The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4289: 6th Blood Jade


The sky's Emperor Calamity blasted down.

Suppressing towards Gou Jianzi, but the result was all in Gou Jian.

In a blink of an eye, the terrible emperor dissipated.

There was an aura of auspiciousness between heaven and earth, and the light of auspiciousness shone on the whole blood world.

Gou Jian returned to the realm of the emperor.

And he has just re-entered the emperor's realm.

In the realm, he stepped into the level of the middle emperor.

In the end, he stepped into the realm of the upper emperor and became a superior emperor.

After so many ordeals, Gou Jian's state of mind has been greatly improved.

Coupled with the power of this emperor.

He broke through the emperor in one fell swoop.


There was a roar above the sky.

A terrifying breath of the Emperor erupted from Gou Jian, sweeping across the entire first blood.

For a while, countless strong men in this first blood region felt the breath of this terrible emperor.

They were all in shock, speculating that this was the birth of the superpower in the first blood domain.

And somewhere in the first blood domain.

An old man with gray hair and a vicissitude face suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a faint flash of light in his eyes.

"Gou Jian, you have returned to the realm of the emperor"

The old man had an incredible expression on his face.

This old man is the Wu Feng who appeared before and will be seriously injured and imprisoned, and is also a good brother of Gou Jian.

Wu Feng's body was destroyed before, and his Emperor Ying escaped by chance.

He went back to the first **** area and worked hard to find today's physical sojourn, becoming what he is now.

"God practice, I will make you die"

Wu Feng's expression was emaciated, and the cold cold mang flashed in his eyes, and he shouted word by word.

There is a surging killing on his body.

And in the mountains west of the First Blood.

Goujian broke through and became a superior emperor.

One of his eyes opened suddenly, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

There was a terrifying breath on him.

"Meet the Master"

Gou Jian went directly to Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

"Yes, it seems that I am not giving the wrong person to this emperor."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile while looking at Gou Jian.

"Master, I sense the breath of a witch man"

Then Tian Tu said Xiao Xiaofeng fiercely.

"Human Breath"

"Witches exist here"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"It should be, I wouldn't feel wrong."

Tian Tu Shensheng said.

"You can sense that."

Xiao Yifeng asked.


Tian Tu said, the blood of the Wu tribe erupted inside him.

Then he walked towards a place in the mountain.

Soon Tian Tu took Xiao Yifeng and his party to the side of the mountain.

"Nothing here"

Broken bones curiously said.

"No, there is a strong enchantment here"

Gou Shen said.

"Yes, this should be the enchantment set by the four superiors."

"You can't see the strength of the Emperor"

Xiao Yifeng said.

With his vision of the Great Emperor of the Sky, it was natural to see this enchantment at a glance.

"Tian Tu, the breath of the witch man you said should be in this enchantment."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.


At this time, Gou Jian gathered and bombed out.

Instantly his power blasted in the void.

A terrifying enchantment force erupted.

The two bombarded together, and the void contorted and twisted.

The enchantment appeared, and ripples erupted.

"Shoot together."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

He urged the strength of one body, and the fire of the origin in the body broke out and merged into the Chiyan sword.

At the same time, he exhibited the Flame God Armor, again strengthening his strength.

Then he held Chi Yan sword and blasted towards this enchantment.

In the same world, the three demons, dead beasts, broken bones, blood emperors and other great emperors brought by Xiao Yifeng and the eight Supreme Masters of the Fire Hall all burst out towards this enchantment.


A thunderous roar sounded.

Facing the blow from Xiao Yifeng and others.

This enchantment is crumbling.

It looks like it must be destroyed at any moment.


Xiao Baixue rushed out at this moment.

It waved a paw,

A roar sounded.

This enchantment was completely destroyed.

A cave appeared in front of them.

Shabu shabu

A group of people rushed out of the cave immediately.

All of them are wearing the costumes of the Yemeng League.

"You are the people of the Eternal Night Alliance"

Xiao Yifeng watched this group of people groan directly.

"who are you"

The next emperor in this group looked at Xiao Yifeng and others with a solemn expression.

"answer my question."

Xiao Yifeng drank again.


At this time, the lower emperor directly crushed a piece of jade, apparently out of the news.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Gou Jian and others shot directly.

Especially the three blood emperors, Jiujian, and Tianquan are the most active.

They all want to perform well in front of Xiao Yifeng.

So they have exerted their best.

This group of Yong Ye Leagues died in the hands of the three without any resistance at all.

Including the lower emperor, he faced a joint attack by the three emperors.

Within a few dozen strokes, he was seriously injured by the Tianquan Emperor.

The Nine Sword Emperor's nine sharp swords penetrated directly into his body.

In the end, his body, including the Emperor Infant, was slashed into nothingness by the Bloodknife Emperor.

Xiao Yifeng and others headed directly into the cave.

There are stone platforms in this cave.

There were figures lying on it.

Above these figures is a blood-colored stone, absorbing their blood.

"Witch People"

At this moment, Tian Tu came to one of the very strong and pale men.

This man is exactly the Witch.

But at this moment a lot of blood in his body was absorbed by the bloodstone.

"What the **** are people doing?"

Xuan Jun and others said.


Tiantu smashed the bloodstone.

Immediately he entered an energy into the witch man.

Soon the witch was slowly awake.

"You are"

The witch was confused.

"How did you get caught here"

"Are there other Witch people?"

Tian Tu asked as he looked at the Witch.

"do not know"

At this moment, the witch man was confused and didn't know anything.


At this moment, the blood jade of Xiao Yifeng suddenly reacted ~ ~ He glanced towards the cave.

Soon he came to the side inside the cave and found a box.

There is a piece of blood jade in this box.

Xiao Yifeng had already got five blood jade before.

With this piece, he has got six blood jade.

Just the last piece can gather seven blood jade, and open the blood sea mystery left by the blood sea emperor.

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