The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3444: Xue Yao wakes up

"This is not an ordinary pig, but a baby pig that can only help me find various treasures."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Baby pig, this name is so cute."

Ye Ziyan said with a smile, and picked up the baby pig.

The latter did not have any resistance, but was very willing.

"Baby pig, you must not take advantage of my woman."

Xiao Yifeng watched the baby pig hum.

"Rest assured, I am not the kind of host !!!"

The baby pig's firm voice sounded in Xiao Yifeng's heart, and the next second.

The baby pig's head rested on Ye Ziyan's breast.

"You are not the kind of person, you are the kind of pig, dare to take advantage."

"I'll make you braised pork trotters, stir-fry pig lungs, char-burned pig brains, and fried pork hearts!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed angrily.

Immediately the baby pig was frightened.

His head quickly left Ye Ziyan's breast.

"How's it? Did you rescue Xue Yao?"

The clear water fairy looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"You guy is very careful with that woman, for her to break into the forbidden area regardless of life and death !!!"

The Lanyi people hummed softly about Xue Yao's existence.

They all knew the existence of the ancient times.

"Xue Yao has been lying for hundreds of thousands of years to save me, and I have a responsibility to save it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Then he headed towards Xue Yao's palace, preparing to revive Xue Yao.

When he came to the ice coffin in this palace, Xiao Yifeng stared at Xue Yao in the ice coffin.

Xiao Yifeng then opened the ice coffin and poured the spirit of life into Xue Yao's mouth.

It's just that Xueyao slept too long.

The soul of this life cannot enter her body through her mouth at all.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, and finally he looked at Xue Yao and said, "I'm sorry !!!"

Then Xiao Yifeng kissed Xueyao's tender lips.

With his help, the soul of this life entered Xueyao's body.

When Xue Yao took all the spirit of life.

Xiao Yifeng only loosened the other's lips, and looked at Xueya with a look of tension and anticipation.

The spirit of life entered Xueyao's body, and suddenly a terrible life force erupted.

At the same time, it began to repair Xue Yao's whole body injury, allowing her body to begin to transform.

Its entire body is being transformed by the power of the soul of life.

The whole body of Xue Yao shone with crystal green light.

At the same time, the blood in his body boiled violently.

"Her bloodline power will be inspired too !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

boom! !! !!

After half a ring, a terrifying force broke out on this Xueyao.

This terrible force shattered the ice coffin.

Xue Yao's body floated above the void, exuding a terrifying coercion.

Soon, all the vitality of Xueyao recovered.

The whole body is full of vigorous vitality, which shows the power of this life.

At this time, the blood power inherited in Xueyao's body was also inspired.

Rumble! !! !!

A burst of roar came from Xueyao's body.

The terrible energy was released continuously, and even Xiao Yifeng shuddered in shock.

"This is the blood of the Emperor !!!"

"I didn't expect this woman to be a descendant of the emperor too !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said suddenly.

"Descendants of the Emperor !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at Xue Yao with a bright light.

boom! !! !!

Soon the blood in Xueyao's body shone with golden light.

A sacred power of the Emperor erupted from him and swept across the Star Hall.

For a time, the people in the Star Hall felt a tremendous amount of oppression.

Their bodies began to tremble, and there was a feeling of kneeling and worship.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

At this time, seven bright golden lights erupted from Xue Yao.

"It turned out to be Qipin Emperor's Pulse !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft again shocked.

"What is Qipin Emperor's Pulse?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"The blood of the great emperor is called the emperor's vein, and this emperor's vein also has strong and weak points, ranging from one grade to nine grades, the weakest one, and the strongest nine grades."

"The stronger the imperial rank, the stronger the martial talent of this person, the easier it will be to break through the emperor in the future, and the more powerful and inherited the emperor will be."

"In short, the higher the rank of the emperor's veins, the more talented this person will be, and the more terrible his future achievements, of course, this is relatively speaking."

"Actually, even with the weakest product of Emperor's Pulse, the talent of the genius has to surpass 99% of the starry sky. It is more powerful than those who have the blood of the saints and the Supreme Blood. "

"After all, there are not many arrogant celestial beings in the sky that can awaken the emperor's pulse. Unless the ancestor had a great emperor, it is possible to awaken the emperor's pulse."

"And in general, their ranks of imperial veins are between first and third grades, and a few of the ancient families in the ancient family can awaken the imperial veins of more than three grades."

"And to be able to awaken the existence of Qipin with the pulse of God, there will not be much in the whole sky, unless the emperor who truly inherited the ancient times may have awakened the evil spirits above Qipin.

"Of course, those descendants of the strong who belong to the top among the great emperors may also wake up the seven pulses of the emperor."

"But it's only Qipin Emperor's Veins. Going up to Bapin Emperor's Veins, the owner of Jiupin Emperor's Veins is even less.

Sky Eater Warcraft is introduced in detail.

"This woman can awaken the Qipin emperor's veins, and the emperor among its predecessors is probably not an ordinary emperor."

"Nine times, she is an emperor from ancient times."

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

At this point, the blood power in Xueyao's body had been excited.

Its body is filled with a very horrifying force, and its body is filled with terrible coercion.

Huh! !! !!

Xue Yao's eyes opened sharply.

There was a flash of brilliant light in his eyes, which made people dare not look directly into his eyes.

"Xue Yao !!!"

Watching Xue Yao wake up completely.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with excitement, and he could not help shouting.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's voice ~ ~ Xue Yao glanced at him.

"You ... are you the Lord of the Stars?"

Xue Yao watched Xiao Yifeng make a pleasant sound.

"Yes, I am the Lord of the Starry Sky. You have been asleep so long and finally woke up."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xue Yao with a smile.

"Master of the sky ... am I not dreaming?"

Xue Yao came to Xiao Yifeng, stared at him, and said.

"Of course not. You and Ruo Xi were hunted down by those eight mysterious people. It was I who rescued you."

"Later, I fought against the man in white robes. You blocked that blow for me."

"As a result, you were seriously injured and fell asleep because I was sorry for you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xue Yao and said, with a look of guilt in his eyes.

PS: The story of the Lord of the Stars has been updated and updated on the public account. If you want to see it, you can directly pay attention to the broken bone WeChat public account "Broken Bone". You can watch it by going directly to it and finding it. Update, the story of the Emperor Xingkong and the story of Xiao Yifeng's children will be released on the WeChat public account, and everyone can follow and watch

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