The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2910: Mysterious Zhao Mengjie

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng's eyes turned to Zhao Mengjie, who was still restrained by Tian Luosuo, and his expression had returned to apathy.

Xiao Yifeng was running endlessly and had recovered a small part of his strength. He came to Zhao Mengjie.

"Now your father is gone, do you want a tough posture?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Zhao Mengjie coldly.

"He's not qualified to be my father!"

Zhao Mengjie dismissed.


After hearing Zhao Mengjie's words, Xiao Yifeng frowned slightly, and glanced at Zhao Mengjie: "Aren't you his daughter?"

"That's just a cover!"

Zhao Mengjie said coldly.

"No matter what your identity is with him? In the face of you being a woman, I don't kill you, give up my things, I can let you go!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Zhao Mengjie coldly.

"Only you, want to kill me?"

Zhao Mengjie looked arrogant and looked at Xiao Yifeng with disdain.

"You woman are really under-trained. It seems that if I don't give you some strength, you don't know how I am Xiao Yifeng!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were cold, and he looked at Zhao Mengjie's expression and gesture.

He had an inexplicable resentment, and a anger filled his heart, this woman really did not know what to do.


Suddenly a sound of ripped clothes sounded.

Xiao Yifeng waved a piece of Zhao Mengjie's clothes.

Suddenly a white skin appeared in front of her eyes, white and dazzling.

Zhao Mengjie's face changed on the spot, his eyes were frozen, and he was full of cold light and anger staring at Xiao Yifeng.

"How dare you be rude to me?"

Zhao Mengjie looked at Xiao Yifeng and scolded.

"I said that you are a woman who lacks training. It's all this time, and you look like Tianwang Laozi."

"Do you really think I won't attack a woman? I won't kill you, but I can make life feel worse."

"If you don't hand over my things again, I'll strip all your clothes."

"Let me subordinates appreciate and appreciate your wonderful body, maybe they have aroused their interest and can help you break your body!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Zhao Mengjie with a playful smile.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Zhao Mengjie stared at Xiao Yifeng with a gaze, chanting word by word, exuding terrible murderous power.

"Sorry, you still want to kill me, but now you are going to die or you are going to be wiped out by me!"

Xiao Yifeng said, and waved with one hand again, tearing apart Zhao Mengjie's clothes again.

This time, his proud peak was exposed, and a golden underwear inside it was difficult to cover the proud tall.

As for Zhao Mengjie's complexion was extremely gloomy.

A pair of eyes filled with thick hate, anxious to look at Xiao Yifeng's skin.

However, Xiao Yifeng didn't care at all, and tore his opponent's clothes when he waved again.

"Okay, I give it!"

Zhao Mengjie finally could not help but say.

"That's right, women still have to be obedient, don't be too embarrassed, or you will only lose yourself!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"I'm tied to this thing, how can I give it?"

Zhao Mengjie spat coldly.

"I'll release it for you now, but you better not play tricks, so many of us, you can't run away!"

Xiao Yi was chilly, the beast god, and the Xuan Army all released a terrible air machine covering Zhao Mengjie to prevent her from doing anything.

Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, and Tian Luosuo returned to his hand.

Zhao Mengjie's body was loosened, and a sharp cold mang flashed in his eyes watching Xiao Yifeng.

With a wave of her hand, Xiao Yifeng's pile of babies appeared in front of him.

Xiao Yifeng directly included the ban on yin and yang, sky fire, weapons and other things into his body.

"And that dragon soul!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

Zhao Mengjie waved his hand again, and a group of golden dragon souls appeared.

"I'm going, your kid is not dead yet?"

When Long Gan saw Xiao Yifeng, he looked very surprised.

"Senior, what you said, I managed to save you, but you are looking forward to my death!"

Xiao Yifeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the dragon with a very injured expression.

"Well, cough, I'm just a little bit surprised. Your kid's soul and body were destroyed before. I thought you would die."

"I didn't expect you to stand here intact again, worthy of being the master of the sky, I served!"

Long Gan sighed.

"The Lord of the Stars, you wait for me, and Zhao Mengjie will not let you go."

"I will come to the ancient world again in the next day, set foot in this world, and crush you to death and death, to repay your shame for me today!"

At this moment, Zhao Mengjie watched Xiao Yifeng's voice cold and filled with endless hatred.

Immediately afterwards, a golden jade pendant appeared in Zhao Mengjie's hands. She whispered in her mouth, and waved her finger at it.

An energy pours into the jade pendant, and the golden jade pendant suddenly shines a divine dazzling light.

This light directly enveloped Zhao Mengjie.

The next second, Zhao Mengjie's body disappeared in place, disappearing without a trace.

"Transfer array!"

Xiao Yifeng saw this scene, his eyes condensed, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

The piece of jade pendant in Zhao Mengjie's hand has a space teleport array, and it is not an ordinary space teleport array.

It exudes the same breath as the teleportation array of the four races he saw in Shura heaven before.

Obviously this is a World Teleportation Array, which can be teleported out of this world.

And this teleportation array was arranged in a small jade.

It also represents the power of this teleportation array ~ ~ This is a hundred times more difficult than directly arranging the teleportation array.

It is absolutely a terrible array mage who can arrange such a teleportation array, which is absolutely beyond Xiao Yifeng's current imagination.

At least it is the Holy Array Master who can arrange such a space teleport array.

Level divisions above the ninth level array mage and the level divisions above the ninth level alchemy division are the same.

They are king, emperor, honor, sacred, and the strongest emperor.

This Zhao Mengjie even had such a teleportation array, plus his disdainful expression when he said that the Lord of the Temple was not worthy of being his father.

This made Xiao Yifeng realize that Zhao Mengjie's identity is more mysterious and larger than the Lord of the Temple.

According to Xiao Yifeng's speculation, this Zhao Mengjie should not be from the ancient world, perhaps from another world.

"Master, this woman is not easy!"

Xuan Jun said looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"It's not easy, but maybe there will be a chance to meet in the future. Isn't she going to the ancient world to find me revenge? I'm waiting for her. I'll definitely train her next time!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

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