The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2938: Chi Yao was captive

Watching Chi Yao drinking this bowl of soup himself, the corner of Chi Xue's mouth sketched a cold smile, and a faint look flashed in his eyes.

"OK now!"

After drinking the soup, Chi Yao said looking at Chi Xue.

"All right, my sister is resting first!"

Chi Xue smiled sweetly and left the room holding the soup bowl.

Then Chi Yao returned to bed and was about to practice.

As a result, she found that she was so soft that she could not lift up any strength, and her spiritual power could not work.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chi Yao's expression was puzzled, a look of perplexity.

"So hot!"

Chi Yao suddenly felt that his body was beginning to get hot, his face was hot, and his mind was a little unconscious.

It was as if a fire had burst into her body, burning her body, making her unable to help but want to take off her clothes.

Crunch! !! !!

Suddenly the door of Chi Yao's room was opened.

A middle-aged man, thirty years old and thirty years old, with a dirty face, like a beggar, came in with a foul smell.

At the moment when this beggar-like man saw this Chi Yao.

Suddenly, there was a thick greed in his murky eyes, and he came over uncontrollably.

"Who are you? Why did you show up in my room? Get out of here!"

Chi Yao watched the beggar man appear, frowning, and said softly, looking weak and weak.

"Sure enough, she is a great beauty. It is indeed the first beauty in the Western Regions. Such a beauty would give me a night's sleep, and I would have no regrets even if I was dead!"

The beggar man looked at Chi Yao with a look of admiration in his eyes and murmured to himself.

One hand could not help but stretch out towards Chi Yao.

"No, don't touch me, you go out!"

At the moment, Chi Yao's face was flushed, his eyes were confused, and he wanted to take a shot, but he was soft and had no strength.

At this time, she was like a little sheep, and she could only let this beggar man wanton her like a wolf.

Outside this room, Chi Xue had a cold smile on his face, and his cold coldness flashed in his eyes.

"My dear sister, don't you want a man to break down and save his life, then my sister will complete you and help you find a man over here."

Chi Xue sneered.

"Until tomorrow all disciples of Yaoshan will know the dignified Yaoshan holy daughter, the first beauty of the Western Regions and a lowly beggar, I don't know what kind of expression it will be, I believe it will be fun at that time!"

Chi Xue showed a venomous glare of Yin and Yin, giving a chilling feeling.

Obviously, all this was planned by her, and she deliberately gave Chi Yao medicine.

Then I found a beggar to start with Chi Yao. She just wanted to completely destroy her good sister.

She wants to make this first beauty that the entire Western Region man likes to be a cheap and dirty woman who all the Western Region men detest and despise.

Just then, a woman in black suddenly appeared.

"who are you?"

Chi Xue looked at the woman and said.

As soon as the woman in black waved her hand, Chi Xue collapsed to the ground.

The woman in black rushed into the room and soon brought Chi Yao out, but at this time Chi Yao had passed out.

"My good sister, I'll take your baby girl first."

Immediately afterwards, a somber laughter spread throughout Yaoshan, and it even alarmed the Holy Mother of Yaoshan.

"not good!"

The virgin Yaoshan who was practicing opened her eyes, her face changed, and she rushed out.

boom! !! !!

At the same time that the woman in black appeared, the cave door of Xiao Yifeng's prison suddenly heard a roar.

The stone gate that can be broken by the Supreme Master shattered directly, and Xiao Yifeng came out.

"Just a stone gate wants to trap me, ignorance!"

Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the voice that spread throughout Yaoshan also passed into Xiao Yifeng's ears.

He suddenly opened the perspective and scanned the past, and saw a woman in black carrying a woman and quickly left Yaoshan.

And the captive woman was Chi Yao, and then he saw the Virgin Mary chasing out.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng had no time to think about it, urging all the forces to chase it out, even Tiansha didn't have time to inform.

In this way, Xiao Yifeng and Our Lady of Yaoshan chased the woman in black and left Yaoshan, chasing all the way.

However, the opponent's strength is very strong, and the speed is also very fast. Rao is Xiao Yifeng urging the space force to catch up with the opponent for a while.

"How did you come?"

The mother of Yaoshan was shocked to see Xiao Yifeng catching up.

"I saw someone robbed Chi Yao, so I chased it!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Thank you!"

Thanks to Our Lady of Yaoshan.

"No need to say these kind words, it's important to save Chi Yao girl first!"

Xiao Yifeng said that the two of them followed each other and stepped into a mountain range, then crossed the mountains and reached a canyon.

There was a dark and dim cave here, and the two of them went straight in.

"Virgin, who is that woman who hid Chi Yao?"

Xiao Yifeng asked as he walked.

"She is my sister Xinlian!"

Said Our Lady of Yaoshan.

"Your sister? Then why took your daughter?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"These things are complicated. Find Yao Yao first. I'm going to talk to you!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan said in a deep voice.

Soon they went into the cave hundreds of meters, and then came into a cave, but there was nothing here.

"How about people, why are they missing?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned, and was about to open his eyes to investigate.

Suddenly a unique fragrance permeated the interior of the cave.

This fragrance quickly poured into the noses of Xiao Yifeng and Our Lady of Yaoshan ~ ~ What is this? "

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"No, it's He Huanxiang!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan blinked and said suddenly.

"He Huanxiang? What?"

Xiao Yifeng was puzzled.

"That's what it takes to get inhaled!"

Our Lady of Yaoshan said, her face was a little red, as if she was a little shy.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's complexion changed, and he realized that it was such a thing.

At this point Xiao Yifeng's body had quickly heated, and a raging fire broke out in his body.

The fire burned his body and will, making his mind a little stupefied.

This medicine is so terrible that even Xiao Yifeng was on the road, unable to control himself for a while.

The medicinal effect of the Yaoshan Madonna was also a direct attack, her face flushed.

Even though she is the strong one who dominates the territory, she cannot resist it.

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