said excitedly, he rushed directly towards the cave.

Roar! !! !!

Suddenly, a beast roar sounded.

A faint blue light burst from the cave.

A huge alien beast rushed out of the cave, which was the ghostly beast.

With the appearance of the ghostly beast, a powerful soul wave was released.

Soul Eater rushed to it immediately.

A powerful soul burst out from him, rushing towards the ghostly beast.

Boom boom! !! !!

The souls of both launched a terrifying shock.

The Ghost Beast's attack power is terrible, and it is stronger than the Eternal King.

And he is also good at very terrible soul attacks,

Even the strong in the eternal imperial realm can hardly resist.

But unfortunately it is facing Soul Eater,

Soul Eater now relies on birth

Although not as strong as his peak,

But also has the strength of a lower order emperor,

This ghost soul beast is not its opponent at all.

. Literature Museum m.

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