Looking at the new account on his page, even Yu Liang was extremely surprised.

Obviously, this was another unexpected thing.

There was no such account before entering the ventricle, so the new account must not have been automatically generated because "it" kicked him away.

At the same time, this matter most likely has nothing to do with the consciousness of the soul. One of them is trapped in the ventricle of the heart learning mathematics, and the other is passively memorizing mathematics, and there is no room for manipulation.

Speaking of which, the only variable on the court is Azer.

To be precise, Aze has the profession of Metaverse Designer. His ability is a halo type, which will be triggered as long as a player is around him. Some abilities that can only be used in dungeons can be used in real life. .

If we extrapolate from the results, "Creation" is a passive ability of the players in the dungeon?

It is definitely impossible to create an account in reality, but when the designer of the metaverse approaches him, the halo ability triggers Yu Liang's player identity, thus automatically creating an account.

It makes sense if you think about it carefully. When Lao Du reminded Yu Liang when he first entered the Monster Dungeon, Yu Liang was able to open his own page.

Yu Liang glanced at the designer of the Yuan Universe. He knew that this ability of the other party should only be aimed at those players who have player identities but no accounts. Otherwise, if this guy goes around the mall, he may have thousands more in the world. A player, obviously unreasonable.

What use can a trumpet have?

Yu Liang looked at the panel on the new page that had no alienation or even a profession, and fell into deep thought.

Use it for "it" to use?

From today on, "zhi" will officially enter the world of ghost stories?

He thought about it for a while, but found no results, so he put it aside and ignored it for the time being.

Even if he could get another alt account, he wouldn't have time to practice. Let's not talk about the job change. Even if he successfully got an alienated job, it would only be T4.

The time it takes to practice from T4 to T2 can help him move from T2 to T1. Needless to say, the latter will definitely improve more.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang first took some characters from the Scrooge and put them in the small character column for later use. Then he walked towards "Zhi" and said, "Get these guys away first."

He didn't know about others, but if it was Aze, he would probably guess what the root word involved was through the effect of the word symbol on "Zhi"'s hand.

Before Yu Liang wanted to reveal this matter, he didn't want too many people to know the details of "Zhi".

"Hey, you have indeed figured out the word talisman. Please teach me. Our family seems to be stupid." Aze immediately asked Yu Liang's method with a smile.

Yu Liang, played by "Zhi", replied: "It's very simple, just let that guy become one with you, and you can release the rules ability. The premise is that he is willing to lend you his power."

"That's right, what's your 'zi'?" Yu Liang echoed, wanting to know Aze's zi.

Aze looked like he was thinking, and after a moment he gave an answer: "My character is 'Zhi', and the word "Zhi" for reproduction seems a bit difficult to use."

"No, there are still words. There is more than one word for this cloud point." Yu Liang said immediately, "Every ability has a corresponding word. The cloud point showed more than one ability before."

One word for one ability was just Yu Liang's guess, because he suspected that there might be two words for one ability.

For example, cloud point can control the prosperity or decline of a thing, so the word "colonization" is definitely not enough. There is probably a word similar to "decline".

It can be "increased" or "subtracted". This is the essential ability of Cloud Point. In addition, Cloud Point's regeneration ability and shielding ability are very powerful, and there are many words it can possess.

This guy showed a kind of weakness, but in fact he was not weak at all.

"Okay, you are right. The ability of cloud points depends on the quantity. Different numbers of cloud points can achieve different effects." Aze knew that Yu Liang had a deep understanding of cloud points, because they They had fought each other before, so he no longer concealed it and revealed some details about his adopted son, "Judging from the number of cloud points used, these abilities will be triggered in order from least to most, including 'draw', 'forbidden', 'Benefit' and 'Yin'."

"Shadow?" Yu Liang heard this word and subconsciously asked.

Aze repeated: "Hidden, hidden means being able to be invisible. Under normal circumstances, you will not be discovered. I don't know why you were discovered."

When he said "you", he also looked up at the other Yu Liang next to Yu Liang, and he could feel the difference between the two Yu Liang.

Both Yu Liang were gentle and polite, but one of them had a vague feeling of being mean. Especially when he just asked himself whether he would take the five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation, that "writer's smell" was really offensive.

But what is very interesting is that Yu Liang, who has a "writer's taste", does not seem to be a writer, because he saw another "Yu Liang" using the writer's ability.

Hearing Aze's words, "Zhi" just glanced at him, with an imperceptible smile on his lips.

The rule-level invisibility from the root ghost story is naturally not that easy to see through. The reason why she was able to find these three guys was naturally because she used a higher-end ability-word symbols.

After some testing, "Zhi" was completely immersed in this powerful ability, and couldn't put it down when using these symbols.

Among them, the one that most intuitively improves her ability is "Yingying". The meaning of the word is just to control the shadow. It seems to conflict with her original ability, but in fact it is completely different.

The closer the symbol is to the original ability, the easier it is to use. The reason is simple. The symbol gives her absolute priority.

"Zhi" originally has the ability to control shadows. After the priority is raised, it is equivalent to 100% taking the first shot. In the duel of the root monster, taking the first shot is a thing that can quickly gain an advantage.

It's like a Pokémon battle game, where one side's speed is increased to the extreme, and they have 100% right to strike first (ignoring the magic space), and the intensity of the battle suddenly increases.

Mikage is an ability that increases the upper limit of the strength of "Zhi"'s body rules. As long as she can drive the shadow faster, she can use her own abilities faster.

For example, Qin Haijian's idea of ​​using word symbols is similar to this.

As a "smile", Qin Haijian has a strong ability to control "smile" creatures, but before that, he needs to use the mental pollution of "smile" to infect the target before he can control it.

With the words "broken laughter" and "violent laughter", mental pollution is fast and has a high success rate. It is tailor-made for him.

Secondly, because "zhi" has many roots, her abilities are very comprehensive, and can even be said to be very special. Only she knows the results of these experiments. At most, one more chief researcher Yu Liang can know, and others may There is no need to know the source of the ghost story.

On the other side, after Yu Liang listened to Aze's narration, he silently recorded the four words revealed by the other party in the memo. He was not surprised that Wudian had so many words. He even felt that Aze had What is hidden is that there may be more words in the cloud point.

The reason is very simple. If you use cloud points as word symbols, you need to consume cloud points, which is equivalent to consuming blue bars. Under normal circumstances, the blue bars of root ghost talk are unlimited, and only the cloud points have a very large limit.

In this case, it doesn't matter if the cloud point ability represents more words, after all, his blue bar may not be enough.

Having more words than others means consuming more things than others, which is fair.

On the other side, Yu Liang opened the thesaurus in his glasses and began to search for words related to "draw", "ban", "benefit" and "hidden". Many options immediately appeared in front of him.

Of course, the thesaurus installed in artificial intelligence is not so easy to use, because it basically only has some common words, and more uncommon words that may be used need to be searched through classical Chinese libraries.

There is no Internet in Wangcheng, so this is more difficult.

As for "Ji", the common words may only be "Draw". Its meaning in other words is "to study and explore", etc. It is difficult for Yu Liang to think of a more powerful usage.

Absorbing, if it can absorb "human juice", may be considered a powerful usage.

According to the little paper people who have had their physical strength absorbed by cloud points, those cloud points are so terrifying that they can make them weak and sleepy, as if a slender mosquito-like mouthpart has penetrated them. Their bodies are the same.

The word "ban" is too powerful, because "ban" itself has a clear meaning, which means that many words can be added after it.

The restricted air and restricted areas, etc., are not too disgusting. What excites Yu Liang the most is another usage.

"Broken" is not a word, but if you insist on its meaning, could it be "It is forbidden to use the 'broken' character"?

If you can disable other people's characters, will it be able to restrain players in a sense?

However, Yu Liang's goal is not to restrain players. What he wants to do is actually to restrain the "human" characters of Guaitan.

Symbols are composed of a character from the Kaidan world and a rule from the Kaidan world. Characters that can be synthesized by Kaitan "humans" should be synthesized by players. In this case, Aze can also be synthesized.

No matter what character it is, Aze only needs to construct a word symbol called "Forbidden

There are still great restrictions on the composition of word symbols. It is definitely extremely difficult to find a useful word symbol. If it can be banned, it will definitely be a good thing for the players.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang asked Aze to go back and try: "Try to see if the word 'ban' can be combined with any character. The meaning of the word symbol is 'forbidden to use the corresponding character'. If possible, try again 'ban'" These two uses of the word ''forbidden word''."

"You want to try to see if you can prevent other creatures from using characters and words? That's interesting." Aze showed a sinister smile that was "similar", but then he became distressed, "But the word symbol 'word' seems a bit... Is it hard to find? Have you ever thought about how to form it?"

"Use... the 'heir' of the heir? Try it yourself, there should be a way." Yu Liang was too lazy to think more. After all, his computing memory was a very precious thing and could not be wasted on Aze.

The other words "yi" and "yin" are not too difficult to form into word symbols, but the types of word symbols may be slightly less.

For Aze, being able to use the word symbols was already a great enhancement, but Yu Liang chose to put more thought into the word symbols that he and "Zhi" could use.

After receiving some advice from Yu Liang, Aze left the camp with satisfaction. The main reason why he sneaked in was to copy the homework.

Just by looking at the way the little fairy drives a tank, you can tell that Yu Liang must have cooked up something good. Aze knew that if he wanted to synthesize word symbols, he would need to consume cloud points, so he was too lazy to slowly experiment with how to use the word symbols. .

After Aze left, Yu Liang finally set his sights on "Zhi": "How is it? Is the word talisman easy to use?"

"Of course." He revealed an evil smile on Yu Liang's face, and this smile also made Yu Liang's conscience murmur.

No, it's obvious that I'm not suitable to smile like this, but why does "Zhi", who has exactly the same face, smile so elegantly?

"Bubble can create a black bubble covering an area of ​​5 meters. The bubble can absorb words and characters, and can even absorb some energy-type non-physical attacks. The bubble will last for 1 second, and then Once it is broken, the characters and attacks adsorbed on the bubble will dissipate." He briefly described the "bubble" symbol, which sounded particularly powerful.

In an environment with high output per capita, having such a "shield" ability is basically a life saver, and what's even more outrageous is...

The "bubble" character is so worthless. This thing is similar to the "mu" character. It has no actual combat ability. At most, it produces a lot of bubbles, adding some fun to the bath.

However, when combined with "shadow", it becomes such an exaggerated effect. It can only be said that there are no garbage characters, and every character may have potential.

As long as the version is updated, the value may skyrocket.

"'Chiying' is pretty much what you imagine. The selected thing will get a 'time acceleration' effect, which is about 1:5. The disadvantage is that it can only be used in a place where sunlight shines." Zhi continued, watching It seems that she has conducted a relatively comprehensive experiment and can even point out the shortcomings.

She listed the abilities of other symbols in turn: "Omission means to delete and omit, the target will not be recognized, which is equivalent to the priority version of my ability, but it is also a single version; restraint is a captive, which can forcefully trap a creature; Shi Lue is useless, probably because it is a simple noun; activation and deactivation are almost the same as the literal meaning."

"Okay." Yu Liang listened and recorded in the memo in his glasses. At the same time, he also recorded his own words "Feng" and "Huan".

Due to the special nature of Yuanshen and Consciousness, it was much easier for him to use word symbols than he imagined. He only needed to select the corresponding characters and then select the special energy in his mind.

The shallow energy represents "sealing", and the deep energy represents "illusion".

The word "breaking seal" must have the ability to break the seal, and when it comes to "illusion", Yu Liang immediately thought of "big illusion".

[Da Huan]: Refers to death, which comes from "Suddenly, the big phantom will last forever, and I will often agree to who I admire."

It's just this "big" character that troubles Yu Liang a lot. The Scrooge doesn't have a character library, so how can he get such a character?

Are you saying that you want to cut off one of Li Huachao's ears?

Dog-big? (End of chapter)

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