The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 463 At this moment, Li Huachao has some tricks

Li Huachao remembered it!

Li Huachao remembered everything!

No other created character has this sense of familiarity with the cabinet, only Li Huachao has it. This is not because other created characters have bad memories, but because he is the only one who has seen it!

When Li Huachao figured this out, he immediately thought of the true origin of this scene.

That's right, it's the real-life Yu Liang's home in the copy of Prison Mirror!

But why is it that Yu Liang’s home?

Is it possible that the entire Flat Country is just something that belongs to Yu Liang’s house in real life?

Li Huachao couldn't understand.

If you put it this way, the entire Kaidan World copy is in chaos.

The prison mirror copy doesn't even have the source of the ghost stories. Now you're telling me that the entire Flatland is just something from a certain author's house in the prison mirror copy?

This dramatic contrast made Li Huachao feel a little strange, but then he thought of another thing.

Wait a moment, Yu Liang’s home in reality...

Who else?

Li Huachao is relatively clear about the entire process in the prison mirror copy. If he remembers correctly, the final result should be that Yu Liang entered the first-level world in reality and imprisoned Xiao Ran in the second-level world.

Looking at it this way, there should be no Yu Liang in reality.

Could it be that Flatland is actually a world in the First Level?

That shouldn't be the case. Didn't Yu Liang leave a Yu Niang in the prison mirror before?

Yu Niang was in that first-level world. According to the course of events, the first-level world should have come to an end.

What about the Seven Deadly Sins, what about the Mist Goddess, it’s all a mess.

However, judging from the mirror reflection of this silver square, this cabinet is no different from what I saw in those places before. It feels like this room is still relatively quiet and peaceful.

Could it be that this is still the real world, but the people who live there are different from before?

An idea came to Li Huachao's mind. Following this idea, he could probably guess who lived here.

First of all, exclude the real Yu Liang, because he most likely does not have that strength.

Although the real Yu Liang and the real Xiao Ran are the "roots" that triggered the entire Prison Mirror copy, they themselves have no strength and are equally vulnerable in the face of disasters.

And another thing is that Xiao Ran is dead in reality, and Yu Liang cannot go to the real world through the prison mirror.

From the looks of it, there seems to be only one possibility.

Yu Niang.

Could it be that Yu Niang has completed all kinds of experiences in the Yiyi Mirror World, so she came to the real world?

Jingling Xiaoran once said before that after completing various rituals, she will become the root of the half step, and the remaining half step needs to be found in reality.

Now, it has just come to reality.

Assume that the source of the ghost story that appears in the Flatland dungeon is Yu Niang...

Li Huachao's eyes lit up.

Isn’t that a sure thing? The mysterious origins and ghost stories in the pioneer novels all belong to our writer Yu. That’s simply great!

This time, instead of killing people randomly, just hug Yu Niang’s thigh!

Yu Niang!

The source of the ghost talk level!


At this moment, Li Huachao felt as if he had found true love, and his mind was filled with beautiful fantasies.

On the other side, other people in the universe felt a little worried about Li Huachao's mental state.

Why did he suddenly say "hey hey hey", and there was also a daydream-like stupidity in his voice, which made other characters present inexplicably think of the kind of nymphomaniac heroine in ancient campus romance novels.

Yes, that's the kind of nymphomaniac female supporting character who yells and screams regardless of the situation to set off how cool and cool the cold male protagonist is.


What on earth did this guy have in mind?

It's something that no other created character has an impression of...

Could it be that Li Huachao was detonated by some kind of spiritual origin ghost story?

"Second brother?"

"Li Huachao?"

"Second brother?"

"Li Huachao?"

Amidst the affectionate calls from Lu Baoshen and Li Geng, Li Huachao came back to his senses. As soon as he came back to his senses, he shouted excitedly: "I tell you, we are going to make a great contribution this time. You know Where is this?"

"Where is it?" Lu Baoshen's mind moved when he heard this, but he still didn't remember where it was, so he just moved a little more in vain.

"It's Yu Liang's home!" Li Huachao was very excited.

"Yu Liang's home?" Everyone said in unison, and then denied it one after another.

"That's my home too. I don't have such a cabinet in my home." Lu Baoshen dismissed it, thinking that Li Huachao had discovered something awesome, but it turned out that he had made a mistake.

"Indeed, there is no such cabinet in Yu Liang's home." Li Geng confirmed.

"Yeah." Zhong Chen's response was equally brief and powerful.

Only An Buchen was meditating, but like the other dwarf, she didn't think of anything.

"Hey, it's not the home we live in, it's in another dungeon, the single-player dungeon 'Prison Mirror'. I told you about my heroic deeds in that dungeon, right? In that dungeon, Yu Liang is just a mirror person. , and the real 'Yu Liang' is someone else. This cabinet is the one in the real 'Yu Liang''s home. I remember it very clearly, it has this color and this shape!" Li Huachao spoke very quickly, and in a very short time he Make this clear.

"You mean, the dungeon of Flatland is in the home of 'Yu Liang' in another dungeon?" Li Geng was frightened by such a thing, which was indeed unexpected.

He had thought about what he could see through the mirror of Silver Square, but he never thought that he could see another Yu Liang's home...

Isn’t this too fantasy?

So what is the origin of this dungeon?

Is it another Yu Liang?

"Another Yu Liang? Come on, that's awesome. Does that mean we've been fighting in the two-dimensional world?" Lu Baoshen began to talk nonsense.

Everyone: "..."

Otherwise, where else could you be? Have you really paid attention to the situation in this copy?

"No, what I mean is that we may have always been on the walls of 'Yu Liang''s house, a two-dimensional world like walls." Lu Baoshen explained awkwardly, but no one cared about his explanation now.

"So the source of the ghost story is the real-life version of 'Yu Liang'? I remember you said that he is not a good person, he seems to be a yandere sadist who hides deeply?" Even Li Geng, who was the last to enter the universe, he I also heard about Li Huachao's heroic deeds in various dungeons, so I quickly thought of the real-life "Yu Liang".

"No, no, no, I don't think it's him." Li Huachao looked like "That's wrong." Then he continued to ask, "I am a created character, but Lu Baoshen is not the second created character. This I don’t think I’ve told you about this, but I told Lu Baoshen.”

Of course, we have to make it clear to Lu Baoshen, otherwise wouldn't it be chaotic when it comes to seniority?

It's a pity that even if he made it clear, Lu Baoshen would still call him his second brother for such confusing reasons as "the master comes first".

Judging from this, Yu Niang's existence is at best like having a third sister.

"You know, you know, there was another...Yu Niang before me?" Lu Baoshen replied immediately, and at the same time his heart trembled suddenly.

Yu Niang?

emmm, just listening to this title, the wonderful silhouette of an intellectual big sister naturally appeared in my mind.

big sister……


An Buchen, Zhong Chen, Li Geng: "..."

No, why are you having sex again? Is there something wrong with the two of them?

"To put it simply, in that copy, Yu Liang killed himself and then created himself. He got a female writer, but he did not include her into the universe." Li Huachao explained, "There was no such thing in that copy. There is no root ghost story, there is only one mirror spirit. The mirror spirit prepared many rituals and wanted to use the rituals to become the root ghost story, and the female writer was sent by Yu Liang to cut off the ghost."

"Is that so? Are you saying... that the female writer might have succeeded in cutting off the nonsense?" Li Geng understood what Li Huachao meant, and felt faintly excited in his heart, "If you put it this way, there is really a strange story behind this copy. Maybe it’s a character created by Yu Liang? Doesn’t that mean he’s a sure winner?”

"This is just my guess, but I have a hunch that the female writer Yu Niang is definitely not dead, and the mirror image shows an existence related to her." Li Hua said, full of expectation.

"If this is really the case, then this copy is too coincidental." Li Geng sighed. From a rational point of view, he actually only believed it a little bit, but he couldn't stand that this possibility really existed.

I happened to enter a dungeon, and the boss behind the dungeon happened to be a created character. If I could use the backdoor, I wouldn't be able to give other players in this dungeon some small "interpersonal relationship" shocks.

"Judging from the previous situation, there is indeed a certain 'painter' in this copy, but he is not here now, so our perspective is not pulled back by him." An Buchen said, "Is it Yu? Mom, I’m afraid we have to wait until that high-dimensional creature comes back before we can make a judgment.”

"Indeed." Li Huachao did not deny it, but he also had his own opinions, so he asked, "If it's not Yu Niang, why is it this room?"

"It may be the source of some kind of spiritual hallucination. Each player sees a different scene. We are the same player. Or maybe this is another space. There are many types of ghost stories. Until now, we have no idea. I just saw a few of them, right?" An Buchen randomly named a few examples, and then continued, "But I think there is another possibility besides the Yu Niang you mentioned."

"What?" Li Huachao asked subconsciously. He knew that An Buchen was usually taciturn, but now he said so many words, and he would never say anything wrong.

"Four-dimensional creatures." An Buchen continued, "The setting I have learned before is that four-dimensional creatures are a very unique existence. Once they are born, there is no 'cause and effect' relationship at all."

She continued to talk about her understanding of four-dimensional creatures and the way of heaven: "Assuming that four-dimensional creatures can be born if conditions 1234 are met, then the order of these 1234 is not important, it can be any combination, and we have accomplished something, this root Weird stories are born in response to our words and deeds, so outside Flatland it will become a copy of the Prison Mirror."

Li Huachao was stunned for a moment, and then said bluntly: "I don't understand."

"In other words, there have been various coincidences before us, and condition 134 has been met. As the first people in Flatland to observe Flatland and the background opposite Flatland from a three-dimensional perspective, we triggered condition 2 , so I saw the prisoner mirror copy." An Buchen thought of the memories in the past copy, which was what Lin Xiangu had experienced, "Assuming that Aze triggered condition 2, then what he saw was probably not the prisoner mirror. It’s not the scene of the mirror copy, but the scene of his past copy, which is connected with him in another way.”

An Buchen sighed and said: "This is the implication of fate. Players will be bound by various coincidences and strange stories about their origins. The bonds are formed at this moment, but the source may be in the past or in the future. This does not matter. People know.”

Anyway, Lin Xiangu has experienced such a thing, and that's how the six-sided dice entangled Lin Xiangu.

Later, only five-sided dice were left.

"Forget it, I don't understand, I won't listen." Li Huachao tried to understand, but after thinking about it, he still thought that "Yu Niang" might be more interesting, so he firmly believed that Yu Niang did it.

"In short, you also think this is not some kind of illusion or spiritual suggestion, but a real copy of the Prison Mirror, right?" Li Huachao asked An Buchen.

"The two biggest possibilities are like this." An Buchen did not deny it.

"That's good." Li Huachao smiled.

On the other side, Lu Baoshen also believed in Yu Niang and laughed one after another with him.

Thinking about "Yu Niang".

In the end, Li Geng withdrew from the Eye of God because he noticed that something new had happened in the Silver Square.

The Silver Square was built, and the people on site were extremely shocked by this exquisite architectural art. They rushed to enter the Silver Square to admire it, but as they admired it, something seemed to go wrong here.

The figures bathed in the light all said they had seen miracles.

It was a huge irregular figure, full of twisted changes, and it was slowly squirming.

It seemed to exist because many figures present saw it.

But it doesn't seem to exist, because the figures present can only see the wriggling lines on this irregular figure, but cannot touch its existence.

It's like a mirage.

However, in the eyes of the people of Flatland, they have never seen such a thing as a mirage, and there is no such illusion that appears due to refraction or reflection in their concept.

To them, this is a miracle.

During this period, Li Geng opened the [Eye of God] and wanted to see what it reflected.

When he really saw the irregular shape, he couldn't help but laugh.

It was just a snail, and the silver square reflected the image of the snail. I don’t know what the principle was, but in short, all the graphics present were seen.

But Li Geng soon stopped laughing.

The citizens of Flatland began to sing and dance, revel and indulge in the Silver Square where the miracle appeared.

They are getting more and more excited.

Until one of the figures pounced on the other, their bodies touched, and then one began to devour the other, as if eating round potato-like food.

After just taking a small bite, the situation on the scene turned into two figures rushing towards other figures.

However, the carnival figures in Silver Square did not notice it.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Li Huachao, who was hiding in the alley for refuge, quietly swallowed his saliva.

He didn't know what happened.

Those two-dimensional figures saw three-dimensional snails, and then mutated into zombie-like figures.

No, isn't that just an ordinary snail?

How come you are mentally polluted just like looking directly at the alien gods in the Cthulhu Mythos?

At this moment, Li Huachao was a bit wise.

It's broken, something incomprehensible happened again. (End of chapter)

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