The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 466 When disaster strikes, hope eh

To be honest, when I first heard about the zombie crisis, I was still a little panicked. After all, they were zombies. In the real world, it would be a terrifying event that could destroy the world.

However, after Yu Liang understood it carefully, thought about the actual situation, and then looked at Aze's reaction, he had an idea.

This two-dimensional world is not reality. The path forward of the zombie graphics is very easy to control. Coupled with another unique killer weapon of Flatland, these zombie graphics are indeed not a big problem.

Draw prison.

By arranging a sufficient number and large enough painting prisons in Ling City, these zombie figures can be caught in one fell swoop and trapped in the painting prisons.

These so-called zombies are just brainless beasts. Even though they have strong contagious power, they have not evolved intelligence and have no resistance to temptations and traps.

It is precisely because of this that Aze's circular mansion is united and united to fight against the enemy, because he knows that he can solve the zombie crisis.

Otherwise, Aze would definitely try his best to escape from Lingcheng with the surviving civilians and completely blockade Lingcheng, instead of joking with his own life and death.

Now no one knows whether the zombie virus will have an effect on players. Logically speaking, it will not have any effect. After all, players are three-dimensional creatures and should not become zombies due to the projection of snails.

But who wants to give it a try?

As for another possibility, for example, Aze abandons the graphics of the city and runs away, and orders the graphic soldiers to cut off the rear...

Yu Liang believed that Aze would not do this as long as he was not stupid.

Civilians, soldiers and some middle class people are very important political resources. Unless the situation is so serious that it is uncontrollable, Aze will naturally not abandon civilians.

It would be too stupid to abandon it anyway. He finally became a powerful round elder, threw away his chips with his own hands, and brought such a huge hidden danger to Flatland. His political career is estimated to be as long as That's it.

Now this situation is a crisis, but it is also a good opportunity. The nobles in Ling City are fleeing, and the soldiers and civilians in Ling City are gathering. The middle-class quadrilateral businessmen are waiting for orders, allocating resources to resist the zombie craze, and the round elders are staying behind in person...

From then on, Aze may really have complete control over Lingcheng, and he will be able to control all political, military, economic, and major affairs. He will become an absolute leader.

This is the power of one city. Even Lingcheng, which has been greatly weakened by the zombie crisis, is more powerful than the other two cities where social classes are alienated from each other under normal circumstances.

Even Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Now he is really going to gain weight. As long as Aze survives the zombie crisis, Kunpeng will soar into the sky and have a smooth journey.

So when it comes to entering the dungeon, you still need to bring a Li Huachao...

Well, it's not convenient to talk to Li Huachao about this. Yu Liang is afraid that he will be proud. Li Huachao has made enough progress in this dungeon. Any more will be a bit scary.

Yu Liang judged the direction, turned around and headed towards A Ze's circular mansion. With the ability of architect Li Geng, he could greatly help to resist the zombie crisis.

Soon, under the leadership of the octagon, the invisible Yu Liang appeared next to the circle.

"Next, I need to communicate with my octagon staff about strategies to resist the crazy graphics. I need a quiet space." Elder Yuan looked at the octagon and immediately realized something, so he rushed to the surrounding guards. said.

After the surrounding guards retreated, Yu Liang appeared in front of Elder Yuan Yuan.

"Oh, Yu Liang, it is indeed you." Elder Yuan Yuan's somewhat majestic voice revealed a bit of resentment coming from Aze, "This crazy pattern... they call it Crazy Pattern Disease, you are the one who created this thing, right?" ? I asked you to increase your intensity, and you gave me a biohazard directly? What? You still think those shadows are not chaotic enough?"

Yu Liang: "..."

I almost wanted to open my mouth, but in the end I was speechless. Thousands of words gathered into a sentence of "MMP" directed at Li Huachao in the universe.

Why do I, the master of the universe, take the blame for my subordinates?

You can't explain it. After explaining it, it would be bad if Aze reveals some details. This guy is also a very responsive master, and he might be able to discover some details about the writer's professional abilities.

"Accident." Yu Liang did not dwell too much on this issue and asked instead, "You should have already thought about how to solve the zombie graphics, right?"

"Absolutely. My mansion is very big. If you don't consider the living space of each figure, it should be able to accommodate a lot of figures. This will become their refuge." Aze replied, smiling, "So you are too Came here to take refuge?”

"If you don't need my help." Yu Liang knew that this guy was secretly teasing him.

"You should know how to draw prisons, right? That thing is not difficult. I have gathered more than three hundred craftsmen here who have mastered the skills of drawing prisons. As long as the prisons are arranged at a few key points, the zombies will be driven away. Just go to the painting prison." Aze briefly stated his plan.

Sure enough, it's pretty much what I thought.

Yu Liang thought to himself.

The drawing technology in the two-dimensional world is a special kind of bug. It can be regarded as creating a space out of thin air. To put it more mysteriously, it means mastering the rules of space.

Although this is just a visual difference, in the world of Kaitan, the rule capabilities of time and space are never linked to the actual gradient level.

"So I'm here to help you make a painting prison?" Yu Liang felt a little resistant. Before he went to bed, he was making a portable painting prison to store whistle beast eggs. After he woke up, he had to make a painting prison again...

Think of him as an assembly line worker?

He is a dignified literary and artistic creator!

"Oh, that's not necessary. There are already more than three hundred figures being worked on. One more for you is not more, and one less for you is not a lot." Aze immediately waved his hand and said, "I want you to be responsible for setting up the drawing prison. This is Things are more important. I don't trust what others say. After all, don't you have the ability to look down from a high altitude? You are just right for this."

Yu Liang: "..."

When did you know I had the [Eye of God] again?

Dog Dengxi peeked at my script again, right? !

Now is not the time to argue with Aze about this. Yu Liang can only follow him to get some drawings, and prepare to go to the front line of the zombie graphic wave to stop the zombies.

This kind of painting prison is semi-permanent, so it has a large space, and its internal structure has been carefully designed by Aze.

The three-layer cage is shaped like a fishing net. Once zombies break in, it will be difficult to get out. However, the graphics used as zombie bait can find the gap in the cage and get out of the gap.

There is a wall surrounding the gap, so when looking out from the cage, there is no light. Only a certain line segment of the gap is slightly dimmer.

Normal graphics can be distinguished, but zombie graphics are naturally indistinguishable. They don't have the brain, and they will only be trapped in the three-layer cage.

Each semi-permanent prison can accommodate thousands of zombies, but only needs to occupy the area of ​​a standard house, which can be said to minimize the disaster of the zombie crisis.

Next, due to time constraints, Aze adopted a business-like attitude. He first obtained the trend of the zombie tide from Yu Liang, and used the large map of Ling City in the mansion to determine the location of the prison.

However, Yu Liang didn't understand the linear map very well. Aze explained it to him twice but still didn't understand the essence.

Two-dimensional people can only touch one dimension. How do you see this linear map?

Yu Liang didn't quite understand the concepts from Aze's mouth, such as "dimensionality reduction", "taking the ground as the second dimension" and "double-dimensional signs on the linear map".

He was not good at mathematics, and he was also poor at the four-dimensional geometry of space. Fortunately, Li Geng understood it, so he relied on Li Geng to judge the accurate positioning of the layout of the prison.

After studying the plan, when Yu Liang walked out of the mansion, he noticed that many civilians had been placed in the circular mansion. Whether they were triangles or polygons, they were all in order, obeying the arrangements of the elders of the circular mansion.

No privilege, no confusion, not even loud noises.

The graphics were placed together according to their own shapes. Looking at them closely together, Yu Liang thought of "Tetris" for no reason.

Anyway, it is the kind of arrangement that leaves almost no gaps, as if they can be "eliminated" if they are successfully stacked together.

During this period, some sharp triangular-shaped children have more room to move, because their minds are immature and very dangerous. They need to be watched by their mothers, otherwise there will be a stampede in such a crowded place. The incident was a nightmare.

Such an arrangement naturally arouses dissatisfaction among some polygons, who want to rely on their status to gain attention, get better space and better treatment.

However, such a demand was refuted without hesitation, and the troublemaker was executed on the spot by the security department with a rhombus with horns, without any "human" touch.

Under such iron-blooded hands, those polygons naturally did not dare to make trouble anymore. They had no objection to being under the same roof as those lowly triangles, but they were still a little surprised in their hearts.

Why do these thorny rhombuses of defense help the untouchables?

Don’t they usually help themselves with these polygons?

How could we help those triangles at this time, at this most critical time?

At first, they thought that the triangular children were surrounded only by their mothers, and that the irritable and irritable triangular fathers were not there, so they could manipulate them as they pleased, but now they discovered that the graphics in the security office actually protected the triangles in this way...

Strange things, strange things.

Regardless of the inner thoughts of these polygons, this order was indeed issued by Aze, and it was issued specifically.

Compared to the polygons who had family property and status, Aze was more worried about irritating the nerves of the triangles. If they broke out in the circular mansion, it would be over.

As for the Polygons, Aze knew that they were cowardly and weak, to put it more clearly, they were "bourgeois compromise", so they did not dare to take the initiative to cause trouble.

On the other hand, the reason why these triangular children are only watched by their mothers is not because the male triangles have lost their fatherhood, but because they have sharp angles.

So, already on the battlefield.

At this critical moment, Yu Liang did not use the invisibility charm to hide himself, but openly stood with the thorny rhombus team he led.

Since he is an international friend "from the Far North" and has rich combat experience, he is deeply trusted by Elder Yuan.

The first team, which is also the most critical combat team, is captained by Yu Liang. He will be responsible for the frontal wave of zombie graphics and needs to deal with 60% of the zombie graphics.

The flanks on both sides were handed over to several other teams. The captains of each team were five-pointed stars and were secretly loyal to the elders of the circle. With them leading the team, Aze felt more at ease.

Looking at the spiny-horned rhombuses in the team who were looking forward to death, Yu Liang felt a strange feeling in his heart. He knew that the hands of these spiny-horned rhombuses probably had the blood of players. They were among the players who massacred the Paper Man at that time. But now he stands on a united front with them and shares the same hatred.

"Okay, come with me. According to the original plan, you are responsible for welcoming the incoming refugees and escorting them to the 'isolation area' for supervision. Be careful not to let them all stand in the same isolation area, otherwise If one mutation occurs, the rest will suffer." Yu Liang reminded again that these thorn-horned rhombuses are mainly responsible for the safety of the quarantine area, but this is also the top priority. If a zombie figure runs out of the quarantine area, then it will appear. Big deal.

"Yes, I guarantee with my life that I will never let go of any potential lunatic patient!" Vice-captain Wise said immediately. He is a five-pointed star, a noble and traditional aristocrat, and the entire Wise family has always been a star. One of the controllers of the military field in the city, at this time, as the eldest son, he stepped forward without hesitation and became Yu Liang's deputy.

"Okay." Yu Liang looked at the five-pointed star. He had a calm temperament and looked trustworthy.

The five-pointed stars that can stand out at this time are all ruthless "figures" that abandon glory and wealth and disregard life and death.

It seems that traditional nobles also have such heroic roles, and they are not all idlers.

After simply reorganizing the team, Yu Liang started running at the front. Aze chose the location of the battle in a civilian neighborhood because there are a large number of alleys that can well differentiate the zombie graphics.

Prior to this, Yu Liang had led a team to paint the "survival path" in warning red and yellow colors, and made a city-wide announcement through the city library's broadcast.

First, he let the large army of fleeing graphics withdraw into the isolation area in an orderly manner, and then he led the thorny rhombuses to set up a prison.

Three-layer cage-like prisons are arranged in the streets and alleys. Scattered civilian figures can easily pass through, while zombies will be stopped like a "filter".

The entire battle was orderly, and those who could participate were at least officers with relatively high combat literacy. Yu Liang did not need to remind him of many things.

Such battles are also distributed in other corners of Ling City. The combat team is like a thin line of defense, about to be impacted by the wave of thousands of zombie graphics.

At this time, on the front line of the battlefield, the figures participating in this blocking battle no longer care about each other's appearance, no longer pay attention to the class gap, and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the battle.

Businessmen opened warehouses and mobilized supplies to the front line; doctors conducted one-on-one reviews of the escape patterns, not caring that the other party might be a potential zombie pattern that might infect them; the triangular soldiers were like a city wall with spikes, Stay on the dividing line between the isolation zone and the safe zone, and do not allow any graphics to break through the safe zone.

At this time, a strange feeling filled Yu Liang's heart, and he said something inexplicably.

When disaster strikes, hope is...

Uh, I can’t say it anymore, I’ll be accused of plagiarism later. (End of chapter)

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