Lin Feng said, remembering her first meeting with Xiao Yifeng in her mind.

The other side shot her to help her, and later the scenes and scenes that helped her calm down the turmoil in Miao Village, Lin Feng's mouth unconsciously revealed a sweet smile.

Seeing the sweet smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

Feng Yu's expression looked very gloomy and ugly, his fists clenched uncontrollably, and a flame of anger was surging inside.

"Master, who is the one you like, and where is he now?"

Feng Yu said directly.

"I won't say this. Maybe we have no chance to meet again in this life."

Lin Feng said lightly, and left here directly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Feng Ling looked at Feng Yu.

"Damn, who is it that can make the divine six-colored Phoenix like him? I must find out this guy and prove it to the saint. I am the man she should like best!"

Feng Yu's face was cold, her eyes flashed with coldness, and she drank coldly.

"Brother, don't do this, it's not good!"

Feng Ling said looking at this Feng Yu.


Feng Yu snorted and left here.

In the hall of the Phoenix clan, Feng Ya, the chief of the Phoenix clan, sat here, and Feng Yu came to him.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Feng Yu said looking at Feng Ya.

"You went to the maiden again!"

Feng Ya said.


Feng Yu nodded.

"Yuer, do you fall in love with Madame Saint?"

Feng Ya said.

"Yes, my mother, I loved the maiden the first time I saw it."

Feng Yu admitted.

"You like the maiden. This is a good thing. You are my son and the young master of the Phoenix family. If I can be with the maiden, I am naturally the most willing to see it."

"But you should know that this maiden is a six-colored phoenix, and her ancestors took her seriously."

"If you want to be with the virgin, you must work hard to improve your strength, prove yourself, and even break through the six-colored Phoenix to make this possible."

Feng Ya said in a deep voice.

"My mother, I will work hard to improve myself."

Feng Yu groaned.

"I heard that the heir of the patriarch of the Longgu generation, Long Tian, ​​is now a seven-clawed golden dragon, and is about to break through to the eight-clawed golden dragon. Talent is rare in the entire Longgu."

"If you want to prove yourself, you must defeat it. At that time, I will take this opportunity to discuss with you elders to help you perform the baptism of the blood. It will not be impossible for you to break through and become a six-colored Phoenix."

Feng Ya looked at Feng Yu and said.

"Longtian ... I see!"

Feng Yu murmured to himself, a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Work hard, then the maiden is yours!"

Feng Ya said lightly.


The ancient world, the southern wasteland.

One of the three great kingdoms of the Southern Wilderness, Black Stone.

In the main hall of the Black Stone Kingdom, Lin Jun, the head of the Black Stone Kingdom, knelt on the ground and sat in front of him with an old man.

The old man must have a white eyebrow, wearing a robe and a pair of immortal bones, as if he is a master, exuding a mighty power.

He is a strong man who dominates the realm, and a super strong man who dominates the realm, and his strength has reached five levels of dominance.

"Meet your ancestors!"

At this moment Lin Jun looked at the old man with a respectful cry.

This old man is an ancestor of the Royal Family of the Black Stone Kingdom, and also the head of the previous generations of the Black Stone Kingdom.

It's just that he has been missing for thousands of years, but he did not expect that he suddenly appeared here today. Even Lin Xi was a little surprised and unexpected.

"How is Blackstone now?"

This ancestor groaned.

Lin Jun said things briefly.

"Who is Blackstone's current prince? Let me see!"

The ancestor said.

"I'm sorry, my child, he has been retreating and practicing, I'm afraid he can't see his ancestor!"

Lin Jun said.

"Do you work so hard?"

The ancestor was surprised.

"It is really……"

Lin Jun's eyes flickered, and then he talked about the grievances between Lin Xi and Fengyun Kingdom, focusing on the suppression of Blackstone by this Fengyun Country.

"Well, the people in this country are so brave, they dare to humiliate my Prince Blackstone so much, and openly grab people in the royal territory of my country. Is this when I am no one in Blackstone?"

The ancestor slammed the seat, yelled angrily, and a terror of power broke out on his body.

The air in the whole hall was frozen on the spot. This Lin Jun was pale and short of breath, and felt a kind of suffocation at any time.

Looking at the expression of Lin Jun, the ancestor suddenly recovered this momentum, and then looked at Lin Jun and said:

"I wasn't here before. When this country of black and white was my black stone country, no one was there. This time, I will definitely help the country of black stone. Since Fengyun country dare to offend my country of black stone, there is no need to exist.

"Thank you, ancestor!"

Hearing the words of the ancestor, Lin Jun smiled and said, kneeling on the ground.

At the same time, there are several old generations who have disappeared for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years from their ancestors.

These powerhouses are the powerhouses who dominated their ancestors thousands of years ago or even tens of thousands of years ago.

But now they suddenly returned, and surprised these gates.

After the return of these missing Zongmen strongmen, their strength is also a lot stronger than it was at the beginning.

This made Xiao Huofeng, who had become so desolate, had become a little decadent, and seemed to have been injected into an energizer, and once again became strong and confident.

It's just that no one knows where these strong men who had disappeared for so long and suddenly returned before they went there, now how can they suddenly come back.

In the royal family of this country ~ ~ Yun Feiyang sat in this hall, his brows froze, his face thoughtful.

At this moment, Yun Tianxiao walked in, watching this cloud flying, and said, "What happened to your ancestor?"

"I suddenly felt uneasy, as if something was going to happen, and it was still very bad for our country."

Yun Feiyang groaned.

"How come? If you are an old ancestor of Fengyun, who is in the town, who can threaten us? I am afraid that you are thinking too much!"

Yun Tianxiao looked at Yun Feiyang and said.

"Hopefully I think too much!"

Yun Feiyang said with a frown.

In the capital of Fengyun Kingdom, a restaurant is facing the direction of the royal family.

A figure with a hat and wearing a black robe sat here, and a pair of eyes stared at the location of the royal house through Sen Leng's eyes.

The face under this hat is a face that Xiao Yifeng and Yun Tianxiao are very familiar with.

It was Prince Fengchen of the former Fengyun Country, the guy who was let go by Yun Tianxiao.

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