The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 482 The terrifying ability of the root hunter

"T1?" Yu Liang immediately asked in the universe.

"T1." Li Huachao and Hua Niang replied in unison. Such an answer also surprised Yu Liang, because Hua Niang's voice also came from the universe.

"Hua Niang, have you also entered the universe?" Yu Liang was a little surprised.

"Yes, I can feel that the combination between Li Huachao and I is getting closer, but on the other hand, only when the two of us merge can we become a T1 gradient." Hua Niang explained.

"Yes, that's right." Li Huachao felt the power in his body. He had never felt so powerful as now, and there was a burst of joy in his heart.

"So the financial planner with the source of the ghost story has been killed?" Yu Liang looked towards the direction where the financial planner was repulsed. The financial planner there was no longer moving and looked like he was dead.

"No, when he withstood Zhong Chen's blow, the light spots on his body gathered a large amount of energy, which helped him withstand the damage, but he was definitely not feeling well, as can be seen from the light spots that fell off my body. "Li Huachao shook his head, because the current financial planner is no longer able to maintain the shackles of these light spots. The damage caused to him by the blow just now can be imagined.

"In this case, you still completed this hunt?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, and at the same time urged Li Huachao to pursue the victory and kill the financial planner completely.

"Judging from the results, I have not completed the hunt, but judging from the starting point and the process, I have achieved myself. A human being has the courage to hunt the source of ghost stories, which in itself is the greatest thing." Li Huachao smiled, The words are obviously different from the T2 gradient, "Human power is not worth mentioning before the source monster, but the strong murderous intention and emotion of killing the source monster is what promotes the birth of the hunter's soul."

Hunter Li Huachao, who was promoted to T1, looked calm and calm, with a master's demeanor in his every move, which made Yu Liang feel strange for no reason.

In response to Yu Liang's urging, Li Huachao didn't show any eagerness. He just walked slowly to the position of the financial planner, touched the cicada leaves left by the financial planner, and said unhurriedly: "If you can catch up and kill him. If so, I wouldn’t have stood here and pretended just now, because I felt that this guy had already escaped through the recovery of cloud points, and I couldn’t catch up with him for the time being.”

"You can actually run away... This simple point of light can actually have so many abilities?" Yu Liang suddenly felt regretful. He didn't want to let such a T1-level enemy escape at all.

"Yes, but his losses are very heavy, and it will probably take a long time to recover." Li Huachao smiled, without any hint of worry in his words, "I have put a 'hunting mark' on him, and he ran away It won’t fall off.”

"That's good." Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to take a break, because the strange creature on his hand was seriously injured and was not in its prime state.

Just one person can fight with such a number of shadows and players, and he can already smile proudly with his hands on his hips.

When he regains his strength and goes to find a financial planner, he will definitely be able to give him a little writer's shock.

Maybe at that time, he had unlocked the inventory and stamp slots, and could extract the Cao Ying Mecha for pure fire suppression. If he had been able to summon the Cao Ying Mecha when these shadows joined forces with the players just now, the situation would have been different. As for being so anxious.

"If I remember correctly, [Hunting Mark] will expose our position, right? Will he bring more players to cause trouble after he leaves?" Yu Liang thought for a while, but he was still a little cautious. If he was updated Too many players came to his door, and it was difficult for him to deal with them.

"Don't worry, I am now a T1 level root hunter, and my skills are no longer the same as before." Li Huachao smiled calmly again, looking like a master coming down the mountain.

"Oh?" Yu Liang then remembered that alienation professionals in the T1 gradient will have alienation in a specific direction. As a newly promoted T1 level hunter, Li Huachao's abilities have naturally been greatly enhanced.

He first observed the battle situation in the square. With the addition of Xu Cixi, the team's decline was wiped out and they had firmly taken the advantage. Looking at the prophets next to him, they were also defeated by three or four The paper man took control and pretended that he was no longer worried.

With a sense of curiosity and vague expectation, Yu Liang opened the character card of Li Huachao in the universe.

Uh, no, the name printed on the character card now is not Li Huachao, but "Li Chaoniang".

Yu Liang: "..."

Should I say it or not, I always feel that Li Huachao will lose his real name in the future.

"That's a good name." Hua Niang also just discovered that the name on the character card had changed. She was very satisfied with it and expressed her official approval of the Monster World.

"What a fart, how could it be such a name!" Li Huachao was very upset about this. He could accept that the names on the character cards were one-character names each for him and Hua Niang, such as Hua Niang's. "Hua" and "Chao" of Hua Chao are like this.

What the hell is this Li Chaoniang?

The more it sounds, the more it sounds like a woman's name. It doesn't have any sparkle or romance in the name Li Huachao. How can this be called a good name?

"Hahahahahaha Ms. Li Chaoniang, hello, our second brother will be called this from now on. Hahahaha." Lu Baoshen sent a congratulatory message to the universe unceremoniously and laughed at the name without restraint.

"Actually, this name...if you insist on saying it, it's not bad." Li Geng originally wanted to help defend, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of how to change the name. "Chao Niang, Chao Niang, should be a person in ancient times. A very beautiful name for an oiran that is popular throughout the city."

Li Huachao: "..."

If you don’t know how to speak, just learn to do it one o’clock in the morning and stop talking.

"What? Are you dissatisfied with this name? Do you want to leave me and fly solo?" Hua Niang said with a slightly ruffian voice, her tone was evil, "If this is the case, I will pull it out. oh?"

Li Huachao: "..."


No... don't, pull it out or anything, never do it.

He doesn't want to go back to the weak T2 state of the past.

Thinking about it carefully, the name on the character card cannot be changed, so he can only hold his nose and bear it all.

And Yu Liang didn't care about the quarrels between the characters in the universe, and just went on to look at Li Chaoniang's character card.


Li Chaoniang

Gradient: T1

Occupation: Root hunter

Abilities: Weapons Mastery, Hunting Instinct, Traps, Root Insight, Hunting Marks

Personality: Unable to rate

Gender: Unable to determine

[Weapon Proficiency]: All physical qualities +9; all cold weapons are proficient, and short sword combat skills are at their peak; when you hold a short weapon, your shooting speed is always faster than the opponent (the target must be within the casting range of your personal character);

【Hunting Instinct】:

··You can add a "hunting" mark to the target within the character's casting range, and you will get the real-time location of the target before attacking it;

··When you chase a target with the "Hunting" mark, your movement speed is +50%;

··When you are chased by a target with the "Hunting" mark, the target's movement speed is -10%;

··With this ability, you can add "Hunting" marks to up to five targets;

··The first time you attack a target with the "Hunting" mark and hit it, upgrade the "Hunting" mark to a "Hunting" mark. When you launch an attack against a target with the "Hunting" mark, each Each cold weapon attack will cause an additional damage of 5% of the target's current health (if the target is a conceptual abstract creature, it will be modified to lose 5% of the current body tissue or energy); every five cold weapon attacks will cause an additional damage to the target. 1% of total health damage.

··When you complete the hunt by capturing or killing, all physical attributes will be +1 for fifteen minutes (this effect can be superimposed and the upper limit is the number of creatures with the "Hunting (Hunting)" mark on the battlefield at the same time)

[Trap]: Consume 5 pieces of "metal" texture to make a secret animal trap. After the target steps on it, it will get the "Hunting" mark (the upper limit is 5). If the target already has the "Hunting" mark, the mark will be with The resulting effect will be superimposed (the number of superpositions shall not exceed 2); each creature will be restrained for 5 seconds when it first steps on the bear trap, and will be in a "seriously injured" state within 3 seconds (regular abilities cannot heal)

[Root Insight]: You have a 25% probability of perceiving the ability details of any root ghost story within your field of vision, regardless of whether it appears or not; after the ability is triggered, the favorability of the root ghost story decreases; before you have the intention to attack it, the Roots will not be able to actively attack you.

[Hunting Mark]: When you chase a target with the "Hunting" mark, the last damage caused by you on the target will not be healed, and the target will suffer this damage repeatedly every 30 minutes (each time it is triggered) The damage is only 50% of the previous time).

"Hiss—" Yu Liang couldn't help but gasped after reading the summary of abilities. Li Chaoniang's improvement this time was a bit scary. All abilities were strengthened in all aspects, and two unique abilities were added.

If the original Li Huachao knew everything but was not proficient in anything, then the current Li Huachao can be said to be a super soldier with extremely comprehensive abilities.

Overall constitution +9 is the basic value for a T1 level physical warrior. In addition, the hunter's dagger usage level has finally been improved to the peak. In addition, the effective range of the "shooting speed" rule has been extended.

Now it is not as short as before. Now it has become a character casting distance, a full five meters away, and it has a certain degree of growth.

The second item is the strengthening of [Hunting Instinct], which has modified the side effects. The degree of abnormality of [Hunting Instinct] now is self-evident.

It accelerates itself, slows down the enemy, and can upgrade the "Hunting" mark. The upgraded "Hunting" mark will cause damage of 5% of the health value, which can be said to be explosive damage.

The monster-like blood-cow creature also possesses powerful defense-breaking capabilities.

Since this 5% additional damage is the current health value, the amount of damage will become less and less, so the mark has thoughtfully added another item:

Every five attacks deal damage equal to 1% of the target's total health.

Although it is only one percent, it is the 1% that can cause "danger" to appear on the head of any living creature.

Yu Liang was not good at mathematics, but he still wanted to know. Assuming that Li Huachao's attack power was zero, how many times would he need to attack to kill a creature?

The meaning behind this number is terrifying, because it is a sure kill regardless of the creature's health.

As long as you have a health bar, anything can be hunted for you.

Even if it is an abstract conceptual creature, as long as Li Huachao can attack the opponent, it can cause fundamental damage.

The ability of the root hunter is indeed very arrogant.

Unfortunately, it didn't take Yu Liang to explain that if he really faced the source of the ghost story, he might not have many opportunities for Li Huachao to attack, and even the first attack of upgrading the "Hunting" mark would be difficult to do.

Moreover, to trigger the "Hunting" mark, Li Huachao must use short weapons to attack. Otherwise, if Li Huachao uses a heavy machine gun, all living beings in the world will be equal.

Then there is the "all constitution +1" that comes with successful hunting. This upper limit is equivalent to the number of creatures with the "Hunting" mark on the field, and [Hunting Instinct] can directly add up to 5, and [Trap] can add 5 more. , which is the upper limit of 10.

In other words, the limit of Li Huachao's physical fitness will be "all physical fitness +19", and this is without the strengthening of the Five-Five-Open Ring.

So scary.

[Root Insight] randomly obtains the ability information of a nearby Kaidan, but traces of the Kaidan may not be found and its favorability will be reduced. The advantage is that after the insight is completed, if there is no intention to attack the source monster, the source monster will not be able to actively attack itself.

It is quite in line with real-life hunting. Hunters and powerful prey are wary of each other, and they will not attack easily even if their favorability drops.

However, the initiative for this ability still lies with Li Chaoniang.

[Hunting Mark] is also abnormal. The last attack during pursuit will repeatedly cause damage to the prey. Although it will only cause 50% damage each time it is triggered, it cannot be cured.

It's like a hunter shooting his prey, and the prey runs away like crazy, but the gunshot wound will continue to erode the prey's physical strength until it dies completely.

The hunters of T2 may indeed not be considered very strong, but after Li Huachao's special mutation, the root hunters of T1 can definitely be regarded as an improvement across classes.

In such a comparison, the T1 level fairy An Buchen...

Well, it's hard to say.

There was one thing that was beyond Yu Liang's expectation, that is, Li Chaoniang's personality seemed to have undergone some changes, and she became more in line with the image of a master, which was different from the Er Ha in Yu Liang's original impression.

Could it be that……

The combination with the flower girl turned this guy into a real man?

"Little Wolf, have you finished reading?" Li Huachao chuckled, "Do you feel how powerful I am?"

He said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I actually broke through the limitations of a writer's ability and reached the T1 gradient before you, quack quack—"

Yu Liang: "..."

Well, it’s still the same Erha.

Just when Li Huachao was immersed in the joy of his promotion, two little snakes ran out of nowhere. They just feasted on the players, which made the players confused, but they still pursued them with the shadow. , fortunately with the help of Thunder Snake, I managed to escape.

Now the two of them were in front of Li Huachao, hissing and screaming eagerly, and they were about to speak human words.

"What? What are you going to do?" Li Huachao was a little confused and didn't know what they were going to do.

Suddenly, as if it had found an opening, Snake-Eater rushed towards Li Huachao's open mouth and spit out a large amount of food in his stomach.

Yes, they were full and almost full, but with their character's casting distance and inventory, it was not easy for them to spit out the food they had eaten.

Finally, they found a place to spit out——

Li Huachao's mouth.

[Congratulations on obtaining the character casting distance...]

[Congratulations on getting the extra inventory...]

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