The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 559 [Skunk Man], activated!

"It's dawn!"

As Li Huachao's rooster crow sounded in the underground palace, the sun was called out by him.

At this time, Yu Liang truly realized that the sun nearby had no form, because he could only see the ultimate white light shining in front of his eyes.

If this was a game, then the screens of all players present would be occupied by dazzling white, and there would be no other colors.

A sharp stinging feeling penetrated into each player's eyeballs.

As for the rats, the damage is even greater.

They are creatures that originally live in darkness and are particularly sensitive to light, so they do not go to the aboveground world during the day. They hide in the dark underground world all year round. Where can they eat flash bombs?

Moreover, while he was concentrating on observing the players, he suddenly ate a full flash bomb.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

For a time, the screams of the mice echoed repeatedly in the empty underground palace. The word "miserable" is not enough to describe the pain contained in the sound.


It was also mixed with the screams of some human players. The lethality of this sun did not distinguish between friends and foes, so they also withstood the terrifying power of the sun with their bodies.

Yu Liang was helpless about this. He was no longer qualified to curse the truth in his heart that "when there are many people, there will be evil", because the biggest evil in the world came from his team.

You're so close to your face, right?

But Yu Liang was completely used to it, and he felt a little uncomfortable since Li Huachao hadn't helped him for so long.

The only thing I'm curious about is——

When did Li Huachao steal that goblin flashlight?

He really didn't have much impression of this thing. He hadn't seen it much since he got it, because the Harvest Goblin Hookshot Gun at the same time was much more important and useful.


Goblin Flashlight

Name: tube

Texture: Bamboo

Quantifier: one

Note: Have you ever seen a disposable sun?

Note: Are you excited? What if I told you that the sun will explode?


Yu Liang, who recalled the detailed introduction of the goblin flashlight, suddenly reacted and quickly turned his back. At the same time, he called on everyone around him to find cover: "Be careful of the explosion!!!"

However, his reminder was still a step too late. The sound was completely drowned by the explosion of the goblin flashlight and failed to reach the ears of others in time.

Orange-red fire shot into the sky, accompanied by an extremely harsh sound wave attack.


The design prototype of this goblin flashlight is obviously based on the shock bomb among human weapons, but the goblins didn't care what the "non-lethal weapon" in the description of the shock bomb meant. They just frantically fired at this little flashlight. Add ingredients inside.

The sharp sound echoed in the empty but closed underground palace, causing two or even three times of damage in a short period of time, maxing out the damage of the sonic attack in nearly half a minute.

The piercing sound only lasted for about four or five seconds, and then it was followed by a hollow sound similar to tinnitus caused by high-frequency sound, and finally ended with a soundless silence.

The white light in front of him slowly dissipated, and the wails from the rat people seemed to go away with it, as far away as the sounds coming from the horizon.

Nearly a minute later, Yu Liangcai finally came to his senses and quickly prepared a set of three recovery combos for himself, thus his mental state improved.

At this time, Yu Liang was not too eager. He knew that Li Huachao had indeed harmed all the players, but the damage to the rat people was definitely more serious.

The goblin flashlight was released downstairs. Players who were not on the same floor as Li Huachao were not directly exposed to the light of the flashlight, so the damage to their eyes was not too serious.

Those mice happened to be staring at this side of the building, and their eyes were already fragile, so they probably couldn't use them properly now.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, closed his eyes when he heard Li Huachao's words "It's dawn". He probably only received the light for a short second, and now the stinging sensation in his eyes has been relieved and subsided.

As for those players on the same level as Li Huachao...

Yu Liang could only say that he hoped they were still well.

Anyway, the rat man was more seriously injured, so Li Huachao was not too tricked this time.

It can be said that it hurts one thousand to oneself and three thousand to the enemy. It is not yet clear whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

He took out a "burning" character from the character column and wanted to use the light of the "burning" character to see clearly the current situation in the underground palace, because he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his ears and he could not hear the surrounding sounds clearly.

However, with the light of the "Zhuo" character, Yu Liang only saw a red blur in the center of his field of vision, and could not see anything else clearly.

Yu Liang: "..."

Haha, I should have known better.

It wasn't until this moment that Yu Liang truly realized what had happened to him.

Yes, the flash bomb just blinded him, and now he is openly blinded again.

I mean, why did I feel something was wrong with my eyes from the beginning? I thought it was because the surroundings were too dark to see clearly, but I didn’t expect that I was blind. That’s okay.

Yu Liang took out his aching ears again and knocked on the wall of the building next to him. He had to concentrate to barely hear some sounds.

Okay, okay, vision -99%, hearing -90%, this is a really good start.

He complained in his heart, and had a magical feeling of being laughed out of anger by Li Huachao.

The "plural" character has been used, but the vision and hearing have not been restored, probably because it caused irreparable damage to the eyes and ears in a short period of time.

Fortunately, this was not the first time that Yu Liang had been blind, so he was quite familiar with the road. He immediately reached out to touch the things around him and identified the location based on his memory.

If you find your luggage, you can get the blind stick. It will make you feel better if you have the blind stick.

At this moment, Yu Liang was extremely glad that he was wearing a blind cane, because he once had a blinding experience after he became stronger. At that time, he felt that he did not need a blind cane and "eye" chess pieces. As a result, the game experience after being blinded It was very bad, so when he entered Wangcheng this time, Yu Liang hesitated and chose to bring his blind stick.

Anyway, these luggages were carried by Li Huachao, so what would happen if he brought an extra blind stick to the side?

Now that it is really used, it can be said that it has its own destiny.

Soon, Yu Liang touched his luggage, then took out the blind stick beside the luggage, tapped the ground, and the surrounding situation suddenly came to mind.

The adventurer, perfumer, and Zhong Chen are right next to him, while several other created characters are located slightly further away.

As for An Buchen, she had quietly retreated to a corner, placed a bracket in front of her, and was pasting a special talisman on the bracket. She used the talismans to build a simple wall and used this trick to hide. .

Yu Liang didn't know what the purpose of this talisman was, but he thought it was something that could hide his own aura and traces.

Well, it fits An Buchen's character very well.

At this time, Yu Liang noticed Li Geng walking towards him at a slow speed. He might be saying something, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

It wasn't until Li Geng came to his side that he heard clearly what Li Geng was going to do.

"I said, I can see it when I activate my skills. Do you want to take me back to the universe first?" Li Geng's voice, as soft as a mosquito's moan, floated into Yu Liang's ears.

Yu Liang knew clearly that the decibel level of Li Geng's voice was definitely not low. It was just because there was something wrong with his ears that he couldn't hear clearly.

"No, I brought a blind cane. Now I can see around me." Yu Liang shook his head, "What's going on with the rats in the tunnel?"

At this point, Yu Liang remembered that he seemed to have ignored Li Geng's ability.

Li Geng has the Eye of God and the ability to see through things, which is perfect for exploring such an underground world.

Li Geng should have been allowed to explore the surrounding world as early as when he was in the above-ground world. In this way, he would have a clearer understanding of the underground world.

With Li Geng's ability, it is definitely not a problem to draw a detailed map of the underground world.

However, Yu Liang thought about it carefully and felt that this was still inappropriate. The main god of the underground world should be able to sense Li Geng's spying. Li Geng might be in danger if he did this.

"Be careful. If you feel danger, switch the perspective back immediately. Don't observe deeply." So Yu Liang quickly reminded.

"Okay." Li Geng replied and immediately went to see the rat people in the tunnel.

The situation was similar to what Yu Liang had expected. The rat men were already paralyzed in front of the tunnel, their bodies twitching constantly, foaming at the corners of their mouths, and they looked like they were about to die.

This situation also made Li Geng breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the mice were more harmed, and they could take advantage of this time to leave the building and find an exit to leave the underground palace.

If you export...


Li Geng concentrated on looking for an exit in the underground palace. Since the underground square is the central area of ​​the underground palace and the surrounding tunnels extend in all directions, it was difficult for him to find the right path for a while.

And he also noticed that more rat people were coming from other areas of the underground city. They were moving forward in the tunnel at an extremely fast speed, and they were approaching the current underground palace in an instant.

"The situation is not good. There are also some rat people coming over. The number is between two hundred and three hundred. We are not able to resist in our current state." Li Geng continued to speak loudly, and at the same time he said to Yu Liang, "And I didn't see the so-called 'Lord God', which is not good news."

"Indeed." Yu Liang sighed, greeted him, restored some of the created characters, and prepared to leave the building.

Of course, before leaving the building, he had to find Li Huachao and Xu Cixi and give Li Huachao a little fatherly love shock.

So he gave the order: "Look at Li Huachao's position again, we are going to find him."

"Okay, what he His condition doesn't seem to be very good." Li Geng turned his perspective to the floor where Li Huachao was, and suddenly noticed a familiar guy appearing near Li Huachao.


Li Geng quickly informed Yu Liang: "The lawyer seems not to have been affected by the shock bomb. He went to find Li Huachao... He wants to kill Li Huachao!"

"Use your characters to stop him as much as possible, let's go down now!" Yu Liang quickly summoned the thunder snake, human snake and other strange creatures from the universe, and then tapped his blind stick to go downstairs.

Li Geng, on the other hand, was paying attention to what was going on downstairs while building a downward path for Yu Liang.

On the other side, the lawyer heard the noise upstairs and let out a disdainful laugh.

The writer's voice was so loud that it echoed throughout the underground palace. He naturally heard it and knew that the writer knew what he was going to do.

But the lawyer didn't care because he knew the writer had no time to stop him.

It will take some time to come down from upstairs, and he can also use [refutation] to seal the opponent's panel ability, so there is no need to worry too much.

Now he was standing beside this blind and deaf hunter, and he only needed to type a few characters to kill him.

The hunter's flash bomb triggered the props on him, automatically blocking out the light and sound without affecting him at all.

Due to the sudden incident, only props or stamps with early warning and early triggering can be effective, so he was the only person on this floor who was not affected.

Xu Cixi came to inform him before the barrier opened, so Xu Cixi was on his territory and Li Huachao was on his territory.

For such a guy who had caused him such embarrassment, the lawyer only had the flame of infinite revenge in his heart.

As long as he kills the hunter in the shortest time and then uses special props to move his position, he can escape. There is no way that the writer can catch up with him.

The lawyer can no longer control what happens next. He knows that he and the writer have become enemies. In this case, it is better to get rid of a big problem in advance!

He looked at the hunter resting against the wall in front of him, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and he raised his hand and hit the hunter with the character "broken".

Just use long-range attacks to harvest here, and the blind martial artist is not something he can contend with at close range.

At the moment when the character "Broken" flew out, a wall of earth appeared in front of the lawyer, blocking the character "Broken".

"What?" The lawyer didn't expect that the writer could protect the hunter from such a distance. His expression changed and he was about to use his precious killing weapon.


Demon-breaking Crossbow

Note: Disposable hand crossbow has extremely strong penetrating power.

The lawyer raised his hand to aim at the hunter's heart, and moved his index finger slightly to pull the trigger.

Several earthen walls appeared in front of the hunter, but the lawyer didn't care. He knew that these walls could not stop the magic-breaking crossbow bolt.


At the critical moment, Li Huachao jumped up on the ground and came to life instantly.

He was severely affected by the flashlight. Fortunately, the warrior's physical fitness was strong enough, and the hunter's perception of death was extremely keen, so he was able to recover forcefully.

Looking at the radar, the lawyer was right in front of him. Li Huachao immediately understood where the death threat came from, so he immediately pounced towards the lawyer's position.

Even if he can't see or hear now, as long as he gets close, he can let the lawyer know what a physical warrior is.


"call out--"

Li Huachao hit his head against the earth wall, knocking over several walls one after another, and then the Demon-Breaking Crossbow pierced him and shot through his shoulder.

"Damn, why is there a wall here?" Li Huachao couldn't help but cursed, covering his shoulders and trying to escape.

"Damn it, I actually reacted!" The lawyer watched Li Hua flee to the other side, regretting that he did not use the magic-breaking crossbow directly.

If the "broken" character had not been used, all the hunters might be dead now!

"No, run quickly, there is more than one person here who wants to kill me!" Li Huachao touched the big bulge on his head. In his mind, there was no wall in front of him, but now he bumped into it for no reason. He must be a lawyer and helpers.

The lawyer is the main attacker, and there is another player who can shoot him with the wall, which is very scary!

If it wasn't a 1v1 duel, Li Huachao would still be a little scared. After all, he couldn't see or hear now, and his shoulder was pierced by a crossbow arrow. His combat effectiveness was severely reduced.

So he ignored everything and ran in the opposite direction of the lawyer, activating the [Skunk Man] seal to cut off the enemy as he ran.

Although I felt a little sorry for the blind players who fell on the ground, there was nothing I could do. Li Huachao didn't want to die in such a miserable way!

"Just wait for me, I will definitely kill you when I come back!"

"Let me try my brother's electronic cigarette cartridge for you first!"

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