The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3670: Essence of Blood

The man looked at the pile of Beast Dan in Xiao Yifeng's hands, and his eyes were full of greed.

"Just give it when you say? Who is yours?"

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

"I am a second-rate sect, and obediently hand over the beast of your hand."

The man watched Xiao Yifeng drink coldly.

It looks like it is not in your eyes.

Obviously he did not see the scene where Xiao Yifeng just killed the fifth-order **** beast.

Otherwise he would definitely not say so.

He just when Xiao Yifeng was a bargain picker.

"I don't know, get off !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted politely.

"I think you are looking for death !!!"

Immediately the man's face sank, and he waved a long stick and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

Chu Feng blasted out with a punch and backed off the opponent.

"Go together!!!"

Seeing this, the man yelled.

The group of people behind him also attacked Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

Chu Feng punched out a fist, one's head burst out, and the spirits disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yifeng exploded all the fourth-grade flames and third-grade flames.

Then these people were either burned to death by fire or broken into pieces by lightning.

Xiao Yifeng killed the man in front of the Shenwu Realm all the way, and punched again.

Immediately the man's face changed, he urged the Shenwu armor and at the same time waved a long stick to resist.

Chu Feng banged his long stick with a punch, and hit his opponent's martial arts armor with his fist.

boom! !! !!

This magical armor was destroyed by Xiao Yifeng's punch.

The man flew out immediately, slamming blood on the ground and spitting out blood.

Huh! !! !!

As soon as Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, the Siping Torch consumed it.

"Let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Ren Xuanxuan and said something.

The two of them left here.

Huh! !! !!

Figures appeared here.

It was headed by a **** king who was strong when he saw the body of a disciple on the ground.

It looked very ugly.

"Who is this bold enough to kill me?"

The others shouted.

"You use mysteries to find this man who killed my disciple."

"The rest and I went to greet a few defenders, and that matter was even more important and could not be delayed !!!"

The **** king realm screamed coldly.


The others nodded.

At the same time, a message spread quickly within this radius.

A young man was given a secret legacy from the emperor and powerful.

As soon as the news came out, not only the major gate forces of all circles were alarmed.

On this day, the strong men in the top ten cities of Qiangcheng were all shocked, including the people of Tiangancheng.

After all, the secret treasure left by the Emperor and King is extremely precious.

Even if the gods want to seize, these people naturally want it.

The news was naturally sent by Chen Chong, the host of Ganyun City.

He wanted Xiao Yifeng to become a target of public criticism, and he could not escape.

Xiao Yifeng didn't know that he is now directly becoming a Tang Monk who countless strong people in this area want.

All the strong men in the top ten cities of Tiangancheng dispatched, and began to frantically search for the existence of Xiao Yifeng.

Of course, the four second-rate schools and other second- and third-rate schools of Feijianmen sent a large number of people to investigate the whereabouts of Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng took Ren Xuanxuan to practice in the Tongtian Mountains.

Most of the rare and precious treasures in this mountain range, and there are a lot of gods and beasts.

It's a great place to improve your strength.

During the day, Xiao Yifeng frantically searched for monsters of the fourth and fifth tiers to fight to stimulate his potential.

In the evening, the baby pig will be led to look for various treasures, under the guidance of this baby pig.

Xiao Yifeng received a lot of magical medicines and various other cultivation resources.

As for Ren Xuanxuan, she always followed Xiao Yifeng like a maid.

Three months passed in an instant.

In these three months, Xiao Yifeng killed and killed unknown first-order to fifth-order gods.

All nearby beasts were killed by him.

Of course, his luck was not bad, and he did not meet the fifth-order or above.

Three months have passed.

Xiao Yifeng is full of killing spirit, the whole person is like a killing god.

His overall combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

He is more proficient in the use of various techniques and martial arts, and can exert more power.

Of course, he also got a bunch of monsters and various training resources.

In a cave in the Tongtian Mountains, Xiao Yifeng looked at Ren Xuanxuan and said:

"I'll take you to a place later, don't be surprised."


Ren Xuanxuan curiously.

Xiao Yifeng took Ren Xuanxuan into the Star Hall.


Stepping into the Star Hall, Ren Xuan Xuan looked shocked.

"This is the space inside one of my treasures. You take these beasts to improve your strength."

Xiao Yifeng took out a pile of Beast Dan to Ren Xuanxuan, and brought it to a room to enhance his strength.

And all the girls and Bailang in the Star Hall are still practicing.

"the host!!!"

At that time, the sixteen strong men from the barren sky tower appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

They have now recovered to the strength of God King Realm, and they have all reached the late stage of God King Realm.

Among them is the existence of the God King Realm.

"Yes, continue to improve your strength and strive to step into the realm of God !!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

With these sixteen people, it is of great help to Xiao Yifeng.


Sixteen people said in unison.

Xiao Yifeng came to the main hall of the Star Hall, and he sat down.

He began to refine all the animal beasts and cultivation resources he had received in the past three months, in order to improve the realm.

Soon all the energy in these beasts was devoured by him.

Then the energy in those magical fruits and pills was also swallowed up by him ~ ~ Finally, Xiao Yifeng took out a lot of **** crystals and began to absorb them crazy.

In a blink of an eye, the **** crystal on Xiao Yifeng was half absorbed.

So many **** crystals can not be absorbed all at once even if it is a **** king.

The strength of Xiao Yifeng's reincarnation was devoured.

boom! !! !!

Finally, after consuming so much energy.

Xiao Yifeng's realm has entered the cycle of rebirth.

"It's really not easy to improve in this realm !!!"

"But this level is still a bit low !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"Master, there is still the blood left by the two owners of the Sen Luo domain in this Sen Luo monument. You haven't taken it yet."

At this time, Yuan Ling of the Sen Luo Bei began to speak.

"Well, why did I forget this crop?"

Xiao Yifeng slammed his head.

Earlier, the Sen Luo Bei Yuan Ling said that in this Sen Luo monument there are two blood forces left by the owner of the Sen Luo domain.

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