The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3671: 9 **** spirits

It was only later that a series of things Xiao Yifeng also forgot, if it was not for this Yuanling reminder, he would not remember.

The Lord of Sinuo Domain is at least the supreme powerhouse.

The essence and blood left by it is enough for Xiao Yifeng's strength to be greatly improved.

He summoned the Sen Luo monument directly.

With the help of this elementary spirit, the Sen Luo Bei began to shine.

Xiao Yifeng called the eight avatars, and the nine of them pressed each in the Sen Luo monument.

Suddenly, the blood power left by one of the domain owners in the Sen Luo monument began to be absorbed by the nine of them.

This Sen Luo monument shone a bright **** light, directly covering Xiao Yifeng and the nine of them.

Xiao Yifeng and Bada's avatar began to absorb this essence of blood power for refining, and then improved their strength.

While Xiao Yifeng improved his strength.

Jianyun Lengfeng and others and Thunder Beasts all started to scatter across the flames, experiencing various things and then improving their strength.

After a few hours.

There was a roar in Xiao Yifeng's body.

Then Xiao Yifeng began to make great impact towards the reincarnation.

The blood of this landlord is really very powerful.

This fast time made Xiao Yifeng start to enter the reincarnation circle.

As for the eight major avatars, they are beginning to strike toward the real state of God.

Boom boom! !! !!

After an hour, Xiao Yifeng heard a sound of impact.

With the help of this essence and blood, his realm stepped into reincarnation.

This remaining blood power is beginning to temper Xiao Yifeng's body.

Continue to enhance his physical power.

As for the eight major avatars, they must enter the real state of God at any time.

boom! !! !!

There was a roar first in the body of this gold.

He stepped directly into the real state of God.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!


Then, at the same time, the seven avatars of wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, ice, and wind all stepped into the real state of God.

When they step into the real **** realm, they begin to gather the gods.

The more gods, the stronger their fighting power and future potential! !! !!

Normal people usually condense a single panacea, and those with better talents have two to three.

The real genius is four to five, and the evil genius is to condense five to six gods.

Further up is the eight gods, which requires the top celestial pride in the sky to make it possible.

The most is nine gods.

In the world of stars and stars, from ancient times to the present day, there are only a few people who can condense nine gods.

Wherever nine gods are condensed, the future will be the greatest emperor standing in the stars.

Just such existence, it is basically difficult to have one for hundreds of thousands of years.

Among the heavenly ancients and the top star power may be able to cultivate the heavenly pride that condenses eight gods.

But the genius who wants to give birth to nine gods can only be lucky.

Whenever a genius born of nine gods is born, it will make a world of stars.

Caused by the struggle or destruction of countless forces.

As for how many of these eight avatars can condense, even Xiao Yifeng does not know.

Bang Bang Bang ...

At this time, there was a roar directly from Jin Zhi's body.

Then burst of golden light from him.

A total of nine golden rays erupted from this golden avatar.

These nine golden lights broke through the Star Hall, broke through the mountains of the sky, and rose to the sky, appearing above the nine days in the flame world.

For a time, it alarmed the entire people in the inflammation world.

These nine golden rays condensed nine golden danmaru above the void, which looked extremely dazzling, like nine rising sun.

Immediately above the sky came a sacred and terrible glow.

When this glow came, a sacred and terrifying power shrouded the entire world of flames.

"Nine gods !!!"

"Some people have formed nine gods !!!"

Immediately, the big players in the inflammation world appeared one after another.

Looking at the nine golden Dan pills in the void, their eyes were full of shock.

Jiudan gathers, and the sun is coming! !! !!

This is exactly the vision that the warrior can enter into the real gods and condense the nine gods.

And this scene is also let the whole people of the Yan world did not expect.

Nowadays, the Yan world does not say that the Great Emperor is powerful, even the Sage Supreme Power is almost gone.

In the eight realms of the Divine Realm, they all belong to the bottom being to be abandoned.

As a result, the Yan world has today created an arrogant son of heaven who has gathered nine gods.

This made the warriors of the entire Yan world completely unthinkable.

But what shocks them even more is still to come.

At this moment, these nine golden gods are back inside the body of Jin Fen.

Nine green rays burst into the body of this tree, bursting out of the Star Hall.

Rush into the void of the Fire World and turn into nine green gods.

Another sacred and terrible glow appeared.

"Another genius has gathered nine gods ????"

Seeing this scene, people in the entire Yan world were shaken again.

They did not expect that this was the birth of an arrogant son of heaven who had gathered nine gods.

As a result, within a few seconds, another arrogant **** of heaven appeared with nine gods.

This is something that no one thought of.

Is this the outbreak of luck in the inflammation world?

In fact, two celestial arrogances of nine gods appeared in succession! !! !!

But then, the whole warrior's heart will be completely numb.

Because then there are nine rays of light rising continuously into the sky, and then nine gods are directly condensed, and a sacred ray of light comes down, spreading directly throughout the inflammation world.

In the end, eight arrogant gods of nine gods were born directly in this flame world within one day! !! !!

This result stunned all the forces and countless powerhouses in the entire world of inflammation ~ ~, including those peak powerhouses hidden in the world of inflammation.

"The glorious age of the flames is coming !!!"

At this moment, some old monsters from all over the inflammation world sighed with excitement when they saw this scene that could be called a miracle.

It is rare to see people gather nine gods for decades.

All of a sudden, there are eight arrogant celestial beings who have gathered nine gods.

And it was born in this bottom world in the eight realms of the gods.

This has made countless people think that the Yan world was born with great fortune, and the glorious era of the Yan world will come again in ancient times.

"Find the eight heavenly pride right away !!!"

At this moment, the lord of the dynasty of Dongyan Realm directly issued a command sound.

The strong men of the entire dynasty were dispatched to look for the eight arrogant celestial beings that gathered nine gods.

If these eight heavenly pride can be obtained, the strength of their dynasty will skyrocket.

It is not just the Lord of the East Yanyu Dynasty thought so.

The lords of the dynasties of the Nanyan and Beiyan domains held this idea and sent a large number of strong men to look for the eight heavenly pride.

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