The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4600: Starry sky **** stone

"No, even if he hasn't seen their cabinet owner."

"Only a few people have seen the owner of the court in Tiandi Pavilion."

"Even if he sees the Lord of the Court staying outside a palace."

Soul Eater said.

"Then what is the purpose of their coming to capture Nine Secrets this time?"

"What's in the Nine Secrets is worth a thousand miles of super-organizations from the continent."

"And sent a deputy attorney to come in person?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

This was the question he most wanted to know.

"They're here to capture the Star God Stone."

Said Soul Eater Shen Sheng.

"Starry God Stone !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's gaze fixed, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Youxue and Queen Nineyou heard the starry sky.

Their looks are constantly changing.

"Is there a starry stone in Nine Secrets?"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"According to him, Emperor Jiuyou once received a starry stone."

"They suspected they were in Nine Secrets, so they sent this guy to seize it."

Soul Eater said.

"Is there a starry stone in Nine Secrets?"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng glanced coldly at the Nine You Queen.

"I don't know. I have never entered Nine Secrets."

"You have to ask three of them."

"The three of them are responsible for guarding Nine Secrets."

The Queen Nine You said, her gaze glanced at the three Nine You veterans.

"Say it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the three Nine You veterans coldly.

"Our job is to guard Nine Secrets."

"As for what is in Nine Secrets, we don't know."

The three Nine You veterans said solemnly.

"Then you can open the Nine Secrets?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"The Nine Secrets can only be opened by the Nine You Angels."

The three said.

"Nine You Messenger? Who is it?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"He was the servant next to the ancestors of Jiuyou, who lived in the royal city."

"No one has seen him because no one knows his whereabouts."

Said the three veterans of the Nine You Royal Family, Shen Sheng.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

His eyes glanced at Queen Nine of You and You Xue: "You all came for the starry sky stone?"

"Xingkong Emperor, we did come for the Star God Stone."

"But now that the Star Emperor is here."

"This starry sky is the starry sky emperor. I naturally gave up when I waited."

You Xue looked at Xiao Yifeng and smiled.

"You know how to talk."

Xiao Yifeng looked at You Xue and smiled slightly.

"I don't know if the Emperor of the Sky can let us once."

"After all, the Emperor promised to do me a favor."

You Xue said.

"What I said about Xiao Yifeng will definitely do it, you and the people of the Fengfeng ancient clan."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Thank you, Emperor !!!"

You Xue said with a fist.

The rest of the Fengfeng ancients also expressed their gratitude to Xiao Yifeng and thanked him.

"Sister go."

At this moment You Xue said to Queen Nine You.

"You can go, she can't."

Xiao Yi sighed coldly at this moment.

You Xue's look changed slightly.

His eyes glanced at Queen Nine You and looked at Xiao Yifeng: "Will you kill her?"

"That's my business, can't you go?"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Then Youxue and Fengfeng ancient people quickly left here.

"Everyone who belongs to Tiandi Pavilion has been killed."

Xiao Yifeng drank directly at this time.

The people of the Three Star Corps directly shot and killed all those who belonged to the Heaven and Earth Pavilion.

"Master, do you want to kill all of them?"

Luo Yuntian looked at the martial arts soldiers who had turned to Tiandi Pavilion in the worlds of Nine Youyu and said to Xiao Yifeng.

"Kill, betrayer, kill without pardon !!!"

Xiao Yifeng drank directly.

Suddenly, the people of the three major star regiments were led by the three major regiment leaders.

They slaughtered all the worlds of Jiuyou Realm, including those who betrayed the Jiuyou dynasty.

A **** killing began.

The people of the Jiuyou dynasty and the three veterans looked at this scene with a solemn expression.

Within a short while,

All the strongmen who turned to Guishun Tiandi Pavilion died tragically.

There are thousands of bodies on the ground,

Blood completely stained the ground of the city.

There is a strong **** smell in the air! !! !!

"Thank you Xingkong Emperor's help this time, I am grateful for the Nine You Dynasty."

At this time, the three veterans of the Nine You Royal Family came to Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I don't intend to help you, just to see Tiandi Pavilion is not pleasing to the eye."

Facing the gratitude of the three elders of the Nine You Dynasty,

Xiao Yifeng was not polite.

For Xiao Yifeng, you are welcome,

The three veterans of the Nine You Dynasty looked awkward, but didn't dare to say anything.

Xiao Yifeng came directly to Queen Nine and Princess Nine.

At this time, the two strong men protecting the Queen of Nine You watched Xiao Yifeng approach the Queen of Nine You.

They quickly stepped forward to block Xiao Yifeng.

"Do you dare stop me?"


Xiao Yifeng stared at the two men with cold eyes and drank directly.

Soul Eater waved his hands, and the two were sucked by him.

Immediately the souls of the two infants were swallowed up by the soul-eater Emperor.

Turned into two dead bodies.

"What do you want?"

Queen Nine You stared at Xiao Yifeng ~ ~ beautiful. "

Xiao Yifeng gently stroked the smooth face of Queen Nine of You and smiled.

"Star King, kill if you want, don't touch my mother !!!"

At this moment Princess Jiuyou looked at Xiao Yifeng and rebuked.

"Yo, you care about your mother."

"But Princess Nine You can hardly protect yourself, and still care about others."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the nine princess sneer.

"Don't kill her !!!"

Queen Nine You hurriedly begged Xiao Xiaofeng.

"I won't kill her. I said I want her to be my slave."

"Princess Nine You must have never tried to be a slave."

"I'll let you try it out."

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"Starting today, everything in the King Nine City is taken over by the Star Army."

"All the people of the Nine You Dynasty, if you don't want to die, obediently obey, if you don't kill, there is no pardon !!!"

Xiao Yifeng then shouted with a strong look.

The people of the Jiuyou Dynasty and the Jiuyou Royal Family heard these words,

They all looked different.

Does this great star emperor want to win the entire Nine You Dynasty?

Although they thought so in their hearts, they were afraid to ask directly.

After all, the person who said this was the unparalleled starry sky star, the great king of the sky! !! !!

Facing the Star Emperor, even the Jiuyou Emperor, who was as strong as the ancestor of the Jiuyou Dynasty, did not dare to sharpen his edge.

Not to mention these younger generations.

And there is an army of these 300,000 stars in front.

They also dare not make inferiors at all, and can only let Xiao Yifeng do whatever he wants! !! !!

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