"This mystery is amazing!"

Even Xiao Yifeng had to sigh when he watched this move exhibited by Feng Yu.

Instantly restore strength, this card is awesome.

Once this trick is played during the match, the opponent will definitely not react.

"This should be the phoenix's technique of bath fire nirvana. This effect is very powerful. Once cast, it is like a bath fire rebirth, and restores all strength."

"And it is said that the phoenix of the Phoenix tribe can directly rise to life from the highest level of cultivation."

"Even the strength is stronger than before, and every time Nirvana is reborn, the strength is stronger than before!"

Devouring World of Warcraft said.

"Is it so good?"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this phoenix of the Phoenix clan fired so much.

"I finally won. By then I will be able to break through to the six colorful phoenixes, and then I will be worthy of the Virgin!"

Feng Yu's expression also seemed extremely excited at this time, muttering to herself.

At this moment in my mind are all Lin Feng's figure, and my expectations of it have reached a very deep level.

"Dragon Clan, now my Phoenix clan has won this competition. Dragon and Phoenix beads should be kept by my Phoenix clan!"

Feng Ya said looking at Long Zaitian.


The dragon nodded in the sky, and with a wave of his hand, a round bead appeared.

This bead presents two colors of golden vermilion, and a golden dragon and a flame phoenix are faintly visible in the bead.

The whole bead exudes dazzling dazzling glory, which contains a mysterious power.

Obviously, this is the dragon and phoenix bead that the Dragon and Phoenix clan take as their treasure.

The eyes of the two peoples who looked at the beads were glowing.

There was a pity in the eyes of the dragons.

As for the people of the Phoenix family, they were staring at the dragon and phoenix with a very excited look.

Immediately Feng Ya stretched out her hand to get the dragon and phoenix ball.

Just then, a horrifying devouring force was created.

Instantly the dragon and phoenix beads disappeared in the hands of the dragon in the sky.

The dragon's face changed in Tian and Fengya, his eyes swept away.

A man in a black robe appeared in Dragon Valley, at the moment he was holding the dragon and phoenix ball.

And behind this black robe man was a group of black robe men.

All of them are exuding the strength of the title above the master, and they are obviously the people who raised the dragon palace.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the people of the two groups of dragons and phoenixes were staring at these people with an angry look.

"Give up the dragon and phoenix beads, you **** group of people who raised the temple!"

Dragon in heaven looked at the group of people rising coldly, drinking coldly.

Feng Ya also looked at the group with a touch of anger.

"Dragon and phoenix beads, the dragon and phoenix family are precious, interesting!"

The man in the black robe looked at the beads in his hand, and a cold smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"If you want this bead, exchange it with the blood of your dragon people!"

The man in the black robe looked at the dragon in the cold road.

"court death!"

The dragon sang a cry in the cold, and his body burst out towards the other side.

Nether shock contorts, and endless energy bursts out.

The whole void seemed to be crushed.

boom! !! !!

Facing the horrible blow from the dragon in the sky, the man in the black robe also made a fist.

Blocked the dragon's fist, but his body was retreating.


Then the black robe man gave a cold drink, and the other nine black robe men burst out, both hands waving.

Suddenly, nine black chains were shot from all of them.

The nine black chains exploded and rushed towards the dragon like a dragon.

The nine black chains are marked by strange patterns, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

Suddenly, these nine black chains were wrapped around the dragon's body, restraining him all over his body.

boom! !! !!

The dragon's face changed, and a terrible momentum broke out on him.

But he couldn't get rid of the chain, and then he was about to change into a dragon.

But at this time the look of the dragon in the sky was startled, because he could not change into a dragon shape.

The nine black chains are shining with light, which is suppressing the dragon's power in the heavens, so that it cannot change into a dragon shape.

Seeing this, Long Zaitian's face changed continuously, and his eyes were full of shock.

The people of the Dragon and Phoenix people present were shocked in their eyes and couldn't believe this scene.

"These nine chains are weird!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at the nine chains that locked the dragon in his body, and his eyes were full of shock.

"It turned out to be a rare chain of dragons!"

Sky Devour exclaimed suddenly.

"Chain Dragon Chain?"

There was a look of surprise in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

"The chain of dragons was invented and created by a great refiner in ancient times."

"It is said that the refiner and the dragon clan at that time had strong hatred and grudges, but the dragon clan was very powerful at that time, and he could not fight the dragon clan who was strong in ancient times alone."

"Later, he spent countless hours refining the dragon chain. It is said that once the dragon chain locks the dragon people, he will not be able to change into a dragon body."

"A dragon's bloodline power will be completely restrained, and it will become a slaughtered existence."

"In the beginning, the refining master used this chain to kill many dragons, and the dragons were very angry about it, sending a lot of strong men to kill the refining master."

"It is to destroy all the dragon chains, just to prevent this powerful weapon restraining the dragons from leaking out and causing a crisis to the dragons."

"I just didn't expect that after such a long time, there was a chain of locks, but these nine chains should be just imitations of the real chain of locks."

"The real chain of dragons only needs one to lock down the dragons of the ninth level."

"Instead of nine dragon chains like now, we can lock a dragon who has not reached the existence of quasi-reincarnation ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ said Tianhua Warcraft.

After listening to the words of Devouring World of Warcraft.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with light watching the dragon in the sky in the sky and the person who raised the dragon hall.

"The dragon does not have to struggle in the sky. You are trapped by these nine chains of dragons. Even if you are extremely powerful, you can't break it off, and obey your blood."

"The blood of your dragon people can be the material for resurrecting our master. It is an honor for all of you dragon people, so you don't have to dying."

The man in the black robe watched the dragon yell in cold weather.

"Don't think of Long Zaitian, you have today!"

At this time, Long Qiu's figure appeared here, his eyes flashed with a cold look on the dragon in the sky.

"Well, it's not so easy to destroy my dragon!"

Dragon looked at the crowd with a cold look in Tian's eyes.

"The dragon is in the sky, let's die!"

Longqiu watched the dragon roar in Tiantian's eyes, his eyes flashed with Sen Leng's murderous power.

Rushing towards the dragon in the sky, one palm blasted out fiercely.

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