The Best Male God

Chapter 938: Women's Gangster Style 7

Passing the forensic examination, Zhai Haofan's cigarette **** burn was burned last night. He was completely injured, but he did not see any cigarette butts at the scene, which is simply unscientific!

If the first scene of death was in Zhai's house, but Zhai's husband and wife were there that night, it is impossible to know that such a terrible thing happened in the house, not to mention the deceased was not covered in his mouth, that is, he There is time and ability to shout, but the Zhai family did not hear ...

In addition, more shocking things happened. At the police station meeting, through the morning inspection time, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the real cause of death of Zhai Haofan finally appeared.

"He died of cardiac paralysis. His eyes were wide before death, and his body was in a stiff state. This situation is, in layman's terms, scared to death. No matter how many cigarette marks on him, Or that his organs have been cut off without causing death. What really killed him was his fear. "

Zhang Fayi said blankly, such a case is actually considered a major case. Some of their police officers may never encounter such a case in a lifetime. A man wearing a red skirt can only be said to be weird, but this time The victim was so miserable that he couldn't believe it.

Captain Tian listened to the autopsy report of Zhang Forensic Doctor, nodded and let Zhang Forensic Doctor sit down first. In fact, he had already read this report. What made him most tangled was Zhai Haofan, the victim of this case.

He looks ordinary on the surface, and seems to be an ordinary child. However, when investigating, Captain Tian heard that this child came from the second junior high school in Changying City, and felt that, among all things, something was right stand up.

Looking at the report on the treatment of organs in boys, I remembered that Zhou Shanshan had been violated by more than one person. He always had a hunch and felt that such things would happen ...

"Victim Zhai Haofan, 14 years old this year, male, went to class three in eight years of the second junior high school in Changying. Yesterday, Tao Aijun jumped off the building, and the second junior high school went on a full holiday. It seemed to be scared in general, and then locked ourselves in the room after dinner, and we found this in his bedroom, the possible crime scene ... "

With a sigh in his heart, Captain Tian turned on the projector, and soon, an evidence was presented. It was Zhai Haofan's computer. After opening it, a video of Zhou Shanshan's abuse appeared. Many children were filming. Zhai Haofan violated Zhou Shanshan, and continuously burned Zhou Shanshan's body with a cigarette **** ...

Zhang Fayi's eyes widened for a moment, who thought he was so cruel to treat such an under-age child, but now, when he sees these under-age children, he treats a girl like this. Unacceptable, not to mention the child in Zhang Yiyi's family is a girl.

She couldn't imagine how crazy she would be if her child suffered such a thing.

Is this really a murder? She asked herself in her heart, but she actually had the answer.

If it wasn't for murder, why would Zhai Haofan have so many injuries? Still burned by cigarette butts? And about his organs ... is this revenge?

Absolute revenge.

"This is a video of Zhai Haofan who previously abused classmate Zhou Shanshan and violated her. You can see that many children in the video participated in this incident, just like Tao Aijun who jumped from the school in a red skirt before. I think, this It was a vengeful revenge related to Zhou Shanshan's classmates, and the insulters countered it, and I guess I believe that the next victim will appear soon. The murderer was not calm when he treated Zhai Haofan, and the wound spread on him It ’s all messy, and judging from the cutting method, it does n’t look like a person who often touches the knife, and judging by the intensity of the wound on the skin of the cigarette, this proves that the murderer is a minor , The hand strength is very small, of course, the killer may also be a girl, these are my guesses, but before that, I think Zhou Zekai is still our first suspect. "

Captain Tian said that in fact, Zhou Zekai's suspicions were not false. Why was Zhou Zekai's everything fine when he didn't transfer to school before, but after his transfer, the death began? Even if he didn't do it, it had a lot to do with him.

"I agree with the captain!"

Other police officers also agreed one by one, because from all the facts they investigated, they found that one thing was very strange. Whether it was the death of Tao Aijun or the death of Zhai Haofan, it was full of strange places.

That is, there is no evidence and no physical evidence. The victim seems to have died in a place that no one knows. Is Tao Aijun jumping off the building after being threatened?

What's even more terrible is Zhai Haofan's autopsy report, which is clearly written on it. The cigarette traces printed on Zhai Haofan were printed before Zhai Haofan's life. There were more than 4,000 cigarettes on this body. The hot marks can prove how much this person hated Zhai Haofan using cigarettes ...

And there is no second scene in this case. It is the first scene in Zhai's house. No useful material can be found, whether it is a cigarette **** or a cutter. I have even checked the camera records of Zhai Haofan's commune. No stranger came in but found nothing.

Although many people didn't say a word, as police officers, they are obsessed with finding the truth, but in fact they also have an inexplicable guess.

For example ... Evil ghost revenge! !! !!

Who can leave such traces on Zhai Haofan's body, besides the client Zhou Shanshan so resentful to him?

The parents of the Zhai family were sad enough to know about the death of their son. After being notified by the police, the son who had been obedient and learned that he had been very obedient had allegedly raped a female classmate. After taking photos and videos, it was Completely unacceptable. In their hearts, the son will always be that well-behaved child, never thinking that this child once turned into a demon where they could not see it.

The police played the videos left by Zhai Haofan, and they felt that many people in Class 8.3 had left such videos. If so, would these children be retaliated one by one?

The police side couldn't imagine it.

After a clueless investigation, that night, Captain Tian led a team and came to this house that Zhou Zekai's parents bought in Changying City and visited Zhou Zekai.

"Hello, classmate Zhou Zekai, I'm Tian Mingliang from the Interpol Division of Changying Police Station. I want to talk to classmate Zhou Zekai, can you?"

He directly issued his identity certificate. Captain Tian looked at the child in front of him who was not surprised. He was a boy, but at this time he was dressed as a girl, as if Zhou Shanshan was reborn. Captain Tian thought of himself. When I saw Zhou Shanshan's body, I suddenly felt the air was a bit cool.


Zhou Zekai nodded and asked people to come in. He had long anticipated that as long as his sister did something, people at the police station would surely doubt himself very quickly, even though he was an innocent person.

Two people entered the room. Zhou Shanshan had seen Captain Tian. After she died, it was this Captain Tian who investigated her case. Although he had already investigated many truths about her death, he tried to protect the living person. The parents compromise, because if the parents continue to investigate for her, the younger brother's life will be threatened ...

In fact, in a sense, Zhou Shanshan is grateful to Captain Tian, ​​because Captain Tian knows the truth at least, and is even willing to do something for the truth, unlike some people, after killing her, there is still a thing Looks like it never happened.

Sitting on the sofa, Captain Tian looked at the boy who was already sick. After transferring the information of the boy from outside, he knew that the boy in front of him was a dangerous person because you did n’t know, What a person with a mental illness will do next second.

"I dealt with the case of Tao Aijun in your school. I came here today to ask you, do you know that you have a sister?"

He couldn't help but know that Captain Tian added in his heart.

Zhou Zekai did not accidentally come to the police, so he would not tell the truth to Captain Tian. He just wanted to make everyone feel fear and let everyone know that after doing bad things, they have to pay a price.

"Know, Captain Tian, ​​should you have talked to my psychotherapist? I can appreciate the things my sister experienced, or rather, only the pain, the moment she fell from the tall building, the organs in her chest It all shattered, and my body seemed to shatter, and that feeling, I now try almost every night. "

The understatement to say this paragraph, however, makes Captain Tian always feel so gloomy to the person in front of him, making him have a strange sense that cannot be said.

"Sorry, I do n’t know how this caused you so much damage. I am here today, in addition to trying to talk about Tao Aijun, I want to tell you that at 10:28 this morning, your classmate Zhai Haofan was He was found dead at home, burned by cigarettes, leaving more than 4,000 marks on his body ... "

Captain Tian said as he watched the reaction of the people in front of him, but found that Zhou Zekai was a little surprised when he heard it, and then laughed, which was even more creepy.

"Really? He's got his retribution. It seems Shanshan is doing a good job."

Such a word suddenly made Captain Tian feel that he might never choose to come here.

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