The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 513 Okay, let’s beat the actor down first

The soldiers discovered the changes in the gamblers immediately.

It was a very mysterious feeling, but he didn't pay attention to it.

At this moment, Jun Ci's attack has almost hit. Even if this guy really activates some Saiyan mode, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive.

It is enough for a T2 alienation professional to achieve this step. If it has two forms like a boss at the end of the level...

A little too supermodel.

However, what happened next surprised the soldier. He could feel the tip of his knife piercing the gambler's body, but in the next second, the gambler's body disappeared.

Teleport again!

But what's the use?

The effect of [Blood Soul Pursuit] is tracking, and it is a stamp specially used to restrain space jumps!

No player can escape pursuit before the full force of the military stab attack reaches full damage!

And if this attack hits, even the coach will be injured. With the defense and health of a T2 player, it is impossible to withstand it.

Will definitely be eliminated!

When the gambler disappeared, the soldier also disappeared, following the gambler's pace like a shadow, and the tip of the knife sank into the gambler's body again.

All this was not over. In just one second, the gambler teleported with him seven times, finally staying in the center of the silver coin array.

The result in the Silver Coin Array may be beyond everyone’s expectations, but it did happen.


The gambler opened his hands with a smile, and dozens of silver coins scattered around him from his fingers. Then he pushed the soldier away and took a few steps back using the reaction force.

"You..." The soldier wanted to pursue him with the spur, but found that his body had become a little sluggish, and for a while he couldn't keep up with the gambler.

He is still at 120% fighting spirit, so it is impossible to be hit by the opponent's control ability, so there is only one possibility.

His health had almost reached the limit, and his body functions had rapidly declined, making him unable to even stab him again.

The gambler just stood three meters away, looking at the soldier's staggering steps, looking a little happy: "It seems that this physical warrior did not realize one thing - during the pursuit, you were stronger than me. Much more vulnerable.”

After saying this, the gambler stirred up a silver coin, and the character "Fu" that was originally aimed at the silver coin flew towards the soldier and submerged into the soldier's body, stabilizing the soldier's injury at the critical moment.

"You didn't make a fatal move just now. This 'reply' character is a return gift. Now we don't owe anything to each other and can continue to play... fight." The gambler explained what he meant by capitalizing on the enemy, but he almost Just let it slip.

Such words could be recognized by the soldier and did not make him feel that the "response" character was just the opponent's pity, so he let out a sigh of relief, and the suppressed fighting spirit in his heart surged up.

When he takes damage, 50% of the damage will be converted into continuous damage and settled in sequence. Now his state cannot even withstand the continuous continuous damage. Fortunately, there is the support of the gambler's "recovery" character, otherwise he may die directly.

But, what happened in that second just now?

Why did the gambler not suffer any injuries after receiving the full blow of [Blood Soul Pursuit], but instead he was seriously injured and almost died on the spot?


Could it be that gamblers have the hidden ability to swap injured states?

But it shouldn’t be. This ability cannot be the ability of the T2 alienation profession. Is it the stamp slot or the item slot?

It takes time to activate the secret power of supernatural items, and the gambler's stamp slot has not been unlocked...

what is going on?

The soldier frowned deeply, but when he thought of the gambler's last action, he suddenly understood what the other party had done.

The last "recovery" character was supposed to fly towards the gambler, which shows that the gambler originally wanted to recover from his injuries, and then saw that his life was hanging by a thread, so he changed the character's target, thus restoring his health. .

From what it looks like, it's not a transfer of injuries, but a differentiation of injuries!

In just that second, the gambler made seven space jumps, but it was not a mindless start. He only started teleporting after his body was injured by the military thorn.

The soldier thought clearly. The gambler divided the damage of a full-strength attack into seven times, and each time he received one-seventh of the damage, he began to teleport to a specific location where there was a " "Reply" characters shot at him.

To put it simply, the seven attacks should have dealt fatal critical damage, but under the gambler's continuous teleportation, they were resolved into seven tolerable damages, and each time they were endured, they would be repaired by the "recovery" character.

With the help of seven teleportations and seven "recovery" characters, the gambler successfully withstood the all-out [Blood Soul Pursuit] from the soldiers.

The sophistication of the micro-manipulation made the soldier feel terrified, and at the same time, the excitement of encountering a powerful enemy made his body start to tremble slightly.

If you take one step too fast, you won't be stabbed, and teleportation is meaningless; if you take one step too slow, the military stab will penetrate the gambler's body, causing injuries that cannot be recovered by the "recovery" character.

Invincible rhythm control and reaction speed, but is this the limit for gamblers?

No, no, far from it.

The gambler attacked while dodging!

In addition to seven teleportations and seven "repair" characters, the gambler also performed seven "breaking" character attacks!

Each hit hit the target, hitting him who was following the gambler's footsteps, easily tearing through his defense and emptying out the remaining health bar.

Judging from the sentence behind the gambler, there is also a detail that is very scary to think about.

"During the pursuit, you were much more vulnerable than me."

In the second when [Blood Soul Pursuit] is triggered, he cannot use other stamps to restore his own blood volume, so even if he notices the crazily falling health value, he cannot stop it.

The usual way of fighting for soldiers is to block the blood bar near death, obtain high damage immunity through blood-recovering stamps, characters or other things, and then use the control-free state and strong physical fitness to attack wildly.

However, at that second, he was extremely fragile. He couldn't even draw out the recovery stamp. His health volume was rapidly reduced under the continuous "break" character attacks. In the end, he didn't even have a chance to get his health volume stuck.

In other words, the [Blood Soul Pursuit] just now not only did not pose a threat to the gambler, but also gave the gambler a chance to kill him instantly...

These things are scary enough from God's perspective, not to mention that the gambler opposite doesn't know the details of [Blood Soul Pursuit], and some of the details don't even know to him.

" do you know so many details?" The soldier couldn't help his curiosity and finally asked.

"It's a gamble." The gambler's answer was calm, and then he just smiled and said, "I don't have a choice anyway, so why not take a gamble with statistical information. The final result is that I made the right bet."

"Okay, you are an opponent who needs to go all out, and I will fight you wholeheartedly." The soldier solved all his doubts, and his will to fight was extremely high.

In the battle just now, he did look down on the gambler and did not try his best throughout the whole process. The current soldier apologized to the gambler in his heart and decided to go all out in the next battle.

"Okay, go ahead." The gambler readily agreed, or rather wished for it.

The two didn't waste any more words and fought again.

The soldier's body hit the gambler like a meteor, while the gambler was more like a planet, and there were five satellite-like characters surrounding his body, revolving around him.

When the soldier was only about three meters away from the gambler, his speed surged again and he stabbed him instantly. He wanted to use this explosive speed to disrupt the gambler's rhythm and prevent him from teleporting in time. .

However, within a matter of seconds, the gambler successfully dodged and added a "burning" character.

The burning sensation stimulated the soldier's brain, and the pain made the entire body become hot. Infinite power emerged from the whole body, just wanting to be faster, stronger, and more effective in tearing apart the gambler in front of him.

[You have triggered the burning effect, and you will receive additional burning damage every second. 】

By coincidence, the "burn" character triggers burning, which causes more continuous damage to be endured in the next few seconds. It is necessary to calculate the blood volume in a more timely manner, and use the blood recovery stamp at the right time to maximize the stamp's effect. change.

This requires strong combat intuition and calculation ability. Soldiers have indeed experienced hundreds of battles and have almost turned it into their own instincts, but they still need to put some thought into calculations.

At the same time, you have to find the details of the gambler's teleportation ability and find loopholes to hit the opponent.

It seems that something has indeed been discovered.

He keenly noticed the movement trajectory of the characters and the pattern of Lu Baoshen's position after teleportation, and obtained a corresponding result.

The end points of the moving routes of the five characters are all silver coins, and the position after teleportation must be on the silver coins at the end points of the five characters.

This gave him a chance to predict.

There is a one-fifth probability that he can predict the destination of the gambler's teleportation!

So after every rampage, the soldiers would add a pounce action to predict the gambler's landing point.

He was very sure that it only took one hit for the gambler to lose completely.

Compared to the strength and speed of the T1 body warrior, the T2 gambler is too weak. Even the simplest thrust and level A can completely take away the opponent.

This is a full one-fifth probability!

Even if it is a random attack, there is still a chance of hitting the gambler, right?

He can at least resist dozens of character attacks, which means he has dozens of chances.

On average, you can win once every five times. How can you not win if you do it dozens of times in a row?

Really missed.

The soldier quickly distanced himself and used a seal to slightly increase his blood volume and restore some physical strength at the same time.

He was already doubting his life. If he made a mistake this time, it couldn't be because he was unlucky, right?

There must be something wrong with my judgment just now, and I need to find another way to attack.

The gambler didn't react at all to his attack, as if that was the way it should be. This calmness meant that the opponent was very confident.

If he relies purely on luck, the gambler will definitely panic. After all, he can't guarantee that he will be able to stagger the enemy with luck every time, right?

"Your ability is very powerful." The soldier gave a rare compliment. He looked at the gambler surrounded by five characters all the time, and the admiration in his heart was beyond words.

Being able to control five characters at the same time, even with the blessing of an alienated profession, is not an easy task, because the strength of a gambler in this state has far exceeded that of a T2 alienated professional.

Not to mention that the opponent was able to complete an extremely unparalleled counterattack in the [Blood Soul Pursuit] just now, performing at least 21 operations in one second.

"You're not bad, you can last so long." The gambler stretched his muscles. After this period of adaptation, he has completely grasped the difference between this body and the previous one.

The nerve reaction speed is much faster, which should be the effect of the upgraded seal. The character's casting distance has increased by two steps, which gives him more reaction time.

At the same time, it also gave him room to continue to increase the number of characters present.

It turned out that he believed that the Five Talisman Realm was the limit, which was limited by the physical conditions at the time and the character's casting distance.


It's completely possible to break through the limits.

However, during the adaptation process, he did not use the sixth character.

Hidden, this sixth character can be used to end the soldiers.

After fighting for so long, he was a little tired. The soldiers were like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten, and his blood volume jumped repeatedly.

Relying on "broken" characters or something, the damage is far from enough.

You need to use the "Thunder" character.

"Go on." The gambler rubbed his head and reentered the fighting state.

The soldier squeezed his body with his will, trying to extract the last of his courage to finish off the gambler in front of him.

Like an arrow from a string, he rushed towards the gambler, his body lighter than ever before.

Since the one-fifth probability cannot be deceived, then all five positions should be blocked.

Four more spurs appeared on his hands, ready for a desperate fight.

The soldier stepped into the silver coin array, and just as he expected, the gambler teleported.

The moment the gambler disappeared, the soldier spun around, threw out three spurs, and simultaneously attacked the remaining two positions with his left and right hands.

There are five locations in total, which are all locations where the gambler character will land, and where the gambler will definitely appear.

However, the next second, the gambler appeared outside the silver coin array.


All five attacks failed, and the soldiers couldn't believe it.

Could it be that the rules I summarized are wrong?

No, the gambler teleports backwards!

He also typed a character, and the sixth character was right behind the gambler, but it was blocked by the gambler's body, which prevented him from seeing it!


If this sixth character can be predicted, his thrust will definitely hit, because the gambler will only teleport backward!

It's a pity that there is no what if.

Moreover, five characters is actually not the limit for gamblers.

I'm really sorry that I didn't let you use your full strength and I didn't satisfy you.

"It's over." The gambler threw forward the silver coin in his hand, and the silver coin fell into the array.

A "Thunder" character emerged from the gambler's side, revealing a blue-purple light, and then quickly followed the silver coin and exploded with a bang.

The arc of electricity surged in the silver coin array, taking away the soldier's last strength and completely destroying his will.

"Watch carefully and study hard." The gambler ordered, but his words were obviously not directed at the soldiers, but at another guy in his mind.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at his page with a faint smile.

"Also, if you win the bet, we are no longer the same as before."

"Yes, yes, it's all your fault."

"Okay, let's go back and knock those two hunters down. We are the (number one) brothers in the universe."

"Okay, let's knock the actor down first."

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