The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 497 Yeah, I broke free from the collar.

Chapter 497 Yeah--I broke free from the collar.

Current wealth value: 85863

Current wealth value: 85875

Yu Liang had completely settled down. He looked at the wealth value on the Scrooge's page that was still rising, and showed a rich and satisfied smile.

The wealth value is still rising. This should be because the masked man is helping to sell his blind straw box. Every time one is sold, it can basically provide more than a dozen points of wealth value.

Just as he had predicted before, instead of working hard to make money, it is better to exploit them desperately. Every time he exploits a player, he is doubling his wealth, so he can increase his wealth value from a few hundred to 70,000 or 80,000 in a short period of time.

"The wealth is worth 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, so do you feel like you have any breakthrough?" Yu Liang looked at the money-keeping ghost beside him and asked.

After the land enclosure movement, Yu Liang carried out an all-round property cleansing of the players, and the wealth of the money-keepers skyrocketed.

Last time, the money-keeper was promoted gradually because his wealth accumulated to a certain value, so Yu Liang had a special expectation.

"No, it's not enough." The money-keeper shook his head. "I can feel that my promotion is related to wealth and has nothing to do with wealth value. The current wealth value is indeed very high, but as for wealth... it has not changed qualitatively."

It thought for a while and continued: "And... this kind of 'wealth' does not seem to be accumulated in this way. It is difficult for me to explain this feeling clearly, but I know that this kind of violent plunder is only the first step in accumulating wealth. One step, and many more steps need to be completed to break free from the shackles of 'greed'."

"Oh?" Yu Liang was thoughtful, then he patted the money-sucking ghost and said with a smile, "I understand, just go ahead and do it. If you stay with me, you don't have to worry about these things."

The money-hungry ghost spoke rather vaguely, but Yu Liang could vaguely grasp the true meaning of his words.

Just as it predicted before, the Scrooge is the incarnation of "greed". Greed is only one of the seven deadly sins. It is a monster creature under the jurisdiction of the Mirror Spirit Root Monster.

According to the actual situation, when the Mirror Spirit Ceremony begins, the strength of the Mirror Spirit itself is around T1, while the Seven Deadly Sins are at the T2 gradient.

When the mirror spirit completes the ritual, she should be able to reach the realm of half-step root. She is only one step away from the level of root ghost talk, which is also the most critical step.

A half-step source monster, the direct line monster creature around him should be T1 in any case, and at least high-end T1 level, this kind of strength is barely enough.

When the mirror spirit becomes the root monster, these seven deadly sins should be promoted to the top T1, which can be called T1 perfection, but this is their upper limit.

In other words, T1 Dzogchen is the potential limit of the Seven Deadly Sins.

To break through this limit, the Scrooge can no longer focus on "greed". It must get rid of the shackles of its identity as the Seven Deadly Sins.

Wealth, capital, control, and slavery are the new paths it needs to take.

To illustrate with a simple example, the original money-keeping ghost may just want to become a powerful and violent Western dragon, extremely fond of gold and silver treasures, and wants to build a palace with wealth. This is the embodiment of "greed".

However, from the perspective of the money-keeping ghost itself, its path changes as it goes, becoming more inclined to be the incarnation of "capital".

For Yu Liang, this is definitely a good thing, because it greatly increases the upper limit of the money-keeping ghost, but it just requires more roads.

As the Scrooge himself said, after completing the primitive accumulation of capital, "capital expansion" still needs to be carried out, using the primitive accumulated capital to expand rapidly, establish factories, produce goods, and dump them on players in the world of ghost stories. , establishing strong economic strength.

It is necessary to complete such steps before the money-keeping ghost can transform from a simple greedy dragon into a truly wealthy big capitalist. At that time, he may be able to touch the threshold of the root of the ghost story.

This is the self-confidence that knowledge brings to the sin of greed.

The Seven Deadly Sins that I read in the book are definitely different from those idiots talking about monsters.

In this regard, the Scrooge's heart is filled with contempt for the other sins. Its mentality is similar to that of a prophet who finally embraced freedom and democracy after wasting his life, and is eager to distinguish himself from the original seven deadly sins.

In essence, an outstanding economic talent like him is indeed suitable to embrace liberal democracy.

As for the sea of ​​flesh, you know how to eat, as for the female body wall, you know how to do it every day; as for Cain, you know how to do push-ups.

Big capitalists are the path that the Scrooge wants to take. It does not want to become a vassal of anyone, even if the other party is the source of ghost talk...

Wait, except Yu Liang.

In the heart of the money-keeper, Yu Liang's status has reached a certain level, so it is not considered "anyone". Being attached to Yu Liang cannot be regarded as a vassal at all. This is something he is willing to do wholeheartedly.

The wealth value has produced a qualitative leap, but the wealth has not made a qualitative leap. At least it has not reached three times the original Yu Liang's wealth value. This is just because the average wealth of the players in this copy is too low.

Now that most of the players' wealth in this dungeon has turned into simple "wave" characters with almost no value, Yu Liang's wealth value has naturally skyrocketed.

After completing a round of exploiting players, the creature in Yu Liang's team present was probably the most unhappy creature, the little shadow-eating snake.

Faced with the very few players who did not obey Yu Liang's exploitation, the three Snakes were dispatched together, one to eat the inventory, and the other to eat the characters' casting distance. Only the last Snake stood there dumbly, not understanding why he had to rush out.

Obviously, it didn't find the player's shadow and could only scream anxiously.

At this time, Yu Liang also remembered the group of shadows. In order to not let the goblin hook gun sit idle, he would use it to catch a shadow every once in a while and skillfully provide one-stop service to the shadow army. .

No more than players, you can treat shadows more harshly.

The wedding gang [Snatch] [Plunder], the money-keeper [Force] [Control], and then throw it to the three little snakes, who eat the shadow's inventory and casting distance respectively.

Finally, there is the eating shadow itself.

However, this shadow-eating snake was probably hungry and frightened just now, so it now has a nouveau riche mentality.

Hey, I just don’t eat them all. I eat half and throw away the other half. I only eat the freshest and most expensive parts of the shadow...

Even so, the Shadow Eater Snake was 90% full, and Yu Liang stopped letting it eat, and even the activities of Hooking the Shadow had stopped.

I don’t know how long I’m going to stay in this dungeon, but I can’t eat it all in one go. It’ll be funny if I’m really starving to death.

Judging from the evolutionary status of the snake-eating snakes, Yu Liang still has special expectations for them.

Eat special things and then evolve directed under certain circumstances.

For example, the Thunder-Eating Snake beside me has already entered the T1 gradient through the previous battle, and even the panel has undergone new changes.


Dream Eater Razer

Gradient: T1

Abilities: Dream Transformation, Electric Energy Accumulation, Thunder Rush

[Dream Transformation]: Eat dreams to strengthen yourself and evolve a unique body structure according to your own wishes. By consuming the accumulated dream energy, the body structure can be temporarily significantly changed to adapt to the current situation. The temporary evolution will automatically dissipate after ten minutes.

[Electric Energy Storage]: When attacked by energy with electrical attributes or similar attributes, it will be stored in the electricity storage organ. When the electric energy in the electric storage organ reaches 50%, all attributes are +2 and speed and strength are increased by an additional 20%; when the electric energy in the electric storage organ reaches 70%, all attributes are +4 and speed and strength are increased by an additional 50%; When the electric energy reaches 100%, all attributes are +6 and speed and strength are increased by an additional 70%. In the 100% charged state, the stamina loss doubles every second.

[Thunder Charge]: When the electric energy in your electric storage organ reaches 20%, you can activate lightning. Each time you release lightning, 5% of the electric energy will be consumed. When receiving an electric energy attack, if the electric energy of the attack does not exceed the endurance limit of the electric storage organ, you can choose one: 1. Absorb electric energy to store electricity; 2. Amplify the attack by 50% and then shoot it from the thunder horn along the body. The range is consistent with the attack range.

The T1 gradient Razer is truly capable of fighting, and is not the weird creature that was used for fun.

It can be said that after sufficient eating and growth, the Snake-Eating Snake can become a fully-Eating Snake after experiencing a life-and-death crisis.

The Dream-Eating Razor naturally possesses the standard physical template of a T1 flesh-based monster creature, and the sufficient electrical energy in its electrical storage organs has once again strengthened its physical constitution, focusing on speed and strength.

At 100% charge level, Razer will take electric shock damage every second, but its speed and strength are already superior to ordinary T1 monster creatures, and it can even suppress ordinary T1 body warrior players with its body alone.

Another ability is to shoot out electrical energy in the form of arcs. Although the range is very short, Razer has flexibly converted it into a physical attack skill, causing a lot of damage through collision.

[Thunder Chong] comes with a small skill that surprises Yu Liang even more. The lightning attack can be amplified when it hits the Razer's body, and then released a second time.

The effect is very simple, which means that the damage of the "Thunder" character has been strengthened again.

However, it should be noted that if the electrical energy of this attack exceeds the upper limit of the electrical storage organ, the Razer will be injured and there is a risk of the chamber exploding.

Yu Liang tested it and found that the damage of a "Thunder" character can be charged to about 25%. After the "Violent" character is added, the charge is 50%. Therefore, the "Thunder" character that has experienced a "Violent" character bonus is A relatively safe value, there is basically no risk of explosion, unless the electrical energy stored in the electrical storage organ is too much and needs to be discharged before it can accommodate the "Thunder" character.

Due to the existence of this skill, Razer has naturally become a movable main gun. At critical moments, it will shoot out the amplified "Thunder" character to strike in a wide range.

Lu Baoshen shoots the amplified "Thunder" into Razer's body. When Razer releases it, it can shoot out a 250% bonus "Thunder" character attack, but the range is a bit short, which is different from Lu Baoshen's "Thunder" character range. The same (the extended range of [Thousand Arts] is not included), only seven steps.

At seven steps, the "Thunder" character can still easily hurt one's own people, so the smart An Buchen made a suggestion, just use the main gun Razer as Razer shells.

There is no problem at all if you shoot out the Razer with the "Thunder" character stored in it through the Grass Infant Biological Cannon, and then release a thunder and lightning attack in the middle of the enemy.

That's right, Razer is both a main gun and an artillery shell. It can start fighting immediately after shooting into the enemy's team. After all, it has strong individual combat capabilities. While the enemy is paralyzed by lightning, it can basically do whatever it wants.

Unfortunately, such Razer shells can only be used once and are very troublesome to recycle, so Yu Liang is still thinking about whether there is a way to extend the range and allow the Razer to fully utilize the function of the main gun.

If you want to expand the range, you actually want to expand the range of the person who plays the "Thunder" character. The main thing is to extend the casting distance of Lu Baoshen's character.

With the little biting snake around, Lu Baoshen's character casting range has some room to grow, but it's very limited.

Although the casting distance of the characters spit out by this snake-eating snake is very useful to Lu Baoshen. One more step may mean life or death, but when it comes to the range of the cannon, this one-step or two-step is obviously not enough.

Do we need to replace a large number of the unlimited casting range coupons that Lu Mingzhe once used?

Extend the range of your cannon with something that can move quickly...

Isn't it a bit too extravagant?

Yu Liang thought for a while and decided to ask the grocery store owner then, maybe he could find a solution.

If you encounter something you can't handle, go to the grocery store owner. The omnipotent masked man can always use the most cost-effective method to help Yu Liang grow. This has become one of the important national policies on Yu Liang's development path.

In short, the upgrade of Razer makes it a powerful player in the Kaitan universe. If Scrooge is the absolute cutting-edge support, Razer is a warrior and assassin with long-range strike capabilities.

If he meets that annoying T1 lawyer again, Yu Liang will definitely make him deeply understand what fear is.

From the looks of it, there really is a need for a tough battle, otherwise you wouldn't even know how far you have grown.

Yu Liang thought this while stretching his body as much as possible and stretching comfortably.

"There is an army coming towards us. Judging from the colors of the soldiers, it should be Aze's army. Sure enough, he came over." At this time, Li Geng, who had been monitoring Flatland from the perspective of God, He spoke.

"Aze is here?" Yu Liang blinked, and then immediately ordered Lu Baoshen beside him, "Come on, come on, catch him and play with him, ask him what he wants to do, be careful, don't catch him by mistake, Don’t make him a different Aze.”

"Okay." Lu Baoshen was most interested in this kind of prank-like thing, and immediately started to circle around, wanting to catch Aze and interrogate the situation.

With Lu Bao around, Yu Liang can be 100% assured of Aze. As long as the two of them are in the same dungeon, Aze cannot escape from his grasp.

As the hook gun was fired, Yu Liang looked in that direction and began to wait.

After a while, only the empty hook returned to the grapple gun.

Yu Liang looked at the empty hook for a long time, and made a sound that was a little surprised, a little confused, and a little bit true:

"Yeah--I broke free of the collar."

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