The Best Male God

Chapter 926: Female educated husband 6

Until the magistrate's departure, Zhou Father and Mother were still in shock. They did not expect that their son could be so powerful, and they scored such a score on the exam, which surprised them all.

Zhou Zekai calmly opened the envelope and saw the money inside, one hundred dollars, counted it, and there were five ...

Sure enough, at this time, the literary talents are the most valuable. To be famous and famous, to be rich and rich. One essay directly sent 500 yuan. The People's Daily was really rich!

In fact, if not Zhou Zekai ’s composition is really well written, people would not give such a price. It is because this person ’s composition is so valuable that the money given at the end can be so much. Very satisfied.

In addition, if Zhou Zekai's results formally come down, the government will give Zhou Zekai a bonus to make him work harder to serve the country.

Zhou Zekai does not care much about money, but if he has money, he can always solve 80% of things in life, so Zhou Zekai still likes money.

"Mom, put this money away."

Passed the money to Mother Zhou, Sun Yingchun took a moment, then took the money from his son, and just now he has seen his son count, 500 yuan! Why is your son so powerful! In the end, the family only saved more than 500 yuan, and now his son has 500 yuan in composition, which makes Sun Yingchun very happy.

"That mother keeps it for you. If you need it, ask her."

His eyes narrowed with a smile, Zhou Zekai nodded in a very good mood to see his mother so happy.

After that, Mother Zhou went to cook. My father pulled Zhou Zekai to keep asking about the exam. In addition, he praised his son for being so capable, and after thinking about it, he remembered that he hadn't told the family good news!

Zhou's father was not the boss at home, so he was separated after he got married, but the family was in the village, so he asked Zhou's mother to make more delicious food. He took Zhou Zekai to his parents Announcement there.

Zhou Zekai is still more popular with grandparents. After they learned about Zhou Zekai ’s results, they were as happy as Zhou ’s father. Even the uncle of Zhou ’s family was also happy. Grandma also secretly gave Zhou Zekai 50 yuan to let Zhou Zekai will go to school at that time ...

The atmosphere at home was very good. After visiting my grandparents, I still did n’t eat at my grandparents, and went back home to eat with my father. My mother made a lot of delicious food, and even brought out my own rice wine. Drinking two sips just feels refreshing.

Zhou Jiayu has been coaxed to sleep by her mother. Now the family of three is sitting together. This is a joy. After all, people outside of them do n’t know it, so they ca n’t talk to people outside first, and plan to wait for a formal notice. Come on down.

While eating, Zhou Zekai was thinking about his plans, and after talking about eating, he told his father.

"Dad, I definitely went to Beijing to report in September. When I go to school, it is too far away from home. If you want to come back, it will be more difficult. If you bring Jiayu with your mother at home, I do n’t think it ’s too much. Rest assured, I thought about it. How about we go to Shanghai? "

Father Zhou was really excited, but when he suddenly heard his son say this, he suddenly froze, and then shook his head again and again.

"Akai, this is not okay. Although your dad and I are just a small village chief, our village is also very disciplined. People in the village are waiting for me to watch. I must not be able to go with you, but you Do n’t worry, even if Jiayu stays at home, my mother and I will take care of you. You only have to go to school. We two, you do n’t have to worry too much. ”

Zhou Zekai was rejected by Zhou's father. Zhou Zekai was not surprised. After all, Zhou Father was a leader. Even if the village chief wanted not to do so, it took a certain amount of time, and Zhou's mother hurriedly looked at Zhou Zekai.

"Akai, you went to Beijing to go to school. Why would I go with your dad to follow you? Are you dragging your feet? I'm not happy, you can rest assured that Jiayu will take good care of you at home, and you will be at least at school I ’ve been studying for four years. If I go with your dad, that will be a drag on you. You do n’t have to worry about things at home. Our villages are all family members. We greet each other for everything. Not as good as home. "

Mother Zhou also feels that her family is better. Besides, she thinks that her son is going to study outside. If they are accompanied by their parents, it would be strange to see them anyway. Anyway, mother Zhou doesn't want to hinder her son.

In the end, Zhou Zekai saw that Zhou ’s father and his mother had their own thoughts, so they did n’t say much. Anyway, it did n’t take long for them to study in Beijing. Even four years, Zhou Jiayu was only six years old. It's good to teach yourself slowly.

After all, my father is the village head, and my mother has lived in this village all her life. Suddenly keeping them away from their homeland is probably not working ...

Zhou Zekai no longer advised his parents. In the next few days, the results of other people in the village also came out. None of them were Zhou Zekai, but the village was lucky. Two of them passed the university. Zhou Zekai was admitted to Jinghua University. Everywhere, in such a ravine, it is really amazing to be able to produce such a golden phoenix!

The most important thing is that Zhou Zekai is not the educated youth outside, but the children born and raised in their village. It is also that these people have seen the big children since childhood. They are proud! !! !!

As long as Zhou Zekai is going out these days, it is certain that the villagers will stuff all kinds of things, eggs, or dishes and other things made at home. In short, they want to show their closeness and Take care of Zhou Zekai.

Nowadays, even if you get such a good result, you can't have a big pomp, so there is no flowing feast. Only the mother Zhou secretly cooked red eggs to share with the villagers one by one, so everyone is happy. It's very.

Zhou Zekai's results are really excellent, but it is the first time that it is put in the whole country, so Zhou Zekai was given another two hundred yuan bonus. Seeing that in September, Zhou Zekai was going to leave, and Zhou's mother was more Crying uncomfortably at night.

The son has never left his side, and now suddenly wants to leave. Mother Zhou is naturally uncomfortable. Even Father Zhou is also uncomfortable. Although he is a man, he also watched his son grow up as a child. The son, the son of a thousand miles, is worried. He, who is a father, is also very worried. He is afraid that the son will be deceived and so on ...

But besides that, they thought of someone else!

Lin Meiyu, the daughter-in-law who left the house in September last year, and then had no news. Although the two did not have Lin Meiyu's premise in Zhou Zekai's face, they did not say less in private. They only felt that Lin Meiyu had arrived in Shanghai as they estimated After that, I never came back! !! !!

She abandoned their Kai, and abandoned her son! Turns out to be such a cruel woman!

I just remembered that my son had passed the Jinghua University without a word, did he still think about that woman? Thinking of this, both husband and wife were a little uncomfortable. The night before Zhou Zekai left, Zhou Father and Mother had time to ask their doubts.

Zhou Zekai really didn't expect his father and mother to think he was admitted to Jinghua University for Lin Meiyu. This conclusion made him a little speechless and quickly explained.

"Dad, mom, I promise, I want to go to Jinghua University to learn something, definitely not because of Lin Meiyu, I know she does n’t want to come back anymore, so I do n’t have this wife, but Jinghua University is the highest in China. University, so I want to go to Jinghua University, become a better person, and then serve the motherland. "

In this way, Zhou Father and Mother were at ease at this moment. After all, if the son is really for Lin Meiyu, if they are sad and sad at that time, they will be uncomfortable.

"That's good. I can't tell your mother much about Lin Meiyu, but since people have no friendship with you, if you see her at Jinghua University, pretend you can't see it."

Father Zhou said that he was also very satisfied with the son who had laid down the woman. After all, he no longer wanted to see his son go to kneel and lick another woman, which felt very bad.

"Well, dad, don't worry, I went to school, not to see her."

After talking so well, I was very satisfied with Zhou ’s father and mother. Zhou ’s mother gave Zhou Zekai money from her pocket, which was 700 yuan before Zhou Zekai ’s bonus.

"Mom, what do I need for so much money? Just give me two hundred. The rest is left at home and you buy what you want with my dad. I go to school, not to spend money."

He took out five hundred and gave it back to his mother, but Sun Yingchun didn't answer, he said with a smile.

"Hold it, you have money at home, you go out, there are more places to spend money, and it ’s very cold in Shangjing. In winter, if mom can send you something, I will send it to you. If not, Ah, if you are cold, buy clothes and shoes for yourself. These department stores are very expensive these days. "

Sun Yingchun is such a son, naturally he gave the son with a heart, let alone money, even if she gave her life to her son, she was willing!

In the end, Zhou Zekai did not rebel against his mother. He planned to wait until he went to Beijing to make some money to buy things and send them back. Anyway, the parents would not be willing to spend any money, but it would be better to buy some practical things and make the parents happy.

Thinking about this, Zhou Zekai collected the money. Early in the morning the next day, in the eyes of his parents and son with red eyes, he left the village where he was born to grow up ...

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