The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 587: Why are you so weak and migrating?

Just when Yu Liang was still thinking about whether he could cut the "dog" into a "big" one, Li Huachao opened the tent and got in. He looked at the two Yu Liangs in front of him who looked exactly the same, and his paws moved happily. Time is a bit overwhelming.

It's a bit like a dog seeing two owners when he comes home and doesn't know which owner he should share his happiness with.

The moment he saw Li Huachao, Yu Liang's thoughts became clear.

There should be some canines in the zoo. He had never seen them before, but he vaguely remembered that there was a pavilion similar to the African grassland, and there would probably be hyenas and the like.

Besides, foxes are also canids, so you can also try to reduce composite characters.

Anyway, most of the animals in the zoo are unconscious bodies, so Yu Liang's killing is not considered cruelty.

If you can get a "big" character, it will be a great enhancement to yourself.

Lao Du once said that characters obtained through physical reduction cannot be used for synthesis, but Yu Liang is not used for synthesis now, he is used to form word symbols, which is not a violation of the rules.

Being able to create the word symbol "Big Illusion" is equivalent to getting a Death Note that points to where to hit. It will be easier to deal with players or ghost "human beings".

Moreover, Yu Liang also wants to try to let "Zhi" inherit his trumpet and let Yu Liang become "Writer Yu Liang" again, so that he can switch to Lu Baoshen.

Lu Baoshen has a method that allows characters to have unlimited casting distance. By having the characters jump between two silver coins that constantly switch positions, he can damage targets far away from the characters' casting range.

If it can be matched with the words and symbols, it will really become an intercontinental missile.

Hit wherever you look.

Although the attack efficiency of this style of play is very low, it is basically equivalent to Lu Baoshen sitting on the torpedo himself, controlling the words to rush towards the ship at all times.

"Why are there two Yu Liangs?" Li Huachao walked around the camp, then walked up to him and examined him, "The smell of the universe tells me that you are Yu Liang, but why aren't you cheap enough?"

He looked at the real Yu Liang again with a puzzled look. He recognized it just at a glance, and greeted him cheerfully as soon as he tapped his hand: "Yes, it smells like this."

Yu Liang: "..."

No, isn't he always known for being reserved and gentle?

What does "this is the smell" mean?

"Don't be angry. Think on the bright side. Even if a human being changes into your appearance, I can still recognize it. Isn't this a good thing?" Li Huachao immediately put on a smile and patted Yu Liang. on the shoulder, "By the way, Zhuan Bao asked me to tell you that she will bring her eldest brother up in the evening. There are some things to discuss, so you'd better make preparations."

Yu Liang nodded in agreement: "Were you in the underground world just now?"

"That's about it, just wander around for a while." Li Huachao said happily, asking for credit to Yu Liang, "You can't imagine what I found underground."

"What is it? Haven't you already been to Brother Lord God's treasure house?" Yu Liang had a thought, thinking that Li Huachao had found another treasure.

Li Huachao stretched out his index finger and shook it, and continued: "No, no, no, I found the Lord God Brother! You know, he seemed to be trapped by something, a mirror, a talisman, something like that. Thanks to me for saving him. Come out, he now calls me his savior."

His words came one after another, repeating the grateful tone of the Lord God Brother at that time: "Hey, my savior, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would do. This ghost place is really too evil. I wouldn't leave at all." If you don't go out, your voice won't be heard... You can't repay your life-saving grace. I have a sister, but it's a pity that she already has someone to marry, otherwise I would definitely betroth her to you."

Yu Liang: "..."

Wait a minute, why does the formation created by the so-called mirror and talisman sound familiar?

Don’t you know Li Huachao?

Didn't I test the sturdiness of the three-dimensional drawing prison with you at that time?

Also, I obviously wanted to trap the lawyer who might come back, but I didn’t expect that I would trap the Lord God Brother. No wonder Li Huachao and the Lord God had already cooked the rice, but no brother came back to take charge of the overall situation...

Although Yu Liang knew that he didn't do it on purpose, but looking at the whole thing, he was indeed suspected of raping a civilian girl, so he first subdued the elder brother who had some brains, and then coaxed the innocent and pure Lord Shushu.

But then again, he can be regarded as helping Brother Lord God solve a problem. Anyway, Brother Lord God originally wanted to drive away Qin Haijian by relying on his expulsion properties. Now that Qin Haijian has been driven away, wouldn't it be a happy family?

Thinking this way, Yu Liang gained more confidence and felt that he had done a good job.

"Then, what did you say? That his sister has married you?" Yu Liang continued to ask following Li Huachao's words.

"Oh, no, I feel that your charm is still there, brother." Li Huachao said seriously.

Yu Liang: "..."

What brother and sister rice bowl, are you really not a pervert?

Li Huachao continued with a dark face: "It was Li Huaniang who said this just now. Damn it, you can use my body to do some inexplicable things."

Seeing that Li Huachao hadn't remembered that Hua Lao came from the writer, Yu Liang didn't bother to remind him, so as not to spill the beans in front of the Lord God brother and affect the current friendship.

"Later, I followed my brother to see Zhuan Bao. Zhuan Bao helped explain. Now my brother has no objection to our marriage. Anyway, we have solved Qin Haijian." Li Huachao continued, and then he was like He remembered something, "By the way, I remembered it. I eavesdropped for a while after they asked me to leave. It seemed that they were going to discuss the custody rights of their offspring and so on in the evening. You must go."

"Custody rights? You gave birth so soon?" Yu Liang said in surprise. The root ghost story produced children much faster than he imagined.

Do you think it's possible to build a new factory?

"It's probably because the father's genes were not very good, so he was born prematurely." Li Huachao continued with a helpless expression, with a touch of sarcasm mixed in his words.

Needless to say, Yu Liang knew that this sentence came from Li Huaniang as soon as he heard it. As expected, Li Huachao and Li Huaniang immediately started arguing about who the so-called inferior genes came from.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, was lost in thought as he watched Li Huachao fighting with each other, and then his eyes unconsciously drifted to "Zhi" beside him.

"What do you want to do? I will not give birth to an heir with a mere human being." Miss Zhi snorted coldly in Yu Liang's voice, as if she wanted to interrupt Yu Liang's unrealistic fantasy.

Yu Liang smiled bitterly and could only explain: "Of course, I don't have such an idea."

"You'd better be." He replied coldly, and then restored his body.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, was shocked. When he came to his senses again, he had become "Writer Yu Liang" again.

"Aren't you going to try it again? I have some other words and symbols that I can try." Yu Liang felt the familiarity of being a writer and asked about it.

Miss "Zhi" shook her head: "No, that's enough."

Yu Liang pulled Li Huachao to his side and told him to enter the zoo again and be sure to bring back twenty "big" characters.

"Okay, okay." Li Huachao checked the things on his body and handed some of the supplies he had carried to Yu Liang. Then he looked at Li Erxiang in the monster column, patted his forehead and said, "It's broken. , I actually forgot to use this guy."

He thought about it seriously and decided to take Li Erxiang back to the zoo because he wanted to keep a monster pen for his and Zhuan Bao's child.

If he had more children and could just get custody rights, Li Huachao would definitely want to bring back a few more children.

Even if the descendants of the Source Kaidan are not as good as the Source Kaidan itself, they are not comparable to ordinary Kaidan creatures.

Not to mention that the body of this strange creature also contains genes that belong exclusively to his Li Huachao...

Tsk tsk, it will definitely be an extremely powerful new race.

On the other side, Yu Liang walked out of the camp after completing the research on the word symbol method, and found the characters he created, and also found Aze.

"Come with me and kill someone." Yu Liang's request was brief.

It sounded like a request, but it didn't give Aze much room to refuse, because Yu Liang directly took out a huge diamond from Zhuan Bao.

One piece is much more than the garbage that Aze picked up.

"Okay, anything except the founder's seat is fine." Aze took the diamond happily, bit it tentatively with his teeth, and then stuffed it into his pocket. Then he thought about it and came up with a precise answer, "Founder If you want a seat, you have to pay extra.”

"No, I'm a T1 lawyer." Yu Liang said, "The body belongs to you, how about it?"

"Of course it belongs to me, what do you want the body for?" Aze looked like it was a matter of course, and then he called all the Azes around him to come with him. He turned to look at Yu Liang, "Which ones should you bring? You say it."

"Swordsman, Yuan Universe, Shadow Puppeteer, and a rapper." Yu Liang appointed four candidates. He was going to kill people now, and he didn't need too many people to participate.

Although it is indeed spectacular to have more than 20 people go there together, and it feels like an all-powerful crowd blocking people after school in middle and high school, it is really not necessary.

It was just a matter of killing a lawyer. It was already foolproof for him to go alone. Bringing Aze along was just to maximize the benefits.

"Hey, I think you know what each Aze does better than me now." Aze complained, and then looked at his various personality clones, "Everyone named by Teacher Yu comes here, and the rest study by themselves. , the little secretary continues to take over."

Under Aze's command, the swordsman and the other four people came over. Aze asked first, "So where are you going?"

"Go to the underground world. There are not many players there. It's just right to kill the lawyer." Yu Liang had already made a plan in his mind.

Although the founders may not care much about lawyers now, it would be too presumptuous to let Yu Liang kill each other in public.

Just let the lawyer die quietly in the underground world. In this case, even if the founders know about it, they will pretend they don't know. No one really cares about the lawyer's life or death anyway.

After leading everyone into the underground world, Lu Baoshen beside Yu Liang immediately understood his mission and immediately began to circle around, preparing to capture the lawyer.

About two hours had passed since the lawyer left their sight. Normally, it was impossible for the lawyer to leave this safe zone.

Other areas with root monsters will only be more dangerous. He only needs to find a corner to hide, there is no need to run to other areas.

The fact was just as Yu Liang expected. About three minutes later, Yu Liang saw a frightened face on the hook.

"!" When the lawyer saw that it was the writer who had caught him, the look on his face was nervous at first and then became frightening. "What do you want to do to me? This is still the territory of the Haicheng Alliance. They won’t let you mess around!”

"Are all of you in the Haicheng Alliance so stupid?" Aze looked at Yu Liang and asked seriously.

"Don't get involved with me. When you were playing in the Haicheng League, I had not yet become a player." Yu Liang said that he did not bear this label.

When the lawyer saw Aze's face, he became even more hysterical: "Actor? You actually got together with the actors to murder me? You're done. You have committed the most serious crime in the Haicheng Alliance!"

Yu Liang glanced at the lawyer helplessly. The lawyer was no longer as arrogant as before and suddenly became crazy.

Well, there are not a few people who call themselves elites. Once they find that their lives are as fragile as ordinary people, it is indeed easy to completely collapse.

"Do you want to play this guy? If so, hurry up. I have other processes." Yu Liang asked Aze.

Aze shook his head: "No need, I have already decided on a new role model, and it takes a lot of energy to get a new personality clone. I have no interest in lawyers."

He looked at his page again, and his various personality avatars on the page had made a qualitative leap.

Now, only rappers have not become T1.

After entering Forget City, the personality clones were promoted much faster than expected. Almost every T2 clone got the opportunity to be promoted.

So relying on Aze's arrangements, there were already several newly promoted T1 personality clones.

Sure enough, entering the Forgotten City has the highest profit.

The only rapper who failed to be promoted, Aze himself was very helpless, because this guy's academic level was too high, and it was a bit difficult to upgrade for a while, so he needed to think about it in the long term.

Since Aze did not need to create a personality clone, Yu Liang was not polite and controlled the snake-eating snakes to go up to eat. This was the second project of the assembly line.

While the Snake Eaters were eating, the rapper began to interfere with the lawyer's thinking, making it difficult for him to even release his own abilities.

As a lawyer, it is very important to have rigorous thinking and logic. With such a highly disruptive rapper here, the lawyer will naturally feel a huge headache.

Snake Eater spit out the extra character casting distance to Lu Baoshen, and the inventory slot to An Buchen who needed more slots to store the test items.

Immediately afterwards, the combination of Scrooge and Zhong Chen went up and successfully exploded all the items on the lawyer's body.

In the end, Yu Liang personally killed the lawyer amidst the insults, and chose the founding lawyer among the aura of the designer of the metaverse.

The shadow puppeteer walked forward excitedly and dragged the lawyer's body to the corner, using the lawyer's last remaining energy.

However, not long after he started, he exclaimed:

"Hey, why is there a face underneath this guy's face? No, that face underneath is not a face..."

When Yu Liang heard this, he looked at Aze, and he saw the same judgment on Aze's face.

Is this lawyer a weird "human being"?

Are you kidding me, why would you "migrate" if you are so weak?

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