The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 471 Why is Xu Cixi’s career so interesting? I want it!

Flat Country is not that big, so after two hours of journey, Li Huachao saw a paper man who painted himself in five colors.

"Xu Cixi?" Li Huachao tried to call the other party's name.

"Huh?" The colorful paper figure slowed down, then looked in the direction of Li Huachang and asked, "Are you Yu Liang?"

"Yes, it's me." Li Huachao laughed immediately.

"Oh, is he resting?" With this laugh, Xu Cixi immediately realized that it was definitely not Yu Liang who was controlling this body now.

The voice is the same and the appearance is the same, but it cannot be Yu Liang.

"Okay, I was recognized." Li Huachao said helplessly, and then he tried to call Yu Liang softly, in an absolutely soft voice.

Yu Liang~

Wake up~

Well, you didn't wake up yourself, but I called you.

Li Huachao issued a disclaimer to himself in his mind, but it was useless even if he shouted loudly, because Yu Liang clicked "Mute" while sleeping and enjoyed a baby-like sleep.

"I heard from Aze that you guys seem to have done a lot of great things?" Xu Cixi felt a lot more relaxed after recognizing the husky soul in "Yu Liang" at this moment. Along the way, she had been worried about what might happen to her. .

"That's not true." Li Huachao chuckled, his dog's tail almost raised to the sky.

"Now, what does Yu Liang ask you to do?" Xu Cixi asked. She came to meet Yu Liang. In fact, she just wanted to help.

Staying in the mining area every day to brainwash the triangles...

She had washed enough.

Although her profession is "hypnotist" and she is a professional counterpart, that's not how she plays it, right?

After escaping from the zoo, she is no longer a peaceful person. She still has some adventurous spirit, and if she stays in the mining area every day, she doesn't know when she will be able to complete the next main mission.

"He plans to... I plan to go to the Hexagonal City and the Round City to see if I can deal with the shadow people first, and also to find out where the adventurers are." Li Huachao said this with reason. "It stands to reason. At this point in time, the adventurer should be the weakest among the three of us. He has not yet unlocked his inventory, and many props cannot be used. It is better to find him early."

"Indeed, but you don't need to worry too much. He won't be caught so easily just by relying on his alienated profession." Xu Cixi said, turning around to check the direction.

The north gravity is facing there, then the hexagonal city is on the left and the circular city is on the right.

"Yes." Li Huachao remembered the details of the adventurer's ability, and the remaining worry disappeared.

That's an adventurer with a map. He can get an accurate map by tricking his own life a little bit, and he can also get various exploration buffs as gifts...

It seems that the alienated career of adventurer is the most suitable for pioneering books!

Not only can you find unique resources and products in various pioneering books, but you can also more easily discover the secrets of the source of ghost stories.

Li Huachao remembered that the map even marked the location of the "Ghost Story of the Origin". Now that it was a pioneer book, the area of ​​the "Suspected Story of the Origin of the Ghost Story" would also be marked.

I really envy you, the kind of life where death is rewarded.

If it were me, one zombie crisis would be enough to get the full adventure value, right?

At this moment, Li Huachao's heart was full of envy, and he even wanted to kill his good brother.

Mr. Ren'an, we are so familiar with each other, it shouldn't be a problem if I lend you my tongue, right?

But it is a pity that Yu Liang has already rejected this plan, because the adventurer's ability is actually dispensable to him.

[Unboxing] is a good ability, but it cannot be used on oneself. When switching to the "Adventurer" form, the universe is hidden and cannot be used on oneself. Then the significance of the profession of adventurer is greatly reduced. .

If you want to reveal various character cards, you still have to have an adventurer by your side and come [open the box] in person.

Now that adventurers are around, other abilities are even more meaningless. You can use maps, "occupy areas", and good props. There is nothing that cannot be used. There is no need to waste creation quota.

Xu Cixi boarded Room 225. In the two-dimensional world, the moving speeds of figures are roughly the same, but moving by yourself requires energy. If you can get a ride, it is of course better to get a ride.

During this period, due to Li Huachao's curiosity, Xu Cixi told him all about his experiences during this period.

At the beginning, she did come to Lingcheng in the form of "upgrading", but unlike Yu Liang's choice, she did not intend to get along well with that graphic company, but used hypnotic techniques such as psychological suggestion to say something. Run away quickly.

These experiences are similar to Aze's, and their vigilance is always excessive.

One thing to note here is that Xu Cixi's ability does not rely too much on the alienation profession.

On the one hand, the strange power of hamsters has long been engraved in the depths of her soul, and it is improving her body all the time, so when everyone is a blank slate, Xu Cixi can often easily handle more than five players by herself. .

On the other hand, "hypnosis" is not a superpower, but a special skill that can be mastered in reality.

After obtaining an alienated profession, your understanding of the profession will be greatly deepened. As long as you practice diligently, you can basically reach the top level of the industry.

Even without an alienated profession, Xu Cixi's hypnosis level is very powerful and he can easily obtain information from ordinary figures.

To illustrate with numerical values, Xu Cixi's hypnosis ability is "10" without relying on the alienation profession, but with the help of the alienation profession, her hypnosis ability reaches "50".

Normally, there are six levels of hypnosis:

At the first level, the subject's subtle muscles are not under their own control, such as fingers and eyelids;

Level 2: Uncontrollable local muscles, such as arms and thighs;

Level 3: Unable to control muscles throughout the body.

The first three levels are relatively simple, but the performance effect is extremely powerful. As long as the subject relaxes and reduces his alertness, he can easily enter the first three levels of hypnosis.

The "human bridge" that often appears in some hypnosis shows looks very powerful, but in fact it is only a second or third level of hypnosis, not deep hypnosis.

Level 4: memory loss, confusion, loss of pain and touch, confusion, implementation of hypnotic suggestion, etc.

The fifth level, facing hallucinations, means that the subject can see things that do not exist out of thin air, similar to eating poisonous fungi or special drugs.

The sixth level, negative vision hallucination, means that the subject cannot see certain existing things; or it can stimulate the subconscious of the group and make a large number of people enter the fifth level of hypnosis.

(The grading of hypnosis may be different from common sense, but this is how real hypnosis books are classified, so there is no need to doubt the professionalism~)

Starting from the fourth level, the hypnotist no longer sticks to simple physical manipulation, but begins to modify the subject's memory and senses. This is a more advanced operation.

However, this kind of operation cannot be achieved casually, because hypnosis is not the easier it is to do the stronger the hypnotist is, it also requires the cooperation of the recipient.

The "relax" the hypnotist said beforehand was not a polite word.

If you are a soldier with a strong will and strong concentration, it is basically impossible to enter a deep hypnotic state.

Even with full cooperation, very few subjects can successfully enter the fifth level of hypnosis. Only 10% of people have this "talent"

Such people basically have random thoughts all day long, are always lazy and sleepy, and lack energy. They are the best hypnotic materials.

With Xu Cixi's current strength, the first three levels of hypnosis are basically within reach. If the subject's will is not that strong, it will be easy to enter the fourth level as the degree of hypnosis increases step by step.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people, it is another matter for Kaitan players.

Among the players, physical warriors have higher physical strength, are full of energy, and have higher difficulty in hypnosis.

Non-physical warriors are often engaged in clerical jobs, have higher spiritual values, and are more difficult to hypnotize.

Precisely for this reason, it is difficult for Xu Cixi to hypnotize players with alienated professions by relying only on her own abilities. She must use the "hypnotist" profession to cheat.

Unfortunately, the Hypnotist profession only has a T4 gradient, and its abilities are not that powerful. The three abilities are basically auxiliary.

[Quick Relaxation]: Downgrades a target's mental defense and relaxes its state (it cannot be used on the same target within five seconds, and the probability of success decreases when used multiple times on a single target).

This is an ability used to lay the foundation before hypnosis, and can be simply described using numerical values.

To make an intelligent creature enter the first level of hypnosis, its mental value needs to be 50.

The second level is 45 and the third level is 40.

The fourth level is 30, the fifth level is 20, and the sixth level is 10.

A normal person's initial mental value is 50, and each time [Quick Relaxation] is used on them, their mental value can be reduced by 10 points.

When the mental value drops to the corresponding stage, the hypnotist can rely on his own ability to make him enter a specific hypnotic state.

And this is just a prerequisite. For intelligent creatures, the decrease in mental value only means that they can enter the corresponding hypnotic state without resisting.

For example, if an ordinary person with a mental value of 40 resists, the hypnotist still cannot successfully hypnotize him.

This requires the use of the second ability [forced hypnosis].

[Forced Hypnosis]: When the target's mental state is appropriate, you can force it to enter the corresponding hypnotic state (limited to once before the target's mental state returns to normal).

To put it simply, as long as the target's mental value drops to a suitable value, it can be forced to hypnotize once regardless of conditions.

For example, if the enemy's mental value drops to 40, Xu Cixi can designate the opponent to temporarily "stiffen" and be unable to move.

[Forced Hypnosis] can only take effect once before the enemy's mental value returns to normal.

Then the hypnotist's fighting method is very obvious. First, use [Quick Relaxation] continuously to reduce the enemy's mental value. When the mental value is reduced to a certain stage, then use [Forced Hypnosis] to control it.

However, this combination of skills is not so powerful, because the initial mental value of a T2 level physical warrior is around 65, which means that the hypnotist must succeed in [Quick Relaxation] at least twice before he can enter the second level of hypnosis.

If [Quick Relaxation] is used continuously on the same target, the success rate will drop sharply.

According to the results of Xu Cixi's own experiments, it usually takes three consecutive uses of [Quick Relaxation] on a T2 warrior to succeed twice, and then [Forced Hypnosis] can be used to make the target's arms or thighs stiff and unable to move.

Coupled with the state of the strange hamster, Xu Cixi can seize this opportunity to give the opponent a severe beating. Bullying the T2 warrior is not a problem at all.

Moreover, she is a melee hypnotist who is particularly suitable for fierce battles. [Quick Relaxation] can be released 12 times every 5 seconds. Even if the initial mental value is high, she will often enter the third level of hypnosis at this time. [Forced] After hypnosis, the other party will be in a corpse state, which can be manipulated at will.

However, starting from the third [Quick Relaxation], the success rate is pitifully low, let alone the follow-up, so it is still somewhat difficult to get the Kaitan players to enter the fourth, fifth and sixth level of hypnosis in practice.

The last ability [Heart Anchor] also requires prerequisites.

[Heart Anchor]: When the target is successfully hypnotized, add a "Heart Anchor" to it. After the Heart Anchor is triggered, the hypnotic state will be cleared and the mental value will return to normal.

·The complete anchor includes "commands" and "triggers".

·Instruction: an instruction that matches the current hypnotic state.

·Trigger: The hypnotist’s actions or words that activate the “heart anchor”.

After [Quick Relaxation], the hypnotist uses [Forced Hypnosis] to make the target enter the third level of hypnosis, which can make the target's whole body freeze once.

At this time, [Heart Anchor] is applied. The command can be any item that meets the first, second, and third level hypnotic states. The trigger can be a snap of the hypnotist's fingers or a specific word.

When the hypnotist snaps his fingers, the target will execute the [Heart Anchor] command again, clear the hypnotic state, and return the mental value to normal.

To put it more simply, the heart anchor is the secondary use of the hypnotic state. It can be manipulated again after [forced hypnosis], but the consequence is to clear the hypnotic state and restore the mental value.

The three abilities are in the same system. If used normally, Xu Cixi has two opportunities to temporarily "paralyze" the opponent.

Each time the whole body is paralyzed for a short time, but it is already extremely powerful in close combat, not to mention that the combat of the hypnotist system is more flexible than imagined. It is definitely an alienated profession that tests the combat IQ.

It is definitely more challenging to operate than Li Huachao's mindless speed sprint and Yu Liang's explosive push.

Of course, this is also thanks to Xu Cixi's ability to talk about hamsters. Otherwise, with the strength of the hypnotist, he can only play support at most, and it will be difficult to fight in a systematic way.

"Okay, my ability has been clearly explained. Next, let me impose a 'heart anchor' on you." Xu Cixi said directly, "The role of the 'heart anchor' is not only to deceive people, but also to It’s a great auxiliary effect.”

"Oh? For example?" Li Huachao was quite moved after hearing Xu Cixi's introduction to her abilities.

This is fun, I want Yu Liang to create one.

However, Xu Cixi’s gradient is too low, and it’s too costly to create. It’s better to wait until she upgrades to T1, hehe.

"For example, you can add a 'berserker' type heart anchor to stimulate potential in a short time and assist in combat." Xu Cixi continued. She has thoroughly studied the hypnotist's abilities. "You can also add a 'movement' Command, for example, if you are restrained by the character 'trapped', when facing an attack, I can drive your body to dodge the attack, because the character 'trapped' only acts on your mind, and if I control it, I can bypass the 'restraint' .”

She added: "The last and most critical point is that after the Heart Anchor command is completed, your mental state will be forcibly restored to normal, and you can even avoid the mental interference of the root ghost talk."

Xu Cixi smiled slightly: "This is probably a rule for hypnotists. Just the T4 gradient can also confront the rules of the source of strange talk head-on."

Xu Cixi’s alienation profession is very important. It will have a high appearance rate in the future, so I will explain it in detail. Every time you set the Heart Anchor, it is a great test of your combat IQ. You have to be very sensitive to the rhythm of the battle. When should you indulge in [Quick Relaxation], and when should you trigger [Heart Anchor] to clear the hypnotic state... I am crazy about this profession. The operating experience is much better than that of some writer's explosive flow

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