The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 498 The writer and actor make an appointment to fight in Hexagonal City.

Yu Liang did not expect that just now he was thinking that with the goblin hook gun, Aze would not be able to make waves, but now he was immediately slapped in the face.

It turns out that Aze has already found a way to get rid of the control of the goblin hook gun. Has he found the way long ago?

Or was it just found recently?

The sense of security in Yu Liang's conscience disappeared again, because he knew that a runaway Aze was far more terrifying than a runaway Li Chaoniang.

However, the sudden miss of the hook gun also reminded Yu Liang of something.

The "father" in a financial planner.

There were two such short catches, one was by "Father" and the other was the current Aze. It was hard not to let Yu Liang have some reveries.

And if I remember correctly, when I captured "Father", the hook flew towards Lingcheng, right?

Yu Liang was thoughtful, and the color in his eyes became more solemn.

Taken together, the news is even worse, downright terrible.

The current wealth value has reached 70,000 to 80,000, and the impact of Aze's wealth on the average value is still very significant. If he cannot get his support, the entire plan may be in vain.

Well, it’s not in vain, at least the wealth value is actually earned, it’s just the task of solving the root cause of the ghost story...

You may need to change your approach.

Yu Liang's thoughts were racing rapidly, and he had already thought of a backup hiding plan in an instant.

Choose a location for the masked man's shop, and then buy the props exclusively available in the pioneer book from the masked man, which are the kind of things that can temporarily unlock four columns. This was revealed to Yu Liang by Octagon.

That kind of prop can help Yu Liang unlock the stamp bar, and then rely on the [Dimension Man] to become a three-dimensional state, and enter the mirror world to find "Yu Liang".

However, this kind of prop is only for a limited time. If Yu Liang cannot come back within the stipulated time, something serious may happen, and he may even get lost in the mirror world in a two-dimensional state.

Therefore, this can only be a backup plan, and it will definitely not be used until the moment of life and death.

"Hiss - is this gun broken? Why can't you catch it again and again?" Lu Baoshen tapped the goblin hook gun in his hand, feeling a little bored. He looked at Yu Liang and asked enthusiastically, "What do you want? Why don't I try the goblin fishing rod? Speaking of which, I haven't tried it in this dungeon yet."

"Hmm..." Yu Liang thought for a moment and reached out to ask for it, "Show me the goblin fishing rod."

"Oh." Lu Baoshen didn't doubt that he was there and handed it over directly. Then he saw Yu Liang put the fishing rod into his inventory.

Yu Liang snorted and said: "Confiscated, I almost forgot. Such dangerous things should not be left in your hands."

Lu Baoshen: "???"

Too much!

At this time, Li Huachao ran over from the other side, covering his hands, baring his teeth and shouting, cursing: "Damn it, that bitch dared to sneak attack me, no, I want to give him a try Torture!”

The dog ran past Yu Liang like a gust of wind, and then ran straight into the house. It seemed that he wanted to enter the house to find some tools to strengthen the so-called "dog thing".

"Wait, stop." Yu Liang immediately called out to this guy. Looking at Ergouzi who had doubled his energy, he suddenly felt a little tired.

Aze has already arrived. In a sense, it can be said that he is facing a formidable enemy. What are each of these created characters doing?

The little fairy girl didn't know where she was hiding. Lu Baoshen just wanted to play with the fishing rod. Li Chaoniang had just discovered the trace and didn't know what she was doing before...

"Ah? The little wolf is here too." Li Huachao stopped and immediately complained to Yu Liang, "Let me tell you, do you still remember the player who assassinated you just now? He actually dared to attack me! I have to You can’t deal with him.”

"Huh?" Yu Liang looked at this hunter who was already the root of the T1 gradient. He was a little curious about how Li Huachao, who had an absolute advantage in shooting speed, was hit by that guy, and the previous assassination...

At this time, he also remembered. It seemed that he was hit strangely at that time. He obviously dodged, but the assassin's attack still hit him in a weird way.

Yu Liang couldn't see the specific changes clearly in this two-dimensional world, so he was tricked.

Does that guy have an ability similar to that of a strong one?

It can be said that it was an accident that he was able to hit himself. Even Li Huachao in T1 was able to break through the defense. The priority of this ability is not ordinary.

Yu Liang's mind moved, and some interesting ideas came into his mind, "Give him a portable prison, and you and Octagon will put him in a single prison. I will use this guy in the future."

"Ah? Oh, okay." Li Huachao saw Yu Liang speak out, so he could only agree, but he was still a little confused about what just happened.

He clearly saw the trajectory of the attack and had the advantage of shooting speed, but why was he still hit first?

This is a rule ability. Even the origin of the strange talk will be suppressed under equal conditions. How come it doesn't work here?

Li Huachao thought for a while and finally realized that not every thought must have results, so he gave up.

Yu Liang took this opportunity to capture all the creative characters who were outside. At the same time, he gathered the strange creatures and adjusted their condition to the best. For example, the electric storage organ of the Razer snake will The electric energy inside is charged to 50%, which is a more suitable preparation state.

At this time, Yu Liang also discovered a somewhat fatal problem with the strange creatures.

Due to the influence of the money-keeping ghost [Yi Cai], the combat power of one's own camp has increased by 30%, but the fighting spirit has decreased by 40%.

Today’s weird creatures and created characters are very...

Buddha nature.

It's the kind that if you give it a slap, it will still nod in greeting and sideways to get out of the way.

Only people with a bad temper like Li Chaoniang have less influence, like Little Fairy Girl...

It always felt like she was ready to live in seclusion in Flatland.

This is not okay, brothers!

Just when Yu Liang was adjusting the state of the monsters, a somewhat unexpected guy came in front of him.

"I am the swordsman, and I am here to deliver a message." The paper man stood in front of Yu Liang and said in a somewhat stiff tone.

Swordsman Aze?

Yu Liang remembered this guy. He was one of Aze's strongest single swordsmen and the main attacker.

A T1 physical warrior, and an alienated professional specializing in combat, his strength should not be underestimated, and he had already shown his strength in battles a long time ago.

Lu Baoshen, An Buchen, and Li Huachao were almost defeated by him alone, and they had no power to fight back.

"What does Aze want to do?" Yu Liang asked, "He brought his troops here to occupy the Hexagonal City."

"Maybe, but he is not ready to lead the army himself." Swordsman Aze repeated Aze's words, "He has fully educated the triangles, and there is no need for him to personally guide him next. Just leave the revolution to the triangle itself.”

Aze's cynical look appeared in Yu Liang's mind, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Indeed, this is something Aze would do.

He turned into a round elder to lead the figure, not to gain power or enjoy power, but just to watch a good show.

It didn't matter to him whether the triangles, symbolizing rebirth, or the polygons, symbolizing decay, won.

Anyway, it's interesting, that's enough. Aze has always been a fun person, but his execution is too strong, and sometimes people forget that he is a fun person.

"Then, what is he going to do?" Yu Liang continued to ask.

"He knows that you need characters and items to complete the root ghost story." Swordsman Aze smiled, his voice was still cold, but it contained a surging fighting spirit, "He likes the beauty of adults very much, long as you defeat him, The characters and supernatural items on his body are all yours."

"Oh?" There was a slight murmur in Yu Liang's heart, but just like the swordsman Aze, he also had a vague desire to have a head-on confrontation with Aze.

I was still thinking about it just now, but I didn't have a suitable opponent to test my growth, and now it came to my door.

It's nice to have someone give you a pillow when you feel sleepy.

And this guy is still Aze, and he’s not afraid of being broken, so that’s even better.

"Yes, the Lingcheng army's attack on Hexagonal City will be the signal for the battle to begin. With Hexagonal City and its surroundings as the battlefield, we will fight you once." Swordsman Aze said, "As long as you don't let go, use all your strength Cast, even if you lose, Aze will still help you complete the root ghost story, but those characters and items can only be regarded as loaned to you and must be repaid with interest."

"Okay, do you have any specific requirements?" Yu Liang agreed without hesitation. He knew that it would not be so easy to clear out Aze's wealth. After all, that guy was not one of his own in the strict sense. How could he add characters and items to his inventory? The principle of giving away something.

"Indeed, there are special requirements." The swordsman Aze did not shy away and told him what Aze told him in one breath. "In order to avoid waste, you can only use the machine gun and heavy artillery once in this battle, and the duration of use It can’t be more than 10 seconds, otherwise it won’t mean anything.”

"Huh? Isn't that unfair?" Yu Liang felt that what the other party said was reasonable, but he still subconsciously retorted, "I collected these weapons myself, why don't I use them?"

Speaking of which, he does feel distressed. After all, ammunition is used less and less. These things are sent by the grass babies on the flesh and blood planet, and there is no production method for the time being.

If it was all wasted on Aze, even if he could win against Aze, Yu Liang himself would not feel comfortable.

It’s a loss, it’s such a loss, it makes my heart hurt.

"Aze said that if you don't agree, he can only drive the triangular army to fight as a round elder. You use guns and he uses soldiers. This is very reasonable." Swordsman Aze repeated Aze's words .

"Eh? Can those soldiers be considered part of his strength?" Yu Liang felt that such cheaters should be banned.

"After entering the dungeon, the extent to which players utilize the local NPCs in the dungeon is also part of their strength. Could it be that the other players killed by the soldiers were just pretending to be dead, and can they go back and try again?" Swordsman Aze's retort was strong and forceful.

"Okay, then he can't drive the army. I can only use the guns once, and the duration will not exceed 10 seconds." Yu Liang reluctantly agreed.

It's not bad to use the Grass Infant mecha troops and heavy artillery as your trump card, but it won't waste too much ammunition.

"Okay, in this case, the battle will begin after the Lingcheng army officially attacks. Please note that before that, your monsters and other characters cannot leave the Hexagonal City, and Aze will not let us enter the Hexagonal City." Swordsman Aze continued to narrate, "Also, ask your player friends not to participate. If you stop me, I will really kill you."

"Of course, this is a duel between Aze and I, no one else is needed." Yu Liang didn't care about the threat from the swordsman Aze. He had no intention of relying on the strength of adventurers and martial arts coaches.

What a joke, he and Aze already have enough people for a duel, so they still need to fight other players?

At a casual estimate, it is a high-quality duel with a dozen players fighting dozens of monsters. Why do you need help from others?

Thinking of this, Yu Liang also had an impulse of "men want to fight" in his heart. After all, the opponent is the most unique existence in Haicheng.

It is the actor Aze who is a headache for the five strongest founders.

Isn't it the best battle practice to try it in this dungeon?

Yu Liang was convinced that it was impossible for the other party to kill him, because he would not kill Aze either. This kind of drill would have no worries and would definitely improve the actual combat capabilities of his own camp.

"By the way, there's one more thing." The swordsman Aze seemed a little hesitant, as if he didn't want to say it, but probably Aze anticipated his character and forced him to say it, "Aze asked you for the main plot. For the answer to the second stage of the mission, he has to unlock one more column.”

"Uh, that's okay." Yu Liang thought for a while and didn't refuse. It happened that he also wanted to see Aze's other abilities so that he could take precautions in advance.

Although strictly speaking, he was at a slight disadvantage because the cannons in his inventory were restricted, but he didn't care about this.

Anyway, it’s free sparring, it’s free if you don’t use it.

It seems that the swordsman Aze is not very willing. He is confident enough in himself and feels that he can beat the writer even without four columns.

Soon, the swordsman Aze got the answer from the adventurer, and then said goodbye to Yu Liang.

Before leaving, he saw Li Chaoniang, and the T1 Root Hunter made him couldn't help but slow down.

"You are already T1." The swordsman looked at Li Chaoniang and showed a satisfied smile, "Not bad, very good."

"Yes, it's T1." The hunter looked at the swordsman a few meters away with a frivolous smile.

In the eyes of both sides, the other side is just a line, but the endless fighting spirit has broken out, and it will definitely end with the defeat of one side.

Then, the swordsman kept his promise and quickly left the Hexagonal City without making any stop.

Just like what Aze said, the wall of the Hexagonal City is used as the boundary, and the writer and the actors do not cross each other. The attack of the Lingcheng army marks the beginning of the battle.

The battle is about to break out.


"By the way, can your hypnosis make me forget something?" Yu Liang asked.

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"Help me block some things, and wait until the key point... before triggering memory recovery." Yu Liang smiled, "That person will definitely look for opportunities to flip my script. I can't tell all the details."


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