The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 481 T1 level, root hunter, join!


A simple punch from horse stance exploded into Zhong Chen's hands with power that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

At this moment, Zhong Chen recalled the long-lost anger under the guidance of Li Huachao.

The player's sneak attack injured the body of Yu Liang, whom she valued most. Now Yu Liang's body has been injured, which represents her dereliction of duty.

The other party's target is the flower girl and wants to take away her favorite companion. This is also intolerable.

As early as when Li Huachao resisted, Zhong Chen felt a force pouring into the depths of her soul.

Her body is built on a flesh and blood planet and is stored in the character card of Yuliang Universe. In her past experience, this power of "emotion" can only be triggered when using her own body.

Logically speaking, Zhong Chen should not use this special power now, but Li Huachao forgot about this matter, and Zhong Chen also forgot about it.

If you forget it, does that mean it doesn’t exist?

This is too idealistic.

At least that was the case at this moment. Zhong Chen didn't think too much. She only felt that a force was transmitted along the path of her soul to her current body, greatly strengthening the power of the next iron fist.

Yu Liang didn't forget it, so he fell into deep thought. This was also something beyond his expectation.

He could feel the transmission of a special power. The starting point was his universe and the end point was the body now controlled by Zhong Chen.

Speaking of which, he felt that this was a bit like "quantum entanglement". Zhong Chen's body and his body had undergone common changes, and this change was mediated by Zhong Chen's soul.

But now Zhong Chen won't think about these things at all. She only knows that blood debt must be paid with blood. She must make the players in the circular city in front of her pay the price!

Silence does not mean that there is no temper. Silent people often have greater destructive power when they explode.

Like now.

The iron fist looked like a thick and powerful line segment with black light, attacking towards the financial planner. The air was blown by the iron fist waving at high speed.

If you get hit you will die!

The word "death" dances infinitely in the financial planner's mind, and his insight has already seen the possible ending.

"Father!" At the critical moment of life and death, the financial planner once again called his uncle without hesitation, and exchanged the "benefit" worth 100 for an equal amount of "wealth".

Due to professional characteristics, financial planners often need to attach themselves to a powerful creature and borrow the power of the creature to benefit themselves.

The power of this creature is called "wealth", and all the benefits obtained by the financial planner during the period when the agreement is in effect will be accompanied by a corresponding "benefit" value. Using the "benefit" value can control the "wealth" to increase or decrease. .

To put it simply, this is a profession that recognizes the father. It can be called the Lu Bu of professions. The three surnames of domestic slaves are not enough to summarize the characteristics of this profession.

Before the expiration of the agreement, the power belonging to "wealth" will be temporarily misappropriated to increase the income of the financial planner, but when it is returned, corresponding positive income still needs to be paid, otherwise the favorability of the creature will be greatly reduced, and it will also Will receive certain punishment.

With such professional abilities, financial planners have become natural hosts of ghost stories.

On the one hand, after [Wealth Agent] is activated, part of the ability of the Origin Kaidan will be transferred to him, and the ownership will temporarily belong to him, so the dungeon's restrictions on the Origin Kaidan will not be triggered.

In other words, the rule-level ability that he uses will not attract the attention of the local Kaitan. The effect of the ability is naturally not as good as that of using it personally, but the priority of the ability is extremely high. Only abilities of the same root level or It is the special power of rules in the world of ghost stories that can cancel each other out.

On the other hand, the financial planner and the Root Monster are mutually beneficial. Every time they complete the agency agreement and bring considerable profits to the Root Monster, the favorability of the Root Monster will increase. This is why the financial planner can become the "adopted son of the Root Monster". "s reason.

After being promoted to T1, the biggest enhancement is to make the first "wealth agency" mandatory. Any creature's first wealth agency agreement with him is mandatory to confirm.

This provides a new operating idea. He can force the enemy to sign a wealth agency agreement and use the enemy's key capabilities as "wealth."

Then use the "benefit" value to weaken the ability, and finally return it to the enemy. This has the effect of weakening the enemy's core capabilities.

Of course, if he does this, he will be punished and more "benefit" values ​​will be deducted.

The line segment formed by the gathering of black light spots blocked the space between the financial planner and Zhong Chen, blocking him from the main impact of the iron fist.

Even so, the financial planner was still knocked back several meters, and then he heard the sound of fists breaking through the air.

The speed of this fist turned out to be faster than the speed of sound, and the whistling sound of tearing the air was heard after the heavy punch landed on him.

Then, with Zhong Chen as the center, the surroundings were turbulent, and the flurry of air flow continued to build momentum for the residual power of the heavy punch.

"You...cough..." The financial planner wanted to say something, but there was a surge in his body and he couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Why is this writer's fist so terrifying?

Even though he had used cloud point to block it, how could he still suffer such serious damage?

Could it be said that this fist also has the ability of the root monster level?

Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress the cloud point defense!

Also, why is it that the writer can accurately determine that his [Insight] is focused on the spike.

No matter how strong your combat awareness is, the content of your judgment will most likely be that you can "predict" the opponent's attack method, rather than the spike's trajectory, right?

But now the hunter just threw away the spikes, raised his fist and smashed it.

It's like having X-ray turned on.

But am I not the one who uses clairvoyance?

What kind of perspective do you have? !

And a hunter who has lost his weapon can actually trigger [Weapon Mastery]?

Is the [Weaponry] in the name of this skill a lie?

Or is it that the other party switched the created character?

No, it's useless even if you switch roles. Unless you have the same level of ability, it's impossible to break free from the shackles of the cloud point.

This writer also has the power of a rule monster?

"Father, next I will increase your 'wealth', please help me block her ability." The financial planner's heart was bleeding, but there was no way. The necessary "benefits" must be spent, otherwise he would not be able to do so at all. Can't stop the writer's punch.

"Drink!" Zhong Chen only felt that he had endless brute force. He took a deep breath, then flew forward and punched out, hoping to completely crush the financial planner's weak body.

In the end, the special service called by the financial planner was one step ahead of Zhong Chen. The light spot from "father" blocked Zhong Chen's ability, causing her to lose the strength to punch.

The rules of "Father" are related to "restraint", which can not only imprison the target's actions, but also record the abilities the target has used and block them.

Even abilities of the same root level can be blocked, but more cloud points are required to do so.

The person who used the heavy punch ability was only a T2 level physical warrior, but the "benefits" consumed still made the financial planner feel distressed, and infinite hatred for the writer emerged in his heart.

He must ruthlessly harvest the writer's wealth and add a lot of "benefits". Otherwise, in this wealth agency agreement, he may not be able to hand over the income that his father needs, which will reduce his favorability and will be criticized by his father. punish!

This is something that financial planners absolutely cannot accept.

"So what if you have root-level power, as long as I use it once, I can block your ability!" Seeing that he had regained control of the situation, the financial planner's fear instantly turned into intensified madness, "You are too strong. You can have so much strength just in T2, you must die here!"

Zhong Chen was furious, but her ability was blocked and she couldn't move. The side effects of the two punches just hit her, and her brain felt dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

She vaguely felt that her emotions could provide her with a lot of energy, but correspondingly, this ability would consume a large amount of oxygen and also put a certain load on the body.

"Let me do it." Li Huachao noticed that Zhong Chen's ability disappeared and immediately urged him to switch to himself. Zhong Chen had just given a heavy blow to the financial planner. The financial planner used special means to block Zhong Chen's ability. There is no way to restrain him.

After just two simple punches, Li Huachao realized something.

The financial planner’s battle prediction seems to have disappeared!

He could not dodge Zhong Chen's fist even once, otherwise he would never have to use special skills to block Zhong Chen...

From the looks of it, his Alpha Strike is about to come in handy.

With this thought, Li Huachao grabbed the spike from the paper man's hand and used his speed advantage to quickly approach the financial planner. Just as he guessed, the current financial planner couldn't predict his outcome. If he takes action, he can only run away in embarrassment from his surprise attack, and he will be completely defeated in just a moment.

"Yu...writer? Let me help you!"

At this time, a sudden sound from the edge of the square stunned both parties. Li Huachao recognized the voice of Xu Cixi and was immediately overjoyed. He quickly called out: "Quickly, help me trigger the anchor!"

The hunter's anchor is to stimulate potential and enter strengthening mode!

After searching for a period of time (this time was actually not long), Xu Cixi finally arrived at the place planned by Li Huachao.

Fortunately, she didn't arrive too late and caught up with the battle, but she didn't understand the two sides of the battle.

"Don't worry about me. You go and help those strange creatures fight against the players first. They can't hold on any longer!" Li Huachao said to Xu Cixi. After being buffed by [Heart Anchor], his physical potential was further explored. Xu Cixi needs help.

What's more important than him here is that in the square, the Thunder Snake Eater and the Money Keeper have shown signs of decline. If the shadows defeat the strange creatures and run to help the financial planner, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

"You! I'm going to kill you, I must kill you!" After being injured, the financial planner became more ferocious. He invested more "benefits" into the growth of "wealth" and at the same time tried his best to activate the cloud point. Grow and explode.

The addition of the new T2 combat force frightened him, and he had to make a quick decision to deal with the writer who was supposed to be at the end of his tether.

"It cannot exceed 900. Once the cloud point's energy level reaches 1,000, it will become very powerful. By then you will not be able to cover up the cloud point's aura and will be noticed by other 'gods'." My father's instructional voice echoed in the financial planner's voice. Sounds in my heart, a timely reminder.

He still somewhat likes such a parasite.

Quite simply, He is a cluster of cloud points, and a financial planner can make the cloud points prosper and increase his power, which is something that no other human being can do.

At least here, He doesn't want such an excellent parasite to be destroyed.

Several data quickly flashed in the financial planner's mind. There were a total of twenty paper figures present. Each one needed to pay 30 cloud points to block the action. The writer had 100 cloud points, and blocking the punch ability cost 100 points. , there are still 50 cloud points scattered in the air to obey his command.

In total, there are already 850 cloud points, and only the last 50 cloud points can be invested.

The budget is running low, and these 50 cloud points must help him survive the last few minutes. The cloud points on the writer's body are almost exhausted, and he is only a little bit away from the final victory!

The financial planner was so excited that he paid 50 "benefits" to promote the prosperity of the cloud points. The new 50 cloud points covered his body and immediately made a burning "chichi" sound.

Severe pain swept through his body, but after a short adaptation period, he felt that he had become extremely powerful.

This was the final use of the cloud point he had mastered. Covering his body, it could forcibly improve his physical fitness and elevate him to a state that was strong enough to compete with hunters.

At this moment, the controlled cloud point has reached 900, which is an insurmountable limit.

"If you want to kill me, you can try it!" The financial planner glared with scarlet eyes and whipped the hunter with his backhand, splitting the hunter into two pieces with just one stroke.

"Huh?" The sudden change made the financial planner stunned, and then he was attacked by Hua Niang and Li Huachao's male and female doubles. They attacked from left to right, making the financial planner scream.

"Prophet, what the hell are you doing? Why don't you control the flower girl when she comes out?" The financial planner was so angry at this idiot. It was fine that he didn't help before, but now he doesn't help control the flower girl after she comes out. What on earth is she waiting for?

Waiting for him to die?

"Don't come and teach me how to do things!" the prophet cursed angrily, trying to control Hua Niang to attack Li Huachao, but as soon as he locked onto the opponent, the guy retracted into the writer's body.

This happened again and again, just like fighting a mouse. Hua Niang hid in time every time and used the male and female swords to their full potential.

Even so, the prophet still caused some trouble for Li Huachao, so Li Huachao turned around and glared at her: "Wait, I will deal with you later."

The reason why he ignored the prophet was naturally because this guy's passive skill [Blessing] was too disgusting. The fatal attack would cause her to move away directly. Li Huachao was not willing to let this guy escape to a safe area.

You will only leave after being fatally injured, right?

Wait, I'm going to delay you!

Directly controls you to fight Zhong Chen, using [Strongness] to blast all your characters so that you cannot trigger [Blessing]!

Now he is fighting more and more fiercely, and a return to nature pours out of his body like brilliance, gathering into an aura unique to the hunter.

The momentum is vague, but everyone present knows that when the momentum is completely condensed, the hunter will make a qualitative leap.

As for when it will condense, it is naturally to complete the current hunting!

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, how could it be like this!?" The financial planner panicked in his heart. He should have been evenly matched with the writer because of the cloud spots protecting his body, but the writer had cloud spots on his body that kept absorbing his physical strength. It should be that financial planners are getting stronger and writers are getting weaker. Why is it that writers are getting stronger now?

What exactly is this for? !

No, it must be used again, and the hunter's ability must be blocked!

Just one more time, just one more time!

The financial planner gritted his teeth and paid the last 100 points of "benefit" to completely block Li Huachao's mobility.

At this moment, the cloud point has reached 1000, and all the cloud points have become extremely active, doubling the original effect, completely imprisoning Li Huachao and the paper people in an instant, with no possibility of moving again.

"Die!" The financial planner looked at Li Huachao, who was unable to move, and suddenly thrust out the spikes in his hand, a dangerous move that could kill him.

There is no possibility for you to move now, just die completely in the cloud point package!

At the critical moment, Li Huachao relaxed his body, turned around slowly, and reflected the next move in his mind like a bright mirror.

Will completely blocking my body work?

Before Xu Cixi came, it might have been really useful, but now, let's turn the situation around!

This time, the hunter's wisdom (luck) will still prevail.

The hunter faced the financial planner head-on, shouted loudly, and said his last move:

"Ogura Xu, once again, [Heart Anchor]!"

Relax, recall the anger, and punch with horse steps!

At this moment when all moves are banned, there is at least one chance.

The hypnotist's [Heart Anchor] is a forceful move imposed on the mind!

Let the three punches from Zhong Chen change the situation!


As the financial planner's body retreated rapidly, Zhong Chen also took a few steps back. Then she realized something and quickly switched to Li Huachao.

Sure enough, Li Huachao's body...

The hunter's momentum has completely condensed.

He shook his body, and the cloudy spots on his body peeled off one after another, and then he showed a bright smile——

"I, from now on, will be the root hunter."

"T1 level, root hunter."

"Come on."

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