The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3185: With equal fanfare

"In this battle, it is still my dragon!"

Long Tian stepped out and said confidently.

And his injury was also recovered under the dragon's large amount of elixir.

At this moment he was wearing a suit of armor, a spirit of anger, and looked at the people of the Fenghuang family with a cold look.

"Longtian, before he hit, he was blown up, be careful he will be beaten!"

Fengyu looked at Long Tian with a sneer.

"Feng Yu, isn't it bragging, you'll know it later!"

Long Tian looked at Feng Yu coldly.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng came out and came to the patriarch of the Phoenix family and said:

"Excuse me, is there any Lin Feng in your family?"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, Feng Ya's face changed slightly and she said, "No."

"Master, isn't the maiden's name Lin Feng?"

Then Feng Ling behind Feng Ya said puzzledly.

Immediately, Feng Ya's face changed, and she suddenly said, "Phoenix spirit, don't make any noise!"

"Lin Feng, how is she now?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Feng Ya and asked in a deep voice, staring at each other with his eyes fixed.

"No comment!"

Feng Ya said indifferently.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a cold Hanmang staring at each other.

There was an icy killing all over him.

"Mr. Xiao!"

Then Dragon looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in the sky.

"Little wind restraint!"

Long Gan said to Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng stared at Fengya with a flash of expression and walked to the side.

Feng Ya, Feng Yu and Phoenix Ling glanced at Xiao Yifeng.

Soon the battle of dragons and phoenixes began.

With a dragon's body and a phoenix sounded.

An octagonal golden dragon with a length of thousands of feet and a phoenix with colorful wings and flames burning up into the sky, it is Longtian and Fengyu.

The two are an eight-pronged golden dragon and a colorful phoenix, both of which have the power to dominate the territory.

The two men fighting together were evenly matched, and went directly into a heated state.

Both of them exhibited their respective strengths and secret martial arts without any reservation.

All went to the winner of this battle.

Rumble! !! !!

A series of roaring explosions sounded in the void.

The entire void was exploded, and cracks appeared in space.

The void is filled with strong ripples of energy.

Both of these men have exploded into a battle power comparable to the title, which makes people trembling.

Each hit is enough to destroy a strong man who dominates the realm.

"Chief Feng, your son is very talented. He is a colorful phoenix at a young age, and it looks like he will soon enter the stage of six colorful phoenixes!"

Long Zai Tian looked at Feng Ya and said.

"The son of the dragon patriarch is not bad, it is already an eight-claw golden dragon, and the potential is huge!"

Feng Ya smiled slightly.

In an instant, half an hour passed, the two still didn't separate the winner.

However, the strength of both Longtian and Fengyu was declining rapidly.

After all, this high-intensity battle is very exhausting.

Dragon strikes the sky!

Suddenly the Dragon Sky yelled.

The huge dragon's body straightened violently, and turned into a sharp sword, generally hitting Fengyu fiercely.

Huh! !! !!

With this strike, the void was torn directly by Longtian's dragon body to create a huge space crack.

Wherever the straight dragon body passed, the void collapsed and shattered.

In this blow, Long Tianshi displayed all his powers, striving to score the winner with one blow.

Phoenix Fire Shield! !! !!

Then Feng Yu shouted, and the wings behind her shone with colorful flames.

This flame quickly condensed in front of it into a shield of fire, shining with colorful lights, and fiercely bombarded with Longtian's blow.

Boom boom! !! !!

A series of roaring explosions sounded.

The entire void was completely exploded, and the energy of the sky swept away.

Directly swallowed up both Feng Yu and Long Tian.

The expressions of the people of both the dragon and phoenix in the presence for a while became nervous.

Began to guess who the winner of the contest was.

Quickly wait for the ripples of energy to dissipate.

The figures of Feng Yu and Long Tian were revealed.

Huh! !! !!

The fire shield in front of Feng Yu disappeared, a spit of blood spewed out, and his body seemed to be badly hurt, and his face was pale.

The strength of this dragon is huge, but he is staring at Feng Yu:

"Feng Yu, you have been seriously injured, you lost!"

Hearing the words of Long Tian, ​​all the people of the Dragon race were excited and boiling.

Long smiled at the corner of Tian mouth.

As for the Feng people, they look a little ugly.

However, Feng Ya's complexion looked very calm, and she didn't feel like losing at all.

Feng Yu reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, watching Long Tian said:

"It's worthy of being the Chief of the Dragon Race, and the attack is really powerful, but unfortunately the person who lost today is not me, but you!"

"You have been seriously injured. Do you still have the ability to fight?"

Long Tian looked at Feng Yu's cold road.

"Nirvana is back!"

Feng Yu shouted violently, shaking his hands with a trick of the Phoenix family.

Suddenly there was a dazzling flame of flame on his body.

As the flame erupted, Feng Yu's original injury instantly recovered.

His strength instantly returned to its peak, just like Nirvana reborn.

Seeing this, the faces of all the dragons in the scene changed.

Long Tian's eyes were full of shock.

boom! !! !!

Feng Yu returned to her peak and burst out.

The punch that gathered the flames of the whole body blasted out fiercely towards Long Tian.

This dragon sky's complexion changed directly, quickly urging the strength in the body to resist.

But now he is almost exhausted.

In the face of Feng Yu's regaining his peak strength, he couldn't resist it with a full blow.

puff! !! !!

On the spot, the huge dragon's body was blown out by Feng Yu with a punch ~ ~ The whole person smashed to the ground and a blood spurted.

Long Tian turned into a human body, his face was pale and he was seriously injured.

And Feng Yu also turned into a human shape, and fell to the ground, looking down at Long Tian, ​​with a touch of indifference in his eyes, he said directly:

"you lose!"

Hearing Feng Yu's words, Long Tian's face looked extremely ugly, but he had to admit that he did lose.

The battle of dragons and phoenixes is over.

The final winner was Feng Yu, the chief of the Phoenix tribe.

This result made the faces of all the dragons look very ugly. I never expected that they would lose.

Dragon glanced at Fengya at Fengya and said:

"I did not expect that the nirvana banning technique of your Phoenix clan is so powerful. The convincing of our dragon clan is oral!"

"The Dragon Chief has passed the prize. It is pure luck for a child to win!"

Feng Ya said with a smile. Although she said so, the smile on her face was undisguised.

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