The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 610 Every power comes from the cause and effect of shaping

"Tell me what the specific situation is."

After the fourth time of backtracking, Yu Liang stood in the same position again. He looked at Butler Moon and asked, while the adventurer beside him said the same words as the past four times.

However, Yu Liang and Butler Moon ignored him. Butler Moon simply filled in the adventurer's missing memories and then left him alone to carefully reflect on what happened during this period.

"You should also have the impression that Aze will die directly after typing the thirteen 'forbidden words' symbols every time, and his death is like a clarion call of war. It is the time for us to launch a counterattack." Moon said the steward.

Yu Liang nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, but won't our situation gradually get better? In the last reincarnation, we have successfully liberated one root ghost story. In this case, in theory, we only need to unlock five or six root ghost stories. , we can reverse the situation.”

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true. To completely solve this matter, you may need to clear the level thirty times, but to achieve a turning point in the war, only five or six times are enough.

With this kind of will, the priest can deal with 14 source ghost stories, which means that there are only 16 root ghost stories left. Yu Liang will liberate some of them. During the civil strife, there will not be many root ghost stories that "human beings" can control. In addition, The beekeeper and programmer who have never been involved in the Internet...

Doesn’t the advantage lie with me?

The enemy is fighting less and less, and we are fighting more and more. Isn't this a steady upper hand?

The priest can also be saved. As long as more root ghosts are liberated, the priest will no longer need to kill himself with the holy nails. Everything can be saved.

This is the terrifying thing about Moon Steward's ability. As long as there are a sufficient number of intelligent beings around him to provide him with the power of faith, he is almost invincible.

"That's true, but the strange 'human beings' have been deliberately targeting Aze since the second reincarnation. They are digging for Aze's foundation." Moon Butler continued, with a look of helplessness on his face, "You know , Aze and the source ghost talk about him are not monolithic. If the cloud point is allowed to escape A Ze's control, judging from the current development status of the cloud point, A Ze will definitely die."

Yu Liang clicked his tongue after hearing this. He didn't expect that the problem actually existed here. These weird "human beings" really should not be underestimated. They found the key to the problem in just one reincarnation.

"The relationship between Aze and Wudian should be stipulated in a contract. Isn't this also the case?" Yu Liang asked further.

Butler Moon shook his head: "Under normal circumstances, it is definitely enough, but those strange 'human beings' are different. Their headquarters has a more special contract motherboard, which is the one used to write short compositions."

"With that contract motherboard, can the strange talk about 'human beings' reveal the relationship between Aze and Cloud Point?" Yu Liang felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. It probably meant that there was already hope on the frontal battlefield, but suddenly Suddenly he was attacked from both sides.

The Moon Butler thought for a while and did not give a very clear answer: "It is not that easy to use the contract motherboard to destroy the agreement. At least it cannot be completed in three minutes. They need to keep doing it." Repeatedly eroding the connection between Aze and the cloud point in reincarnation, and when Aze really dies at the hands of the cloud point, if we have not completely liberated those origin ghost stories, then we may be in danger."

There are some words that he has not said yet, and the reason is not complicated. The reason why he can successfully use the power of faith to reverse time and space every time is, to a certain extent, dependent on Aze's "forbidden words" field.

Without the word talisman, the Moon's ability priority is equal to that of other source monsters, and in an equal state, he can confidently display his retroactive ability again and again, but if he can use the word talisman...

An accident may occur.

Even the most unskilled characters used by the source monsters and monster "humans" still have a higher priority than the ability to look back, and can still cause damage to the power of the moon's faith.

"Go find the coach and programmer, they will tell you the situation." Yu Liang patted the adventurer on the shoulder. With the programmer, a player who has retained his memory, Yu Liang was not worried that the founding chairs would be in a hurry.

The focus of this reincarnation is Aze, and it’s not clear what the situation is with that guy.

Yu Liang sensed Aze's location. After the guidance of Butler Moon, Yu Liang quickly found Aze who was hiding at the entrance of the sewer hole with only one pair of eyes left to observe the situation, looking very sneaky.

Thinking that Aze had emerged from the sewer last time, Yu Liang felt a little funny in his heart. He walked over quickly and knocked on the manhole cover that Aze was holding: "Hey, come out to bask in the moon."

"Tch, don't make any noise. I'm going to finish the project in two minutes." Aze's voice sounded a little loud in the sewer. He didn't know what he was stepping on, so he stretched out and said, "Look at it this way If I get up, my task should be the easiest, right? Yu Liangsensen."

"You also know about backtracking... Indeed, you have a cloud point, how could you not know it." Yu Liang thought for a while and realized that he had missed Aze again.

Aze said easily: "Tell me, what can make you come to me in your fifth reincarnation."

He stepped on the sewer with his feet, and his body automatically rose up, gradually pushing up the manhole cover, and growing out of the sewer, embodying a vigorous vitality.

"You're going to die." Yu Liang said concisely.

"..." Aze rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Do you guys who stay at home and write words have such low emotional intelligence? I'm just wrapping up the project. I will be resurrected later, so I'm not really dead. .”

"No, I'm talking about real death." Yu Liang said seriously. Looking at Aze's appearance, he guessed something, "And you should be aware of this matter."

Aze: "..."

In the end, he shrugged and said helplessly: "Well, I thought no one would find out about this, and just let me, a rat living in the sewer, die quietly in the sewer. I originally thought that was okay. fine."

"What else do you know? Let me try to see if I can save you. I can be reincarnated countless times. The priest can save you, and you should be the same." Yu Liang squatted down and looked at Aze, who was half of his body exposed in the sewer.

Aze shook his head: "It's very simple. Every time I use the 'forbidden word', I will be targeted by those guys and the erosion will be intensified. After about a few times, the cloud point will be beyond my control."

He showed his arm, which was already dyed green, just like before, as if it were made of green crystal and flesh and white bones.

However, what is different from before is that the greenery now does not carry a mysterious and noble feeling, but an evil and disturbing atmosphere.

"So you are not reincarnated countless times, but I believe that with your level, you can solve this matter before my limit comes." Aze shrugged and said it didn't matter, he can always make the most accurate judgment, " But if you don’t use the word symbols... you know it’s impossible. If you don’t use the word symbols, we will all die.”

Indeed, Aze can always make the most accurate judgments, but these most accurate judgments always lead him in the wrong direction.

It's outrageous, and the title of "loser" is well-deserved.

"I will solve the matter before you die." Yu Liang nodded solemnly and made a promise to Aze.

Now that things have happened, it is impossible for him to persuade Aze to stop using word symbols. That would be too naive.

"Of course, you'd better hurry up. No one wants to live more than me." Aze still looked cheerful in his clothes. He seemed to have no psychological burden, but his words were full of emotion. The desire to survive, "Hurry up, I want to live well, I haven't..."

Before he finished speaking, Aze slapped himself in the face: "Damn it, I want to raise the flag again, hiss - it's a bit harsh..."

"Okay." Yu Liang agreed, turned around and ran towards the center of the camp. He had some vague guesses in his heart, but he did not say it out loud.

Judging from the context of both parties and the topics they unanimously avoid, this erosion is likely to be irreversible even in retrospect, and once it begins, it is likely to lead to death.

Forget it, let's resolve the immediate matters one by one. As long as the situation of the entire war can be reversed before Aze's immediate death, there is still a good chance of solving the problem of Aze's erosion.

Yu Liang thought of the green arms that Aze had shown before, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The loopholes of erosion may have remained from that time, and the strange "human beings" merely contributed to this erosion of the cloud point.

This Aze is really not afraid of death when he engages in scientific research, which is completely different from his usual fighting style.

Soon, Yu Liang came to the center of the camp. At this time, the coach and adventurers were ready to set off, but Yu Liang looked at them and still felt a little uneasy.

The current staffing situation is very problematic.

Neither the adventurers nor the coaches have any source of strange stories, so their memories cannot be preserved. It is difficult to convey what happened after leaving the camp.

However, if you need to add programmers, these four figures are not enough to sit on. Moreover, programmers are not physical warriors and are not suitable for following rough-skinned coaches and adventurers.

And if the coach doesn't go, Sixiang won't obey the instructions of the adventurer and programmer, which will be very uncomfortable. You can't let the programmer and adventurer go over, right?

Without the high flexibility and agility of the Sibei as a mount, the adventurer may be out of time before he comes into contact with the Kaitan "human". If he cannot liberate the new source of Kaitan before going back in time, all this will be meaningless.

Yu Liang had some hesitation in his heart, but when he felt his emotions, he immediately made a new decision.

In this case, let "Zhi" come out to replace him, and then go into the heart to ask his soul. That guy must be tired from doing math problems, so he just came out to help solve the current problem.

When Yu Liang thought about this, he could not help but compare Yuanshen Shishen with Moon Butler.

It would be great if he could transform Yuan Shen and Consciousness like Moon Butler, so that they could be completely and willingly used by him.

Yu Liang looked at the time and saw that there were only thirty seconds left before the time to look back, so he did not hesitate and immediately informed Miss Zhi of his idea.

After all, Miss "Zhi" has grown up a lot. She did not have a temper with Yu Liang at this time. Instead, she quickly transformed into "Yu Liang", taking away other sources of ghost power from Yu Liang, leaving behind a pure Edition Yuliang.

Yu Liang woke up in his heart and rushed non-stop to the cabin where Yuanshen was. Due to time constraints, he did not hesitate to ask the other party about his next decision after entering the cabin.

"How should I break the situation now?" Yu Liang looked at the ball of soul stardust in the center. He didn't think it was cheating. After all, the soul was also a part of him.

The methods that Yuanshen came up with were originally his, but his acquired experience and personality limited his ability to think of these methods.

"Negotiation." Yuanshen Xingchen Tuan replied feebly. He seemed to be less energetic than before, as if he had been drained of energy by math problems.

Sure enough, mathematics is such a thing that can torture people. Did you see that even people's innate spirit can't stand the oppression of mathematics?

Yu Liang thought, and then asked: "How to negotiate?"

"It's very simple. Negotiating with the attitude of sacrificing Aze and liberating more root ghosts before Aze's situation worsens makes those guys feel that they may fail. That's when the negotiation has a chance to win." Yuan God continued, "The purpose of the negotiation is to buy time. The Kaidan 'Humans' can never be wiped out. The Kaidan 'Humans' that attacked this time are just a stronghold. Your performance is indeed beyond their expectations, but it is still It’s not enough to reverse the entire situation, and there will be more strange ‘human beings’ coming next.”

"What's the point of fighting for time?" Yu Liang had a vague guess in his heart. He didn't know whether it was a revelation given to him by Yuan Shen or something he came up with himself, but he was sure it was feasible.

"Becoming a raider, I don't mean becoming a raider directly, but becoming a raider who can deceive the strange 'human beings'." The soul stardust was scattered in the center of the cabin, looking like it was dying.

Yu Liang nodded and said, "I understand."

Perhaps because the two sides are one, Yu Liang has realized what he is trying to do to gain time from Yuanshen's seemingly vague answer.

He is already a writer for T1, but does not have his own title yet.

Yes, the title can only be obtained by completing the first dungeon mission after being promoted to T1, and your performance in this dungeon will account for a certain proportion.

Looking at his past experiences, an extremely bold idea came to Yu Liang's mind.

Can you change your title to "Raider"?

The existence of the theory of causality makes it necessary to rely on one's own efforts to achieve all of this.

He can be the creator of the Root Moon, but not because of fate, but because of his own efforts; he can be the origin of the Raiders and even the entire Forgotten City, but this still requires his own efforts.

There is no future self that travels back to the past to give himself power. Each of these powers is obtained by shaping the cause and effect.

It seems to be something for nothing, but you can't tell because this writer always does it himself.

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