The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2696: Lin Feng's Miss

This movement soon shocked many disciples in Shenjian Mountain.

The figures of Luo Qianyu, Jiang Mengyuan, and the major sword masters all appeared here. Looking at the scene in front of them, their eyes were shocked.

I saw the sword cloud sitting there, slowly lifted off, the sword air around the body formed a sword air cover, tearing all the void around.

A sword that stunned heaven and earth erupted from him, so that the disciples under Shenjianshan's life and death had an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Under the sword of Jianyun, they felt that their sword was completely suppressed and could not be displayed.

All were suppressed, which shocked everyone and looked at Jianyun in the void.

It is possible to suppress other people ’s swordsmanship by swordsmanship alone. Such strength is so horrible!

At this moment, the body of the Tianjian, the master of the Sword Mountain, appeared here. When he saw the situation of the sword cloud, there was a strange color flashing in his eyes.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, there was a roar of noise from the mountain peaks listed as the restricted area at the end of Shenjian Mountain.

Bursting sounds of swords rang out from the mountain, as if thousands of sharp swords were trembling.

"Not good, it's Kensuka!"

The elder sword masters saw the abnormal noise coming from that mountain peak, their expressions changed, and their eyes were full of shock.

That mountain peak is where the Sword Mountain of the Forbidden Land of the Excalibur Mountain lies, and it is the most secret and precious place of the Excalibur Mountain.

It contains the magic swords used by the entire Excalibur mountain from its inception to the present.

There are also Kendo uprights and comprehension left by the ancestors of Shenjian Mountain, all of which are in this sword mound.

Usually, this sword mound does not allow anyone to approach it. I did not expect that today the sword mound even spread a change.

At this moment, Jianyun's whole person turned into a sword and headed towards that sword mound.

Seeing this, Tibetan Tianyun and the elders of the major sword masters all looked at each other and rushed forward.

Outside of the mountain where the sword mound is located, Jian Yun's body appeared here.

At this time, the gate of Jianzhu, which could only be opened by the Lord of the Excalibur, opened automatically.

Then Jianyun entered, and the gate of the sword mound was closed again.

"Master, this ..."

Seeing Jianyun go directly into the most secret sword mound in Shenjian Mountain.

The looks of the major sword masters and elders were all changed, and their eyes were all turned to this hidden sky.

"He can provoke a change in this sword mound, and even open the gate of the sword mound for him. This should be the fate between him and the sword mound."

"He is a real kendo genius, and you saw that scene just now. This time he entered the sword mound. Maybe it will bring us a surprise. Don't worry, take a look.

Zang Tianyun's eyes flickered with fascination, and he said lightly.

Somewhere in Dongzhou, a dazzling light of flame rose into the sky.

The area was suddenly flooded with hot flames, and above the sky, a dazzling fiery red beam appeared.

As if descending from the cosmic star sky, rushed directly into the flame, and a mysterious Taoyun filled.

"Congratulations to Master Shao for shaping the successful way of fire, and he will surely be able to return to the Temple of Fire and revive the reputation of the Temple of Fire!"

There were sounds of shouting in unison. In the endless flame center, there was a flame mountain, and there was a large flame of flame.

The temperature of this flame melt is enough to melt away the strongest in life and death.

At this time, there was a figure circling in this molten material, which was the mysterious young man who had previously captured Xiao Yifeng's red flame fruit.

Today, the flames are completely different from before, and the whole body has completely changed.

He has successfully shaped the way of fire, and his strength is completely different from before.

At this moment, the flames seemed to be fused with this large piece of molten flame.

He is the flame smelt, and the flame smelt is him, without any distinction between them.

A very terrifying force is being born inside it.

In this Qinglong city's Qing family, Qing Tianlong stood outside a dense room. At this moment, the door of the secret room opened and a figure came out. It was the Qing family owner Qing Aotian.

"Father, what did my ancestor say?"

Qing Tianlong asked quickly.

"The ancestor has promised to let you in, he will help you to improve your strength and open the blood of Qinglong in your body!"

Qing Aotian said in a deep voice.

"Really? Great!"

The Qing Tianlong said excitedly, his eyes filled with excitement.

"And the ancestor said that in less than a month, he will be out of customs. By then, Xuanwu City, Suzaku City, White Tiger City, these three cities will be controlled by our young family."

"Our green family will unify the four cities, and the other three will only surrender to my green family."

"Don't you like that Zhu Sitong, she will be yours by then, and you can do whatever you want."

Qing Aotian said.

"Zhu Sitong, after all, you still have to fall into the hands of my blue sky dragon, and I will make you deeply regret what you have done before."

"And that kid, unfortunately, he died prematurely, and I didn't let you die in my hands. What a pity!"

The blue sky dragon murmured to himself, his eyes flashed with light.

Ancient World, Phoenix Mountain.

On a peak of Fenghuang Mountain, Lin Feng stood here and looked into the distance, and the whole person fell into some kind of contemplation.

At this time, two young figures came to the back of this Lin Feng, a pair of sons and daughters Feng Yu and Feng Ling of the Phoenix clan chief.

"Meet your lady!"

The two men shouted respectfully behind Lin Feng.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Feng turned around and turned to watch the two men talking.

Feng Yu looked at Lin Feng with a diligent look, and said quickly: "Sir, my sister and I saw you standing here alone, thinking that you have something to do. ~ ~ Look at the appearance of the maiden, it seems that there is something in mind, I wonder if you can talk to us. "

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about it alone!"

Lin Feng said.

"Want to be alone? Man?"

When Feng Yu heard Lin Feng's words, her face changed slightly and she said suddenly.


Lin Feng looked to the sky and nodded.

"Master, is that man the one you like?"

This Phoenix spirit also asked.

"Yes, he is the only man I have ever loved in my life, but unfortunately I cannot meet him now."

Lin Feng said softly, her eyes full of sorrow and sadness.

When Feng Yu heard Lin Feng's words, her face changed too. There was a gloomy look in her eyes, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Madam, what does that person look like? Is it amazing?"

Phoenix Ling looked at Lin Feng with a curious look in her pure eyes.

"He's the best in my eyes!"

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