The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 556 Your corruption of people’s thinking is really serious!

Faced with the priest's attack, Aze, as a confessor, had no ability to resist and could only break his defense and curse Yu Liang for his birth.

Both are T1, and both are clergy. The confessor and the priest add points in completely different directions, so their average combat levels are completely different.

With skill refreshes three times a day and a coaching experience card once every N days, no player will think that the Confessor is not worthy of being a T1, but when the Confessor does not intend to fight with others, his combat effectiveness is indeed not enough to dazzle in front of the priest.

"Put me down, we can be considered classmates after all." The confessor said seriously with the face of a passerby.

"I told you a long time ago that there is nothing between you and me." The priest relaxed and the confessor immediately fell from the air.

"Ahhhhh!" The confessor at this time was not in Super Saiyan mode, so the screams continued from high altitude to the ground. It was not until the priest kindly gave him a lift that the confessor did not fall to the ground. The ground was torn apart.

"Whether there is any connection is not something you can explain clearly." Seeing that he was safe, the confessor breathed a sigh of relief, and then took off the skin bag given to him by the shadow puppet master, revealing Aze's face inside.

The priest glanced at him and asked, "Where is Father Song Jiping?"

"Oh, he's chained in the toilet of your small building. He probably hasn't woken up yet." The confessor knew that the priest was asking about the whereabouts of the priest he replaced.

Before lurking, the confessor was already prepared to be exposed, and he did not kill the priest's men. This was giving both parties a buffer.

As long as no one died, everything was easy to say. At most, Aze could be redeemed by asking him to pay something.

Wait a moment, it seems that Aze became very poor after passing through the dungeon of Flatland, and he probably couldn't afford the ransom.

Forget it, if it doesn't work out, just take refuge in that Yu Liang first.

The confessor sighed in his heart. At this point, the situation was beyond his control.

"Tell me about it. You should know something about what happened last night." Yu Liang walked to the confessor and took the leather bag from the confessor's hand. He opened the bag and looked at it, and immediately Just distinguished it.

This is not made of human skin, but made of a similar rubber or something else. The effect may be similar to the original shadow puppet. The only difference is that there is no need to kill people, so it may be more troublesome to make. .

"The secretary was lurking in the lawyer team yesterday. He may know what happened. Let me help you ask." The confessor knew that he had to give Yu Liang an explanation today, so he immediately asked the secretary in the team's voice about what happened last night. specific situation.

The priest looked at the confessor and then at the writer Yu Liang, silently recording the interaction between the two.

It seems that the writer and actor Aze are relatively familiar with each other because they have the same abilities...

No, the alienated profession of a writer is that of a writer, and it should only be expressed in a similar way to that of an actor.

Obviously the gradient is only T2, but he has powerful Kaidan people as his subordinates, and he can also control such a large number of Kaidan creatures. It seems that there is an extraordinary person in the Haicheng Alliance.

But the sudden appearance of the writer still made the priest feel suspicious from the bottom of his heart. Why did he feel that the writer was like a fierce man who fell from the sky in the blink of an eye? The speed at which he became stronger was really surprising.

I still remember that during the last offline meeting of the Haicheng Alliance, the founders felt that the writer was just a powerful character around Xu Cixi. As a result, he now felt a faint sense of oppression.

The priest frowned slightly. He would not yell at players in the same team just because of a little suspicion, but he was also extremely wary, otherwise he would not be able to survive in the world of ghost stories until now.

It seems that this time there are many strange "human beings" mixed into the team entering the Forgotten City.

This unscientific growth rate appears next to founder Xu Cixi at the right time. It seems that the writer is also a guy to be wary of.

Once there is rebellion, the crisis caused may not be weaker than that of the founding chairs...

No, even stronger.

The priest thought of the Cao Ying mechas and tanks he saw from a distance at that time, and felt deeply fearful in his heart.

The lethality of these weapons to ordinary players is extremely terrifying.

"It looks like you are familiar with this actor?" The lawyer walked forward slowly. He had already put a mask on his face because the biting cold wind in the morning in Wangcheng made him itchy, and he didn't want to show his current appearance. A zombie-like face.

Within the Haicheng Alliance, actor Aze's name is basically linked to the villain. If the writer really gets entangled with the actor, this guy is looking for death.

You know, there are many players present who have been tricked by Aze. They have hatred against Aze, but their strength is limited and they cannot retaliate.

"Of course." Yu Liang did not shy away from lawyers, but said cheerfully, "He is just my defeated general, how can he not be familiar with him?"

"Hey, you're still pretending? If Illusion Master hadn't temporarily switched sides, how would you have had the chance to defeat us?" Confessor saw Yu Liang's despicable look and immediately retorted.

Yu Liang shrugged indifferently: "Just say whether you lost or not."

"Humph." The confessor had no choice but to hum to express his dissatisfaction.

And this somewhat ambiguous answer also made the lawyers and priests present have other thoughts in their minds.

Aze did not deny that he was defeated by the writer, so this matter is worth pondering. So the writer really defeated the actor head-on?

The lawyer remembered what the writer said when he appeared. At that time, he thought that the other party was just showing off. But now that Aze has confirmed it, the nature of the matter is different.

Aze is a guy who gives even several founding members a headache!

The priest was secretly observing the writer. He really didn't see that the writer had the same strength as an actor, even with the addition of those guns...

There was probably some trump card that he hadn't revealed yet, which caused him to make a mistake.

The priest was secretly frightened, but he did not show it on his face. He just regarded the writer in his heart as an existence that could sit on equal footing with the founders.

Indeed, strength is eternal in the world of ghost stories. People with strength will naturally receive preferential treatment from all aspects, and being in the Haicheng Alliance is no exception.

Only the lawyer had a vague sense of crisis. He seemed to be able to feel that the opportunity for revenge was getting further and further away from him.

"Someone entered your tent yesterday, and my other clones saw it. That guy was not in a normal state of mind." The confessor quickly got more accurate information from Aze's body, and the task given to him by Aze's body was Just try not to die in the hands of the priest and seek Yu Liang's blessing.

Although it would be embarrassing to say such a thing, Aze had no choice.

Even if Yu Liang forces him to end his incubation period early, he still has to rely on Yu Liang to preserve the personality clone of the Confessor.

Among the people present, I am afraid that only Yu Liang can protect him, and Yu Liang has taken so much wealth from him before, so he shouldn't cheat him again, right?

The confessor just continued by himself: "About half an hour later, that guy came out of your tent. According to the secretary who was watching at the time, he smelled the smell of blood from that guy."

"In that case, why didn't you issue a warning?" the lawyer subconsciously reprimanded.

However, his rebuke could only be met with the look of the confessor looking like a fool. The confessor rolled his eyes and said with some righteousness and some helplessness: "Brother, I am a villain. Do you know what villain means? ?”


Yu Liang listened and shook his head silently.

How stupid is this lawyer? I really wonder how he got to the T1 level.

Could it be that these elites feel that society owes them something?

Forget it, let's not care about the dead. There are definitely not many people with this kind of personality in real life. It's just that Yu Liang felt a little surprised when they appeared in the world of ghost stories.

"Later, that sneaky guy got into the sewer and ran away. My main body followed with two clones. If you want to come together, I can tell you where he got in." Confessor By saying that, he didn't intend to say the next few things.

As of now, Aze's body is still underground. Of course, some of the information and gains he obtained from his exploration cannot be told to everyone present without any reason.

Secretly tell Yu Liang that it is possible to exchange for asylum, tell the priest, lawyer and the others...

You have to do something like this if your brain is broken.

"Xu Cixi, I remember that there is someone next to you who has an outstanding sense of smell. Ask her to search near the lawyer's tent, and then go to the sewer entrance to see if what Aze said is correct." The priest gave the order, "If there is no problem, lawyer, you can only consider yourself unlucky. This is probably related to a strange incident."

The priest thought for a while and then added: "I can help you treat the injury on your face. It's impossible to restore it to the original condition, but at least you can feel better."

There is nothing wrong with him making such a judgment. Since it was some kind of weird creature who got into the legal team, no one can blame him. This naturally has nothing to do with the writer.

"Father, they are all in the same group. Don't believe everything they say." The lawyer heard the calming attitude of the priest and immediately felt anxious.

Without the help of the priest, he still wouldn't want to break up with the writer at this time, especially after learning that the writer once defeated an actor.

"I have my own judgment." The priest glanced at the lawyer, "If it really has nothing to do with the writer, you should take a good look at yourself."

Naturally, he could see the lawyer's intention to kill someone with a knife, so he snorted coldly and said in an unkind tone: "It doesn't matter if a strange creature sneaked into my team. The strange creature came into the tent and gnawed off its face while I was still sleeping. , who can blame this?"

"This..." There were some changes in the lawyer's face under the mask. The movement of his facial muscles stimulated his pain nerves, and the words of explanation immediately jumped out from the bottom of his throat, "I set up security measures at the entrance of the tent, but that thing Bypassed..."

"Needless to say, just wait for the results from the perfumer." The priest waved his hand. He was not interested in hearing the lawyer defend himself.

This kind of thing is meaningless. It is enough to know that the lawyer did not stop the invasion of strange creatures.

Soon, the result of the perfumer's sniffing came. She smelled the smell of another creature in the tent. Some unknown creature stayed in the tent for a while. After eating, it ran out of the tent and followed a path. The road went into the sewer.

When you open the sewer manhole cover, you can see the twists and turns of the underground world, which is a different world.

The smell of the underground world is very complex, and the perfumer cannot distinguish more things. Now she can only judge that there is indeed such a strange creature.

"Disperse the manpower, seal the surrounding passages connecting to the underground world, guard them tightly, and take defensive measures for the camp." As the only founding chair currently able to convince the crowd, the priest immediately issued the order, " We have to stay in the safe zone for at least one more night, waiting for the coaches and others to arrive."

He no longer cares about the lawyer's personal grudges. He just wants to maintain the current situation.

Exploring underground?

Only a lunatic would take the initiative to provoke a new source of ghost talk. At least it was safe during the day, and the priest did not want to make enemies with another source of ghost talk.

The situation with the coach is still unclear. If the safety of the safe area cannot be guaranteed, then something will really happen.

Regarding defense, the priest is still somewhat confident. He can gather various clergy members to create a barrier that is enough to protect the surrounding security.

Although it is laborious, it is already the best way to deal with it at present.

Next, the Haicheng Alliance seized the safe daytime, quickly mobilized manpower to investigate the nearby underground passages, sealed all the connections, and carried out a lot of preparation work. With the priest as the eye, they covered dozens of areas in a radius. A layer of golden barrier was built up in the Mi area as a means of resisting the invasion of Kaitan.

Originally, the priest didn't want to use the barrier at this time, but he had no choice but to use it in advance.

Fortunately, after the barrier was completed, it didn't consume much on him. He used the root ghost talk in his body as the energy source of the barrier, thus liberating himself.

The price is that he can basically not use the power of [God] during the period of the barrier, but it doesn't matter, because the defensive effect of the barrier is very powerful. After all, it is a source-level ability output, unless multiple sources invade the barrier at the same time. boundary, otherwise there will be no problem.

Just when the priest finished his work and was about to take a break to inspect the building, he noticed that a large number of players were concentrated on a certain floor of the building, so he stepped forward to visit with some doubts.

"Quick, here are all my Cao Ying coins, here are three more blind boxes!"

"Give it to me first! Don't cut in line!"

"I am a clergyman. I have just completed the enchantment and I finally got to play two games. Can you bear to treat someone like this to someone who is trying his best to protect you?"

"Okay, okay, you said so, you come first, you come first, I want to see what kind of garbage you can pull out!"

Priest: "..."

He slowly exhaled a breath and looked at the guys wearing clergy robes among the crowd. For a moment, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

After painstakingly setting up the sacred barrier, what exactly was he protecting? !

Simply arresting two clergymen, the priest found out what happened during this period.

Around noon, a piece of news that might be a rumor came out.

The lawyer's face was chewed off because he didn't buy a grass baby and didn't have a grass baby on his body. That's why he was chosen first by the strange creature and became the unlucky one.

Combined with Cao Ying's inherent ability [Ling Ren], such rumors became more and more true as they spread, and almost all players from top to bottom believed them.

In addition, a considerable number of players already have Cao Ying in their hands. They use their past ghost stories to vouch for the fact that Cao Ying does have the special ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

No one wanted to end up like the lawyer, so driven by the dual psychology of fear and gambling, the Caoying Blind Box sold out without any accident.

The better the quality of the grass babies, the less likely they are to be targeted by the face-gnawing monster. This conclusion is not difficult to draw. In addition, several players have opened quite good special grass babies, which undoubtedly encourages the blind box opening. atmosphere.

There are "Hell Flame Magic Grass Babies", "Healing Angel Grass Babies", and some other messy Grass Babies. These are all high-quality Grass Babies that are actually opened by players.

Seeing the dwarfs in work clothes and paper hats selling Cao Ying coins among the players, as well as the temptation of Cao Ying that even the clergy could not resist, the priest felt sincerely tired.

He can now appreciate the warnings of some beekeepers

That’s right, capitalism has seriously corrupted people’s thinking!

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