It was just that he hadn't changed at all, he didn't have any hair at all, he was full of stars, and looked extremely powerful.

The terrible blow that was enough to destroy the five strongest in the life and death realm was completely useless to this Xiao Yifeng, completely blocked by his physical strength.

Not to mention that Xiao Yifeng's own physical state has reached the point of life and death, coupled with the power of the stars in his body, the five attacking forces that dominate the realm have no pressure on him at all.

Even the six strong attackers in life and death could not harm him, and he did not even show the indestructible golden body tactics. Once they were displayed, his physical defense force became more terrifying.

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene, Cang Yun was stunned, and did not respond for a long time.

"It's me!"

Xiao Yi sang coldly.

Ling Xu God refers!

One finger breaks falsehood!

Xiao Yifeng exhibited the third finger of the Spiritual Void Finger, and the power of the two stars and the power of the eight tips in the body all burst out.


A roar spread, the power of the third finger of Xiao Lingfeng plus Xiao Yifeng's own power.

The power of this finger is dozens of times more terrifying than the power of the blue cloud.

With this finger, Cang Yun and everyone present felt a sense of destruction.

The power of this finger is enough to kill the seven or eight powerful men in life and death.

The look of the blue cloud immediately condensed, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes, and then a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

The void, which was condensed by the power of the endless stars, was completely destroyed by the finger.

The pale cloud that the terrible breath oppressed completely changed and became extremely pale.

"Be careful, Master!"

At this point, the faces of the two powerful six men who dominated the world were changed, and they were about to shoot. As a result, two terrible coercions directly oppressed them, and they could not move immediately.


Just when the terrible spirit of the virtual **** refers to the power to fall on the cloud, a monstrous ray of energy burst out on his body, which instantly defeated the power of the spirit of the virtual god.

The terrible energy burst out, and even backed Xiao Yifeng to the shock.

As the rays of energy dissipated, a ray erupted on the cloud.

A solid imaginary figure emerged from the head of the blue cloud, but the image of an old man.

After Xiao Yifeng was shaken back, he kept his footsteps and looked at the old man's shadow that erupted on this cloud.


At this time, Cang Yun reacted from his fear and saw this phantom with an excited expression.

"Meet the old lord!"

This group of people in the Cangzong screamed when they saw the phantom.

This old man of Xingying is the former lord of Cangzong, and also the grandfather of Cangyun, a super powerhouse in Cangzong.

This Cangyun, as the master of Cangzong and the future heir, naturally has a hole card.

And the grandfather of Cangyun left his own spirit power for his grandson's safety.

As soon as the clouds encounter danger, they will erupt automatically.

"Young man, you have such a courage to dare to kill me Cangzong, are you provoking Cangzong?"

The Cangyun grandfather watched Xiao Yifeng chanting word by word, even though it was just a ghostly shadow, but still exuding a terrible power, suppressing everyone present.

Just the power of a soul is so terrible, you can imagine how terrible its real strength is.

"Well, kill and kill. What dare you? Is the person you ordered Cangzong very awesome, I Xiao Yifeng never killed whoever he killed!"

"I want to kill someone, he must die!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted politely, exuding a strong and overbearing breath.

"It is a good seed to have this courage and ability at a young age, and I will give you a chance now."

"Kneeling down and apologizing to my grandson, scratching my head, I can spare your life, and I can let you join Cangzong and become a disciple of Cangzong."

The Cangyun's grandfather looked at Xiao Yifeng and said it lightly, what he said was like a gift to Xiao Yifeng.

Everyone at the scene looked at this Xiao Yifeng, not sure what he would choose.

Normal people generally agree to this condition. Although a little embarrassed, they have not only saved their lives, but also become disciples of Gu Zongmen. This is the best of both worlds.

Especially the disciples of the Gu Zongmen, this is not something everyone can get.

Even if it spreads out, countless ancient world Tianjiao will break their heads and want to be an inner disciple of this Cangzong.

However, Xiao Yifeng sneered at it, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes and looked at the grandfather in the clouds.

"The one who can make me kneel and apologize before he's born, just him? Not worth it!"

Xiao Yifeng pointed at Cangyun coldly, with a look of contempt.


Cang Yun stared anxiously at Xiao Yifeng.

"Young man, it seems you are really stubborn!"

Cang Yun's grandfather looked coldly.

"I said he is going to die today, he must die, and no one can stop it!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered with Sen Leng's look and stared at the grandfather.

"Folly, since you don't want to surrender to Cangzong, I can only cut the grass and take root."

The Cangyun's grandfather gave a cold drink, and the ghostly shadow exploded into a terrible power.

Just when the Optima Lanyi people were about to start, Xiao Yifeng stopped them.

"Such a spirit power should be so arrogant!"

Xiao Yifeng stared directly at the ghostly shadow of Grandpa Cangyun, sneered, his expression seemed very calm ~ ~ Even if it is just a ghostly shadow, killing you is not a problem! "

Grandpa Cangyun gave a sigh, and this ghostly shadow exploded with a power comparable to that released by the Supreme Lord.

"Soul Eater!"

Xiao Yifeng released the Soul Eater, and his hands moved the Yin Qiao into the Soul Eater, which is the method to control the Soul Eater.


Suddenly, a terrible power burst out in this soul-eating bead, and the light shone, and a horrible devouring force burst out from this soul-eating bead.

This Soul Devouring Pearl was suspended directly above the ghostly shadow of Grandpa Cangyun, and the horrifying devouring force was released.

Grandpa Cangyun made a scream on the spot, even though he was extremely powerful.

But in the face of the terrible devouring power of the soul-stealing bead, it was still unable to resist, and was swallowed up on the spot.

This Soul Eater returned to Xiao Yifeng's hands, and the light released from this Soul Eater was even more dazzling.

"It really can be swallowed!"

There was a flash of bright color in Xiao Yifeng's eyes. Just now, the soul of the soul-eliminating bell let Xiao Yifeng use the soul-stealing bead to deal with the ghost of Grandpa Cangyun.

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