The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4290: Dust House

Master, the guy from Yongye League just rumored out. "

"I'm afraid other Eternal Night men are coming soon."

"Will we stay here or leave immediately"

Xuan Jun said looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"Naturally stay here and wait for them to come."

"I'd like to see what the **** is going on in the night league."

Xiao Yi hummed coldly.

God Realm Eight Realms Main Realm Virtual Realm.

Xiao Yifeng's Bingzhi walked here with the girls and Fengyou.

"Miss Dust, you still obediently go with us."

"Don't lose your stubborn resistance, otherwise the sword has no eyes."

"If it hurts your jade-like face, it's not good."

Soon a cold voice passed into Xiao Yifeng's ears and others.

"If there is a situation, go and see"

Xiao Yifeng said, their party went directly to a canyon.

And in this canyon.

A group of powerful men with swords and imperial realm and sage realm directly surrounded several figures.

Among these figures are a stunning woman wearing a long white dress.

Her face was delicate and beautiful, and her long hair was tied with a white ribbon.

There was a dusty temperament all over.

"It seems you are well prepared, are you going to win me from the dusthouse in one fell swoop?"

The dusty woman gazed at the crowd with a cold look.

"Who told your father that old guy was ignorant and refused to surrender that treasure."

"That being the case, it's no wonder we are."

"We had expected that you would go to the Heavenly Dust Palace to rescue soldiers, so we have blocked you here."

A sage strongman in this group looked at the woman and said coldly.

For a moment the woman's expression was very ugly, her gaze kept flashing.

"Dust Pavilion"

"What a coincidence?"

Xiao Yifeng outside the canyon heard the conversation of these people, his eyes flashed a look of surprise.

For Dust House, Xiao Yifeng naturally knew.

Previously in the Xuantian Emperor's possession of Xuantianjie.

He encountered a fallen Immortal Emperor named Sanchen.

The other party is one of the four guardians of the Divine Realm.

When the four of them were looking for a secret treasure from an ancient forbidden area.

Dust was severely damaged by the remaining three ambassadors, and eventually fell to the heavens.

The other party left the imperial seed of the immortal emperor, which was acquired by Xiao Yifeng.

And Sanchen hoped that Xiao Yifeng would meet the people in Chenge in the world of virtual gods to help Chenge.

This Dust Pavilion is exactly the tradition he left behind.

It was only that Xiao Yifeng did not expect that he had just met the people in Dust Pavilion when he had just arrived in the virtual world.

And it seems that this dusthouse has really encountered a lot of trouble.

"If the ancestors were scattered, would you dare to be so presumptuous?"

The woman watched the group drink coldly.

"There is a messenger in the sphere of protection. Naturally we dare not treat your Lord."

"I am afraid that no one in the entire world of virtual gods dares to treat your Lord."

"But now the messenger of scattered dust has fallen for hundreds of thousands of years."

"You've run out of dust in the dusthouse, let's take it."

The saintly strong shouted indifferently.

"Life is yours, why should you admit it?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Xiao Yifeng appeared directly here.

"who are you"

Immediately the sage strong looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly.

The eyes of the Chenge woman and the people around her turned towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Dead people don't need to know this"

Xiao Yifeng is indifferent.

A horrible frost of ice suddenly came into being.

Instantly shrouded the saintly powerhouse including the group of people around him.

They were all shrouded in ice and were directly sealed by ice.

Finally turned into a crumb of a place.

All the powerful men in the emperor realm were killed in an instant.

This scene shocked all the people in Dust House.

They all stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"Thank you for your help"

The woman in the white dress and long skirt in the dusthouse blinked.

She walked in front of Xiao Yifeng and bowed her thanks.

"You're welcome, you are from the Dust Pavilion"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the woman.

"In the Xiachen Yuetong, the daughter of Chengege"

"Thank you for your help in time"

Chen Yuetong looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with gratitude.

"you are welcome."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Miss, let's go to the Heavenly Dust Palace and move the soldiers."

"Otherwise I'm afraid that they will not stand up"

At this time, the people in the dusthouse came to Chen Yuetong and said.


Chen Yuetong nodded, she watched Xiao Yifeng was about to leave, but the latter spoke.

"No need to move soldiers, I'll go to Dust Pavilion with you."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, Chen Yuetong looked for a moment and looked at him with a surprised look.

"I have something to do with you, Dust Pavilion, since we met today."

"Then I will help you solve this trouble."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"My son, this time I was dealing with the superpowers of the virtual **** world, all of them have great emperors."

"Although you are strong, I'm afraid"

Chen Yuetong looked at Xiao Yifeng hesitantly.

"You don't believe my ability."

Xiao Yifeng laughed, he waved directly.

Suddenly Tianshi, Haoyu, Zhouhai, and Zhouxing all exploded with the power of the Emperor.

"Great Emperor"

See this scene.

Chen Yuetong and several other Chen Ge strong men looked surprised.

They stared at Haoyu with a wide range of eyes.

Obviously they did not expect that there were so many great emperors around this young man

When was the Great Emperor the same as Chinese cabbage, so easy to see

"Do you think I have the ability to help you in the dusthouse?"

"Time does not wait for others, and then drag on, I am afraid that your dusthouse will be completely destroyed."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chen Yuetong and said.

"Okay, then there is the son of labor and the great men of the emperor"

Chen Yuetong said with a fist.

Immediately, their party headed for Chen Ge.

Chen Ge's headquarters is located on a nimble mountain peak.

Above the mountain at the moment.

Thousands of disciples all gathered in the dusthouse.

But at this time their faces were ugly, and their expressions looked very dignified.

A group of people were half-knelt in front of the disciples in Chen Ge.

This group of people is the elders of Dust Pavilion, and the elders who protect the law, including the elders of Dust Pavilion.

They are all powerful men in the Sage Realm ~ ~ the Supreme Realm and the Great Emperor Realm.

Among them, the Lord of the Dust Pavilion and another elder elder was the strength of the elder emperor.

But now they are all wounded.

Hundreds stood in front of all the people in Chen Ge.

All these hundreds of people are strong men above the sage realm.

Headed by the four great emperors.

They are all superiors

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