The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 609 The person who may really be sacrificed

"Okay, their attack will come within three minutes." Yu Liang saw what the priest meant, but he did not stop him because he knew that this sacrifice might only be temporary.

Now is the early stage of breaking through, and the priest's explosive power is a must. Without the Holy Spirit [God] behind him to hold back the fourteen root ghost stories, the situation of the Haicheng Alliance will only get worse.

For the time being, let's let the priest die a few more times. As long as these source monsters can be liberated one by one, the power of "human" monsters is not to be feared, and the priest can still be rescued by then.

Of course, from the perspective of the priest, the priest is undoubtedly great, because he is not like Yu Liang, and he does not know that Yu Liang has thought of a way to save him from death.

The priest will only know that the pain he felt when he inserted the holy nail into his heart and his destined death will delay nearly half of the source ghost stories, and can win a glimmer of life for the Haicheng Alliance in reincarnations.

Yu Liang quickly left the priest's tent, while the adventurers beside him were still chirping and asking, until Yu Liang winked at Butler Moon.

"Okay." Butler Moon nodded with a smile. He immediately understood what Yu Liang meant and implanted a memory that the adventurer could understand into the other party's mind.

In just a moment, the adventurer understood what had just happened, and looked at Yu Liang with surprise in his eyes: "Can I influence those weird 'human beings'? Can I cut off their connection with the source of weird talk?"

"Well, your role will be very important this time." Yu Liang nodded.

The adventurer recalled the words and state of the priest just now, and realized in his heart that the calm atmosphere of the camp was already in turmoil. If some preparations were not made, they would be destroyed together in three minutes.

"Okay, what do I need to do? Do you want to rush out of the camp with the coach to find trouble with those weird 'human beings'?" The adventurer's voice did not show any fear or nervousness, but was extremely excited, as if there was something super. Exciting things to do.

Well, it is indeed a super exciting thing, and it is very consistent with the career setting of an adventurer. With the character of an adventurer, excitement is normal.

"Almost, I want to confirm whether your approach is effective." Yu Liang continued, he had already arrived at the coach's side.

Judging from the situation in the previous life, the coach with the self-destructing bee successfully detonated the bomb, but it did not have much effect.

The calamity of the Haicheng Alliance will not end with the death of a few Kaitan "humans". On the contrary, the Kaitan "humans" will probably become even more fearless in death after knowing that their own casualties can be traced back. .

Yu Liang informed the coach of the situation. He could not let Butler Moon directly implant memories into the founders who had such strong root power. This would likely arouse the hostility of the founders.

They don't like their memories to be messed with, which will make them feel a sense of crisis that they are being controlled.

The coach has the Root Sword, but the connection between him and the Root Sword is minimal. The Root Sword will not retain the memories before going back to him. The beekeeper is in a similar situation, only the programmer retains the memory. And helped Yu Liang speak.

"Since there is not enough time, let's briefly talk about what we are going to do?" The coach has always been vigorous and resolute.

With his special abilities, Yu Liang has become the backbone of the founding chair, but what he is thinking about now is naturally not this false reputation. He points to the coach: "You have a special paint that is immune to the root ability. It is very important."

"Here." The coach took it out without hesitation, "But one copy of this thing corresponds to one person, so there is no saying that it can be used sparingly. I only have this one, so do I need to give it to adventurers?"

"Yes." Yu Liang looked at the big jar of cement-like things. They obviously looked like many things, but they were all used in correspondence.

It makes sense when you think about it carefully. The coach said that this kind of thing can eliminate the induction of the root ghost story on the user and force it into a state where it cannot be selected, thereby "breaking all methods". If it is separated and used by different people, I am afraid that this The ability to eliminate induction will also be greatly affected.

"In that case, I'll take you there." The coach took out Si unlikei from the monster column. He patted the thick satin-like hair on Si unlike's body. "This guy won't listen to outsiders."

"Huh? In that case...if you didn't have this cement on you..." The adventurer could also understand the current situation and subconsciously wanted to say something.

"What? Do you think I'm not as brave as that guy who always prays to God when encountering trouble?" the coach said jokingly, sealing off the adventurer's last words.

The adventurer looked at the coach's smile and the determination in his eyes, and understood what the coach meant, so he sighed and kept silent.

"What about me? What can the beekeeper and I do?" The programmer saw that they all had their own tasks, and she was in a state of "doing nothing" since the last backtracking, and was immediately at a loss.

No, you all look like you are sacrificing yourself. The beekeeper and I are doing nothing beside you. Doesn’t this make us two greedy for life and afraid of death?

"At least don't do anything now." Yu Liang shook his head, still not giving the two of them a task.

It's a very simple reason. Today's "human beings" have no protection against the professional abilities of adventurers, and the limits of adventurers' abilities cannot unblock all the source of ghost stories in a short time. Then programmers and beekeepers Naturally, the ability of human beings to press the bottom of the box should be reserved for use when Kaitan "humans" counterattack adventurers.

After playing all the good cards from the beginning, do you have to wait until the end to stare at the one-to-three in your hand in a daze?

The priest walked out of the tent. His body had been completely driven by [God], so it became a little stiff and twisted. He walked slowly to the door of the tent and stood there upright, with a bright light behind him.

Strictly speaking, the current priest is still himself, because the four-dimensional part [God] is also something created by his will, so what controls this body still belongs to the priest's will.

But in a broader sense, the priest is dead.

When the holy nail penetrated his heart, he had already entered the countdown of his life, and on the way to the camp gate, he burned out his last flame as a "human".

The Holy Spirit took the sword from the coach's hand, re-transformed into Nimbus Thirteen, and waited with the Sword of Origin. It wasn't until the coach and the adventurer rushed out of the camp on the wind-like four-face that the Holy Spirit began to take action.

"Forbidden words*13~"

In every flashback, Aze's voice was like an opening charge horn, directly leading to the battle.

The Holy Spirit moved. His movements were not as stiff as the priest's. In just an instant, he successfully nailed a source ghost story to the wall of air. Then he pulled out the next sword in the halo and pointed towards the other side. Cut it down in the open.

And Yu Liang is just a group of players in the camp, watching the moon hanging high in the sky, absorbing the power of faith from most of the players present.

His brain was running at the speed of light, trying to find a way to break the current situation.

This attack by the strange "human beings" was too sudden. They were trapped for these three minutes, unable to call for help from the outside world.

The magician just went to find the dock, but the beekeeper's messenger bees couldn't find the guy in just three minutes and couldn't get the magician back.

Moreover, the magician is a pure version, and he has no source of ghost stories, which means that he needs to go to him every time. And when he receives the news and opens the dimensional gate and comes to the Sea City Alliance, he will probably be able to clean up the mess.

So who else or creature can participate in helping the Haicheng Alliance within these three minutes?

The Lord of Rats?

This is indeed a special power, but an underage Kaidan still seems too weak among thirty Kaitans. And it is just like Miss "Zhi"'s rules were out of control when she was young a long time ago. Yu Liang was still quite worried that the rules of the Rat God were out of control.

Yu Liang didn't know if there was something wrong with the out-of-control mechanics rules and other sources of strange talk, but something would definitely happen to the Haicheng Alliance so close.

Qin Haijian?

That guy is still out there, and even the magician can't be contacted, let alone him.

Yu Liang felt a little distressed, and then he heard the voice of Butler Moon.

"Mr. Yu Liang, I found something interesting." Butler Yue still looked calm and calm, as if the current crisis was not worth mentioning.

In thousands of years of reincarnation and waiting, Butler Moon, who has the power of retrospection, has honed his indifferent and confident character. There is nothing in his worldview that can move him.

In the current situation, even if you are destined to be trapped in these three minutes for the rest of your life, it is still immortality, right?


Under the operation of Mr. Yu Liang, the existence logic of Moon Butler's consciousness has cause and effect. Unless Yu Liang disappears forever in the long history like the Raiders, the existence logic of Moon Butler will not be cut off.

In other words, with the establishment of logical cause and effect and the ability to look back, the root moon at this moment definitely belongs to the complete root ghost talk. The intensity of the ability may not be as powerful and irresistible as some root ghost talks, but in terms of its own completeness - —

The moon is the only one.

Under this premise, Yue Yue will not hide his trust and loyalty to Yu Liang at all, even though he knows that his loyalty is only a link in the complete causal logical chain.

So what if he is loyal to Yu Liang forever?

The birth of [God] was the will of the priest. The priest gave Him the underlying logic of loving the world, but would [God] hate the restriction of "loving the world" and do something that would harm the world?

No, such a thing might be done by a rebellious person like Miss "Zhi" who would do some unreasonable things for the sake of empty free will. I never thought that I had become the target of such a rebellious mentality. Slaves have become the least free existence.

[God] No, He will not betray the first generation of priests. He will burn the rest of his life for the priest's will. He will become a god who truly entrusts God's faith and carry out the ultimate mission of loving the world.

Even if his power comes from another source ghost story, even if he is just a forged source ghost story, what's the problem with that?

In this world, it is not the brave who draws the holy sword, but the sword of the brave that is the holy sword.

This is exactly what [God] is like at this time.

As for the Moon Butler, he doesn't care about real immortality at all. Even if he only achieves eternal life in these three minutes, it doesn't matter. There is not much difference, not to mention that there are so many players and roots in this eternal life. Strange stories and strange stories about "human beings" accompany each other.

Moreover, there is the most important existential logic for Him - the writer Mr. Yu Liang.

"What's going on?" Yu Liang turned to look at Butler Moon.

"Miss Xu Cixi's abilities are very interesting." Butler Yue said leisurely, "Her ghost story ability is based on Miss Zhi's abilities, but the alienation profession is more biased towards my abilities. I am looking forward to the integration of the two. A wonderful reaction.”

"Is this a good thing for her? As long as it's a good thing." Yu Liang said without hesitation.

Butler Moon was silent for a moment, and then continued: "This is exactly where I hesitate, Mr. Yu Liang, under the current circumstances, mastering greater abilities may not be a good thing, she may die."

Just like coaches and priests, they have greater power, so they must die generously when they are needed.

Emotionally speaking, they are absolutely great, but from a macro perspective, their death is inevitable as the optimal solution.

As the operator of the current war, Yu Liang will not put more people in danger just because he pities a respected person.

After all, he also gave up the easy escape opportunity and chose to go back to save more players.

But now Xu Cixi’s words...

Yu Liang hesitated for a rare moment. Hesitation was a luxury when there was only three minutes to look back at each time, but he still wasted the precious three seconds in hesitation.

He had subconsciously avoided Xu Cixi's existence, and wanted to keep him out of this war, but now that Butler Moon had brought it up, he had to speak.

"It's okay. Strong power is not the cause of death. On the contrary, insufficient power is the cause of death." Yu Liang did not want to prevent Xu Cixi from achieving better development due to personal factors, because that would be too selfish.

Besides, he had no valid reason.

Even if she is deliberately ignored now, what about the dock later?

It was impossible for Xu Cixi not to go to the dock. She would be at a greater risk of death in front of the even weirder barrel man.

The fourth retrace ended with the emergence of the singularity. Yu Liang did not know what the adventurers and coaches were doing when the camp was destroyed. He could only hear inaudible explosions coming from a distant place.

When Yu Liang opened his eyes again, Butler Moon looked over quickly: "There is good news and bad news."

"Say." Yu Liang's words were concise and concise. After several reincarnations, his decision-making became more and more decisive, and he gradually abandoned the bad habits of hesitation and repeated entanglement of gains and losses in the past.

"The good news is that the adventurer and coach succeeded. They successfully liberated a root ghost story. Our plan has the possibility of success." Moon Butler said, and then changed his tone, "The bad news is-"

"In our camp, the one closest to death doesn't seem to be the priest. He seems to have taken up too many tragic colors, causing us to all ignore one thing -"

"Actor Aze is the real player who must die every time, and his words...can't save him."

Butler Moon looked at Yu Liang, probably trying to judge from Yu Liang's expression how important the role of Aze was.

Yu Liang was silent, and then he laughed jokingly for a long time: "How can even sacrificing oneself make this guy so funny? He may really not be suitable for starring in a serious drama."

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