The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 472 The most important part of this plan is to hide Xu Cixi’s secrets

After Xu Cixi's explanation, Li Huachao finally understood how the other party's abilities worked, and immediately decided to ask the other party to give him two anchors to try.

After a brief experiment, Li Huachao and Xu Cixi discovered that [Heart Anchor] was a mandatory rule that acted on the "spiritual" level and had a very terrifying priority.

For example, when creating characters, each character can set a heart anchor.

From the description of the hypnotist's skills, it seems that it targets the body, but in actual practice, you will find that it targets the soul.

Each [Heart Anchor] is equivalent to a mandatory instruction, which can almost ignore the current physical state (as long as the hands and feet are not broken, the body can be driven), and can also ignore the binding characters such as "prison" and "trapped".

By analogy, this shows that the characters "prison" and "trap" also bind the soul, similar to "drawing the ground as a prison" on the spiritual level.

It is precisely for this reason that regular abilities such as [Heart Anchor] or the hunter's forced "shot speed suppression" can break through the character restrictions.

Li Huachao's [Heart Anchor] is naturally a layer of "Berserker" buff. Hypnosis can stimulate people's potential and do things that cannot be done under normal circumstances.

Lu Baoshen's [Heart Anchor] is to "use [Thousand Techniques] to jump five steps away", which is equivalent to an instant transfer of the mage at the critical moment, and can ignore the "Lock Skill".

For example, the lawyer [refutation] or the seal [Huwei] locked Lu Baoshen's [Thousand Techniques] ability, but [Heart Anchor] can still trigger a [Thousand Techniques] jump.

An Buchen's [Heart Anchor] "jumps backward while leaving an explosion talisman in place, and then adding a layer of invisibility talisman to yourself." It feels similar to the ninja's substitute technique, but uses "bombs" Replaced "wooden pile".

Originally, An Buchen planned to set the Heart Anchor to "set up a Taoist palace on the spot and generate an illusion space." However, [Heart Anchor] cannot be set to an overly complex action for the time being, at least it cannot generate an illusion space, and the Tao The government needs An Buchen's mental participation, and the state of [Heart Anchor] does not meet the requirements.

Zhong Chen's [Heart Anchor] is a bit interesting, very simple, but also a bit unbelievable.

"Take a deep breath, recall the anger, and punch with horse steps."

It's that simple. The other created characters are a bit difficult to understand, but this is what Zhong Chen asked, so Xu Cixi did it.

Li Geng's [Heart Anchor] is relatively ordinary, which is to mobilize characters and quickly build a fortress around him to protect himself.

It is worth mentioning that Hua Niang is a strange creature and cannot use [Heart Anchor] for the time being.

It's not that the monsters can't be hypnotized, but Xu Cixi's gradient level is not enough. To hypnotize the monsters, you must have the same gradient level.

Moreover, this strange creature must be intelligent, and its spiritual value cannot be too high. Some soul-like creatures are difficult to hypnotize.

For example, the ghost bride and the ghost groom.

It can be regarded as a kind of attribute conflict.

After all settings were completed, Li Huachao switched to Li Geng. After entering the [Eye of God], he immediately discovered that Room 225 had arrived near the circular city. He immediately got out of the car and planned to "sneak into" the circular city.

Well, dive in.

If we say that carrying a whistle beast mother, eighteen whistle beasts, a human snake more than ten meters long, a straw snake several meters long, dozens of ghost brides, ghost grooms, thirty or forty small paper figures, and a building and other strange creatures can be considered " Sneak in" words.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing when you get out of the car?" Li Geng looked at Li Huachao's stupid behavior, realized it later, and immediately stopped him, "Put the human snakes and whistle beasts into two portable prisons, and then all enter 225 In room No. 8, wouldn’t it be enough to let Octagon use the circular elder’s badge to fool the city gate guards?”

Li Huachao blinked, and then greeted the whole family to re-enter room 225, causing the latter to make a dull sound.

"Hold it, you bitches are chirping every day." Listening to the sound in room 225, Li Huachao raised his hand and slapped it. Room 225 immediately let out a scream, but he immediately followed Li Huachao's instructions and did not dare to do it again. Make noise.

Xu Cixi looked at Li Huachao with some surprise, and then at Room 225, feeling a little confused.


Are all the strange creatures that Yu Liang has conquered so good at playing?

Why do you feel like everyone is enjoying it?

Of course, this is not critical. The key now is to enter the circular city. On the one hand, Octagon takes the badge of the circular elder to negotiate with the guards. On the other hand, Li Geng switches to God's perspective to observe the circular city. shadow status.

It's broad daylight now, and from a high-altitude perspective, the shadow players can be seen clearly.

This is a natural hunting ground, and Li Huachao is going to show off his talents.

The Minotaur Wedding Ceremony Company is ready, now they just need the test subjects!

There are so many shadows that can definitely be exploited.

The poor guy has a solid injury and the rich guy has a percentage, so no ghost bride or ghost groom can go away empty-handed.

After rising into the sky, Li Huachao immediately noticed that there were pure black paper figures everywhere in the circular city. Those paper figures really looked like shadows when illuminated by the sun, but now the entities of these shadows had disappeared. not see.

When "oneself" dies, a shadow with the same will will emerge from the second layer and "replace" one's own existence.

"You know that I'm here, but you still don't plan to run away?" Li Hua smiled strangely at Gaga, and a complete plan to pursue and intercept him appeared in his mind.

He has so many people and has a God's perspective. Wouldn't it be simple to deal with these shadow people?

"Be careful. The shadow people should know what you and I are thinking, so they probably know your plan. But now they have not evacuated the circular city. I am worried that there is an ambush." ​​Li Geng still drove with caution. Nian Chuan's mentality reminded Li Hua of Chao Dao.

"Indeed, I'd rather not do it than make a mistake." An Buchen said in a rare voice. Generally speaking, she would only speak when her safety was involved.

"Okay~" Li Huachao also had his own thoughts, "That's just Yu Liang's guess. Even if the probability is quite high, have you ever thought that we will have a shadow?"

"You mean creating a character?" Li Geng understood what Li Huachao meant, and his brain was running rapidly. He actually felt that what Li Huachao said made sense.

Indeed, the shadow will have the ability of the body only after it floats to the first layer, so now the shadow of "Yu Liang" should not have a "universe".

Without the universe, the shadow of "Yu Liang" would not know what Li Huachao was thinking. At most, he could only guess based on Li Huachao's behavior.

To put it simply, the shadow "Yu Liang" cannot read the mind of the created character. This seems to be a good way to trick people.

Moreover, there is a Xu Cixi beside them, and Xu Cixi's thoughts will be conveyed to the shadow party.

Wouldn't it be possible to deceive those shadows by deceiving Xu Cixi?

"So you want to make two plans, pass the fake one to Shadow, and we secretly execute the real plan?" Li Geng felt a little admiration in his heart. Li Huachao was able to handle the details that he didn't even notice with ease. , the reaction speed is far higher than that of him and An Buchen.

If the Yin-Yang plan is implemented in this way, the shadows can be deceived, just like the people on earth use conspiracies to deceive simple Trisolarans.

Sure enough, Li Huachao, who helped Yu Liang establish a lot of advantages in the early stage, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

If you use him as a scapegoat, you will be deceived by this appearance at the critical moment.

"Ah?" Li Huachao was startled when he heard this. Did he say any true or false plan?

He seemed to simply think that the group of shadows was not ambushing him, right?

How can the shadows have time to ambush him? The daytime happens to be the time when players are active. When they need to shrink their necks and be shadows, they actually ambush him?


But having said that, this true and false plan is really good.

"Hiss—" Li Huachao suddenly became serious and responded calmly, "Indeed, you can use true and false plans to deceive the shadow. If you succeed, you will naturally make a lot of money. If you fail, you will not lose. At least you know one piece of news, our thoughts. It will also be read by the shadow. If you understand it in advance, you can prepare in advance."

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful." Li Geng said in sincere admiration. He had just arrived, and now he fully realized that in this universe, no created character is a fuel-saving lamp.

They are all ruthless characters.

"As for the true and false plans, we still need to discuss them quickly, otherwise things will change later. I would like to hear your opinions." Li Huachao accepted Li Geng's appreciation for him calmly. He naturally deserves this appreciation.

"I started thinking about the purpose." Li Geng gave a smoother way of thinking, "The purpose of the real plan is to gather the shadows together, thereby creating opportunities to distribute a large number of ghost brides and ghost grooms, and make a fortune. At the same time, it can also cause casualties on the shadow side, killing two birds with one stone. In this case, the fake plan needs to let the shadows choose to stay in the circular city, and it is best to gather under some kind of crisis."

"That's right." Li Huachao marveled at Li Geng's ingenious way of solving the problem, while also thinking about it.

Indeed, if the shadows can be gathered together, they will definitely not be afraid. With the two-hit combo of Shougui's [Strong Yi] and [Liyu], the situation of multi-person melee is the most terrifying.

Maybe by then we will be able to eliminate a large number of shadows in one fell swoop, which would be a top achievement!

"In this case, the fake plan can be to use strange creatures to set up an ambush at the city gate, and at the same time throw out enough bait to seduce the enemy." Li Geng said while thinking, "But this can only ensure that the shadow people will not approach the city gate. I will not leave the circular city easily and want to gather them..."

Like the weird creatures in the universe, they definitely have no shadows, so as long as they are arranged in front of Xu Cixi and then secretly transferred to the portable prison, the weird creatures can be transformed into ghosts without anyone noticing. Become a secret "ambush".

In fact, this is enough. Before the shadows react, Li Huachao can at least take care of four or five shadows, seize their wealth and then kill them.

It's just that this is not enough. Li Huachao always feels that such a big project as the True and False Plan needs more achievements to add luster.

It would be best if he could attract twenty shadows for a small-scale decisive battle, and then win dozens of firsts. This result would be enough for him to straighten his back in front of Yu Liang.

"Depart Xu Cixi, and then intend to cause disaster at a certain location." An Buchen thought for a while and added, "Without Xu Cixi as their eyes, they would probably come to see what happened in person. At the same time, in order to stop us, they will send a large number of shadows to participate in the battle, otherwise it will be ineffective."

"Yes, they will think that there are not many strange creatures around us, and we happen to be easy targets to bully. As long as we say hello to the local players in the circular city in advance and let them exert some pressure, we can share some of the shadow people. ." Li Geng immediately thought of the follow-up, "It's best to divide it into half and half, and let us eat half of the shadow players. This is just the right amount."

"Okay, then it's decided." Li Huachao was high-spirited. Li Geng and An Buchen were worthy of being the two major military advisers under Yu Liang's tent.

As for himself, he should be regarded as a strategic counselor, Zhuge Liang, who is the "Longzhong pair", or Xun Yu, who "supports Cao Cao to occupy the north and become king", is a higher-level talent.

"By the way, then this so-called disaster..." Li Huachao recalled the process of the plan and suddenly realized what he didn't understand.

"This is simple. It can be an upgrade experiment, the kind that summons zombies." An Buchen calmly said a suggestion that would make the entire Flat Country tremble. "Either the Whistle Beast's mother body is out of control, or it is a replica of Silver. In the Mirror Square, all you need to do is 'pretend' to create a disaster, isn't that difficult?"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult." Li Huachao understood immediately. All he had to do was "pretend" to create a disaster, and the shadows would definitely come to observe.

And there will not be too few people coming, because if there are too few people, it will definitely not be able to prevent this disaster from happening.

So the whole set of false plans was divided into two parts. Xu Cixi was notified openly to ambush at the city gate, and bait was released to attract the shadow to leave the city for a decisive battle. Xu Cixi was secretly informed of a "conspiracy."

The conspiracy refers to Li Huachao secretly creating a disaster in another location, turning the circular city into the next ring city.

After overcoming the zombie crisis, an entire city can be controlled by a certain player. This is what Aze in Lingcheng did, so Li Huachao wanted to look like he would replicate this operation.

No matter what kind of disaster it is, the shadow people can't help but come to check it out.

The plan was fictitious and real. Li Huachao's real goal was never to create a disaster, but to attack the shadow people who came to prevent the disaster.

The only thing that needs attention is "Xu Cixi". The center point of the plan is for Xu Cixi to accidentally stumble into the plot to "create a disaster". After all, Shadow knows that Li Huachao knows that Shadow has the ability to read minds, so naturally he will not tell Xu Cixi about the plot. Say goodbye.

As long as the acting is good, it is not a problem to fool Xu Cixi.

"Xu Cixi, now I have a very important plan to discuss with you." Li Huachao turned to look at Xu Cixi and said in a serious voice.

Let’s begin, show your most important role, Ms. Xu Cixi, the “eye of the formation” who was kept in the dark!

"Oh?" Xu Cixi made a confused voice, but her mind was already racing quickly.

She felt something was wrong.

Apparently, a woman’s sixth sense is very sensitive to men’s lies.

There are so many things going on today, I don’t have time to write QAQ

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