The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4582: Battle of the Beasts

"Aren't you and her enemies fighting before?"

"How could you think of me to save Fengwu now?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Although we have been fighting continuously, we actually have each other in our hearts."

"However, we are leaders of the Dragon and Phoenix."

"We are all very strong and want to conquer each other."

"Because of this, we have been fighting to defeat each other."

Longyan sighed.

"You guys are really funny, are you happy with the enemy?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"But don't worry, if I find Feng Wu's existence, I will rescue her."

"After all, my woman is also from the Feng clan. I still have to help."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Thank you, this is a dragon ball made from my dragon blood before my fall."

"It contains the essence of my dragon power."

"To present to the emperor today as a thank you"

Longyan waved his hand.

A blood-red bead appeared here, exuding a breath of dragon blood.

"Thanks a lot"

Xiao Yifeng was also very polite and directly accepted the dragon ball.

He then left the dragon's lair.

"the host"

With Xiao Yifeng stepped out of the dragon's lair.

Suddenly the Valkyrie came to Xiao Yifeng.

"How long have I been in, this dragon has already been rebuilt"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the renewed Dragon clan and said with a smile.

"You have been in Dragon's Den for a month."

Long Qing came here and spoke.

"the host"

At this time, Xiao Baixue turned into a girl and came to Xiao Yifeng, with an intimate look.

"You girl"

Xiao Yifeng touched Xiao Baixue's head.

"Xiaofeng, let's go to the Dragon Race and sit down"

Then Longgan came here and said.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng followed Longgan and came to the Long's parliament hall.

At this moment there is a group of strong dragons in this hall.

Among them, the elders of Shenlongyi and the Lord of Thunder Dragon, as well as other dragonlords and some elders are all here.

When they saw Xiao Yifeng appear.

All looked stunned, a look of reverence.

And Xiao Yifeng also went directly to the position originally belonged to the Dragon Emperor and sat down.

In this regard, all the Dragon people have no objection.

Apparently, everyone has been deterred by the star emperor.

As for Long Gan and Long Qing, they stood beside Xiao Yifeng, and Lei Chen stood aside.

"Thanks to the Emperor Xingkong for his assistance to my dragon."

"Help my dragon tribe destroy the rebels of Canglong Lord and Cang Hao"

At this moment, the elder of the Dragon Dragon said respectfully to Xiao Yifeng.

"I'm just protecting my woman."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Yes, now the Lord of Canglong is dead. Who will lead Canglong?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Now the Canglong vein has merged into my Shenlong vein, and it belongs to me."

The elder said.

"Before, the Dragon Emperor was killed by Cang Hao, and now our Dragon Emperor urgently needs to choose a new Dragon Emperor to lead the Dragon Clan and soothe the hearts of all the Dragon Clan."

Then the Lord of Thunder Dragon said directly.

"Do the people of the Dragon Emperor still choose?"

"Longgan sits in the position of Dragon Emperor, do you have any objections?"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.


"We are all in favor of Longgan becoming my new Dragon Emperor"

Immediately, the elder and other dragon celebrities present spoke up.


Long Gan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xiao Yifeng.

"With your current strength, it is beyond doubt that this dragon emperor."

"Except for you, no one else in the Dragon Race can assume the role of Dragon Emperor."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Long Gan and said directly.

"Yes, father, you don't have to think about it. Be at ease as a dragon emperor."

Long Qing also spoke.

"That being the case, I'll arrange it now."

"Tomorrow will gather all members of the Dragon clan to hold the Dragon King's ascension ceremony."

"Will you invite other orcs to come to congratulate"

The elder said.

"Even if the other orcs are members of the dragon family, just join them."

Long Gan said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

The elder nodded.

"I'll see the Dragon King"

At this time, the Lord of Thunder Dragon and others watched Longgan directly to worship.

"Here, you don't have to do this. Get up."

Long Gan said quickly.

"Dragon King, there is one more thing."

Then the elder said.

"what's up"

Dragon King wondered.

"The battle for beasts is about to begin."

"Who will our dragons send this time"

The elder looked at Long Gan and said.

"All Beasts"

"what is this"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"The battle for the beasts has ended since ancient times."

"An orc race between the major orcs to improve the strength of the younger generation."

"At that time, thousands of orcs in the sky will send younger orcs geniuses to participate."

"The orc genius who wins the game and his orcs will receive huge rewards, as well as mysterious rewards."

The elder said.

"Who holds such a competition"

Xiao Yifeng could not help asking.

"This competition is organized by the Beast Hall."

"It will be held every 100,000 years, this time will be the tenth time"

Elder Shen Chan ~ ~ The Beast Hall "

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"What is the origin of the Beast Hall"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"I don't know. No one knows the origin of the Beast Hall."

"We only know that there are ten super fierce beasts in the Beast Hall, and their strength is very scary."

"Even if it is as strong as the previous Dragon Emperor, the Dragon King said that he may not win any of them."

Said the elder.

"Is the Beast Hall so strong"

"Ten beasts, even your dragon emperor won't win one"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"Yes, there were a lot of orcs who wanted to forcibly win the rewards of the beasts for hegemony, but all of them were destroyed by the beast temple."

"So far, these starry orcs did not dare to offend the beast hall, let alone chaos."

"And it is said that this time he will have a supreme treasure."

"A lot of starry orcs are attracted."

The elder said.

"Supreme Supreme"


Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"In this case, let Long Qing and Lei Chen go to participate."

"They are the strongest beings of the young generation of Dragons today."

Long Gan said directly.

"With the participation of Long Qing and Lei Chen, my dragon tribe will surely become the number one in this beast battle"

Thunder Lord said in a deep voice.

"Don't the Dragons have become the first ever"

Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

"No, since the end of ancient times, the strength of the younger generation of Dragons is not as good as in ancient times."

"During this period, a lot of starry orcs that did not appear in ancient times have appeared one after another to compete for the beast."

"Their young generations are terrible."

"As a result, my Dragon Nation hasn't won the first place in the ten thousand beasts."


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