The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2479: Kill Cangyun

At first he was a little worried that this soul-eating bead could swallow the soul power of the other party, but he didn't expect it to really succeed. The soul-eating bead was really powerful.

At this moment, all the people present and that Cangyun were blindfolded. I did not expect such a scene to happen.

"I said you are going to die, you have to die!"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng stared at the Cangyun coldly and yelled, violently exhibiting the Great Wilderness.


The palm print that covers the sky is like the Buddha to suppress the sun monkey, and it is generally suppressed toward this cloud.

The group of Cangzong strong men who tried to shoot were all suppressed by Qingtian's power and could not move at all.

"Do not!"

As the terrible palm print suppressed down, Cang Yun roared unwillingly.

The strength of the whole body was completely exploded, but still could not resist Xiao Yifeng's terrible palm.

Rumble! !! !!

A palm crushed down, and the cloudless body on the spot was completely crushed into powder by this terrible palm, and the dead could not die anymore.

The strength of Xiao Yifeng's whole body erupted, and coupled with the terrible power of this great desolation sky, this cloud could not resist it at all.

Seeing this dignified Master Cang Zongzong was killed on the spot, everyone on the scene was completely shocked, and for a long time there was no response, obviously they were shocked.

This Xiao Yifeng actually dared to kill some master Cang Zong, which is incredible.

Gu Zongmen in this ancient world is the super existence of a hegemon. It is comparable to the super powers of the eight ancient and four royal families, and no one dares to provoke it.

However, Xiao Yifeng, the first Tianjiao of the Dragon List, directly killed the young master of the ancient ancestral gate under the eyes of the public today.

This is naturally a very shocking thing. Once it is transmitted, it will be enough to shock Dongzhou.

"Everyone who ordered Cangzong was killed!"

Xiao Yifeng spat indifferently.

Immediately, this Yan Bin waved his hand, and a group of terrible rules of flame was released. The strong men of Cangzong were instantly reduced to ashes.

This scene is astonishing again.

The eyes of the people of the major gates and the people of Tianshuanggu glanced at this Xiao Yifeng.

Tianjiao, the number one in the Dragon List, shocked them again today.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at this proud Tianfang: "Give me a lot of money at once. If he loses a bit of hair, I will slaughter you Tianshuanggu!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted word by word, his voice chilled like a knife, and he released a terrible killing intention.

"Hurry up!"

The Aofanger quickly said to his men, and soon the money was taken out.


Looking at Xiao Yifeng, Qian Duoduo was very excited and rushed directly.

"Boss, I knew you would show up. Shuanger said before that you fell into the endless abyss. I was still worried about dying you, and I knew you would be fine with the boss!"

Qian Duoduo said excitedly.

"Your boy, I won't come. You even have your wife stolen."

Xiao Yifeng cursed with a smile.

"Right, wife!"

Qian Duoduo reacted at this moment, his gaze was directed at this Aoshuang Er, and he rushed forward and hugged each other.


Qian Duoduo called directly.

"A lot!"

Aoshuanger looked at the money with tears in his eyes.

"Wife, is that **** little master Cang Zongzong coming? Is he there, I will not let him go even if I die, dare to grab my wife, I will fight with him!"

Qian Duoduo looked like he was about to do his sleeves.

"Here, but he's dead!"

Aoshuang said.

"What? Dead? Who killed?"

Qian Duoduo looked for a moment.

"Of course I killed it!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"It turned out that the boss killed him, but the boss, I heard that guy has a strong background. Will it be okay if you kill him?"

Qian Duoduo looked at Xiao Yifeng and worried.

"When will your boss be afraid of things, kill them!"

Xiao Yifeng said in disapproval.

"It's worthy of being my boss, it's awesome!"

Qian Duoduo gave Xiao Yifeng a praise.

"You and this frost girl haven't had a wedding yet?"

Xiao Yifeng said suddenly looking at Qian Duoduo.

"no, what happened?"

Lots of money puzzled.

"Just today, Shuanggu set up the wedding scene, and there are so many guests, and Shuanger also put on her wedding gown."

"Today you will be officially married. In the province, others will remember your wife, I will be your witness!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Qian Duoduo and said.

"Okay, this is great!"

Qian Duoduo said with a smile, looking at Aoshuanger: "Wife, would you?"

"If I'm married to you, I'm a hundred willing, just ..."

This Aoshuanger said, looking at Aotianfang.

"Are you the owner of Frost Valley this day?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Aotianfang.


Aotianfang nodded.

"You shouldn't refuse my offer!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.


Aotianfang agreed directly.

"Okay, everyone here today is here to witness this couple's wedding!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the people in the main gates in Frost Valley and said directly.

This group of people looked different, all with weird faces.

Obviously, I was overwhelmed by the changes in this series of plots today. Today, the changes are too fast and unacceptable.

Then Xiao Yifeng became a witness and personally presided over the wedding of Qian Duoduo and Aoshuanger, so that Tianshuanggu's banquet was not arranged in vain, but the son-in-law's object was changed.

Dongzhou, Guzongmen!

Point Cangzong-

After the spirit power of Grandpa Cangyun was absorbed by Soul Devourer, somewhere in this Cangzong.

A pale-haired old man opened his eyes violently, a blood spurted out, his face paled, and his spirit was greatly damaged.

He is the grandfather of Cangyun Cangshan ~ ~ Dang Cangzong was the last ruler, and he is also a superpower with the title of domination.

"What baby is that? It's so scary!"

Cangshan's eyes were so dignified that his expression sank.

"Not good, Cangyun!"

This Cangshan suddenly thought of his grandson Cang Yun. Without his spirit protection, this Cang Yun was obviously dangerous.

Immediately the figure of Cangshan disappeared here.

At this moment in a hall of Cangzong, the master of Cangzong, Cang Tianhai's father, suddenly changed his face, and with a wave of his hand, a broken soul card appeared in his hand.

The soul card was owned by his son Cang Yun. Now that the soul card is broken, it is clear that his son is dead.


On the spot, a terrible power broke out on the Cangtianhai, and the whole hall was booming, as if to collapse.


At this time, the figure of Cangshan appeared here.


Seeing Cangshan appear, Cang Tianhai regained his momentum.

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