The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 462 The cabinet that only Yu Liang and I have seen

Let all citizens see the three-dimensional spirit!

Li Huachao looked majestic and spoke bold words in the universe. Regardless of whether he could do it or not, these cruel words must be said.

But the first moment after saying these words, what he subconsciously thought about was not how to do it, but...

Damn, this sentence really rhymes, as expected of me!

"Seeing three-dimensional gods..." Lu Baoshen repeated Li Huachao's words, and his heart was aroused in an instant.

Sometimes he really admired Li Huachao. This guy could often say some shocking and extremely powerful remarks.

What "because I am Li Huachao, I can do whatever I want."

What about "give me three years and I'll buy his shabby grocery store directly."

"No need to look for it, I am the strongest here".

What about "buying the source of ghost stories"...

Coupled with the current "let all citizens see the three-dimensional gods", this sentence is almost as powerful as Lu Mingzhe.

In his mind and body, Lu Bao was infinitely envious of Li Huachao's ability to "talk nonsense" because he also wanted to become a bully king like Lu Mingzhe.

Ever since Lu Mingzhe disappeared, he had had vague delusions.

Perhaps, Lu Mingzhe did not really disappear, he was just hiding in the shadows watching a guy named "Lu Baoshen" grow up.

Perhaps, there is no such thing as Lu Mingzhe at all, it is just his fantasy of who he really wants to be.

No matter what, "Lu Mingzhe" is his other personality. If he wants to stimulate the awakening of this personality, he must use the "Lu Mingzhe" method.

In other words, Lu Baoshen wants to become Lu Mingzhe, so that Lu Mingzhe can be revived.

Before that, he had achieved many things that only "Lu Mingzhe" could do.

For example, by skillfully using [Thousand Techniques], Lu Mingzhe originally had four talisman realms, but now he has three talisman realms.

For example, you can use [Reliance] according to local conditions to achieve your wish to control destiny.

For example, being able to look at problems with wit, intelligence, and wisdom.

For example, becoming Li Huachao's eldest brother (bu shi).

Therefore, Lu Baoshen could feel that Lu Mingzhe seemed to have faked the corpse.

Of course, it was just a hint, because Lu Baoshen knew that the biggest stimulus for Lu Mingzhe was of course showing off.

It just so happened that at this point, he really had no talent. Standing next to Li Huachao and looking at him, he could only feel envious.

However, Lu Baoshen has not told Yu Liang these thoughts yet, because he does not want to give Yu Liang and Li Huachao too much hope. If this is just an illusion, it will be very disappointing.

If it is really just an illusion, then he is the only one who has such hope and gradually despairs. Only as Lu Baoshen, he has the obligation to bear this kind of torture.

On the other hand, Li Geng also raised some questions about Li Huachao's pretentious remarks.

"Silver white paint... should be enough. It won't be a problem to cover the entire square." Li Geng first expressed his affirmation, but then raised a problematic point, "Suppose the square is really painted into a mirror surface. The square may indeed reflect the appearance of the 'three-dimensional painter', but two-dimensional creatures cannot be seen, right?"

This is easy to understand. When a normal human being looks in the mirror, light is transmitted into the human eyeball through reflection, and then a pattern can be formed in the brain.

But the current situation is not like this. Those two-dimensional figures are not three-dimensional human beings. They look at the perspective of the mirror...

It is more like a person standing on the side of a mirror and looking at it from a direction perpendicular to the mirror. From this angle, a three-dimensional human being can only see a thin piece of mirror, but cannot see the reflected image on the mirror.

The correct idea is to let him change the perspective and look down at the Silver Square from high altitude. Only then can he see the "painter".

As for those ordinary figures in the two-dimensional world, how could they see the gods of higher dimensions on the mirror?

"Well, that makes sense." Li Huachao thought for a moment and realized that Li Geng was right, but that was not his original goal. He just wanted to find a legitimate reason to stay in Lingcheng, so naturally this was not the case. will be key.

So he changed his words again: "But speaking of it, we can see the three-dimensional gods, which is also a good thing, isn't it? We don't have to run to the west coast again. I guess it will take a long time. It can be regarded as helping Yu Liang save effort. ”

According to time calculation, Yu Liang will probably have to sleep for about three more hours. In three hours, he will definitely not be able to rush to the west coast to create the Mirror Sea. In three hours, he will not be able to follow the players to gather the players in the other two cities.

In this case, the only big thing that can be accomplished is this one!

What Li Huachao said was quite reasonable, so Li Geng and other characters had no intention of vetoing it, because they also didn't like to waste time.

If it were Yu Liang, he would probably agree, right?

In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of this pioneering book is not to make revolution in Flatland, make a lot of money, seek high-ranking officials and generous salaries, but to find the potential source of ghost stories, see the potential root ghost stories, and analyze the potential root ghost stories.

There is no fault in the plan made by Li Huachao.

Besides, on the other side, Aze should be considered an ally of the Lord of the Universe "Yu Liang", right?

Aze has already spoken and asked Li Huachao to increase his efforts. That should mean there is no problem, right?

As a new character who joined the universe, Li Geng had heard about those "exaggerated" heroic deeds from Li Huachao. From the actual situation, Li Huachao's troubles would cause headaches for other players and the local monster creatures in the dungeon. It would give "Zhi" a headache, and it would give "Original Ghost Story" a headache, but it did not give Yu Liang a huge headache.

The final result can always benefit Yu Liang from an unexpected angle, so Li Geng has no intention of restraining Li Huachao.

Anyway, Yu Liang himself will not be blamed for the trouble in the end, so just let Li Huachao do his work.

Creating a mirror square is not a bad thing. As the first player to look directly at the three-dimensional god, he might be the first to understand the secret of the origin of the ghost story.

Definitely a good thing.

There was no objection from the characters in the universe, so Li Huachao immediately started implementing the plan without any burden.

Putting aside everything else, just talking about this "execution ability", Li Huachao is definitely the first person in the creation universe.

As long as there is a vague plan, he will carry it out without hesitation. During this period, unless there is new fun, he will definitely have the determination to move mountains.

This kind of execution ability is much better than that of Yu Liang who thinks about things all day long and takes steps here and there for a long time.

With the help of the circular badge, Li Huachao ran to the security office of the government agency and asked Octagon to mobilize a thorny rhombus team as minions.

Li Huachao on one side was naturally invisible throughout the whole process, and Octagon took care of everything.

With the circular badge, Li Huachao and his party could travel throughout Ling City without any hindrance. With Aze secretly passing on the location of the paint warehouse, they quickly confiscated all the silver paint and arrived at the largest store in Ling City. Square - near the rhombus square.

Here, they are going to start an unprecedented mirror graffiti, which will inevitably become an important event in the history of Flatland and a breakthrough in the construction of art and beauty in Flatland society.

Of course, this was announced to the outside world, and it was also the official announcement used by the current elder Yuan Yuan to prevaricate the people.

Building a huge square paved entirely in silver is like building the tallest church in the Middle Ages, and it has a unique symbolic meaning.

This would be a good way to divert attention for those people who are panicking about the "black void".

This is how the current Circle Elder Aze explained to other Circle members. They exchanged information flows and all learned about the bad news about "Black Void's return to Flatland", so the decision they made was——

Let's make a great art creation!

It sounds a bit magical, but the circular class members readily accepted the proposal of the circular elder without much objection, and everyone seemed to be very wise.

On the one hand, this artistic creation can reduce the panic in the hearts of the people as much as possible, and at the same time declare the strong strength of Lingcheng's leadership, which has a sense of "whitewashing the peace."

On the other hand, circular classes take time.

Yes, they have got the real situation of the Black Void incident, so they understand what will happen next.

There is a possibility that history will repeat itself.

A turmoil is brewing, so they need some time to consolidate themselves, gather the guards they support, count the stored grains, recall all the family members sent out, and then carry out protection based on their own manor.

Only in this way can we ensure our own safety in the turmoil.

Even if this is just the possibility of unrest, they still need to be vigilant. They will never allow the same unrest to affect them again.

You know, which of the circles present is not a family inheritance?

Which one doesn’t have a long history?

The Black Void turmoil that year caused a huge decline in their family's strength. According to incomplete statistics, hundreds of figures had their angles reduced and their side lengths reduced during that turmoil, making the efforts of three generations in vain.

Fortunately, the family has a great business, and the policy support for restoring people's livelihood after the turmoil allowed them to regain their noble angles and side lengths as soon as possible, and continue to be their aristocratic figures.

However, these are just some families who are lucky. A considerable number of nobles were killed during the turmoil due to the black void problem. Those stupid and crazy triangles don't care whether you are a black void or not. As long as you suspect that there is a problem, there is. question.

After all, even forensic doctors have joined their ranks.

Therefore, as soon as the black void reappeared, these circular classes did not hesitate to support Aze's artistic construction and took this opportunity to return to their manor.

Store grain widely and build walls high.

Anyway, they are circles that combine wisdom and knowledge. As long as they can survive the chaos, Flatland will naturally need their brains.

No matter when and where, knowledge is the greatest wealth, especially for an excellent civilization, isn't it?

On the other side, the circle elder Aze also started making his own preparations. Of course he knew what the circles were thinking, but he didn't care, because he knew that the power in his hands must far exceed those of the circles.

To put it simply, during the construction of this silver square, both sides were developing, but how could the development speed of the scattered noble families be higher than his?

Don’t forget, those players have already gone to join the players in other cities. Once the players’ strength is gathered, are there any difficulties that cannot be overcome?

It’s a joke. With the ability of the player alliance, as long as the players in charge can suppress other players and unite, wouldn’t it be easy to deal with the nobles in a rhombus city?

After all, those nobles did not have the power to interfere with the army. Most of them were private soldiers, and their numbers were small and not something to be afraid of.

But looking at it this way, we must first control those spiny polygons and extreme polygons. They are the nominal commanders of the army and hold military power.

Although they usually do not even go to the military camp, and regard the humble triangle as an ox and a horse, the strict hierarchy has always been a mountain that weighs heavily on the hearts of the soldiers, and they never dare to disobey the orders of their superiors.

The turmoil came earlier than Aze expected. He had not yet had time to grasp the power of the military camp, because he did not expect that he could become a round elder.

It could be said that things were going so smoothly that it disrupted his rhythm.

But it doesn't matter, he absolutely believes in Yu Liang's ability. As long as he and Yu Liang are of the same mind, the "loser" metaphysical buff will not be triggered!

Be confident, Aze, people will not be unlucky forever!

You should take a chance, right?

In the square unknown to Aze, Li Huachao watched with great satisfaction the irregular figures in front of him working for him.

Silver paint was carried around the square in buckets, and then applied by irregular pattern doors, painting the entire square silver.

Speaking of this, Li Huachao also made a joke. He originally wanted to recruit those triangles to help him with the work, but he didn't know why. It was probably because the panic of Heixu hadn't been fully overcome yet, and those triangles were cowering. Yes, it hasn’t been filled for half an hour.

The captain of the security department had experience and led the team directly to the streets to capture dozens of irregular shapes and brought them over to help dye the square.

It saves money and time, and it doesn't even count as labor. Let's just think that they have redeemed their merits.

So in just two hours, Li Huachao got a completed silver square as he wished.

The reflectivity of the silver-coated square is doubled, and every figure that steps onto the square is bathed in the holy silver-white light, and even the outlines are somewhat dissipated.

The onlookers only guessed that the square would be beautiful after the dyeing was completed, but they never expected it to be so spectacular. They all praised the beauty of the Silver Square, and how well it combined the emerging beauty of color with the architecture of Flatland. Perfect.

After completing the Silver Square, as Li Geng said, such a mirror surface does not comply with optical principles, so the "mirror image" of two-dimensional graphics is absolutely invisible.

You must use the "eye of God".

"Okay, let me take a look at what the guy behind this 'God' looks like."

Li Geng turned on the [Eye of God], and after three seconds of waiting, he found himself high in the sky, and from a downward perspective, he saw a large area of ​​land that was completely dyed silver.

Since the world below is a two-dimensional world, it is an absolute plane, and light will not be diffusely reflected, so the image is clearly displayed above.

Compared with the scene behind "God", this silver square seems to be a little smaller, and one can only take a peek at the situation above Flatland.

What came into view seemed to be an ordinary home room. Li Geng saw a row of cabinets. Next to the cabinets was what seemed to be the foot of the bed.

Behind God...

Is it actually a bedroom?

"Hiss... why do you feel so inexplicably familiar?" Li Huachao pondered and murmured, "Do you feel this way?"

Other characters denied it, but Li Geng said: "This time there is no such pulling feeling. At the same time, there is no creature seen in the mirror, which means that 'it' seems not to be there."

"Not here? Does that mean there's a chance he could come back? As long as you feel a pull on your soul, does that mean he's behind you?" Lu Baoshen followed Li Geng's words and said a bunch of nonsense.

"Yes." Li Geng's answer was brief, while Li Huachao on the side was deep in thought. He was sure that he had seen this row of cabinets, but why hadn't anyone else seen it?

Have you never seen Lu Baoshen, who has been following Yu Liang for the longest time?

Is it because Lu Baoshen forgot, or because he really hasn't seen it before.


It seems that I have never seen it before.

Because only Yu Liang and I have met.

Li Huachao only felt that he was struck by a kind of surprise, because he remembered where he had seen this cabinet.

Copy of prison mirror.

The real home of "Yu Liang"!

This is the home of "Yu Liang"!

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