"Red plum!"


At this time, Xiao Yifeng looked at Our Lady of Yaoshan, as if she saw Hongmei, she could not help talking.


Madam Yaoshan wanted to say something, then Xiao Yifeng suddenly stepped forward and hugged her.

"Wife, I want to die for you!"

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

He kissed Our Lady of Yaoshan directly, who whine but could not resist.

Xiao Yifeng hugged her with both hands, making her unable to resist at all.

Xiao Yifeng treated the Madonna of Yaoshan as a red plum under the effect of this medicine, and then the two fell on a stone bed in the cave.

Next ... (It is not suitable for children, make up your own brain!)

Time goes by and the moon sets.

A new day begins!

At this moment in the cave, the air was filled with a unique taste after the war.

On this stone bed, a man and a woman hugged and fell asleep.

The torn clothes were everywhere on the ground, showing the fierceness of the battle.

The men and women on this stone bed are Xiao Yifeng and Our Lady of Yaoshan.

I don't know how long, this Xiao Yifeng took the lead to wake up.

At this moment he blinked and felt his head faint.

He shook his head before waking up slightly, looking at the doubtful look in the cave: "I'm there!"

Xiao Yifeng said that he was about to get up, but he found that there was still a person on his body, and he turned sharply to look.

Instantly, Xiao Yifeng's expression was stagnant, and his expression of astonishment did not return for a long time.

"I'm going, what's going on here? Am I dreaming?"

Xiao Yifeng's mouth was so big that he said incredibly.

Lying on him at this moment turned out to be the magnificent Lady of Yaoshan.

And at this time the two of them were still embracing each other, apparently something indescribable happened.

He turned out to be with Our Lady of Yaoshan ...

This really made Xiao Yifeng aggressive.

"Boy, you haven't dreamed, you are really awesome to sleep this Mother of Yaoshan!"

Long Gan said.

"How could this be?"

Xiao Yifeng felt like he was going to explode.

"Master, you both got that He Huanxiang, that's why this happened. I don't blame you!"

Xiao Xing said at this moment.

Xiao Yifeng suddenly remembered the words of Xiao Xingxing.

Before, he and the Holy Mother of Yaoshan came here to save Chi Yao, and then they smelled a strange aroma.

Our Lady of Yaoshan said it was He Huanxiang.

Then he seemed to see Hongmei appear, and then ...

"I wouldn't think of this Lady of Yaoshan as a red plum?"

Xiao Yifeng muttered secretly in his heart.

At this moment, his face was awkward, and he had no idea how to deal with the matter at hand.

At this moment, the Mother of Yaoshan made a snoring sound and slowly came to her senses.

"Where am I?"

The eyes of Our Lady of Yaoshan opened, a look of confusion flashed in her eyes.

"How are you here?"

The sight of Our Lady of Yaoshan saw Xiao Yifeng next to her, and her expression froze.


Xiao Yifeng looked at Our Lady of Yaoshan and had no idea what to say.

what! !! !!

Suddenly the mother of Yaoshan saw her and Xiao Yifeng's situation at this moment, her face changed instantly and she could not help screaming.

At this moment, Madame Yaoshan looked at herself and Xiao Yifeng's body chiguo lying here, and there was a burst of pain in the lower body.

The whole person was directly aggressive, and her brain suddenly stopped. It took half a quarter of an hour for her to react.

"How is this going?"

The face of Our Lady of Yaoshan sank, and a look of anger and coldness flashed in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, and a terrible breath burst from her body.

"Don't be excited, we hit that He Huanxiang before, so this happened, sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Xiao Yifeng said a bit embarrassed.

Although the responsibility for this matter is not all on him, he is a man, and if such a thing happens, he will naturally bear the main responsibility.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, this Lady of Yaoshan suddenly remembered what happened before, her face sank.

"It's all my ghost!"

With a solemn expression on the face of Our Lady of Yaoshan, his face looked extremely ugly.

"Yes, it should be her ghost!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"That one……"

Xiao Yifeng then looked at what Madam Yaoshan wanted to say, and the other party spoke first.

"You go down first!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan said directly.

Xiao Yifeng got up and walked under the stone bed, but at this moment he found a bright red plum pattern on the stone bed, and his expression immediately condensed when he saw the pattern.

"Are you still okay?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this Madonna of Yaoshan with a look of amazement.

He had previously seen that the Lady of Yaoshan had two daughters, and thought that the other party was already a wife, although he did not see the other's husband.

But now this pool of blood proves that the Holy Mother of Yaoshan has always been pure, but was finally broken by him.

This made Xiao Yifeng's heart very shocked, and at the same time a sense of guilt came into his mind.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, Our Lady of Yaoshan's face flushed, a shy expression flashed in her eyes, and her face was crimson.

"Of course, my good sister is still pure herself, but she always claims to be Bingqingyujie, a noble and cold presence!"

Just then a cold voice sounded.

Then the woman in black walking away from Chi Yao appeared here.

At this moment, the woman in black looked at Xiao Yifeng and Our Lady of Yaoshan with a playful expression.

"Xinlian you ... you're so shameless, why did you do such a thing?"

Our Lady Yaoshan looked at the woman in black and yelled.

"Well, you told me and other men in secret in front of the Master. Collusion ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ hurt me and I was expelled from the Master of Yaoshan, wasn't it shameless?"

The woman in black looked at Madam Yaoshan drinking coldly, her eyes full of anger.

"I just do not want you to be deceived, and at the same time affect the cultivation, it does not mean that you are expelled from the division."

"You were expelled from the school entirely because you didn't know how to repent, so Master did it!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan looked at her sister and sister and vomited.

"Hum, don't tell me these fake words, you just want to be your mother of Yaoshan, so you will do it."

"You always think that you are pure and clean, and you don't let any man touch your body. Even your two so-called daughters are just brought up from other people's hands. They are not biological."

"I have always wanted you to learn a lesson, so that Bing Qingyu's body that you care about is completely defiled, so I took the opportunity to seduce you here."

"I was looking for other men to feel the taste of our Lady of Yaoshan. I didn't expect you two to come here directly to a wonderful show."

"It saves me a lot of work. My good sister, how does a man feel?"

The woman in black looked at the cold and smug smile of Our Lady of Yaoshan.

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