The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2994: Promise Holy Land

"It seems that we have to hurry up and prepare. This time Tianchi opens, we must train a few evildoers to come out!"

Another old man said Shen Sheng.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng and others were also surprised expression.

"Is it a lucky day today?"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"The new heyday of the ancient world is coming!"

"You have to work hard, be careful not to be compared with others."

The Lanyi people looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"If it doesn't exist, if you want to compare me, the chance is basically non-existent. It's just the ten rules of light. I believe I can."

Xiao Yifeng said confidently.

"By the way, God, how many laws of my past life have inspired the light?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tiansha and said.

He now wants to have the light of a few laws in his previous life. Judging from the strength of the Lord of Stars in his previous life, there should be ten.

"That one……"

Hearing the words of Xiao Yifeng, Tiansha and Wuliang mouth twitched, a little awkward.

"What's wrong? Just say it!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Master, your previous life has only broken the light of a rule to break through the dominion!"

Tiansha said.


"A light of law?"

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Yifeng stayed straight, and instantly felt a beating.

In his previous life, as the Lord of the Starry Sky, only one light of law came down? how can that be?

"It is indeed the light of a rule, but the master's strength later surpassed those who descended the light of the Eighty-Nine Laws and became the first strongest in the ancient world, the master of the starry sky!"

Tiansha looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded, although he only lowered the light of one rule.

But he did become the first star of the ancient world.

It seems that how much the light of this law drops does not necessarily represent his strength.

In a room of the Xuanyuan people, one of the eight ancient peoples.

The light of these ten laws came directly to Xuanyuan Hong.

Obviously, the second person who inspired the light of the Ten Principles was Xuanyuan Hong.

With the light of the Ten Principles coming into the body, Xuan Yuanhong burst into a dazzling golden light.

Terrible power erupted from him, a terrible divine power like Xuanyuanhong erupted, and the blood in his body began to turn golden.

Xuanyuan Sword hovered in front of Xuanyuan Hong, shining bright golden light.

The power emanating from this Xuanyuan Sword is also constantly rising. At this time, the ten-clawed dragon emerged from Xuanyuan Sword. Looking at Xuanyuan Hong at this moment, he nodded.

"Yes, don't let me force you to force Xuanyuan Sword to help you open up a small part of the imperial power!"

The ten-clawed dragon looked at Xuanyuan Hong and nodded.

At this time, Xuan Yuanhong's strength also skyrocketed directly from the dominating realm to the seventh dominating realm, and his body was filled with a terrible imperial power.

Like an emperor above nine days, part of the blood in his body shone with golden light, containing mysterious and terrible power, which is the power of the imperial vein.

Obviously, this Xuanyuan Hong also contains the legendary emperor's veins in the body, so it can lead to the advent of the ten laws.

Huh! !! !!

Soon Xuanyuanhong's eyes opened, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you for your help, I am so memorable!"

Xuan Yuanhong said looking at the ten-clawed dragon.

"It goes without saying, I help you and myself!"

Said the ten-clawed dragon.

"I'm going to see if Xiao Yifeng will be my opponent this time. I want to trample it on the ground and crush it."

Xuanyuan Hong's face was cold, and his eyes flashed with cold mang.

Obviously, his hatred of Xiao Yifeng is still very strong and has never dissipated.

"Don't think about revenge. You just broke through and the foundation is still unstable. The power of the Emperor's Veins has not yet been mastered. Let's settle down!"

The ten-clawed dragon looked at Xuanyuan Hong and said directly.

"Yes, I understand!"

Xuanyuan Hong nodded.

"Today is not only you, there is another person who led the light of the Ten Laws to come. I don't know who it is, you can't carelessly, there are some capable people in this ancient world!"

The ten-clawed dragon looked at Xuanyuan Hong and said.

"Is that the kid?"

Xuanyuan Hong hurriedly guessed that Xiao Yifeng had inspired the light of the ten rules.

"Whether it's you or not, I'll trample you under your feet, you wait!"

Xuanyuan Hong's face was gaunt, and his eyes shone with incomparable firmness.

Then Xuanyuan Hong continued to practice.

But in this Promise Sect, the Promise Sect is very angry now.

His second elder, the Promise, was killed, which made him very angry.

In particular, Xiao Yifeng killed the two elders, and his two sons were buried in the hands of the boy.

This is simply animosity and enmity, which makes the Promise Sovereign to be so resentful of Xiao Yifeng that he can't wait to cramp the other side.

But he knew that the boy was terrible, and even the temple and even Cangzong were destroyed in his hands.

With his infinite prowess, he will not be the opponent of the opponent at all.

"Sect, I'm afraid of trouble now!"

The elders of the Promise Sect looked solemnly at the Promise Sect.

Obviously all knew what happened in the holy mountain before.

Xiao Yifeng wiped out Cang and the Temple, and if they deal with their Promise, they will definitely not be able to resist it.

"What are you afraid of? Have you forgotten who the master behind us is?"

The Promise Sovereign hummed coldly, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"The Promise Holy Land?"

"Is the Promise Holy Land going to recover?"

The group of elders gazed at ~ ~ and said sharply.

The forces behind this Promise Sect are Promise Sacred Places, one of the five sacred places in ancient times.

But since the end of the ancient times, the Promise Holy Land has begun to be silent, no longer asking about anything from the outside world, and no communication with the outside world.

"Of course, now that the new heyday of the ancient world is coming, the five holy places will once again recover and rise. I have learned that the Promise Holy Place has also begun to recover."

"I'm going to contact the Promise Holy Place, and then I will have the help of this Promise Holy Place."

"I'd like to see what else the kid has to do. Even if he destroys the temple and Cangzong, he will still die. The power of the Holy Land is irresistible!"

The Promise Sovereign said confidently.

In front of the five holy grounds, any forces and individuals in the ancient world are not worth mentioning. The five holy places are the true hegemons of the ancient world.

Holy city, spirit gate.

Xiao Yifeng and others returned here, and watching the girls return, the daughters and others also seemed very happy.

"You Mo, here you are!"

Xiao Yifeng soon saw Yuan Mimo among the girls, and his expression seemed very happy.

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