The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4581: Destroyed 1 (continued at noon)

"A world of extinction, do they still exist?"

"Don't you say they were destroyed in the early days of ancient times?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled and said helplessly.

"Indeed, early in ancient times."

"Hundred emperors united to destroy the genocide."

"But I did not expect that they were not really destroyed, but kept hidden in the dark and waiting for opportunities."

"They wanted to take control of me while I was badly hurt."

"I do not hesitate to urge the Dragons to fight against them."

"In the end, although I escaped, I also fell."

Longyan sighed.

"Hundred emperors have not completely destroyed the world?"

"Is this genocide so powerful?"

"Why didn't I find them at all?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned and said solemnly.

The genocide is a very scary race in the early days of ancient times.

There is a mysterious and terrifying blood power in their race,

Very terrifying, known as the blood of extinction,

As the name implies, it has the power to destroy the world.

And this wrecked family does have a very crazy idea,

It is to destroy this starry sky world, and then rebuild a starry sky world that is completely dominated and led by their extinct tribe.

Such crazy ideas are naturally not recognized by the star powerhouse.

They regarded the annihilation as an ominous sign, and wanted to destroy it.

But it is too powerful to destroy the world, and it is not easy to destroy it.

Those who want to destroy the genocide are not only killed by it,

And the genocide also frantically killed other worlds.

This led to the extinction of the entire family in the early days of ancient times hostile hostile parties.

Eventually, the imperial powers of all major worlds in ancient times were born.

They jointly dispatched a hundred emperors to the world-annihilating tribe, and eventually destroyed it.

Hundred emperors, you can imagine how terrible this lineup is! !! !!

In this era, there is not necessarily one Emperor's Power in one star field, let alone one hundred Emperors.

In addition, the hundred emperors in the early days of ancient times were even more powerful.

The destruction of the world can make hundreds of emperors revive together,

I can imagine how terrible it is! !! !!

There was no Star Emperor when the World Destroyer existed.

For the information of the annihilated people, the Great Emperor of the Sky also learned through some ancient book records.

I just didn't expect that the annihilation of the hundred emperors would survive.

It also caused the first Dragon Emperor of the Dragons to fall.

"Is the genocide really so powerful?"

"Hundred Emperors can't be killed together?"

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly.

"Although I didn't participate in that fight at the beginning."

"But the battle was shocking and shook the entire starry sky."

"And that end of the war, less than 60 a hundred emperors lived, most of them were seriously injured."

"From this, you can imagine the terribleness of the annihilated people."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the genocide has not been completely destroyed !!!"

Longyan Shen Chan.

"It looks really terrifying."

"But why are there no trace of them in the middle and late ancient times?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

In the middle and late ancient times, the Great Star Emperor experienced it.

But he did not find any traces of the extinct race.

"It should be that they have also hurt their vitality, so they have been hiding in secret."

"A million years have passed now, and I am afraid they may be born again at any time."

Long Yan said in a deep voice.

"Who the **** did this come from? This is so terrifying?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were curious.

"No one knows where they come from."

"In short, the human blood power of the annihilated people is terrible."

"This has led to the destruction of the people of the world, all of them are super strong, it is very difficult to deal with it !!!"

"And they have the idea of ​​destroying the starry sky, which is crazy enough !!!"

Long Yan shouted coldly.

"Is it a race from the Flood?"

Xiao Yifeng secretly guessed.

"By the way, Emperor Xingkong, when you sealed the evildoing for a million years, this seal will be broken. It should be time now?"

Long Yan said in a deep voice.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"This evil is also extremely horrible, but it is the result of the source of sin."

"Once his seal is lifted, come out of the black hole."

"I'm afraid the entire starry sky will suffer."

Longyan sighed.

"I won't allow this to happen."

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

"You originally said that you need the descendants of the two dragons and phoenixes to own the inheritance of me and Fengwu and then sacrifice self to seal the evil.

"Now the descendants of Feng Wu and I should have passed on the inheritance of Dragon and Phoenix Ball."

Long Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I did say that at the beginning."

"But the two people who passed down to you and the ancestors of the Feng tribe are my women."

"I won't allow them to sacrifice themselves ~ ~ At first I could seal the evil, this time I will completely wipe it out !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with confidence in his eyes.

In this life, he is destined to be more terrible than the starry sky emperor.

He also believes that he has enough strength to completely kill the evil beasts formed by the source of this evil.

"It seems that your strength in this life is more terrifying than it was."

"Unfortunately I cannot witness the glory of the Emperor of the Sky !!"

Longyan said.

"Although you can't fall, but your dragon family has now born a supreme existence, creating a brand new blood of dragon family, you should have no regrets !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"I know, Long Gan is really great."

"The dragon dragon soul is in the body of the dragon, and it also combines two different dragon vein powers."

"I'm relieved that the Dragon is with him !!!"

Longyan said lightly.

Xiao Yifeng talked with Long Yan for a while, and he was about to leave the Dragon's Lair.

But before leaving, Long Yan begged Xiao Yifeng.

"Star Emperor, if you are possible, I hope you can save Fengwu."

"Save the ancestors of the Phoenix tribe?"

Xiao Yifeng froze.

Feng Wu is the first Phoenix Queen of the Feng clan and the master of the Phoenix clan in ancient times.

"I was besieged by Fengwu, a strong man of the world, together with Fengwu."

"Although I fortunately escaped by performing the forbidden technique, Feng Wu was taken down by the people of the world."

"Now I don't know if it is death or alive, if the emperor has a chance to find a world extinct."

"If I find Feng Wu alive, I hope I can be rescued."

"Longyan is grateful !!!"

Long Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng solemnly and said.

There are three more at noon

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