The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 555 Yu Liang is born! You tricked me again!

Until dawn came and the sky broke, nothing major happened in the entire safe zone.

On the bright side, this crisis-ridden night passed without incident, and nothing happened except a few minor conflicts.

What surprised Yu Liang was that it was already dawn, but the other two teams were still silent and had not entered the safe zone.

One is the Workers and Farmers United Alliance led by beekeepers, and the other is the programmer department led by programmers.

Since Zhuyu, the clergyman led by the priest, was in front, Yu Liang felt that the beekeeper and the programmer's subordinates would at least be of the same level, so that they would not stretch their hips too much.

Anyway, they will definitely be better than these players that the lawyers have won over, and problems arose with the beekeepers and programmers at the same time, which made Yu Liang somewhat suspicious of what they encountered on the road.

No one can be sure about the origin ghost story. The stronger the overall strength of the player, the easier it is to survive. It all depends on whether the root ghost story is interested in you. If you are like the rabbit-shaped god, it will be difficult for programmers to protect you. Keep your own men in check.

Now Yu Liang has learned some information from the lawyer through Xu Cixi and the priest. The reason why the lawyer is in such a miserable state is all because of the rabbit-shaped god's extreme hatred for humans.

Thanks to the rabbit-shaped god, all his abilities are in dreams, and he can only rely on those rabbit dummies to influence reality. If it were replaced by another source of ghosts and hatred of humans, the lawyer might have to pay twice as many casualties to escape.

Yu Liang is still relatively confident about whether the lawyer can escape, because there are many characters, props, etc. that are specially designed to attack the source of the ghost talk. They can still affect the source of the ghost talk, but the cost is a little heavy.

Now, beekeepers and programmers may have been affected by the relatively strong source of ghost stories and were entangled for a while.

As for whether to send some manpower back to support, this is not yet certain. We need to contact them first.

In a Forgotten City where modern technological communication methods are almost banned, communication is indeed a very troublesome thing.

For this purpose, the Haicheng Alliance has prepared some radios and even some simple signal towers to enhance radio signals for installation along the way.

However, like every good-looking plan, these communication devices did not work when they actually entered the Forgotten City.

They were severely interfered with and did not function properly at all.

The usable range of the wireless walkie-talkie was about four kilometers, and then under the interference of some special force, this range was reduced to 500 meters, and it could not pass through the boundary line of the two Root Monster Territories.

Once the radio wave needs to cross the boundary line, the signal will simply dissipate without making any sound.

In this case, the communication between several teams can only rely on the signal bees cultivated by beekeepers. Information is conveyed and exchanged through notes recording sporadic information and the unique bee dance of the signal bees.

The stability is somewhat stable, but the amount of information carried by the signal bee is too small, and there will be a delay every time the message is transmitted, and there is a risk of being intercepted by unknown strange creatures.

It is precisely for this reason that it is extremely difficult to convey every piece of information, and the importance of beekeepers in the team is undoubted.

Anyway, the priest is waiting for news. Before the correct news is conveyed, he will not casually take his men to support other sources of ghost talk.

The lesson of "Sword" is already harsh enough. If you believe too much in your own power, the only outcome you will receive is to be taught a lesson by the source monster.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

It was the lawyer's confidant who discovered this. At dawn, the confidant entered the lawyer's tent with freshly baked soup, hoping to use more delicious food to help the lawyer forget the pain of yesterday. Unexpectedly, he saw the lawyer Deeper pain.

The lawyer's face didn't drop.

The whole face.

But he was still immersed in sleep and knew nothing about what happened to him.

When the confidants hurriedly woke up the lawyer, screams of pain echoed throughout the camp.

The sleeping person feels as if he is in a jar full of tranquilizers. When he is woken up, he immediately feels the excruciating pain.

This face did not suddenly disappear, but more like it was corroded by something, or eaten alive by something, so the pain accumulated and completely exploded at this moment.

The night in Wangcheng was not very warm, and the cold air scratched the lawyer's face. Due to the lack of lips, the lawyer's upper and lower gums were directly exposed, and the cold wind penetrated along the gaps between his teeth and into his throat. Using another method to create pain in the lawyer's mind.

At this time, the lawyer was completely disfigured. Something in his sleep eroded his face, turning him into a complete monster.

"I...what's going on? What's going on!" The lawyer wailed in pain and couldn't help rolling around in his tent.

He was not a physical warrior in the first place, so it was normal for him to feel this humiliating pain and couldn't help it.

The confidant next to him stamped the character "Fu" on the lawyer's body, and then got a shot of sedative and injected it into the lawyer's body.

Since entering Wangcheng this time is not a world of ghost stories, it is natural to have sufficient supplies of some useful technological products in real life, such as tranquilizers, Jiuxin pills, and some first aid medicines.

Death at the hands of Kaitan's power can be said to be just a miss, but if he died from certain diseases, it would be too regrettable.

"My face, my face..." As the sedative took effect, the lawyer regained some of his senses, but he immediately went to get a mirror to see what was happening on his face.

"Well... I suggest you not look in the mirror." The confidant said hesitantly, because of the lawyer's current appearance, even he who had experienced more than ten copies of the ghost story felt a sense of blood and terror.

However, the reminder from his confidant was too late. The lawyer had already taken out his mobile phone, turned on the selfie mode and saw what he looked like now.

A face with pits and pits, as if it had been corroded by some high-strength acid, revealing the dense white bones inside. The lips were completely missing, and the whole face looked like a zombie.

Combined with the appearance of the lawyer in a suit and leather shoes at this time, he was probably at least an elite monster.

"I...when? How did my face become like this?" The lawyer was shocked by what he saw in the camera. As an elite, he had never encountered such a predicament.

No matter who it is, the face must be the most important part of a person, and now he is as ugly as Two-Face in the DC universe.

No, maybe even uglier, because at least one side of Two-Face is good, and his face is almost completely rotten.

"How could this happen? My face..." The lawyer wanted to reach out and touch his face, but stopped because of fear of pain. He turned to look at his confidant, gritted his teeth and said, "It must be that damned one. Writer, it must be him! Go and call all the players over, and then call the priest over, the writer has crossed the line! How dare he attack me like this!"

Yesterday, my face was covered with that stinky mask, and today my face has been completely corroded. If I say that this matter has nothing to do with the writer, I am afraid that the writer himself will not believe it, so the lawyer has already figured out the answer in his heart. .

Yes, it must be a writer!

At this time, the double meaning of embarrassment has given the lawyer a hysterical impulse. He just wants to get an explanation for his face.

If the priest is still partial to Xu Cixi and the writer, then he must come back for revenge even if he risks his life!

Under desperate circumstances, even a priest can bite off a piece of meat. His ability is linked to the rules. In the "court", when punishment comes, no one can resist it with his own strength. For this, he Have absolute confidence.

This writer must pay for what he did!

The lawyer watched his confidant leave the tent, found another bottle of painkillers from his bag, reluctantly opened his mouth and stuffed a few pills in, and added two more characters for himself.

Relying on the powerful recovery function of the "Fu" character, he could feel a little itching on his face, as if flesh was growing.

Unfortunately, he knew very well that the skin and flesh that grew in this situation would definitely not be able to restore his face to its original shape.

It took some special props to save his face.

The screams of his henchmen rang out in the camp, causing all the players to wake up from their tents or sleeping bags. They all looked outside curiously, wanting to know what was going on here.

With some added insults, the players learned that the lawyer had been tortured by the writer last night. Something like sulfuric acid was poured on his entire face, and he was now completely disfigured.

If this was a conflict under normal circumstances, it would be okay if the lawyer was injured, but yesterday the priest had already mediated the situation, and the writer actually used dirty tricks behind the scenes. No player would be able to accept this approach.

For a time, perhaps out of fear of the writer's ruthless style, or perhaps out of sympathy and anger for the lawyer's experience, all the players gathered in front of the small building where the priest was stationed, hoping to rely on the priest to help the writer. pressure.

The crowd was a little angry, but the players were not carried away by the anger. The guns displayed by the writer last night were still frightening. They had to cling to the priest's back to ask for an explanation.

After the priest learned about this matter, he also felt that it was a bit difficult. He knew that if this matter was not handled well, it would probably cause internal strife among the Haicheng Alliance players, causing a crisis of trust and internal disputes in the Forgotten City where strange stories were rampant. It’s the rhythm of group destruction.

Therefore, the priest quickly called Xu Cixi over, hoping to use Xu Cixi to mediate and find out what the situation was.

"You mean... the writer ran into the lawyer's tent last night and disfigured the lawyer?" Xu Cixi frowned slightly, and she shook her head, "He doesn't seem like someone who would do such a thing."

Out of his understanding of Yu Liang, Xu Cixi was sure that Yu Liang would not do such a thing.

If Yu Liang appeared in the lawyer's tent, he would never do something as boring as disfigurement. He would directly kill the lawyer and then create a new one.

Well, revenge like disfigurement is indeed more satisfying, but it is too inefficient, and Yu Liang does not bother to do such a thing.

It would be possible to switch to Li Huachao.

Therefore, Xu Cixi did not say too much and hurriedly went back to find Yu Liang and told him about it.

"The lawyer was disfigured?" Yu Liang was equally surprised when he learned the news, and then looked at the sleepy Li Huachao beside him, "Did you do it?"

"How can I be so boring?" Li Huachao yawned, and the mask appeared in his hands again, and then he handed it to Yu Liang, muttering, "It's just a disfigurement, you can borrow the mask Let him wear it."

Yu Liang: "..."

He looked at the mask stained with vomit, and smelled a tantalizing sour smell from a distance, and immediately took a step back: "Could it be that the mask was poisonous because the lawyer's face was poisoned yesterday? "

He felt trouble in his heart. It was really difficult to deal with something like this at this time.

I originally wanted to take care of the lawyer later, but now it's better, this guy got into trouble himself.

Not sooner or later, but at this time - this is obviously a fallacy.

"I don't know. I wanted to give the adventurer a try yesterday, but I didn't get him." Li Huachao blinked, a pair of dark circles under his eyes seemed to indicate that he was indeed very busy last night, and then he sighed again. , "I turned on the 'Hunting Mark' and couldn't catch up. This guy is so damn good at running."

"I would have died if I couldn't run away." From the other side, the adventurer's voice came out faintly, and the dark circles under his eyes were even worse.

"I stayed up all night." Yu Liang said, and then took them to find the lawyer and others.

No matter what, we still need to clarify the situation before talking about it.

Soon, Yu Liang and others appeared on the abandoned street. The three parties were clearly separated, standing on both sides of the street, while the priest's people blocked the center.

"You are here, how dare you come?" The lawyer saw the writer in the crowd, and the anger in his heart welled up, but this time he was able to restrain himself well and did not explode directly.

His ability must be used at the most appropriate time to achieve the greatest effect.

"Why am I afraid to come?" Yu Liang walked up to the lawyer, looked up and down at the disgusting face, and then looked back at the priest, "You should be able to see it, right? It doesn't seem to be corroded. signs.”

"Indeed." The priest stepped forward. He actually saw it, but the lawyer didn't seem to want to hear his explanation.

"Well, it was chewed out by something." Yu Liang had a serious expression on his face.

If it was corroded by the stench mask, it would be a trivial matter, but now it looks like something has eaten away the lawyer's face...

That's a big deal.

This is probably related to the power of Kaidan.

If this strange incident is not dealt with in time, everyone's face may be in danger.

Yu Liang didn't care what others said, he still cherished his face.

Several bones in the body have been replaced, so you can't change another face, right?

Then what is he doing in this city of forgetfulness?

Is it humanity’s own 4S repair shop?

"You! Don't pretend that it has nothing to do with you. The smell on your mask yesterday was a mark. At night, something will follow the mark and eat off my face." The lawyer can be considered well-informed and has already figured it out. The whole process of how Yu Liang framed him was made up.

"Don't argue, there is still a use for keeping you now." Yu Liang glanced at the lawyer, and then looked at the team behind the lawyer, trying to find Aze among them.

If Aze mixes in this team, he should find something, right?

"Where's Aze?" Yu Liang couldn't find him, so he looked back at Li Huachao. He remembered that Li Huachao had given him a hunting mark.

"Aze from the lawyer team left last night, but the other Aze is still here." Li Huachao said carelessly, directly exposing Aze's whereabouts.

So Yu Liang looked at the priest's team again, and happened to notice a sneaky guy in a robe who seemed to be trying to escape.

Following his gaze, the priest also noticed Aze who had slipped into his team at some point, and he stretched out his hand to catch this guy.

"Yu Liang is born! Gan Linliang! You are tricking me again!"

The confessor was caught in the air by a pair of invisible hands. He struggled and cursed angrily, without the seriousness and grace that a clergy should have.

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