The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3967: Battle of Bloodsage Saints

Boom boom! !! !!

With stepping into the realm of the saints of Erjie.

Xiao Yifeng released a terrible breath.

A wave of horrific energy erupted from Xiao Yifeng, forming terror.

At this moment everyone in Xiaoxuecheng looked at Xiao Yifeng with a shocked watch.

They did not expect that this strong man whose blood saint saint had been wounded had just broken through to the second sage saint.

Doesn't it mean that he was just a saint before?

One sage can defeat the bloodstained sage who has nine sages' strength.

The ability of such cross-tier battles is simply exploding! !! !!

As for the blood-shade saint, the divine **** looked at Xiao Yifeng.

Huh! !! !!

In the next second, the bloodsage saint's gaze was fixed, and he would leave here immediately.

"Want to leave?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered, his eyes flashed a cold look of disdain.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a huge stone monument stood in front of the Bloodsage saint.

It exudes a terrifying atmosphere like Morrow's hell.

The dreary bleak and dark energy swept away.

Immediately covering the bloodsage saint completely in it, people have a sense of inexplicable fear.

This stele is exactly the Sen Luo monument.

When the points of fire came to the blood world before.

Xiao Yifeng's deity gave this Sen Luo monument to the fire to improve his power.

After all, there is a bunch of congenital treasures on the deity, and one less congenital treasure is fine.

And one more congenital treasure is of great help to the point of fire.

Because the fire points are integrated with Xiao Yifeng and have the consciousness of the deity, they can also freely control this forest monument.

This Sen Luo monument releases the Sen Luo Vientiane fantasy.

The Blood Sage sage is directly plunged into the fantasy world of Sen Luo Vientiane.

"Where is this?"

At this moment, the Blood Sage saint looked at the surroundings in a bleak darkness, and could not see his fingers.

When his look changed, God looked extremely dignified.

He hurled out with a swift burst of energy, and the mighty power broke out.

But as if hit in the abyss.

His attacking power had no effect on the surroundings.

A cold, piercing senro's breath swept away towards the bloodsage saint, as if to swallow it.

Immediately the look of the bloodsage saint changed.

He quickly urged the exercises to excite all the power of the nine saints.

Use this to resist this terrible Sen Luo air.

Boom boom! !! !!

Soon a roar of thunder sounded.

Countless strange beasts suddenly emerged from all around.

All exuded a terrible breath, and then attacked the Saint of the Bloodlock.

All kinds of strange beasts, fierce beasts, and divine beasts attacked toward the Blood Sage Saint.

It can be described as horrible and terrifying.

The Blood Sage saints constantly shot, killing all these strange beasts and beasts.

It's just that these fierce beasts seem endless and can't be killed at all.

The Bloodsage sage went through a series of battles.

He had exhausted the power of the saint in nineteen.

The Bloodsage saint knelt directly on the ground.

"Kill me if you have the ability, don't play tricks on the old man !!!"

Then the sage of the Bloodlock shouted.

His oracle was full of killing in his eyes and completely gave up resistance.

Immediately, this magical illusion attack disappeared.

Those were just the magical attacks released by Sen Luo Bei.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng's shadow appeared in front of the Blood Sage Saint.

"How does it taste?"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the Blood Sage Saint.

"Kill if you kill, don't play these tricks with me anymore."

"My bloodsage saint acknowledged it today."

The Blood Sage sage looked at Xiao Yifeng and drank coldly, his eyes flashed with cold chills.

"I don't like killing casually."

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"What do you mean?"

The Blood Sage sage stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"I give you a chance, submit to me, and I can spare you."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Submit to you?"

"Don't think about it."

"You only defeated me with these innate treasures."

"What qualifications do you have for me to submit?"

The Blood Sage saintly.

"You mean I don't have to defeat you with these innate treasures, will you submit to me?"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.


"If you don't defeat me with this congenital treasure, then I will convince myself."

"My blood brake will be loyal to you !!!"

"I'm afraid you don't have that courage."

The Bloodsage Saint hummed coldly.

"Okay, now that you say so, come on."

"In order to save you when you lose, I will bully you, and I will give you time to recover."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Later, both Sen Luo Bei and Chi Yan Jian were collected by him.

The bloodstained sage flashed a strange color in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

He took the elixir directly and quickly recovered his strength.

After half a ring, the Blood Sage saint looked at Xiao Yifeng and said, "Come on !!!"

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng urged the exercises, and the strength of the saints broke out one or two.

The original power of the fire spirit body and the power of the fire spirit bead are all excited by it.

boom! !! !!

At this time, the Blood Sage saint also exploded the power of his nineteen sage saints.

He performed a horrific martial arts attack.

All its power and will have erupted and become part of it.

This blow went directly towards Xiao Yifeng, killing it completely.

Burning Sky Palm! !! !!

In one hand--

Burning the sky, breaking the ground, breaking the mountains, reclaiming the sea! !! !!

broken! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the martial arts in the fourth volume of Shenzhou Tianshu to burn the palm of the sky.

The blow was carried out by his fire, and they complement each other.

The real power of this sky-burning palm was directly inspired.

Rumble! !! !!

The source power of the fire spirit body of the fire divisions poured into the palm of the sky.

The fire demon power in the body and the power released from the fire spirit beads are all integrated into the palm of the sky.

Suddenly, the power of this sky burning rose to a terrible level.

The whole sky of Xuecha City was trembling violently.

This palm released the dazzling flame of fire.

Like a giant round, illuminated most of the seventh blood domain.

The monstrous flames swept the entire Blood Sac City.

At this moment, everyone in this blood-sucked city felt a deep palpitation.

Their hearts were trembling fiercely, and there was a feeling of being burned.

The temperature of the entire space skyrocketed.

Everyone feels the breath of energy ~ ~ It feels like staying in the fire.

"Off !!!"

Xiao Yi sighed coldly, urging Fantianzhang to blast down.

Instantly with this blow from the Bloodsage Saint.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

The attack of the two was as if Mars and Earth collided together, deafening explosions erupted.

The terrible flame energy swept the entire Blood Sac City.

The monstrous energy aftermath almost destroyed this bloodshade city. The content of the chapter is in the process of being restored, please visit again later. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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