The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 514 Twin life gamblers

Chapter 514 Twin Life Gamblers

While the gambler hurried back to the battlefield, Yu Liang encountered an unprecedented dilemma.

Under the operation of the Paperman Team, the rapper was successfully captured, and the shadow puppeteer was completely eliminated due to the indifferent attack of the prophet Yan Hu.

But it's over.

At this time, there are still Aze's body, Yuanverse designer, secretary, chess player, Chinese medicine doctor, and the most important swordsman on the battlefield.

The combined efforts of the five people have created an absolute big daddy. Now they have given the swordsman a lot of buffs, making the swordsman almost reach the peak state of a T1 warrior.

For players, there is an upper limit to the physical bonus. The physical upper limit of physical warriors is much greater than that of non-physical warriors. Therefore, while extracting confessions to enhance themselves, the confessor will also add an additional line: "The upper limit of all physical fitness is temporarily increased." to 16".

The upper limit of the physical warrior is even higher than this, but no player can reach it.

In order to obtain such a terrifying increase, the secretary's indiscriminate double increase effect is essential. This is why Aze chose to create this personality clone.

Perhaps only the purest perverted player coach can suppress the swordsman in this state.

There is no upper limit for the coach's physical fitness. Years of practice have made his physical fitness extremely terrifying. He is the pinnacle of the flesh and blood system who can truly defeat skill with force.

Before that, the hunter was eliminated by the swordsman who recovered his status, and the swordsman received a strong increase, and now no one could restrain him.

The remaining five Azes were all auxiliary, and now they had basically done everything they could, so as soon as they were gathered together, they immediately sat down in a row and started to watch the swordsmen push the team.

It's probably like playing a team game or a war chess game. Once you complete the operation, you can successfully raise a super big daddy. Then you only need to watch the big daddy make two swords and end the battle quickly.

As soon as the increase was completed, the swordsman ran straight towards Yu Liang in the Tank Road Mansion. His speed even surpassed that of the Tank Road Mansion. An Buchen tried his best to operate, but still could not escape the fate of being overtaken by the swordsman.

As the "car", the prophet Yan Hu finally drove across the chessboard one second before the swordsman caught up and blocked the swordsman.

His injury-free time was almost completely exhausted, but this did not change his mind, and he faced the swordsman without hesitation.

The swordsman took out his sword and hit Yan Hu heavily with the back of the sword, knocking him away with just one blow.

Yan Hu was not harmed in any way, but this round of confrontation had completely revealed the gap in strength between the two sides.

Even with the injury-free bonus, he would never be a match for a swordsman in this state.

After the three-minute injury-free time was completely over, the Prophet became even more unable to stop the swordsman.

Yan Hu still has two minutes of 50-50 time, but he is 50-50 with the Confessor. This kind of physical quality is insignificant in front of the swordsman.

Under this situation, Yan Hu could only pull out the knife again, preparing to pierce his heart again, hoping to use [Blessing] again to obtain the injury-free bonus.

However, this time he was stopped by Yu Liang.

"Enough, you have done enough, there is no need to continue." Yu Liang did not let the prophet continue to use [Blessing]. It had no meaning. It was just a waste of [Blessing] times for no reason.

No one can stop the current swordsmen, and there is no way around it.

If the prophet were to be left to deal with the swordsman until now, then the confessor at that time would not have been able to deal with it.

It can only be said that Yu Liang's immediate combat effectiveness is still far inferior to Aze.

As for the level displayed by the prophet Yan Hu, Yu Liang was still very satisfied after this experiment.

[Blessing]'s long-distance support + three-minute damage-free, combined with the effect of the 50-50 Ring, is indeed a character that can achieve efficient output. The only drawback is that it requires a suitable T1 physical warrior or a flesh-and-blood monster creature as a template. , and also somewhat afraid of control skills.

Now it seems that using [Blessing] in this way is exchanging a precious life-saving opportunity for an output opportunity, which feels like the loss outweighs the gain.

On the one hand, it was because Yu Liang wanted to conduct specific experiments to see how effective the method Yan Hu said was in combat. On the other hand, it was because of Yan Hu's own thinking problem.

[Blessing] talks about "moving to a safe area", but Yan Hu's actual effect is to jump to the battlefield.

This issue is very critical. At least now Yu Liang is still skeptical. If he really encounters danger then, he wants to rely on the ability of the prophet to jump to a safe area. As a result, Yan Hu gives him an even more dangerous one. The safer the place...

Then it's all over.

Now it seems that this ability is linked to Yan Hu's own thinking, and Yan Hu is a fighting maniac, so there are great hidden dangers.

As a naturally born creative character in the universe, Yu Liang decided to let nature take its course after careful consideration. Since Yan Hu preferred to use this ability for combat, then use it for combat.

It's better to mess up things in a nondescript manner than to cheat at critical moments, wasting opportunities, and may lead to greater dangers.

The current Yu Liang does not lack the ability to save his life. Zhong Chen will protect him after opening the box. The Legend of the Immortal An Buchen has a strong ability to avoid danger and has a real gold medal for avoiding death.

Anyway, Yu Liang will trust An Buchen's life-saving ability more. If he really encounters his unstoppable attack, it will basically be a ghost story.

Facing the pursuit of the source of the ghost talk, the prophet's [blessing] can delay some time, but it can only go so far.

If you offend the local snake Yuan Yuan in a dungeon where the source ghost talk is entrenched, then no place is safe, and in the end you have to rely on "it" to save the situation.

If we really want to face the source monster, it would be better to release the source hunter Li Huachao. At least he can really restrain the source monster, making it unable to take the initiative to attack.

According to calculations, Yu Liang's wealth can withstand Yan Hu's [Blessing] ability at least a dozen times. Yan Hu does not need to appear in normal battles, as long as it is used at critical moments.

For example, Yu Liang was looking forward to the trip to Wangcheng because a familiar player would come out to lead the Haicheng Alliance.


Because the coach is too strong, if Yan Hu uses the 50-50 ring on the coach, the effect will probably be that there are two coaches on the field...

It is said to be half and half, but the actual effect may be "copying".

According to Yan Hu, the number of times of [Blessing] can be reset, but the conditions are more stringent.

It can only be reset during gradient promotion.

Yan Hu's gradient promotion is not considered for the time being, but Yu Liang will not feel bad about spending it when it is time to use it.

Forty seconds after the swordsman attacked, the prophet Yan Hu was completely defeated and blasted off the chessboard.

At the forty-fifth second, the bodyguard Zhong Chen appeared in front of the swordsman.

She was ready to expose all the swordsman's characters and items at the cost of serious injury to herself, and to seal the opponent's stamp bar.

However, suddenly, a "cannon" chess piece appeared on Zhong Chen's head, which directly bypassed the swordsman's "rook" and hit the five auxiliary Aze in the back row.

"What?" Even Zhong Chen herself didn't react to the sudden change. She just felt that her body was out of control, and then she appeared next to the five Azes.

"Zhong Chen can't be eliminated yet." After Yu Liang stole a certain advantage in the field, he looked at the problem more clearly and intuitively, "We are no longer able to stop the swordsman, and there is only one way to win."

Even if it wasn't a competition of hard power, even if he had to use tricks to win, Yu Liang didn't want to lose.

He turned to look at the money-keeper and gave the order: "Control Aze's body and let him attack Zhong Chen."

"Okay." The money-keeping ghost performed the operation, and through the use of force, Aze used the "Thunder" character against the nearest Zhong Chen.

"Eh?" Aze felt that he was attacking the bodyguard in front of him uncontrollably, and he had some understanding in his heart.

This "cannon" is a bodyguard, which he figured out very early on. Bodyguards are not uncommon in the world of ghost stories, and Aze knows the details of the skills very well.

In this case, it is very interesting that Yu Liang chose to let the money-keeping ghost control him to attack Zhong Chen instead of other Aze.

Does the writer want to use the bodyguard's ability to block my stamp column?


[God Blessed]: Only once per copy round, you can obtain a damage-free shield that lasts for 30 seconds (the shield will be triggered first).

[Guardian Blessing]: Only once a week, you can immediately obtain a shield equal to the current health value.

[Magic Blessing]: Only once a week, immune to damage from the next 3 non-physical attacks.

[Shield of Glory]: Only once a month, you can immediately get a shield that can withstand 8,000 points of damage.

After thinking clearly about what the writer wanted to do, Aze took advantage of the gap between typing the character "Thunder" to connect himself with four shields.

Seeing the "Thunder" character exploded completely, Aze was also a little helpless.

This is the limit of his operation, but it is not the limit of his stamp bar.

Anyway, before the blockade, put on as many shields as you can, they will definitely be of great use in a while.

The burst of "thunder" characters hit Zhong Chen and also affected the five Azes near her.

All the characters on Zhong Chen's body exploded, and the characters and inventory on Aze's body fell with it. However, this was not enough to offset it, so the stamp slot on Aze's body was blocked together.

Since then, Zhong Chen has been eliminated.

"Do you still have the ability to play chess?" Yu Liang looked at An Buchen. Now I am afraid that An Buchen is the only one who can carry the banner.

"No, the cooldown time of Fuqi's ability is very long. The one that Zhong Chen just refreshed was because Yan Hu was out." An Buchen shook his head and then checked other domain energies, "But after the reversal, The ability of the earth has been cracked, and sleepers can be set, but I have no way to control it. I can only set it once, and all creatures within the range are set to sleepers."

"Use it directly." Yu Liang's choice was very decisive. Only by turning everyone into sleepers can he have a chance to delay the time and avoid being killed by the swordsman in a short time.

The sleepers cannot sense each other. Under the influence of this heavy buff, the swordsman may not be able to find them quickly and eliminate them one by one.

When the enemy and we are unknown, the salvo of guns and artillery that has not yet appeared is likely to directly take away Aze's body.

Under An Buchen's operation just now, Zhong Chen successfully blocked Aze's stamp column. Now Aze's body is extremely fragile and he can launch an attack without hesitation.

As soon as Yu Liang had a thought, he wanted to summon his Cao Ying mecha troops, but the moment those Azes disappeared in front of him in the distance, he stopped thinking of summoning them.

Something's wrong, why aren't the Azes making any movement?

Since he thinks now is a good time to deal with Aze, then Aze must also want it.

After all the creatures become sleepers, the best solution for the Azes is to gather around the swordsman, and of course the best solution for the swordsman is to quickly come to the writer's vicinity.

In case the writer summons the Grass Infant mecha and cannon, the swordsman can destroy it in time.

Sleepers cannot sense each other, but this is not the case for the newly appeared Cao Ying mechas. They can be seen by the swordsman, and they can also see the swordsman.

The Azes have the ability to communicate with each other's minds. Even if they cannot sense it, they can still barely ensure that each other is nearby. So summoning the Cao Ying mecha at this time is likely to be targeted by the swordsman, and ultimately it will not be effective.

However, Aze was not like that, they still stayed where they were.

Yu Liang always speculated on Aze's combat power at the highest level. Since Aze and others did not act according to the optimal solution in his imagination, it meant that Aze had a better choice.

This kind of prediction of Aze has become Yu Liang's instinct, so he immediately stopped his actions and started running.

No matter what, leave your original position first and then make other plans.

Aze's stamp column will only be blocked for five minutes. Within these five minutes, he must successfully eliminate Aze's body, otherwise there will be no other opportunities.

At this time, an unexpected figure appeared on this street.

"Lu Baoshen?" Yu Liang looked at the familiar gambler and felt a little strange for a moment, "Where is the soldier? Lu Baoshen, did you defeat the soldier?"

"Haha, I really hope what you said is the truth, but I can't help it. You are only half right." The gambler laughed happily while observing the situation on the chessboard.

Since it was a two-dimensional perspective, he did not notice the strange behavior of the two groups, otherwise he would have noticed that they seemed invisible to each other.

Half right?

This statement made Yu Liang stunned for a moment, but he reacted quickly and immediately understood what the gambler meant.

That's half right. The other half definitely refers to "defeating the soldiers", and the other half is Lu Baoshen.

Since it was not Lu Baoshen who defeated him...

"Lu Mingzhe? Are you back?" Yu Liang was ecstatic. He never thought that letting Lu Baoshen take a beating from a soldier would actually make Lu Mingzhe appear.

The young one is beaten and the old one comes. Isn't this a routine in fantasy novels?

Why are gamblers doing this now?

On the other side, the swordsman keenly noticed the change in the angle of the gambler's figure, realized the writer's true position, and immediately rushed towards the writer.

"Yeah, I'm back, and... it's different." Lu Mingzhe noticed the swordsman's movement, but he didn't pay attention to it, but continued, "I did something unexpected in the world of ghost talk, So I have received meritorious service, which I can accept, but what I cannot accept is that Lu Baoshen is actually on the same list as me."

If you click on the universe now, you can see the gambler character card dyed in black and white.

It is still the T2 gradient, but there is an additional title in front.

Twin Sims·Gambler

Title ability:? ? ?

Seeing the swordsman quickly approaching the unknown writer, Lu Mingzhe imagined the consequences of his inaction and couldn't help laughing.

But of course he would not let the swordsman attack Yu Liang, so he threw out a silver coin.

"The field unfolds: Nai He Tian."

Shao Siming: in charge of destiny, which is subdivided into Ji Lu, who controls destiny, and is responsible for disaster, misfortune and fortune.

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