The Best Male God

Chapter 925: Female educated husband 5

Lin Meiyu's departure did not change the Zhou family too much, because the Zhou family had made it clear, so they were not afraid whether the other party would return. Sun Yingchun went to work daily with children and cooking, and one person could handle it. These things.

As the village chief Zhou Shanhui, in addition to working, he still has to do some other things, manage the situation in the village, Zhou Zekai is also working, and began to pretend to read books, actually thinking about some poetry Ah, or a novel.

Father Zhou and Mother also wondered how Zhou Zekai started reading recently. As a result, when he learned that his son saw that someone in the village had been admitted to the university this time, he planned to enter the university, and he would better serve the country.

After hearing this, Zhou Shanhui was very supportive. He also felt that knowledge was power and allowed Zhou Zekai to study hard. He would also bring a lot of books to Zhou Zekai from the library in the city. I did not expect to make Zhou Zekai so upset. In the rice area, fish are raised at the same time. In the next quarter, the people in the village will have a lot of labor points, and there will be more grain tickets or cloth tickets.

In recent years, which one can take out 500 yuan like Zhou's! Had Zhou Shanhui not been the head of the village, there would not have been so much money in the family. For ordinary families, ten dollars in the family would be considered a lot of money. Usually, the clothes are made by myself and I want to buy. They used the eggs they raised to change over to the supply and marketing agency. After half a year, Lin Meiyu did not return, not only did not return, but even after she left, a letter never returned.

At the beginning, Father Zhou and Mother Zhou were worried about their son's sadness. However, they found that his son was very busy every day. After thinking about Lin Meiyu, he did not mention Lin Meiyu again.

The year of Heding Village was very lively this year, because the people in the village listened to Zhou Zekai's words more or less, the family's harvest was better. Naturally, he was not afraid of being hungry. Zhou Zekai was also able to eat some during the New Year. Meat.

The most important thing is that Zhou Jiayu, who was born on the first day of the new year, is already two years old this year! This child is very clever. With Zhou Zekai's teachings, now he sees everyone, but he is clever.

In the blink of an eye, it is spring day. In addition to the villagers who are busy farming in the field, many educated youths and people in the village will participate in the college entrance examination this year, so they are studying very hard. Although Zhou Zekai did not follow the teacher, his self-learning appearance Father and mother both felt quite reliable, so at the end of May, Zhou Zekai also got his qualification for the exam.

Waiting for the June exam, Zhou Zekai saw the questions on the test room, and really felt that this thing was as simple as a drizzle for him!

We must know that with the development of society, not only society and science are progressing, but also knowledge is constantly being updated. For these early knowledge, for Zhou Zekai who has experienced the new social college entrance examination, there is no pressure at all, and the performance is very stable. .

After waiting for the test results, I found out that my parents were waiting outside with their children!

This is what makes Zhou Zekai cry and laugh, how old he is, his parents are still waiting for him to finish the college entrance examination ...

"How well are you doing? Is it difficult?"

Father Zhou was still nervous when he saw his son came out, and hurriedly asked, he was really worried about his son's condition.

Mother Zhou also looked forward to her son and wanted to get results. After all, if this question is difficult, if the son fails to pass the exam, will he be sad ...

"It's not difficult. It's simple. I've done it."

Zhou Zekai took his son, Zhou Jiayu, from his mother's arms, and gave an answer, so that Zhou's father, Zhou, who heard this, immediately smiled.

The family returned home happily. Because of his son's examination, Sun Yingchun made a good table and hoped that his son could have a good meal. In the next few days, Zhou Zekai would have a good rest at home.

After the exam, Zhou Zekai also knew that his parents were worried about him, but he couldn't say that his grades were definitely good, so he read the books at home and brought the children.

Today, Father Zhou works in the village chief's office every day, but he did not expect that big surprises would come soon.

Two days before the results of the college entrance examination came out, Zhou's father wanted to take his son to the county to look up, but before that, Zhou's father ushered in the county's leaders, and they directly brought great news.

"Chou Cun! Your son really is a talented talent! This time, there are a total of 472 points, and the score is particularly high. Listening to the people above, it may be our top national college entrance examination this year! And ah, you My son's composition about social evolution was even seen by the newspapers in Shangjing City, and it was said that it would be published! The manuscript fee was sent directly to me, and I am here to give you the news! "

This person is the head of the county, and the secretary of the county committee is squinting with a smile. After all, they have such a powerful student in the county, that is very proud! Although educated youths have been admitted to Jinghua University before, they are not their natives after all, but Zhou Zekai is a native of them!

Such a good student will be the pride of their county and even the city and province!

And where have you ever seen someone's college entrance examination composition casually read by others newspapers! That is definitely better than many people, but it ’s a big writer ...

Zhou Shanhui was blinded at this time and was held by the county chief. When he went to the county to report his work before, he also met the county chief, but the county chief was not so kind. Now it looks like this kindness, and it took me a while to respond. Come here, his son may be the national champion! The score of 472 is scary, and the article he wrote is also watched by the newspaper in Shanghai!

You know, 1978 is the second year of the resumption of the college entrance examination. There are a total of five compulsory subjects. The directories that need to be taken are all political, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and Chinese. There are a total of five hundred points, plus one. One hundred English points will be scored on six subjects.

The reason why Zhou Zekai is excellent is because the books he saw before are summaries of the predecessors and the papers of the last college entrance examination. After reading them, roughly divide the general orientation of the questions. This is for a schoolmaster , Is a habitual process.

The title of this time is "Speed ​​is a Political Problem", so Zhou Zekai focused on social evolution and wrote the current status of social development in order to make those teachers like it. After all, the development of social status is actually a An extension of this kind of politics, because any kind of politics is to promote social progress.

In the current environment, Zhou Zekai ’s performance is already very bad. You must know that since the college entrance examination resumed last year, there are no age restrictions to participate in the college entrance examination, which means that there are many candidates, and the score lines of major universities are different. Zhou Zekai knows that Jinghua University's score is not so high, so it is Jinghua University that is reported, but this score is enough to rank first in the country!

When taking the leaders to the house, Zhou Shanhui was embarrassed. When a villager came to ask him, he stunned his son's good grades. Some people at home also knew about the exam. A total of five hundred percent. This is why some people have taken so many exams.

The leaders carried by the village chief Zhou were also very cheerful. Not only the five subjects scored, but even Zhou Zekai's English score reached 96 points. It can be said that it is really a very high score. Not to mention that this year's college entrance examination champion is considered to be compared with last year. I have never seen such a bad candidate.

After arriving at Zhou Zekai's house, Sun Yingchun went out from the door and it turned out that the husband came with so many people, at first hesitated, and then he saw her husband beaming.

"Haruko, is Kai Kai at home?"

Zhou Shanhui is really happy. Even when Lin Meiyu, a daughter-in-law, was admitted to college last year, many people came to talk and he would n’t be so happy, but after knowing his son ’s grade, Zhou Shanhui knew it was true Happy, walking on the way back was windy ...

"Ah, he's reading in his room."

Sun Yingchun gave the answer to make Zhou Shanhui even more cheerful, turned around and asked the leaders to go in, just to show them that his son is so powerful, his exam results are so good, and he is studying so hard.

My heart is so beautiful ~

Zhou Zekai was reading a medical book and found it from the library in the city. The contents inside made Zhou Zekai very interested, but when he looked at it, he heard his father's voice. As soon as he looked up, the father brought someone in.

"Akai, our county leader came over to look at you specifically. Your grades for the college entrance examination were very good. The county chief came to see you."

Speaking of this, Zhou Father was excited! It doesn't matter how many points are mentioned, which surprised Zhou Zekai.

"Really? Dad, are you down?"

A few days?

As a result of Zhou Zekai's questioning, the county magistrate hurriedly spoke.

"Comrade Zhou Zekai, right? You scored very well this time. It can be said that you got the highest score of 472 in our province. This is the first place in the country. Today, I come here on behalf of the Education Bureau in Beijing. First of all, I want to congratulate you for such good results, and later you can learn more to serve the country. In addition, the People's Daily on the side of Beijing City looks at the evolution of your composition and will be published in the newspaper. Come here and drop in the draft fee. "

With that said, he took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it over. Although Zhou Zekai was a little curious about how much money he had, he couldn't ask more at this moment. After receiving the envelope, he looked at the magistrate with thanks.

"Thank you, County Meng."

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