The Best Male God

Chapter 939: Women's Gangster Kai 8

"Why do you say that?"

After all, Captain Tian asked this sentence. Regarding what happened to Tao Aijun and Zhai Haofan, in fact, after investigation, it was really impossible to explain it with any results.

When Tao Aijun committed suicide, there were only his own footprints on the scene. It was found through investigation that the red skirt he wore was also purchased by himself. The day before the suicide, the owner of the mall still remembered it because of a large Men come to buy red skirts, and say they have to wear them, it sounds strange.

No evidence or evidence can be found to prove that Tao Aijun died of homicide, and everything points to a result, that is, he willingly jumped from the top of the school building!

In addition, it was Zhai Haofan. Zhai Haofan's case happened in Zhai's family. It can be determined that Zhai Haofan didn't go anywhere after school. He returned directly to his home. He even ate with his parents when he ate at night, and then locked himself in. Playing computer in the room, when I went to sleep Zhai's family can't remember, but through forensic examination, Zhai Haofan died at 5:00 in the morning, and the scars on his body burned with cigarettes were divided into divisions. The ones that were hot at the beginning, some from the back, and the part that was lost and placed inside his body, were even more frightening, because the perpetrators did not leave any fingerprints or murder weapons.

It even said that ... It was like a scar burned with a cigarette butt, not to mention the cigarette **** found in the room, that ordinary cigarettes would have a smell of smoke, let alone be used to burn a person for four thousand Many times, how many cigarettes do you use? It is impossible for these cigarettes to leave no smell in the room.

But what? After entering the room, the appraisal section of the police station was very certain that there was no smoke in the room, even the Zhai family.

Zhai's father didn't like to smoke. Zhai's mother was a woman, it was even more impossible. So after this happened, the Zhai's family didn't have any smell of cigarettes. Isn't the Zhai's first scene found?

The police wanted to guess this way, but all the answers they got were that there were no strangers in the Zhai family's neighborhood. Everyone was in the community, and that night, no one came to Zhai's family, and no one went out.

Because the camera is installed in the door of Zhai's house ...

Everything, makes people have to think of a very scary answer.

Does this incident have anything to do with Zhou Shanshan's death? Is it often said by the folks that evil spirits have revenge?

Captain Tian has been doing a lot of work in the police industry, but in fact he is in awe of the dead because, as the forensic doctor said, the living person always tells all kinds of lies to deceive others, but he dies. People can only choose the truth to tell.

"Why do I say that? Didn't Captain Tian come to me today, did I let me say that?"

Zhou Zekai seemed to smile, looking at the police officer in front of him, he knew that the other party wanted to investigate the answer to the matter, but sometimes he didn't know the answer, and it was often more acceptable to a person.

For example, now he has told the other party that Zhai Haofan's death was the behavior of his sister Zhou Shanshan, but the other party's disbelief is not his problem.

Captain Tian looked at the boy dressed as a girl in front of him, and although there was something strange in his heart, he still didn't think it was a revenge of evil spirits. He believed that even a girl like Zhou Shanshan, even after death, would not Will become a evil spirit, not to mention, if you want revenge, why did you not have revenge in the past, but wait until this time, and then think of revenge?

"I came to see you today, not to talk about your sister, but to tell you that there had never been a murder case in Changying Second Junior High School before, but it happened after you came, so you have There is a big suspicion. In order to prove that this matter has nothing to do with you, I hope you can go with me to the police station. Of course, it is not arresting you, but about the case of Zhou Shanshan that year, I think you will want to know. "

Captain Tian captured Zhou Zekai's psychology very well. He really wanted to see how his sister's case was recorded in the past, so he nodded and went eagerly.


Seeing all this, Zhou Shanshan only felt ridiculous. Why did my brother promise the police, what if the police cheated him? What if my brother is caught in the police station and someone knows it?

Various thoughts filled Zhou Shanshan's mind. When she saw Zhou Zekai going to follow Captain Tian, ​​she couldn't help but stop.

"Brother, don't go with him. Their police are all scammers."

I once said that my case was wronged, but what happened later? Later, for those who were alive, she took her death for granted. Zhou Shanshan was grateful to Captain Tian, ​​but her resentment against the police made her no longer trust any police.

Zhou Zekai paused following Captain Tian's steps and looked at his sister, but said.

"I'm looking for the truth of your death."

This sentence made Captain Tian walking in front of him. After turning his head, he only saw Zhou Zekai alone, but because of this, Captain Tian felt that cold sweat was falling from behind.

Who is Zhou Zekai talking to? Is it ... Zhou Shanshan?

This idea filled Captain Tian's mind. Obviously, as a police officer, he should not believe these messy things, but at this moment, he looked at Zhou Zekai, but always felt that Zhou Shanshan didn't leave at all. Around.

He thought he was probably crazy about the case recently.

If not crazy, why is there such a ridiculous idea?

In short, Zhou Zekai followed Captain Tian to the police station. For this kind of place, Zhou Zekai was no stranger. He had also been a police officer a long time ago. The police's procedures are naturally clear.

After sitting there, Captain Tian came out with a file and sat in front of Zhou Zekai.

"Here is the case of your sister committing suicide six months ago. I think you want to know the truth of the matter six months ago, and I want to make an exchange with you. I will show you these things and you tell me who it is. Kill Tao Aijun and Zhai Haofan, no ... I won't ask you this, I just ask you, who will be the next person killed? "

This is the answer speculated by Captain Tian. He believes that since this matter has a great relationship with Zhou Shanshan, the people who participated in the Zhou Shanshan incident at that time may be affected, so the dead have no way to save, but live Those who are in need of protection, even if these children are really scum in the eyes of Captain Tian! !! !!

At a young age, what can you do to your classmates, isn't it scum?

"Then the case is worthwhile. If it is valuable, I can tell you."

Zhou Zekai raised his lips. He knew that the revenge originally prepared by himself might be in error. The wisher wanted to pass the law to avenge his sister, but he was framed to death. This time, he came. Zhou Shanshan is not willing to see these injuries to her brother, she must kill those who have caused her pain.

For the ghost, there is resentment, revenge, no problem?

Captain Tian looked at Zhou Zekai's smile, but always thought of Zhou Shanshan. At this moment, there was some feeling, maybe ... maybe the girl was not willing to die like this?

Zhou Zekai has picked up the dossier and started to look at it. After opening the dossier, it was the second junior high school jumping event in Changying. The name and introduction of Zhou Shanshan was written on it, but that was not what Zhou Zekai wanted to see.

He looked back. What he wanted to see was Zhou Shanshan's autopsy test, which was an autopsy report.

The photo of the corpse taken half a year ago appeared in front of Zhou Zekai in such an unpredictable way. The body was scarred, and even the explanation above was very careful.

Zhou Shanshan, who was standing next to her brother, also saw her autopsy report for the first time, and saw the alive, perhaps, the autopsy report of the dead body.

The above detailed description of the injuries she has suffered. The injuries that can remain on the body seem to have made people feel horrible, and not only those that have not left scars on their bodies ...

It was as if the wound was dug out with blood. Zhou Shanshan's eyes once again shed tears of blood. She was a crying girl. Just last night, when she burned Zhai Haofan with a cigarette, she was all Crying.

But she was crying, but Zhou Shanshan felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

She finally became strong, so that these people could not resist. When torturing each other, listening to each other's miserable screams, and constantly begging, she realized that she was such a person in the eyes of these people. Looks like, oh, so bullying.

Zhou Zekai looked at the file seriously, but Zhou Shanshan on the side was crying even harder. After seeing the marbles that were placed in the box after turning the page, her eyes suddenly glowed red and disappeared in front of Zhou Zekai. .

Zhou Zekai froze, then looked up at Captain Tian.

Captain Tian was observing Zhou Zekai's reaction, and suddenly he saw the other person look up, but also hesitated, but still asked.

"Any questions? If you have any questions, you can ask me."

This sentence made Zhou Zekai laugh again suddenly, and then there was a hint of excitement in his voice.

"No problem, I just want to tell you that someone is dying, but don't ask me, I don't know who it is."

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