The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 465: This time, I may gain weight.

Yes, there is no need to worry about those shadow players now, because now there is something more to worry about.

A zombie apocalypse in a two-dimensional world.

When Yu Liang heard this series of news, his mood was a roller coaster.

Before he woke up, he was prepared for what "could" happen, but he wasn't worried.

What can happen?

At most, there are just a few possibilities:

With Li Huachao's great help, Aze completed the revolution, the situation was great, and Aze monopolized a large amount of profits.

With Li Huachao's great help, Aze's revolution failed. Flatland once again liquidated the paper people, and the intensity increased. Players such as Aze were driven away and fled.

Regardless of the possibility, Yu Liang would not be too worried. After all, he was well prepared to deal with these emergencies.

Either overturn the table or run away decisively. Anyway, he has the ability to protect himself and can be invincible.

I didn’t expect that!

This happened as soon as I woke up. What does this zombie crisis mean?

Yu Liang's head was filled with questions. This was an unexpected situation beyond his ability to understand.

In addition, Li Huachao also said before that this pioneer story is actually the home of "Yu Liang" in the copy of Prison Mirror?

The source of the ghost story is probably the female writer Yu Niang who created it?

I remember I only slept for six or seven hours, right?

Can so much happen in such a short time?

It turns out that when you travel around Flatland, so many things can’t happen in a week, right?

"Then what are you doing now?" Yu Liang looked around and found that there were countless short-term segments around him, almost connected into one, giving a dense feeling.

I have never seen this kind of scene before. Could it be that those short lines around are zombies?

It doesn’t look like it either.

"Oh, we are in the granary, stealing some food, at least we will not starve to death during the zombie crisis." Li Huachao said very proudly, at least he did the right thing in this matter.

No matter what disaster happens, there is food in the bag and no panic in the heart.

"I probably have to praise you." Yu Liang said helplessly, and then continued to ask, "What did you just say about Yu Niang and so on? Tell me carefully."

Speaking of which, he was still more curious about this matter.

If what Li Huachao said was true, then there would be many problems.

How is this copy of Flatland connected to the prison mirror?

Wasn't the prison mirror solved long ago?

Can you still come back?

"It all starts with that damn Aze." Li Huachao started from the source and brushed off all the responsibilities, "Didn't I just ask Octagon to find out about the legend of the shadow before? ? I just happened to find that something called the 'Black Void' also appeared in the history of Flatland, which is similar to a shadow."

Li Huachao said: "Then I plan to help Aze and spread the news that the 'Black Void' has reappeared in Flatland, creating chaos and creating opportunities for the revolution."

Well, not bad, rumors spread, right?

Regarding this matter, Yu Liang still silently agreed with it in his heart.

I used to think that Li Huachao's progress in pushing the dungeon was all based on one-handed manipulation, and it was just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, but now it seems that this guy seems to have something.

There are actually people who are well-founded, brave and resourceful, and have quite a routine.

"Then Octagon arrived at Elder Yuan's mansion, and it turned out that the secretary next to Elder Yuan happened to be Aze. So, forced by Aze's power, Octagon could only help Aze kill Elder Yuan. Then I asked Aze to 'replace' Elder Yuan." Li Huachao continued, he coughed dryly and started the Spring and Autumn Brushwork, "As a result, Aze knew that I was also in this city. You know Aze's methods. Yes, he wants to force me to do something for him, asking me to help him create some big event in Lingcheng, and help him delay it for at least two days, so that he can clean up the upper levels of Lingcheng and take control of Lingcheng. "

"Well..." Yu Liang felt something was wrong, but it seemed that it was really something Aze could do, so he didn't say anything, just waiting for Li Huachao to continue.

"Alas, I couldn't twist my thigh with my arm, so I had no choice but to obey him." Li Huachao suddenly frowned, looking aggrieved, "So I followed his will and wanted to see him in Lingcheng. Let’s see what big events it creates.”

The sense of disobedience in Yu Liang's heart became even stronger, but he still didn't speak and listened silently.

"This reminder reminds me of the 'Mirror Sea Project' mentioned by the wise god Yu Xiaolang." Li Huachao's voice was slightly higher, "At the same time, I keep in mind your teachings, to love the ocean and be kind to it. We must not pollute the ocean like animals, so I temporarily decided to turn the 'Mirror Sea Project' into the 'Mirror Square Project'."

Yu Liang: "..."

What's bad, he actually knew how to rely on national justice. He really couldn't refute this. Now Li Huachao learned something real.

"Then you know what happened. The Mirror Square was built. We used Li Geng's perspective to see the image reflected in the Mirror Square. Judging from the reflected cabinets and bed legs, I noticed that it was the reality in the prison mirror copy. Yu Liang's home." Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Yu Liang had no reaction.

"Oh? Can you recognize just a cabinet and the foot of the bed?" Yu Liang was a little curious. It would be too embarrassing if he admitted his mistake.

"No, no, no, there is no way to admit my mistake. I saw it right away." Li Huachao said immediately. It took him a long time to think about that. How could it be wrong?

He said quickly: "After all, it was a copy of the prison mirror. There were only you and me in the universe at that time, so I have a very deep impression of that period."

Yu Liang: "6."

Are you starting to play the emotional card?

The other characters in the universe also fell into a strange silence, and there was silence for a while.

Everyone couldn't help but lament Li Huachao's shamelessness in their hearts, and at the same time kept silent and did not express any other opinions on Li Huachao's remarks.

"Speak calmly. I know what happened. There is no need to add fuel to the fire." Yu Liang said angrily, "Also, it doesn't matter if the Sea of ​​Mirrors is replaced by the Square of Mirrors. Maybe it's a good thing."

"Ah?" Li Huachao was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Yu Liang would say this was a good thing.

In the case of Mirror Sea, it may not be a big deal. After all, if there are any civilians near the Mirror Sea, the disaster of biohazard will be minimized. In the case of Mirror Square, there are too many civilians around, and the danger is indeed very high.

Of course, this is looking at things from God’s perspective. Under normal circumstances, who would know that this kind of thing would happen?

Uh, there really is.

Before the construction of Silver Square was completed, the octagon did not stay in the square. After seeing the dense lines stacked on top of each other in the square, he hid in the building on the side out of an instinctive fear.

If the paper man hadn't been guarding him and he hadn't left the paper man's sight, Li Huachao would have felt that Octagon was waiting for an opportunity to escape.

After the zombie crisis really broke out, Li Huachao asked the Octagon about this issue.

"I don't know why, I feel... I can't look directly at the image of the three-dimensional world. For me who is still in the two-dimensional state, it is a fatal potion, a drug that attracts crime. Looking at the carnival, Graphics, I am timid, I feel that I should not walk with them, and should not stand with those stupid graphics that obey the compensatory rules and have no self-reflection." Octagon was talking nonsense in more beautiful sentences. In the end, he just used five words that Li Huachao could understand to describe that feeling, "Maybe it's because I feel more timid when I'm close to my hometown."

An Buchen has a new perspective on this. She thinks that the octagon is different from ordinary shapes.

The octagon was once a triangle and then an octagon. He also made a paper man and experienced the three-dimensional world, so his life level is higher than other ordinary shapes.

To use the original set of gene locks as a metaphor, the octagon may be the most developed shape of gene locks in this flat country, so when faced with the three-dimensional biological projection, he instinctively escaped.

It's just like……

This kind of disaster has happened before in Flat Country High School.

Only more "advanced" graphics can possess this acute subconsciousness.

After hearing An Buchen's explanation, Li Huachao immediately wanted to beat up Octagon, because this bird actually predicted all this and didn't tell him, so that he didn't know how to explain it to Yu Liang.

Unfortunately, under the guidance of various characters in the universe, Li Huachao had no choice but to stop.

When the octagon sneaked away, the square was almost finished. The alienation of the shapes was not an overnight process, so even if Li Huachao stopped and dyed the square back to its original appearance, it would be useless.

It's not computer software that can change the color with just one click. The disaster has already happened when it's dyed back.

"I'm not bluffing you." Yu Liang said, "You may have forgotten one thing."

"What?" Li Huachao was confused.

"Octagon once said that creatures evolved from land to ocean. There may be some huge monsters in the ocean. When they turn into zombies and attack the land, it may be more difficult, and they may even be 'hidden' You can't even lift the table with the layers." Yu Liang explained simply.

Balancing the two aspects, Mirror Square may be easier to deal with. As long as the four doors of Ling City are closed and the source of zombies is controlled, there will still be a chance to overturn the table.

It would be really troublesome if there was no way to go to the "visual button" in the ocean to hide the layer with one click.

After other characters in the universe added details and made some guesses about the whole matter, Yu Liang was able to basically understand the specific situation now.

This copy and the prison mirror copy are connected in an unknown way. The best case scenario is naturally what Li Huachao said.

Yu Niang became the source of ghost stories, and used methods that Yu Liang could not understand to find the door.

This is indeed very possible, because even if Yu Niang becomes the root of the ghost story in the prison mirror copy, she still cannot escape the copy, but there is hope after coming to the Flatland copy through special means.

After the player completes the mission, he will be teleported. At that time, it is the best time to return to reality.

Of course, Yu Liang still has a little fantasy.

For example, Yu Niang tried various methods but was unable to leave the Flatland dungeon. In the end, she had no choice but to commit herself to him, enter the universe, and then be taken out of the dungeon by him.

That would be a great harvest.

Although Yu Niang may only be at the half-step root level now, she will still become Yu Liang's biggest gain in this copy.

He simply didn't have to worry about the revolution or anything like that, he just needed to happily leave the dungeon with the newly conquered character in his arms.

In the universe, An Buchen, Zhong Chen and Li Geng felt strange in their hearts when they heard the silly "hehe" sound coming from Yu Liang.

This "hehe" sound is exactly the same as the sounds made by Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen before. Could it be that they thought of the same thing?

That's outrageous.

"Now, let's take a look at the situation of the four city gates. If they are not blocked, seal the city gates first." Yu Liang quickly made a judgment, "Don't let those zombie figures leave Lingcheng. This matter is important." The priority should be higher than finding food."

In the universe, Li Huachao, who had been secretly poked, whistled gently, looking like it had nothing to do with him.

Afterwards, Yu Liang put away some of the strange creatures present, and at the same time switched to Li Geng. He wanted to see the situation near the four city gates.

Three seconds later, the perspective lifted into the sky.

Yu Liang immediately looked around the Silver Square, but there were too many wandering zombie figures there, which had blocked the mirror. He couldn't see what was going on behind him, so he had no choice but to give up.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are two scarlet dots on the front of those figures, which seem to be their eyes. After becoming zombies, their eyes are particularly obvious.

The perspective has not moved backward, which means that the original "painter" is still not in the room, so there is no need to worry too much.

Looking at the four city gates, Yu Liang noticed that the south, east, and west gates had been blocked in advance. The situation near the south gate was the most serious, where a large number of zombie figures gathered.

As for the north gate, a large number of soldiers have gathered there. The triangular soldiers are strictly guarding the north gate. They have blocked some triangles and polygons with insufficient level, while some extremely polygons or circles are gradually leaving the city.

Obviously, some well-informed circles and polygons have known about the zombie crisis, so they are escaping from the city with the help of their privileges.

It's expected and reasonable.

Yu Liang did not care about the situation at the North Gate, and there should be no problems with the troops there.

High-level graphics won't cause problems with the North Gate, since that's their best way to escape from Ling City.

As for now...

Yu Liang studied the locations where zombie graphics gathered and where civilians gathered, and made some predictions in his mind.

Next, the zombie shapes will gradually move north, eating away at the remaining shapes, while the existing shapes will move north.

He noticed Elder Yuan Yuan's mansion, and if his guess was correct, Aze should be inside, because Yu Liang saw the soldiers in the military camp in the north of the city moving in the direction of Yuan Yuan's mansion, apparently under orders.

Secondly, a large number of powerful combat polygons such as thorn-horned rhombuses and pentagrams are also gathered near the circular mansion, which seems to be the top priority of the city.

"So, what should we do next?" Li Huachao asked Yu Liang tentatively.

"Simple, the zombie crisis in Flatland is much easier to deal with than in reality." Yu Liang squinted and looked at the circular mansion. To be precise, he looked at the supplies dispatched from the circular mansion. "Look, Aze is also I got it."

"This time, I may gain weight." (End of chapter)

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