The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2995: Main city


Yuan Yuemo stepped forward and the two hugs directly.

"Have you moved the Zijin Chamber of Commerce headquarters to Dongzhou?"

Xiao Yifeng said watching Yuan Yanmo.

"I have this arrangement, but I haven't figured out the location of the new Zijin Chamber of Commerce headquarters. I plan to place the new headquarters in the holy city."

"After all, this is the place with the most traffic in Dongzhou. Just to get a chamber of commerce headquarters in the Holy City, you must have the consent of the city's main government. I found them several times and did not agree!"

Yuan Minmo said with some pity.

"City main house? Hehe?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"I'll take you to the city's mansion. I'll see who doesn't agree!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Is that bad? If you offend the main city, you will be in trouble!"

Yuan Zhengmo frowned.

"Be assured that there are no people in this world who I dare not offend!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Yuan Mimo with a slight smile, then he took Yuan Mimo and went to the city main house.

"Who are you?"

When outside the main city of the holy city, two guards of Nirvana Realm stopped in front of Xiao Yifeng and Yuan Mimo.

"Let your city lord's house come out, or let your city lord get me out!"

Xiao Yifeng said politely.


The two guards shouted.

boom! boom! !!

Then two dull voices sounded, these two guys were directly bombarded by Xiao Yifeng.

He led Yuan Qianmo into the main city of this holy city. ,

This is also the first time that the main city of the Holy City has been broken into.

Immediately, all the guards and strong men in the city's main government came out and surrounded Xiao Yifeng.

"Bold, who dares to break into the main city?"

At this time a loud drink of life and death came over, and then he came to Xiao Yifeng.

But when he saw Xiao Yifeng's figure, his face changed, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao ... Mr. Xiao!"

The strong man looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted respectfully, his forehead was sweating, apparently he knew Xiao Yifeng.

Few people in this holy city do not know, and they all know the horror of the first talent of this dragon list.

"Mr. Xiao came to the grand prize, please forgive me if you miss it!"

At this time, the figure of the deputy chief of the holy city appeared here, and looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"Nothing, I'm here today just to tell you something."

"I heard that my woman came to your city's main government and wanted a place in this holy city as a chamber of commerce headquarters, but you were rejected, so I took her to ask, is this the case?"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

The face of the deputy owner of this holy city changed, his eyes flickered, and he said directly, "This should be a misunderstanding. How can we do this, and want a place to be the headquarters of the chamber of commerce? This is easy to handle."

"I immediately arranged for someone to give up the largest and most luxurious building in the inner city of the Holy City as the headquarters of this chamber of commerce."

"Thank you so much!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

The Deputy Lord of the Holy City said respectfully.


Xiao Yifeng said something to Yuan Yimo, and the two left here directly.

The eyes of the vice-city lord of the holy city flickered constantly, and then came outside the palace where the lord of the holy city was located.

"City Lord!"

"I already know!"

Before the deputy city lord spoke, the voice of the holy city lord sounded.

"Look at the city master ..."

The pair of city masters said.

"Don't be against him for the time being. What he wants to do, just follow him!"

The cold voice of the Lord of the City came out.

"Yes, the Lord!"

The vice-city owner nodded and left here.

"The Lord of the Starry Sky, your calamity is far from over. The current glory does not mean that it will continue to glory in the future!"

A cold voice echoed through the palace.

At this time, Yuan Yimo looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of worship: "Are you so powerful, even the people in the main city's capital are so afraid of you?"

"Not afraid, they are called worship, worship handsome brother!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.


Yuan Zhengmo gave Xiao Yifeng a white look.

"problem occurs!"

When Xiao Yifeng returned to Lingmen, the drunk Jiao Niang looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"Jin Hao is gone!"

Drunk Jiao Niang said directly.

"Jin Hao is gone? Why is this happening?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

"He disappeared with his girlfriend Lihua. I don't know what happened?"

The mad beast said.

"Jin Hao was taken away by the Seven Killers!"

A low voice suddenly sounded.

This Jin Hao's grandfather Risha and the lonely old man returned.

"Daily kill seniors? What's going on? How could Jin Hao be taken away by the Seven Killers?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Risha.

"That Lihua was sent by the Seven Killing Dianyue Kill, just to take the opportunity to win Jin Hao, and then forced me to take them to the cave house left by the half step rebirth powerhouse."

"They have given me a letter asking me to go to Dongfu, the half-reincarnation powerhouse, and they will naturally bring Jin Hao by that time."

Risha said solemnly.

"This group of Seven Killers is really immortal!"

Xiao Yi spit out coldly, his eyes flashed with coldness.

"Since they want to go to Dongfu, the half-reincarnation powerhouse, I will satisfy their wishes!"

Risha spat coldly.

"I'll go with you, lest they start to fight you."

The lonely old man said.

"I am going too!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


Sun Yat nodded, he knew that Xiao Yifeng had a group of powerful men, and they were there. It would be easier to deal with the Six Kills of the Seven Kills Hall ~ ~ After an hour, Xiao Yifeng and Sun Yatse came to this half The Dongfu of the Reincarnation Realm is located.

Another hour passed, the Six Kills of the Seven Kills Temple and a group of strong killers of the Seven Kills Temple came here, of which there was naturally Jin Hao.

However, at this time Jin Hao was caught in the palm of the Seven Killing Temple, and his face looked very ugly.

Apparently they arranged for people to kill them all the time.


Looking at Jin Hao, Ri Xia shouted suddenly.

"Old man, haven't you brought us here already? Why is it so troublesome?"

This star killer looked at Ri killer with a sneer.

"Well, you guys are disregarding the sympathy in order to improve their strength, it is a shame to the Temple of Seven Kills!"

Ri Sha watched the other six kills drink coldly, his eyes flashed with cold cold mans.

"thank you!"

Goddess also said carelessly.

"No need to talk nonsense with them, kill them all!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

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