The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3601: Give away

In this day Hai Xiao's Villa is located.

Two terrible breaths suddenly came here.

The terrible blood evil spirit and monstrous corpse enemies swept the entire Xiao Family Mountain House and the Star Hall nearby.

This void was completely shrouded, and turned into a blood red side like Shura battlefield.

On one side it was as if death and purgatory.

Then two figures appeared directly here.

These two were the original Lord of the Blood Sects and the escaped Lord of the Corpses.

Both of them escaped by chance at first, and now they have experienced so long.

Coupled with the resurgence of heaven and earth, the two of them are now born again.

One's strength has achieved great reincarnation.

"Xiao Yifeng, come out, today I want to completely frustrate you !!!"

The Lord of the Blood Sect roared angrily.

"I want him to die in my hands !!!"

The lord of the corpse also said coldly.

At this time, the daughters, Yang Xueqing and Xiao Xiao from the Star Palace all came out and looked at the two in front of them.

"Who are these two guys and look so ugly?"

Xiao Xiao mumbled and looked at the two.

"They are bad guys at first glance !!!"

Xiao Yaochen said.

"Who are you? Want to kill my son."

A cold look flashed in Yang Xueqing's eyes and stared at the two.

"It seems the kid is not there, then kill all of you as a group !!!"

The Lord of the Blood Sect drank coldly.

"court death!!!"

Yang Xueqing snorted coldly, and would kill both of them.

However, Xiao Yifeng's voice suddenly sounded.

"Are you guys not dead yet?"

Xiao Yifeng appeared here, watching the two men coldly.

"Xiao Yifeng !!!"

The lord of the corpse and the lord of the blood sect stared at Xiao Yifeng with horrific killing in his eyes.

"Four years, I can finally kill you with my own hands !!!"

The lord of the blood sect looked at Xiao Yi and said coldly.

"Ha ha!!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered, and said, "Did you think that in the past four years only you have been improving your strength, and I am eating dry rice."

"The reincarnation was so successful that I did not want to kill me !!!"

"go to hell!!!"

The Lord of the Blood Sect shouted directly, and a terrible **** light burst out on him.

The strength of his whole body erupted at this moment, which was comparable to the might of the divine spirit realm, blasting towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Dare to kill the master, die !!!"

After waiting for Xiao Yifeng's shot, Cui Wei's body behind him burst out and slammed out.

With a bang, the body of the blood sect master burst completely.

Its spirit was also destroyed by Cuiwei's palm.

After four years of ordeal, the lord of the blood sect originally thought that Xiao Yifeng could be destroyed and revenge was given back then.

As a result, he did not expect that he did not even touch Xiao Yifeng's clothes.

He was killed by a woman under his command.

The lord of the corpse looked shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

He did not expect that a woman beside Xiao Yifeng had such a strong strength.

At this time, the corpse in Xiao Yifeng's storage ring made another abnormal noise, and he took it out.

Suddenly the corpse was suspended in front of the lord of the corpse.

The corpse in the body and the corpse in the air turned out to be completely absorbed by the **** corpse.

In the blink of an eye, all the corpses in the body of the corpse were completely absorbed by the **** corpse.

Eventually the lord of the corpse became a dry corpse.

Both the spirit and the corpse power were absorbed by this corpse.

The lord of the corpse dead is worse than the lord of the blood sect. The dead body was sucked into a dead body by a dead body.

Even Xiao Yifeng couldn't help but feel sad for these two guys, this is purely to give away.

Boom boom! !! !!

Just then, four terrifying breaths suddenly came here.

Four terrifying swords permeated, covering the space, allowing the air to freeze.

The terrible sword air permeated, tearing the space.

Four figures appeared here, all four were middle-aged men.

Holding a long sword of supreme artifact level, his body is full of terrifying sword air.

The four of them are just four of the top ten sword masters in Shushan.

Today, the strength of the four Shushan Sword Masters has reached an extremely terrible level.

"It was you who destroyed my Shushan and killed one of our brothers !!!"

The four Shushan sword sages stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"Shushan again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"The strength of these four people is not simple. They have all reached the realm of the King of God in half a step, and they have entered the realm of the King of God with one foot !!!"

Said World of Warcraft.

"Hmm, I killed even the fifth-order **** beast, which is equivalent to the realm of the **** king. Are you afraid of the four and a half step **** king?"

Xiao Yi hummed coldly.

"My top ten sword priests in Shushan have branches in the same spirit, but now you have killed one, and I will report it !!!!"

The four sword sages stared at Xiao Yifeng with a cold eye, sulking.

"Revenge, you have to have that strength too !!!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.


The four sang in unison.

Four horrible sword swords skyrocketed.

All four were filled with a terrible sword.

The four-and-a-half step king's momentum combined with the terrible sword intention formed a terrible coercion, suppressing Xiao Yifeng and others.

For a while, Xiao Yifeng and the girls had a feeling of suffocation.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, figures rushed out of the Star Hall.

This group of people are the sixteen **** kings in the first floor of the barren sky tower.

Now their strength is restored to the point of half step God King.

"Half-step God King is awkward, isn't he?"

"You have four, I have sixteen !!!"

Seeing these sixteen people appear ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng sketched a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the Shushan Four Holy Lengheng.

At this time, the four Shushan sword masters felt the breath of the half-step **** king released from the sixteen people.

All of a sudden they looked ugly.


Xiao Yi sang coldly.

Suddenly the sixteen people attacked directly towards the four Shushan Swordmasters.

This is their first shot as an underlord of Starry Sky.

One by one, they want to express themselves and explode all their own strength.

And these four Shushan sword priests were indeed strong men of the saint level.

Even now only restored to half a step God's strength.

However, the sword meaning and various martial arts and secret banning techniques they have realized are still there.

The four teamed up together, and even the sixteen half-step God King strength was a draw.

Bang Bang! !! !!

After a series of fierce battles, the endless energy spread, and the two men seemed equally divided.

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