The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3968: Master the 7th blood domain

All the warriors in the Blood Soul City were kneeled on the ground by the oppression formed by the bombardment energy.

There was a spit of blood in each mouth.

This is the nearest master of the three halls and four doors.

Their son was the first to be blown out by the aftermath of the energy of this terror.

Even if they are all sage strong, in the face of this energy aftermath, they are still vomiting blood.

It can be seen how horrible the power of Xiao Yifeng and the Bloodsage Saint is.

Xiao Yifeng fully demonstrated the real power of the fourth chapter of the Celestial Heaven Book.

With the power of his fire spirit body plus the energy of fire spirit beads and fire demon.

The power of his blow directly surpassed the attacking power of the Nine Saints.

With one hand, he directly suppressed and destroyed the attacks launched by the Bloodsage Saint.

Huh! !! !!

After burning the palm of the sky to destroy the attack of the bloodsage saint.

A blast like a bamboo smashed on it, and smashed it to the ground.

The blood spit holy population vomits blood, which is also mixed with broken organs of the internal organs.

It can be seen how seriously the bloodsage saint was injured.

Xiao Yifeng's palm completely stunned the Bloodsage Sage.

His eyes were wide and his face was incredible.

The pride and self-esteem of his martial arts were all destroyed by Xiao Yifeng's palm.

The Blood Sage's heart collapsed.

He practiced for more than 100,000 years and stepped into the realm of the sages of Jiuzai, and is about to break through to the extreme of half step.

In the end, he was defeated by a second saint, and the opponent had not used any powerful weapons.

This is the biggest blow to the Bloodlock Sage in his life.

As for the people in this city, they all took a sigh of relief.

Each one widened their eyes with shock and fear in their eyes.

"You can take it now?"

Xiao Yifeng looked indifferently at the Blood Sage Saint.

"I'm serving !!!"

"What the **** are you?"

The Blood Sage saint looked at Xiao Yifeng.

His eyes were shocked and solemn.

Xiao Yifeng's palm completely defeated the bloodsage saint.

"When you become my subordinate, you will naturally know who I am."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Since I said you defeated me, I will submit to you, then I will keep my promise !!!"

Said the Bloodlock Saint.

He endured the pain, kneeling in front of Xiao Yifeng: "Xuecha meets his master."

"Very well, you made the right choice."

Xiao Yifeng sneered, his eyes swept again at the masters of these three halls and four doors.

"I'll wait to submit to the blood and meet the master !!!"

The seven did not wait for Xiao Yifeng to speak. ,

They knelt cleanly before Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

After seeing Xiao Yifeng's terrible strength.

Naturally they dare not have any thoughts of resistance.

Xiao Yifeng then cast a soul-control spell on them all, completely controlling them.

At this time Xuan Jun and others came out of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

"Master, all the members of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce have been eliminated."

"This ring contains all the training resources of the Blood Spirit Chamber of Commerce and the auction tonight."

"And the people attending the auction tonight are opting to join the blood."

Xuan Jun said to give Xiao Yifeng a ring.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at it, all of which were all kinds of cultivation resources.

Then the four blood fruits were taken out by Xiao Yifeng.

"The four of you took it and broke through the emperor's realm."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xuan Jun, Tian Xingzi, Jin Ming and Xuemang said.

"Thank you, master !!!"

The four nodded quickly.

"I announce that from tonight, the owner of Blood Temple is Blood."

"All the warriors in the Blood Soul City will either join the blood or die completely !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's cold and loud voice spread throughout the Blood City.

For a time, the people in this blood-sucked city were shocked.

They stared at Xiao Yifeng in the void, with a sense of surrender in their hearts.

Facing this overbearing command that even the nine sage sage bloodsage sages defeated the evildoers with one stroke.

The martial arts soldiers in the whole Blood Sec City only obeyed the order and joined the only way out.

Unless they don't want to live anymore.

In the end, the blood core city of the seventh blood of the blood world was taken down by Xiao Yifeng.

Plus three courts and four doors of surrender.

The entire seventh blood domain was basically controlled by Xiao Yifeng.

Come to Blood World for two days.

Then he controlled the seventh blood region among the seven regions of the blood region.

Xiao Yifeng's speed is extremely fast.

For this result, Xiao Yifeng's deity far from the spirit world is also very satisfied.

This was a big help for him and allowed him to do two things at the same time.

He began to wonder if he would send all the remaining seven points to other worlds.

However, the remaining seven points are not as powerful as the fire points.

Xiao Yifeng wanted to wait until the rest of the big points entered the realm of the saint.

Let them each develop a force.

And this night, Xiao Yifeng and Chi Yu had a fierce battle in the stars.

After the battle, Chi Yu lay in Xiao Yifeng's arms and said gently, "Do you feel about Yaochi?"

"Why did you ask this?"


Xiao Yifeng laughed.

"No, just that although she is Yao Chi, she is also Chi Yao."

"And I have had a mother-daughter relationship with her for so many years."

"If she also becomes your woman, then we ..."

Chi Yu said with an awkward look.

"You want to say that the two of you guys can't accept it, right?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.


Chi Yu nodded.

"Don't say she is the reincarnation of Yaochi, even if she is not Yaochi."

"You don't have any blood relationship, even if there is any problem in serving the husband together."

"In the future, you will be directly changed to sisters."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"It seems you do have an idea for Yaochi."

Chi Yu looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"I think more about you."

Xiao Yifeng smiled evilly and pressed Chi Yu again to start a new round of war.

In a flash, a new day came.

In the Jiang family, Xiao Yifeng and others were preparing to leave.

But at this time a group of strong men broke into the Jiang family.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Tianguo couldn't help asking when watching this group of people.

"I am a young man who is led by the monks and disciples of Tianhe Sect ~ ~, one of the nine major gates in Renzhou.

"It turned out to be the apprentice apprentice of the Tianhe Sect, but fortunately I will."

"I don't know why Sun Gongzi suddenly came to my Jiang family?"

Jiang Tianguo looked at the young man and said.

"Zhenbei is my father. Why do you say I came to your Jiang family?"

"My father was killed and you can't get in touch with your Jiang family?"

Sun spit coldly.

Hearing that the other party was King Zhenbei's son, Jiang Tianguo changed his look.

His gaze could not help glancing towards Xiao Yifeng. The content of the chapter is in the process of being restored, please visit again later. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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