The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3443: 18 stars

It was only when he broke into a dense ground outside that he was injured, and later he was attacked by a group of people in an ambush. He was seriously injured and came to the ancient world by accident.

And the eighteen people kneeling on the ground were the group who had attacked him at the beginning, and chased to the ancient realm. They were exhausted by the deities of the buried spirit to devour all the souls.

All eighteen of them are super powers in the kingdom of God.

Eighteen God Emperor Realms finally died here.

Xiao Yifeng learned a lot about the ancient world from the memory of the buried deities.

He also received a series of martial arts techniques and secrets from the deities of the burial spirit, but it was a big gain.

"It turns out that God's Realm is above God's Realm, God's Realm, and God's Realm !!!"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, from the memory of the burial spirit deity he learned the three realms above the Divine Realm.

These three realms belong to the middle layer of martial arts above reincarnation.

It is already a true first-class master in the starry sky.

As for the divine realm, there is still a realm.

It was just another level of martial arts.

"It's so cool to swallow this time !!!"

At this moment the emperor in Soul Eater spoke again.

"You are so cool, I'm almost done !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said rudely.

"You are the Emperor of the Sky, how could you be dead !!!"

The voice in this soul-stealing pearl spat indifferently.

"How long will you devour?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"If it would allow me to devour the souls of several saints, maybe that would be all right, then I wouldn't have to stay in this broken ball all the time."

The emperor among the soul-stealing beads vomited.

"I trust, devour the soul of the saint? Do you dare to think?"

Xiao Yifeng said silently.

"This is already my minimum requirement. I want to change to my former."

"Even if the Supreme Soul makes me devour, I won't touch it !!!"

The Emperor of the Soul Devourer coldly.

"You know it used to be, now you are no longer the emperor, just don't think about such beautiful things."

"If you want to devour the soul of the saint, you can do it yourself. I don't have that ability now."

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"I believe it won't take long to reach the realm of saints with your talents and the greatness of the sky."

The Emperor of Soul Eater vomited.

"thank you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng poked his lips and put away the soul-stealing bead.

"Master, I did not expect that you turned out to be the legendary Emperor of the Starry Sky, so great !!!"

The baby pig's voice sounded in Xiao Yifeng's heart.

"Do you know the Star Emperor?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"That's right, of course, the Great Emperor of the Sky is the best in the universe !!!"

"Now that the Emperor Xingkong has become my master, then I will be awesome !!!"

The baby pig murmured.

"You were timid like a mouse just now, and now you are so confused."

Xiao Yifeng smiled lightly.

Xiao Yifeng then glanced at the corpses of the eighteen **** emperors.

"Boy, haven't you got the eighteen souls of the Shura Heavenly Soldiers of the Shura Realm? It just happened to be used on these eighteen corpses. The corpse of this **** emperor's realm fits the spirits of the eighteen Shura Heavenly Soldiers.

"Plus you get the life spirit, let them take a little life spirit, I believe they can live completely."

Said World of Warcraft.


When Xiao Yifeng heard the words of Devouring World of Warcraft, his eyes flashed with a touch of energy.

Sky Devour did not say that he had forgotten that he had received eighteen souls of Shura Heavenly Soldiers in the hall of Shura Purgatory last time.

This Shura Tianbing is an elite strong force built by the Shura tribe in Shura.

Eighteen people followed the three clans to the ancient world, leaving only eighteen spirits.

With a wave of Xiao Yifeng's hand, the eighteen **** spirits appeared in front of his eyes.

Next, Xiao Yifeng integrated all the eighteen souls of the Shura Heavenly Soldiers into the bodies of the eighteen **** emperors.

Let them fuse, then Xiao Yifeng took out the soul of life.

According to the words of Devouring World of Warcraft, a drop of the spirit of life was dripped on the eighteen of them.

If it were not for this life, Xiao Yifeng would not be willing to take out this life.

Boom boom! !! !!


With these eighteen drops of life, the spirit pill fell on the bodies of the eighteen gods.

Suddenly there was a roar from the eighteen of them.

A wave of horrifying vitality erupted.

This soul of life is like a finishing touch, directly activating the eighteen people.

It is indeed the soul of life, but the effect is powerful.

In a blink of an eye, the eighteen people opened their eyes, their eyes bursting with bleeding light, very attractive.

Eighteen of them were filled with a horror.

An hour later, the spirit of the eighteen Shura Heavenly Soldiers was completely integrated with the eighteen bodies.

At the same time, the spirit of life awoke the vitality of the eighteen people again.

Fortunately, these eighteen people are in front of the emperor's realm and have extraordinary strength.

Otherwise it is not so easy to rely on the spirit of life to revive their vitality.

Subsequently, the eighteen people released a terrible breath beyond the pseudo-reincarnation.

Just because of this prohibition, their realm only shows pseudo-reincarnation, but their strength is definitely beyond that of pseudo-reincarnation.

At the moment, the eyes of these eighteen people were all with a dazed look.

The spirits of the eighteen of them have stayed too long. Now, although they are resurrected, all their previous memories have been lost.

"From today, I will be your master. Your names will be from one to eighteen, and you will be star servants."

Xiao Yifeng watched the eighteen people make the sound of the twilight morning bell.

Then he also performed a soul contract on the eighteen Shura Tianbing.

"Yes, master !!!"

These eighteen people heard Xiao Yifeng, plus the reason for the soul contract.

They shouted respectfully, squatting down on the ground one by one.

"Fine, let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded with satisfaction when watching the eighteen people ~ ~ If the eighteen people did not exist in the ancient world, their strength would have already surpassed the cycle.

After all, they are a combination of the famous souls of the Shura Heavenly Soldiers and the physical body of the God Emperor Realm.

Even if the strength cannot be restored to its peak, it is very powerful.

Xiao Yifeng and his team then left the burial ground.

Holy Mountain, Star Hall.

Xiao Yifeng hugged the baby pig and returned to Xingchen Temple with eighteen stars.

"the host!!!"

"Brother Xiao !!!"

Jian Yun and others and Xiao Nufeng saw the appearance of Xiao Yifeng, and they all appeared one after another.

"What a cute pig !!!"

At this time, Liu Xuaner looked at Xiao Yifeng's pink pig in her arms.

Suddenly, their eyes were excited, showing a curious expression, and they reached out and stroked the baby pig.

"Why did you bring a pig back?"

The Lanyi people looked at Xiao Yifeng and pouted.

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