The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 560 Queen, please allow me

"This..." Li Geng witnessed everything from God's perspective and was at a loss for a moment.

He really wanted to remind Li Huachao to run in the direction of Yu Liang, but it was obvious that Li Huachao couldn't hear anything now.

Moreover, the exquisite cooperation between him and the lawyer just now successfully nipped Li Huachao's counterattack in the cradle. Now Li Huachao may be thinking about running away.

No, he was running away while releasing poison gas.

I saw the blind Li Huachao with a strong and vigorous figure, flying quickly through the building. From time to time, he would hit a wall, either knocking it over directly, or making stars appear in his eyes.

Fortunately, the T1 Gradient Body Warrior's body was strong enough to withstand damage, and he managed to stumble a long way.

A special dark green gas was continuously released from behind, confusing the sight and emitting an extremely stench at the same time.

The stench lingered and accumulated in the corridor, like a loud slap, giving the players on this floor a severe wake-up call.



"What's so smelly... yuck!"

The sounds of vomiting came one after another, and the rotten smell in the human stomach combined with the stench of the [Skunk Man] forced the players to crawl towards a place with clean air, and engage in a new round of life and death.

The scene at this time was actually very interesting. Almost no players complained about the stench on this floor, because once they opened their mouths, more stench would get into their mouths, causing unimaginable secondary pain.

"Ouch!" Razer was very fast and had already swam to this floor, but its reaction was faster. The moment it realized the stench, it quickly returned to Yu Liang's side and used its own straw-like body to Tangle him tightly.

"What's wrong? Why are you back?" Yu Liang's field of vision was only a few meters away. He didn't know what happened at Li Huachao, so he could only turn to Li Geng's position in confusion.

"It's... it's hard to evaluate." Li Geng looked at the chaotic floor. Nearly twenty players were writhing like maggots on the ground and vomiting constantly.

Further away, thick green stinking smoke was spreading to all directions, with figures rolling and thrashing in pain. Balls of smoke were constantly bulging with their movements, like a large monster.

What a living drawing of hell.

"What's wrong?" Yu Liang stopped. He had a bad premonition that Li Huachao had done something new.

He still knew Li Huachao very well. When his life was threatened, no one could guarantee what Li Huachao would do.

"Li Huachao started to fart. He had already run away from the lawyer. As for the lawyer...the lawyer was hit by the stench and then disappeared. He may have gone after Li Huachao." Li Geng described what he saw with his clairvoyant eyes. , and then asked, "What to do now?"

"Now...forget it, let's not go looking for Li Huachao. His fate is very high. Let's go back and take the others with us first, and then find an opportunity to drive a tank and leave the underground world." Yu Liang wanted to find Li Huachao for a moment. But he was immediately dissuaded by the [Skunk Man] seal that Li Huachao was using. He really didn't have the courage to follow Li Huachao when he was deflated.

In addition, Li Geng noticed that there were hundreds of rat people coming along the tunnel. The building was no longer safe. He had to ensure the safety of his team first.

As for the other players, Yu Liang said they can only try to save them.

Although Li Huachao made them blind and deaf, and they may still lose their sense of smell, in a sense, Li Huachao at least eliminated the hundreds of rat people in the first wave, and he was not a pure scammer.

"Human snake, you can block the interference of the stench. Go and bring Xu Cixi back." Yu Liang gave instructions to the human snake, "If you encounter a lawyer or two other T1 helpers in the stinky smoke, kill them directly. .”

Now that the lawyer has taken action against Li Huachao, there is no need for Yu Liang to hold back. He does want to capture the lawyer to maximize his own interests, but he is not going to do anything to make matters worse at this time.

It's just a bit of a pity. We could have cooperated with Aze to divide the lawyers into assembly lines.

After all, he is also a T1 level alienation professional, and his ability level must be good. If he enters the writer universe early, he will not be regarded as a pearl in the dust.

Let Aze play the role first, stealing the personality clone, and then use the combined skills of Scrooge and Zhong Chen to explode the equipment and characters, loot them all, and finally Yu Liang will kill them and gain the right to create them.

By the way, the corpse can also be sold to Aze. Aze must like the entities of players with high gradient levels.

The shadow puppeteer can peel off human skin and make it into a disposable skin bag, which is equivalent to temporarily borrowing the ability of T1 lawyer.

It's like a well-trained human processing factory, squeezing out every drop of lawyer's energy to the maximum extent.

Every T1 player is a rare and excellent resource in the Guitaan world. If he had the choice, Yu Liang would not want to waste it.

"Okay." Li Geng nodded in agreement, then built stairs to take Yu Liang back to the original floor, and found everyone back.

Probably because the main function of the flashlight is still a flash bomb, everyone's ears have mostly recovered after a while, and they can at least hear each other's voices clearly.

Once the hearing was restored, it would be much easier to communicate with each other, and soon everyone was on the tank road.

Although everyone's ears still hurt slightly and they suffered from behind-the-ear problems, in this underground palace, relying on Li Geng's perspective of God, life was not too difficult.

"The players in the building took out the grass babies and put them next to them. I don't know who did it first. It's quite clever." Li Geng noticed another coincidental move by the players, and then he noticed Li Huachao .

We haven't seen him for a while. Li Huachao is still the leader of the poison gas, but now he is a little different, because he has found the window of the building, smashed the glass and jumped into the air.

"Huh?" Such a wanton move undoubtedly shocked Li Geng, but fortunately, Li Huachao still knew it. He used [Spider Man] to spray out white silk threads and hung them on the top of the underground square, and then swayed throughout the square. .

Following the hunter's unique sense of wind, Li Huachao quickly found a location with fresh air, then spit out spider silk and brought himself to the edge of the tunnel he wanted.

"It's gone." Li Huachao muttered as he rushed towards the inside of the tunnel, and soon bumped into a dazed rat man, but he just pushed it aside, and then started crawling on his hands and feet.

In fact, Li Huachao didn't know whether the path he chose was right or not, but he knew that his path must be an escape method that the lawyer could not think of.

Hey, hey, if you run towards the rats' lair, will the lawyer still dare to chase you?

At times like this, doesn’t it follow the old saying that the more dangerous the place, the safer it is. Now who can tell the difference between me and Einstein?

Besides, he was still running towards the tunnel while releasing stinky fumes. Who dares to chase a stinky bug in such a small space?

Are you kidding? Let’s all follow behind Uncle Li and eat shit!

Li Huachao was always so confident, but he was not a fool. He had discussed it with Hua Niang, so he became more confident after getting Hua Niang's approval.

Now that he can't see or hear, his body is still strong, and he can maximize his speed in such a cramped tunnel.

Just after Li Huachao rushed into the tunnel, the poisonous gas he left behind was permanently deposited near the tunnel. It was not that they had no effect, at least they awakened the mice in an unexpected way.

Just like when they suddenly smelled the smell of their favorite food while immersed in sleep, the rats in the dizzy state moved their noses, and then their bodies began to instinctively search for delicious food.

For a moment, the spirits of the rats near the tunnel entrance were aroused by the stench, and their bodies were moving lightly, as if there were no real objects under their feet, but stepping on clouds.

Like zombies, these rats followed Li Huachao from a distance and blocked the tunnel behind Li Huachao. Li Huachao didn't know all this. He only knew that he had to keep running forward.

Whatever was in his way, he pushed it right out of the way and kept going regardless.

Underground palace?

Rat people?

Lord God?

The root of the mystery?

Are these things awesome?

Don't forget, he is now a root hunter!

Come on, follow me and recite the ability of [Source Insight] again. Do you know the value of "The source of ghost talk cannot actively attack you"!

As long as he doesn't commit suicide and reveal his intention to attack the Lord God, so what if the entire underground palace is filled with stench?

This is the true usage of Root Hunter, do you know?

Li Huachao thought happily in his heart, knowing that he had found a new path, a path that was unprecedented and probably would never be followed again.

As long as the source monsters can't attack him, what do these rat people mean?

When he shows off his fists, why don't they all kneel down and call you the king?

On the other side, the rats in the underground palace who had just arrived were also in some confusion.

In essence, they can only be regarded as rats and mice that join in the fun. They basically notice that something is going on in the underground palace and come here to have fun.

The kind of rat that might issue a "letter of surrender" as soon as a powerful enemy comes over. It is absolutely impossible for Rat Rat to have a "blue card or above, get out of the queue" situation.

Therefore, after more than two hundred rats arrived at the scene, they had some doubts about the situation at the scene, which led to confusion in their internal decisions.

Look at the building. There are many creatures that I have never seen before, a kind of primate that seems to be a "human".

Looking around the tunnel, there is a green delicious smell deposited there, and the mice in other tunnels have begun to move towards the green gas, as if they have no intention of starting a war with humans.

"It's really short-sighted!"

"I'm still thinking about those delicious foods right before the battle, Chi Liu."

"Wait a minute, have you noticed that there seems to be something very nasty about those humans?"

"Isn't it right? It must be something you like very much, right? Looking at them makes me lose the desire to attack, hehe."

The mice whispered, and quickly made a decision, chasing in the direction of the green stench. No mice wanted to care about the humans in the building.

"Wait a minute, this stench seems to be emitted by a living creature. If that's the case..."

The mice were suddenly frightened. Under a terrible suspicion, they had completely forgotten what they were going to do, and hurriedly chased the green stench.

"Good news, Yu Liang, those rat people are gone again." Li Geng saw the rat people coming and leaving, and he was relieved.

If they were to encounter such a large number of rat men in their current state, it would be really difficult to deal with them.

Fortunately, they all went after Li Huachao. It seemed that Li Huachao saved the lives of the players present again.

In a sense, Li Huachao can be regarded as a man of immeasurable merit.

There was just one thing that he couldn't figure out. What "queen" did these rat people seem to be shouting about all the time?

Or later?

"Going after Li Huachao? This should be considered a good thing, right?" Yu Liang was still a little skeptical when he learned the news, because he didn't know what kind of work Li Huachao would do when facing so many pursuers from behind. Come.

Forget it, don't think about Li Huachao, this guy has already ran out, and he definitely can't stop him now.

Yu Liang no longer worried about what was going on with Li Huachao, but paid more attention to the current situation.


I should start claiming credit at this time, right?

Now it can be said that I alone solved the rat-man crisis and lured all the rat-men away. As long as Li Geng finds the correct path, isn't this like saving two teams of players in one go?

Should the Haicheng Alliance give me some commendation?

Yu Liang rubbed his hands together excitedly, put Li Huachao behind him, and turned to get down to business.

Forget about anything else, let’s find the priest first.


Li Huachao was in trouble.

He did not expect that his sense of wind as a hunter was completely an illusion.

He didn't smell any fresh air at all, and his intuition was wrong.

Because he hit a dead end.

Li Huachao touched the wall in front of him and stretched out his hands and feet to claw at the wall, but he couldn't find even an exit.

He closed the valve behind his butt and wanted to brave the stench and return along the original path to see if he could find another branch.

However, it was too late. Li Huachao, who had recovered his hearing, noticed that the mice had already arrived.

He smelled the scent of the rat men.

"Oh, damn, I really don't want to kill." Li Huachao sighed and fell into his hands with both swords.

He is actually not that afraid of being beaten, because Blade Storm has a strong ability to clear out mobs.

The gradient level of these rat people seems to be between T3T2. They are not too strong, but there are too many, and they have a certain amount of wisdom and the backing of the main god.

However, the first words the mice said after they squeezed into the dead end made Li Huachao stunned on the spot.

"Queen! You are finally here Queen!"

"It is said that the queen was summoned by the gods. She has a gorgeous body, and her whole body is constantly exuding fragrance. She is one of the most prestigious holy bodies of the Rat clan."

"Yes, beauty and fragrance are the theme of gorgeous fragrance, so it is gender-neutral and androgynous. It is a kind of charm that can be appreciated by both men and women, old and young."

Li Huachao: "Ah?"

No, what I just said was that I want to be your king, right?

Why did she suddenly become a queen?

Wait a minute, what's going on with these rat people?

At this moment, the hunter felt that his brain capacity was not enough, and this plot development made him a little confused.

"My Queen, please allow me to kiss your ass. I'm sorry, it smells so good."

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