The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2909: Starry sky suppression

"The power of the Lord of the Starry Sky is not what you can imagine!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Star map, suppress me!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were frozen, he slammed violently, and waved his hands. He spewed a spit of blood and drew a **** spell in the air.

This blood-colored spell created by the essence of Xiao Yifeng rushed into the starry sky above the void.


Suddenly, the starry sky trembled fiercely, making a harsh roar.

The light in this starry sky changed, and countless stars emerged, forming a cosmic starry sky.

At this moment, the starry sky erupted in a terrible atmosphere, as if the power of the entire universe was gathered in it.

In this terrible atmosphere, all people in the temple except Xiao Yifeng Xuan Jun and Zhao Mengjie.

The rest of the people, including the strong in the half-step reincarnation, spewed blood, kneeled on the ground, with a look of fear.

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment, the stars in the starry sky are full of stars, and the power of the starry sky bursts out, suppressing directly towards this palace.

With the suppression of the starry sky, it is like the starry sky of the entire universe.

How horrifying the power of the cosmic starry sky is, no one can imagine.

And this starry sky chart seems to contain the power of the cosmic starry sky to suppress this palace.

Boom boom! !! !!

Boom boom! !! !!

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the whole world was filled with deafening roar.

The endless roar seemed to pierce the eardrums of everyone.

All the people within a mile of the heart were shocked at this moment, and the eardrums were all shaken with blood, and there was a buzzing sound, as if deaf.

The endless energy waves instantly cover the entire temple and the entire sacred mountain like the flood of a dike.

The terrible energy shock wave is soaring into the sky, forming a huge energy mushroom cloud above the sky.

This mushroom cloud is even shining with the light of the stars, just like the star mushroom cloud, shaking the strong in the ancient world.

At this moment, the strong men in Dongzhou are all stunned at this moment, with a sense of inexplicable fear.

As if something terrible existed.

At this moment, the hidden powers of all parties in the ancient world were shaken, including the Nine Heavens.

In the Ninth Heaven, the old monsters who wanted to kill Xiao Yifeng felt an invisible power at this moment, and their hearts were all in a panic, and once again they produced a bit of panic.

This feeling they only had when they faced the Lord of the Starry Sky in the ancient times, and now it has arisen again.

"Did the Lord of the Stars wake up completely?"

The old monsters speculated inwardly.

At the same time, the heart of Xiao Yifeng's killing heart is more firm, this star of the sky is really terrible.

If he truly awakens and awakens the strength of previous lives, no one in the entire ancient world can stop him.

And in this holy mountain, as Xiao Yifeng manipulated the sky map to suppress it.

The palace in which the statue of the Lord of the Temple was placed was instantly reduced to ashes.

Even the building that took the entire temple was instantly reduced to ashes.

The whole sacred mountain shivered fiercely, and there was a feeling of cracking.

The members of the temple were either destroyed by energy or directly wounded.

Xiao Yifeng even spewed blood, and shivered, almost kneeling on the ground.

Fortunately, Xuan Jun helped him in time, he directly operated the endless technique.

This trick is a very terrifying taboo technique in his previous life, which Xiao Yifeng broke through life and death and awakened his memory.

It can erupt very terrible power, but this is very huge for its own consumption.

If it were not for Xiao Yifeng's inexhaustible healing and recovery method, he would not dare to show this trick.

Otherwise, he would be seriously injured by this trick, and I am afraid he will not recover in a few months.

The starry sky map is the most powerful treasure in his previous life, and it also contains huge secrets.

Even in his previous life, he did not know, but he knew that his previous life relied on the star map to become the master of the sky.

This starry sky chart is also a very scary attack weapon.

The power contained in it is that even the Lord of the Stars in his previous life felt a little bit of horror,

At this moment, Zhao Mengjie looked at the scene in front of her eyes, her eyes were frozen, her face was sober, her eyes were shocked and surprised.

Soon the starry sky map returned to Xiao Yifeng's body.

The temple in front of it was in ruins, including the temple that heard the voice of the Lord of the temple.

"Damn guy, I didn't expect you to have this trick. You waited for me. I will be back. When I come back, it will be the day of your death!"

At this time the hoarse and cold voice of the Lord of the Temple blew again in the holy mountain, and then disappeared without a trace.

There is no trace of the Lord of the Temple in this holy mountain.

"How can't I find anyone?"

At this time, the Xuan Army opened the spiritual knowledge investigation, and it was impossible to find the trace of the Lord of the Temple.

"His body is not here, it's just his incarnation!"

Xiao Yifeng coughed a few times.


Xuan Jun's expression was frozen, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It's hard to imagine how powerful a deity can be.

Fortunately, the Lord of this temple is just a soul incarnate here.

Otherwise, even if Xiao Yifeng's current state of affairs has fought this old life, all the tricks can't compete with it.

After all, the opponent is a character that even the Lord of the Stars in the past has been difficult to deal with.

It is just that the Lord of the Temple is there, but Xiao Yifeng is unknown.

But if the other party returns, he must not be able to cope with his current strength. It seems that he must restore his strength as soon as possible.

"the host!"

At that moment, the figures of beast **** and others appeared here.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng, they were all excited and rushed directly.

"Xuan Jun, you appeared too!"

When Tiansha saw Xuan Jun ~ ~ he said with a look of surprise.

"Heaven, long time no see!"

Xuan Jun looked at Tiansha and said.

"Master, are you okay?"

The beast **** looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I'm fine. I worry you."

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

"This temple?"

Tiansha looked at the temple, which turned into a ruin, with a look of stagnation, eyes full of surprise.

"The temple is gone, everyone else is killed!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.


Tiansha, Beast God, Hei Qi nodded.

Immediately, they all rushed towards the remaining strongmen in the temple and launched a **** killing.

Because of Xiao Yifeng's incident, Tiansha's hearts were full of deep anger, so the shot was extremely fierce at this time, and there was no mercy at all.

Coupled with the two super masters of the beast **** and the mysterious army, this temple strong can't resist their killing.

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