The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3600: God grass

But as long as this star battleship is present.

In the starry sky, the starry battleships are also divided into the four levels of sky and earth.

The higher the level of the battleship, the greater the role, the stronger the defense and attack power.

As for Xiao Yifeng's star battle armor, it is naturally a sky-class battleship.

Xiao Yifeng stepped forward, shaking his hands with Yin Jue, and the power of the stars poured out.

Gushing directly towards a location in the center of the battleship.

Boom boom! !! !!

As Xiao Yifeng's star power poured into it, there was a roar of noise from the star battleship, as if activated.

The bright light of the stars burst out from the star battleship, and the entire battleship seemed to be fully activated.

Click! Click! !! !!

At this moment the door of the star battleship was opened, and the huge space inside appeared.

Xiao Yifeng walked in.

This star battleship is huge, and the space inside it is also very large.

The layout of this battleship is like a house with various facilities in it.

It's totally possible to live here, and it can also accommodate hundreds of people.

"This is the first time I've seen a Star Warship !!!"

Cuiwei walked in, sighing at the battleship.

He had stayed in Penglai eight islands before leaving.

Although I know the existence of star battleships, I have never seen them.

Xiao Yifeng went directly to the control room of this star battleship.

Here, there are nine spar sparkling in the stars.

These nine spar stones are called Xingchenjing, but they are a higher-level existence than the **** stone.

And it is extremely special and rare, but it was specifically sought by Xiao Yifeng the first.

Use this as the energy supply for this star battleship.

General star battleships provide the power of God's Stone God Crystal.

And this **** stone **** crystal is the cultivation resources needed by most of the strong stars in the world.

Corresponds to the spirit stone and spirit crystal of the ancient world.

Xiao Yifeng began to refine the star battleship, in order to completely control the battleship.

Half an hour later, with the roar of the star battleship, Xiao Yifeng took full control of the battleship.


Xiao Yifeng hit a mark and uttered a word in his mouth.

All nine star crystals were shining, and the star warship began to start.

Rumble! !! !!

Shocking explosions sounded.

The star battleship was completely started, and the palace was rushed straight away.

He flew out of Penglai eight islands and suspended in the air.

This star battleship is 100 meters long, tens of meters wide, and tens of meters high. It can be described as a behemoth.

When this star battleship appeared, the entire primitive world was also shocked.

All forces and nations have detected the existence of this warship.

Knowing the existence of Star Warships, they were all shocked, not even more shocked.

Especially this Huaxia person, looking at the behemoth in the void.

One thought that the aliens came to this world in a space battleship.

The people on Penglai eight islands also looked at the star battleship overhead with a shocked expression.

Then the star battleship landed on the East China Sea, Xiao Yifeng and Cuiwei walked out.

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands, the star battleship suddenly shrank hundreds of times.

It seemed like a model of a battleship appeared in Xiao Yifeng's hands and was stowed away.

With this star battleship, Xiao Yifeng does not need to worry about how to go to the God Realm.

After he deals with everything else, he can take the star battleship to go to the realm of God, and once again conquer the starry sky.

"It's time to go back !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

"Master, are you leaving?"

Cuiwei looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"In the future, you will be the owner of this Penglai eight island, and you will run it well."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Cuiwei and said.

"I want to follow my host !!!"

Cuiwei blinked and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Follow me?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"Yes, please master !!!!"

This Cui slightly knelt on the ground, and said respectfully to Xiao Yifeng.

"I am about to travel to the stars and all realms, and there will be countless battles waiting for me."

"You won't have any good life with me, but stay here and you are the master of Penglai eight islands, you can live a carefree life."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"As long as you can follow your host, even if it is in front of the sword and mountains, you will never die !!!"

Cuiwei said directly.

"You stay with me only as a maid, would you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Cuiwei.

"Cuiwei is willing !!!"

Cui slightly sank.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Take care of Penglai eight islands, and then follow me to Tianhai !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


There was a touch of joy in Cuiwei's eyes.

boom! !! !!

Just then, there was a roar in Penglai eight islands.

Then a bright light burst out from this Penglai eight islands.


Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed and he rushed directly to the past.

Soon Xiao Yifeng saw the emergence of a small grass shining brightly, and there was a sense of anger.

"Spirit grass !!!"

When Xiao Yifeng saw this grass, there was a touch of fineness in his eyes.

This little grass is called Shenlingcao, but it is a natural treasure.

The biggest effect is that it can enhance the soul and soul power, but it is an extremely rare and precious herb.

"I didn't expect my luck so good !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this devil grass, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

With this spirit grass, his nine star soul power can be improved again.

The improvement of the power of the Nine Star Souls is directly related to the number and number of times he summoned the stars.

Only the strength of his nine star souls continues to grow ~ ~ he can summon more and more stars between thoughts and launch more powerful attacks.

Then Xiao Yifeng took down this plant and started to take it, improving his nine star power.

After a few hours.

There was a roar in Xiao Yifeng's mind.

The nine star souls absorbed the energy of this **** grass, and their power was greatly improved.

At this moment, the nine star spirits are shining brightly.

An extremely powerful star soul spreads out, deterring others' souls, and the void is stagnant.

Now Xiao Yifeng's nine star soul powers can already kill the strong in the spirit realm at will.

As long as he is a strong god, he can use the power of the nine star souls to directly wipe out the other party.

Even his Nine Star Soul powers can even compete against the true gods.

After all, everyone is a soul, but he has nine star souls.

Soul power is nine times stronger than others.

After some adjustments, Xiao Yifeng and Cuiwei left Penglai Eight Islands and headed directly to Tianhai.

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